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Blackpill Trials in life will not create a strong person



Apr 9, 2018
You might think that the horrible life you had is going to create a strong personality that is able to take anything and one day be amazing and be a good example to others. Wrong. Every single person I've known who had a miserable and crappy life pretty much ended up either killing themselves or going insane. Even if you ascend (which you most likely won't), you'll still be miserable knowing you went through literal torture for a huge portion of your life, while your peers were enjoying the fruits of Heaven. You are destined to just die and leave nothing behind, I really wish it was different, but it's not. If you are over 20 with no friends and never had a girlfriend, there is nothing that'll make up for the years that were lost. :feelsbadman:
It is over, friend.
a strong person is tall and good looking end of story
my dad believes in that meritocracy bullshit
if you work hard it WONT get you anything you want
yes I truly believe this. thats like saying hard labor makes a strong body. you just end up with a broken back, busted knees and sore feet
Even if you ascend (which you most likely won't), you'll still be miserable knowing you went through literal torture for a huge portion of your life,

I promise you with my mommygf I would never complain about anything again.
Height makes a strong person.
Trials in life make you stronger if you were born to be stronger.
There's a reason the Spartans left weak incel babies with issues in the woods when they were born, they knew nothing would come out of them.
Height makes a strong person.
Perceived fighting success is life or death.
The positive I can think of from our suffering is we can spread the truth and make the world more suitable for us.
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The positive I can think of from our suffering is maybe we can spread the truth and make the world more suitable for us.
Nobody is going to listen to us. We are surrounded by cucks and women. We are not enough in number, unfortunately. I am looking forward towards sexbots and sexdolls in the future, but they will probably be banned and men who use them criminalized.
Nobody is going to listen to us. We are surrounded by cucks and women. We are not enough in number, unfortunately. I am looking forward towards sexbots and sexdolls in the future, but they will probably be banned and men who use them criminalized.
fuck sexbots I wanted validation
It’s the only thing that matters. Male SMV = fighting success
There's a reason the Spartans left weak incel babies with issues in the woods when they were born, they knew nothing would come out of them.
You can't tell what someone is going to be like when they're a baby. I bet if they looked at baby Mayweather they would've threw him away. If we grew up in spartan times we'd be way more physically strong and blood thirsty than we are now. Them throwing away babies who might be a little short or weird looking was caused by their low iq.
Strong genes create a strong person.
It’s the only thing that matters. Male SMV = fighting success
Sorry, but this is cope. Many of Chads and Chadlites are skinnybois that are <5'10. I know a lot of big and strong ogres that have 0 success in life and with women.
Nobody is going to listen to us. We are surrounded by cucks and women. We are not enough in number, unfortunately. I am looking forward towards sexbots and sexdolls in the future, but they will probably be banned and men who use them criminalized.
The sexbots will make men stop being thirsty simps, then their minds will be more clear to accept the blackpill. Eventually they will stop caring about foid's metoo bitching and tell them to shut their whore mouths.
Sorry, but this is cope. Many of Chads and Chadlites are skinnybois that are <5'10. I know a lot of big and strong ogres that have 0 success in life and with women.
How are their frames and facial bone structures? Fighting success includes height/bideltoid/wrists and elbows/wingspan/torso:leg ratio/shoulder:hip ratio/hand size/skull size/neck/facial bone development (browridge, chin, jaw, zygos, palate width, etc)

Male mammals have been sexually selected based on fighting/survival success since the dawn of life on this planet
You can't tell what someone is going to be like when they're a baby. I bet if they looked at baby Mayweather they would've threw him away. If we grew up in spartan times we'd be way more physically strong and blood thirsty than we are now. Them throwing away babies who might be a little short or weird looking was caused by their low iq.
Yeah because infant length doesn't predict height and bone structure doesn't begin out of the womb or anything.
Mayweather is a manlet by today's standards but would have been pretty average in Ancient Greece, you'd need some 5'4 or 5'3 manlet's baby length to make a good comparison.
You can't tell what someone is going to be like when they're a baby. I bet if they looked at baby Mayweather they would've threw him away. If we grew up in spartan times we'd be way more physically strong and blood thirsty than we are now. Them throwing away babies who might be a little short or weird looking was caused by their low iq.

