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TeeHee "Too many virgins in STEM" says woman

here is the comment about this top bitch

Foid like her doesn't understand that they're playing with fire.
Sure right now they have it good without repercussion. Wait a little more when men will have enough of their bullshits.
no I hope they fire all the incels, we'll see how well putting chads and high tier normies (thats pretty much who are social) in IT with lots of fucking cunts, everything will go to shit.
IT already has huge turnover rates because no company actually values their IT staff and wants to keep them. If normies flood the field then it's truly over for ITcels
IT already has huge turnover rates because no company actually values their IT staff and wants to keep them. If normies flood the field then it's truly over for ITcels
Over 4 all the curries who are studymaxxing jfl
She is black.why am i not surprised at all
Foid like her doesn't understand that they're playing with fire.
Sure right now they have it good without repercussion. Wait a little more when men will have enough of their bullshits.
Man I don't know if that's even gonna happen in our lifetime. The gynocracy is already finding ways to suppress male dissent.
“Their toxic personalities” :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
“Their toxic personalities” :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

"His personality was toxic because it was only 5'7", I need a guy with at least 6' of personality"
They say "not all women are like that," but when challenged to find an example of a woman who disagrees with her and calls her out as the Nazi-like genocidal cunt she is, none are to be found.

Too brutal, but seems to be true.
AGGHHHHHH :feelsUnreal:

Can't they leave technical slave jobs to ugly men? It's not like toilets are good at them and they wouldn't want them anyway.

but they HAVE to invade. there is no place left for incels
who cares. they cant invade. google wont actually replace their autists with women if autists are better at making things work.
Toxic femininity, /r/FemaleDatingStrategy level bullshit

These are exactly the kind of cunts who whine about not having a partner because theres "no good men" out there, even though they can still get dates. Really they're just unable to get a Chad willing to commit who has a lot of money" etc.

Also those autistic incels she refs are developing/improving the most core thing in google ecosystem - its search algorithms.
Foid like her doesn't understand that they're playing with fire.
Sure right now they have it good without repercussion. Wait a little more when men will have enough of their bullshits.
idk man, have you seen this manifesto? its low iq as fuck, aka even this guy who wrote this manifesto is cucked as fuck, imagine the other google employees, jfl its over
This is beyond blackpilling.
Incels grow up realizing socialization is not forthem, so we end up entering into fields where socialization is less important.
Now we have females and normies trying to remove us from those industries too.
They dont want you to have love, they dont want you to have a job, they want to see you dead
and i want to see them ered
If any sub-8 male thought what he did was too "extreme," all I'd have to do is show him the normie supremacist, literally genocidal words of that Reddit cunt and he'd immediately change his mind and see that Lepine was right.

this should be pinned tbh
Also those autistic incels she refs are developing/improving the most core thing in google ecosystem - its search algorithms.
No men, you don't understand. Since she's fucked 27 chads already, she can offer new perspectives that those inkwells could never think of.
I would go ER on that bitch
Wall of text written by a female, didn't read.
It's probably a troll, but even if it is, it's still what foids really think
Can you make a quick version for adhdcels?
idk man he makes a lot of points so its hard to make a tl;dr, but this is my take on it:

  1. Basically he buys into their narrative and argues it from there, making it impossible for him to win. Even if they tried to debate him instead of just seething like dumb whores, they'd easily "prove him wrong" with arguments and make it seem like he's wrong, because he's buying their narrative in the first place, if that makes sense. He doesn't question the root of the views he's been taught.
  2. He legit said men should betabux because they have nothing else to offer in a relationship, hence going through long hours and stress for high status jobs while women have fulfilling lives instead, and said this is ok. :bluepill:
  3. He praises women a LOT over the manifesto, presumably to try to diminish the backlash. Clearly they hate him anyway because soyboys don't tolerate any dissent AT ALL, and in fact if you're weak about it they hate you more. I hope this teaches him to just be based next time.
I would go ER on that bitch
idk man he makes a lot of points so its hard to make a tl;dr, but this is my take on it:

