The real blackpill is realizing that despite all the political power Jews have over American foreign policy and by extension society, they still can't increase their SMV to make themselves sex symbols and seen as attractive to foids in the same ways as Chads and Tyrones.
Why? Because Jews are ugly and stereotyped as physically unattractive. Simple as that. The good looking Israelis tend to have less semitic genes and have European ancestry anyways. No amount of money and status can compensate for looks if you're truly ugly or perceived as such. Jewish men wielding disproportionate power and still not being seen as high value is the ultimate proof of this. No matter what, they'll be typecasted as money grabbing bankers. Same way that being seen as productive studious people doesn't get Asians and Indians any respect in Western society to the point Blacks get respected more for being aggressive and athletic, Jews can't get respect on the same level as Blacks/Whites for a similar reason.
Even if someone knew nothing about Jewish stereotypes, they would still judge them due to them having bad looks and treat them worse off for it. Their collective behavior does play a role in shaping their perception by other groups of people, but it builds on something already innate to human nature. It's why you notice so many negative depictions of Jews focusing on exaggerating the bad looks or unattractive features that Jews are known to have based on the ugly traits possessed by individual Jews, so all Jews are stereotyped to have them and be ugly too.
Everything I stated above is also why I laugh at the idea that Indians and East Asians would slay if their countries grew more powerful and by extension so could their overseas communities via association. If a race/ethnicity aren't attractive enough to begin with, there's nothing to act as a foundation for increase their SMV to begin with. Jews lacked this foundation and couldn't meet the minimum looks threshold needed to push themselves as slayers to a general public.
If Jews were too ugly for any amount of power/status to help them be seen as masculine and good looking to foids, then so are Indians and East Asians. Nothing can compensate for your looks. Jews tried to rebel their against their inherent natural ugliness, failed and are still failing to this day. Their example serves as a cautionary tale for anyone else who tries to do the same. You cannot win against biology and human nature's utter disdain, distaste and overwhelming hatred for ugliness.
Alright, schizo rant over.