Bro, I'm sorry but this is a huge cope. There's a reason Sparta lasted so long and was successful.
Mayweather is a manlet by today's standards but would have been pretty average in Ancient Greece, you'd need some 5'4 or 5'3 manlet's baby length to make a good comparison.
There's not many men with heights that short so they might've not done it that often.
Yeah because infant length doesn't predict height and bone structure doesn't begin out of the womb or anything.
Mayweather is a manlet by today's standards but would have been pretty average in Ancient Greece, you'd need some 5'4 or 5'3 manlet's baby length to make a good comparison.
Guys, let's not forget Maywether is black. In Ancient Greece a black baby would be thrown off a cliff, no matter what other attributes it had. They had never seen an ethnic child there probably, they'd think it's diseased lol.
There's not many men with heights that short so they might've not done it that often.
There's not many men with heights that short (as in far below that time's average like Mayweather) so they would have thrown out the scrawny little guy. Think about every manlet getting punched out by a skinny tallfag on worldstar after impotently punching at his torso and chest, and compare it to how many mayweathers exist in the world.

It is fucking over for geneticgarbagecels.
Think about every manlet getting punched out by a skinny tallfag on worldstar after impotently punching at his torso and chest, and compare it to how many mayweathers exist in the world.
My point is many manlets can be trained like mayweather if they were raised by spartans.
Guys, let's not forget Maywether is black. In Ancient Greece a black baby would be thrown off a cliff, no matter what other attributes it had. They had never seen an ethnic child there probably, they'd think it's diseased lol.
Pretty sure the ancient Greeks knew about Nubians and people from Kush/Punt
As far as I'm aware the ancient world was less white vs ethnic and more civilised Mediterranean Basin+fertile crescent+Iranian plateau+Gangetic Plain+Sinosphere vs the people from the steppe and northern europe that repeatedly invade, fuck everything up and then settle, I could be wrong though. Even today many people in Italy/Greece are genetically more similar to Levantines or North Africans such as Coptic Egyptians than they are to Nordic snowniggers.
They probably would have suspected some sort of wierd cuckoldry.
I feel like my years of being bullied and mocked daily have made me stronger and much more difficult to hurt but maybe that’s just me coping.
This is totally not true
The true blackpill: Yeah, they do.

That's why men who grew up in shitholes like Africa or the Middle East, once they leave for the Degenerate West, they tend to be successful in life. They're already hardened by life, and will find living in the West as tutorial mode.
The true blackpill: Yeah, they do.

That's why men who grew up in shitholes like Africa or the Middle East, once they leave for the Degenerate West, they tend to be successful in life. They're already hardened by life, and will find living in the West as tutorial mode.

Not true at all.

Go out there in the real world and see for yourself. It's absurd trying to argue that trials and hardships do not create strong people.
Not true at all.

Go out there in the real world and see for yourself. It's absurd trying to argue that trials and hardships do not create strong people.
Just put yourself out there br0
Not true at all.

Go out there in the real world and see for yourself. It's absurd trying to argue that trials and hardships do not create strong people.
Every poster that has some variation of "BlackpilledNormie" in their username always make posts like these.
i agree 100%.

i fucking hate normies trying to justify bullying with "it builds character!"

anyone who says that or anything along those lines deserves to be put in an electric chair. id like to see them become a stronger and more resilient person after their fucking brains are fried.
Every poster that has some variation of "BlackpilledNormie" in their username always make posts like these.

Dude, I've experienced this personally. I live in a Middle Eastern shithole. When I'm in Europe for work, I can't help but notice how easy life is, and how "soft" people tend to be.

When you live in a country with functional governments, institutions, where you are protected by the rule of law, your survival instincts never really "kick in" through your life.