  1. Basically he buys into their narrative and argues it from there, making it impossible for him to win. Even if they tried to debate him instead of just seething like dumb whores, they'd easily "prove him wrong" with arguments and make it seem like he's wrong, because he's buying their narrative in the first place, if that makes sense. He doesn't question the root of the views he's been taught.
  2. He legit said men should betabux because they have nothing else to offer in a relationship, hence going through long hours and stress for high status jobs while women have fulfilling lives instead, and said this is ok. :bluepill:
  3. He praises women a LOT over the manifesto, presumably to try to diminish the backlash. Clearly they hate him anyway because soyboys don't tolerate any dissent AT ALL, and in fact if you're weak about it they hate you more. I hope this teaches him to just be based next time.

Damn, if that's the best our side has, we're fucked.
The moment roasties like her take over, it's gonna be the end. No sub-8 are ever gonna be hired on high paying job, and betabuxxing won't even be an option.

Although she describes them as "pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards", shes actually also referring to the currycels, whom she also hopes they'll purge.
She is black.why am i not surprised at all

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It's all about money. Normie jobs are drying up so they flock towards STEM and push out the competent ones in fear of being exposed as inept by comparison.

Her reasoning for China overtaking US is backwards. It is because of checkmark diversity the US is losing ground. Do Chinese hire pajeets and trannies? No, they hire Chinese wageslaves conditioned by authority.
It’s a job not a chitchat club, go back to instagram whore.
it's over if females dont find you attractive enough to have rights
She isn't just calling for a culling of ugly males, she is calling for a culling of high inhibcels as well.

Watch the quality drop if she gets what she wants. Foids will ruin everything and it will suck. Chad will be busy fucking at work. If they replace all these "white kissless virgins" with currycels, she'll complain about that too.
Ya know what, fuck it get all the whities, rice & curries out & only have foids & Chad's so it can all go to shit, fuck this system & fuck that bitch, what more proof do you need that they want all uglies & Autistics dead. We're given no quarter & they don't want us to have any rights at all, they have to infiltrate everything then kick us out.
Bitch, if you don't like your area of expertise, then you can fuck off
It's all about money. Normie jobs are drying up so they flock towards STEM and push out the competent ones in fear of being exposed as inept by comparison.

Her reasoning for China overtaking US is backwards. It is because of checkmark diversity the US is losing ground. Do Chinese hire pajeets and trannies? No, they hire Chinese wageslaves conditioned by authority.
They also have lax copyright and IP protection laws. Shenzhen is an excellent example of what happens when you build an ecosystem like this. And many of the men in tech there are still socially inept. Europe practically doesn't exist compared to China and India. Even Russia has more influence in IT than Europe. This foid is making shit up to fit her agenda.
Post like this are the reason why I am adamant about replacing foids with machines. They literally cannot coexist with us. They are our enemies.
the whole thing about incels being the 21st century jews is becoming reality now
Average incel IQ is 115 tbh ngl :feelshmm: :feelsthink:
This is beyond blackpilling.
Incels grow up realizing socialization is not forthem, so we end up entering into fields where socialization is less important.
Now we have females and normies trying to remove us from those industries too.
They dont want you to have love, they dont want you to have a job, they want to see you dead
Let us see how dedicated they are on stuff like that. Oh they don't need to they're living well of. STEM requires a lot of dedication, since non-incels don't have time other than to socialize, they can't do they.
If they replace all these "white kissless virgins" with currycels, she'll complain about that too.
LoL, when white inkwells replaced by currycels, they'll get give pussy show vagina instead of hearing nothing from their coworkers. And the brutally reject those currycels.
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the whole thing about incels being the 21st century jews is becoming reality now

Of course she had to virtue signal by putting a disclaimer in there saying that it has nothing to do with their height.



