Much more of the teachings and mindset are complete opposite than what overlaps.
Christianity teaches humbleness and modesty, monogamy, one partner till death and no sex outside of marriage, helping the ones who are in worse position than you, teaching others to live righteously, that you are not your own, you are a created being who belongs to God. Teaches kids to respect their parents, parents to take care and raise kids in right way, man to love his wife and wife to respect and obey her husband. Women not to be in authority and leaderships. To obey laws and governments as long as it doesnt clash with the Bible and God.
They believe in self exaltation, selfishness, putting yourself always on the first place, doing whatever because you dont owe anything to anyone, doing harmful things to your body, loving yourself above everything else, making yourself a small god, to judge mercilessly whoever believes in anything which is against your own morals, yet not believing in morals which would give you less freedom. Total sexual freedom where the more sexual experience you have to more you know yourself. They are full blown satanists, half of the reddit gets a stroke if you mention God. They hate anyone judging them or having any kind of authority over them.