When you live in a jungle where survival only is for the fittest, and you have to remain vigilant 100% all the time in work, at life, with people ... it gives you a "hard" character without even you noticing it, because you've been playing the game of life on "nightmare" mode. Of c

It's like someone playing vidya games on easy mode all his life getting suddenly thrown into Dark Souls, as opposed to a hardcore gamer into bullet hell games like Ikaruga trying the Call of Duty single player campaign on the easiest setting. Who is likely to fare better ?
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fucking hate normies trying to justify bullying with "it builds character!"

anyone who says that or anything along those lines deserves to be put in an electric chair. id like to see them become a stronger and more resilient person after their fucking brains are fried.
100% true. Going through fucked up shit will only make you recluse, negative, avoidant, broken, prone to giving up quickly, traumatized and full of hatred.

Stefan Molyneux is 100% right about his peaceful parenting stuff. The true way to create a happy, motivated, conscientious, brave and assertive person is shielding them from violence, bullying, shitty people and whatnot.
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@Blackpilled_Normie is the only non-retarded person in this thread
high iq
i agree 100%.

i fucking hate normies trying to justify bullying with "it builds character!"

anyone who says that or anything along those lines deserves to be put in an electric chair. id like to see them become a stronger and more resilient person after their fucking brains are fried.
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: Great idea bro
What doesn't kill you will probably disfigure you and put you in a wheelchair. Kek.

Anyway I stick to this bluepilled belief.
Just because I like it.

Normies are like children who have never been outside their own small neighborhood. Listening to liberals rant about privilege, what do they know? They know nothing. I have walked through the slums of Manila. I have slept in abandoned military barracks. I have been on the verge of suicide and I have seen the sunrise through thunderclouds.

I know I am stronger than all my old bullies who take comfort in their simple existence.
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1) Born a bastard in a single mother household
2) Grows up in welfare and poverty
3) Becomes brown skinned and 5'3.5
4) Rejected from U.S Navy positions for mother's origins
5) Fails out of university the first semester
6) Gets demeaned and verbally abused by family of females when I'm not hiding in room playing RuneScape in my closet with my conputer
7) Works part-time jobs to pay rent to harbor these females
8) Gains 40 lbs in less than a year after dropping out

I have nothing in life. The ghetto I live in, I'm just another Mexican called Indian Chino
People who are strong and claim they were made strong by trials in life are bullshit. They were able to overcome it because they had a valid support structure, the support sturcture made them strong, they either had good friends, parents, therapists or family members who were there for them. Yes, genes play a part in this but only a miniscule one.

If people were really made stronger by traumatic events then bullying would create heroes not depressed loners, suicide victims and school shooters. Men would come back from war better than they went into it. Abused children wouldn't lead broken lives. The "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" meme is just normies viewing life through rose-tinted glasses, ask anybody who ended up permanently damaged from any accident. Do people in wheelchairs feel stronger than they were before being invalids? No.
You might think that the horrible life you had is going to create a strong personality that is able to take anything and one day be amazing and be a good example to others. Wrong. Every single person I've known who had a miserable and crappy life pretty much ended up either killing themselves or going insane. Even if you ascend (which you most likely won't), you'll still be miserable knowing you went through literal torture for a huge portion of your life, while your peers were enjoying the fruits of Heaven. You are destined to just die and leave nothing behind, I really wish it was different, but it's not. If you are over 20 with no friends and never had a girlfriend, there is nothing that'll make up for the years that were lost. :feelsbadman:

Uber high IQ.

"What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" = :bluepill: :soy:

"What doesn't kill you. Just fucking maims you & induces you to suicide. Either once off aka survivor guilt or low pressure over a long period of time which is attrition" = :blackpill:
People who are strong and claim they were made strong by trials in life are bullshit. They were able to overcome it because they had a valid support structure, the support sturcture made them strong, they either had good friends, parents, therapists or family members who were there for them. Yes, genes play a part in this but only a miniscule one.

If people were really made stronger by traumatic events then bullying would create heroes not depressed loners, suicide victims and school shooters. Men would come back from war better than they went into it. Abused children wouldn't lead broken lives. The "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" meme is just normies viewing life through rose-tinted glasses, ask anybody who ended up permanently damaged from any accident. Do people in wheelchairs feel stronger than they were before being invalids? No.

Yes bro.
The positive I can think of from our suffering is we can spread the truth and make the world more suitable for us.

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