Who knew reddit was this based.

I won't hold my breath though.

Expect this to be reiterated more & more now as opposed to 2 years ago.
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goes to show how delusional and solipsistic most of these foids are, its quite obvious she hates ugly dudes just like every other foid does, I bet you if they were all 8/10 and above chads you wouldn't hear a peep out of her.

But these are the guys that are keeping the IT industry afloat, High IQ incels do most of the grunt work while these foids don't do shit but serve to fulfill a diversity/gender quota, they're so lucky they live in a cucked society that gives them high paying jobs where they don't have to do anything arduous, all because they have a hole between their legs.

This piece of shit toilet is so lucky she just has to step in an office, sit down at a desk, drink coffee, go on Facebook, talk to chads on tinder, pretend to do work etc while all those "neckbeards" have to do all the work and put in more than 50 hours a week.

You can already tell she's a fucking sociopath, why are you so hateful towards a bunch of guys that have done nothing to you ?, we're not wrong when we say that foids hate ugly men with a burning passion, and this is a clear example of that.

They think that because they LARP as SJWs that can legitimise their school yard bullying.

How quaint.
Once again, a caring woman shows her true self when talking about incels and socially inept (i. e. again incels).
This Is becoming distusting. I'd really be happy if someone killed her in gta
goes to show how delusional and solipsistic most of these foids are, its quite obvious she hates ugly dudes just like every other foid does, I bet you if they were all 8/10 and above chads you wouldn't hear a peep out of her.

But these are the guys that are keeping the IT industry afloat, High IQ incels do most of the grunt work while these foids don't do shit but serve to fulfill a diversity/gender quota, they're so lucky they live in a cucked society that gives them high paying jobs where they don't have to do anything arduous, all because they have a hole between their legs.

This piece of shit toilet is so lucky she just has to step in an office, sit down at a desk, drink coffee, go on Facebook, talk to chads on tinder, pretend to do work etc while all those "neckbeards" have to do all the work and put in more than 50 hours a week.

You can already tell she's a fucking sociopath, why are you so hateful towards a bunch of guys that have done nothing to you ?, we're not wrong when we say that foids hate ugly men with a burning passion, and this is a clear example of that.

She put in a virtue signalling disclaimer about looks but her whole post reeked of "ewww ugly guy trying to talk to me"... So easy to spot.
Foid like her doesn't understand that they're playing with fire.
Sure right now they have it good without repercussion. Wait a little more when men will have enough of their bullshits.

Nice fantasy.

Too many simps for it to ever happen.
Nice fantasy.

Too many simps for it to ever happen.
This. Sadly the whole thing won't end in a total catastrophe/disaster for them. The West is far too cucked to do something about it. We will have a slow/lingering decline like in Japan. There are too many copes to make people realize the reality of their situation, undesirable males will drop out of society as a whole, live a Hikikomori Lifestyle and calm their minds with Videogames, Porn and TV. Only if the copes are abolished/unavailable people will have to look reality in the face.
"The 10-page Google Doc document was met with derision from a large majority of employees who saw and denounced its contents, according to the employee."

"At several points on Friday night, the document was inaccessible because too many people were attempting to view it concurrently."
From the VICE article that OP of the reddit post shared.

Imagine "Google" doesn't have the bandwidth with those intranet Ethernet cables, 10 page document can't be viewed. Pure lies.
It's just to make some news about their SJW agenda. Maybe Google plotted that after all: DON'T BE EVIL
It's going to be illegal to be sub6 soon
as a social outcast in STEM, i am in favor of this broad being fired into the sun
> You think the Knuths, the Dijkstras, the Hamiltons, the Shockleys, the Moores or the von Neumanns of the past were socially unadjusted? They were normal people. They managed to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends.

> get laid, party

Foids unironically believing that great researchers and scientist of the past were Project-X-tier Chads
"I demand more CHADS in this work environment"

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