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TeeHee "Too many virgins in STEM" says woman



wyattu cokku onry
Nov 17, 2017

How come I'm not surprised?

In an industry filled with thirsty kissless old virgins, of course that group will feel threatened by the arrival of more women. More people who will be able to tell them they suck, that they are without remedy, that they are disgusting to normal people? I'd feel threatened. Then again, they should feel threatened, because they are the kind of people (these pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards) that shouldn't be hired to begin with! Not women, but them! Their toxic personalities, which got them where they are now, and their disgusting hygienic standards (not to say anything about their unattractive looks) is the stuff that drove people away from them in the first place.

As a woman in tech, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts in an everyday basis. None of my non-STEM friends deal with things like this. Every time I talk to them about having to work with people with zero social skills, that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard, I'm treated as though as I did work in some sort of hospice for the mentally challenged. They get to work and collaborate with normal, well-adjusted coworkers, which makes their work more fulfilling, makes them want to improve and get involved, and even have repercussions in their social lifes. Me? It's like dealing with freshmen from high school. And I dread the possibility of encountering them outside work. Like, fear-for-my-life level of dread.

The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the industry boom. You think the Knuths, the Dijkstras, the Hamiltons, the Shockleys, the Moores or the von Neumanns of the past were socially unadjusted? They were normal people. They managed to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends. It's impossible to work with people who are better described as "androids trying too hard to forget they are in part humans". It simply doesn't work like that. Maybe in the future, when AI manages to take over the software industry, such an entity can be useful. But this industry basically demands that any newcomer becomes maladjusted. That is bound to backfire.

And you are seeing the backfire already. China is gaining ground. So does Europe. Places where the neckbeard, socially inexperienced virgin stereotype of an IT worker doesn't really exist. I've worked there with amazing and talented people who also knew how to relate to people, how to collaborate, how to work in groups, how to socialize. They were creative. That's why you see a drop in quality in Silicon Valley: they are hiring robot-wannabe, academics-obsessed manchildren who have known (or worse: cannot know) any other life than coding/software/engineering. Of course they are going to stunt. There's nothing new. No new ideas, no new worldviews. The same always-repeated mantras, dogmas, rule-of-thumbs and "deities"/idols they worship.

Again, the solution? It's not "hire more women/black people". It's stop hiring socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to you and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.
the whole thing about incels being the 21st century jews is becoming reality now
I truly fucking hate normantoids
Tl;dr tbh, any effortcels hit me with a short version?
ofc its the evil white mans fault.

also diversity hiring is the reason franchises have gone to shit.

star wars , last of us 2, ghostbusters.etc...
the whole thing about incels being the 21st century jews is becoming reality now
I'm saying this since i joined the forum we will be sent to jail and probably executed just for being incels in the future
The industry wants checkbox diversity, not honest fair competition because they're scared of hurting fee-fees. That's why everything is going down the toilet. Incompetents keep getting hired to fill a diversity quota rather than people that know how to do the job.
Over for stemcels
it's over if females dont find you attractive enough to have rights
I'm saying this since i joined the forum we will be sent to jail and probably executed just for being incels in the future
What a fucking bitch.
The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the industry boom. You think the Knuths, the Dijkstras, the Hamiltons, the Shockleys, the Moores or the von Neumanns of the past were socially unadjusted? They were normal people. They managed to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends.

Again, the solution? It's not "hire more women/black people". It's stop hiring socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to you and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.
Tl;dr tbh, any effortcels hit me with a short version?
I am willing to bet those kissless, virgin, autistic STEMcels are the ones who do the majority of the work
Again, the solution? It's not "hire more women/black people". It's stop hiring socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to you and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.

This is the most important part. It should be made into its own thread. Or change the title around if you can still edit it.

Women on reddit doesn't want virgins to be hired in tech/STEM.

They are getting bolder and bolder. Not only can we not receive their love and affection but we're not even allowed to make money or work.
Tl;dr tbh, any effortcels hit me with a short version?
Disgusting subhuman trash foid says ugly and socially awkward men make her uncomfortable hence they shouldn't be hired by big tech companies.
She also says woman are better at programming because they "offer new perspectives"
I am willing to bet those kissless, virgin, autistic STEMcels are the ones who do the majority of the work
Yeah but women and minorities bring Fresh ideas and Unique perspectives to the table.
Holy fuck. There is so much too hate about this disgusting throw-up of entitled foid. She really thinks socially awkward people dont even have the right to make their meager stemcel money in the only industry that suits them. They should just die or go neet according to her. And she, just like a goddess has graced them ugly wretches with her beautiful image of a vagina-bearer when benevolently decided the industry would be bleak and pale without her saintly self. Once again, a caring woman shows her true self when talking about incels and socially inept (i. e. again incels).
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This is the most important part. It should be made into its own thread. Or change the title around if you can still edit it.

Women on reddit doesn't want virgins to be hired in tech/STEM.

They are getting bolder and bolder. Not only can we not receive their love and affection but we're not even allowed to make money or work.
What Marc Lepine did was what we call self-defense

Jfl fire the guys who know what they're doing because they spent their time hiding in their room and replace them with affirmative action hires from the club? Sounds like a genius idea.
What Marc Lepine did was what we call self-defense

This cunt deserves to be fucking crucified and left to die of starvation.
The foid is right, incels SHOULD NOT be hired. Have fun paying all the taxes you diseased ridden whore.
This is the most important part. It should be made into its own thread. Or change the title around if you can still edit it.

Women on reddit doesn't want virgins to be hired in tech/STEM.

They are getting bolder and bolder. Not only can we not receive their love and affection but we're not even allowed to make money or work.
"Your resume looks good but I can't seem to find the date you last had sex. Care to explain?"
I can not describe how much I hate women and white knights
This is the most important part. It should be made into its own thread. Or change the title around if you can still edit it.

Women on reddit doesn't want virgins to be hired in tech/STEM.

They are getting bolder and bolder. Not only can we not receive their love and affection but we're not even allowed to make money or work.
This post is utterly misinformed and maniacal, the fact that this got 150 upvotes is a testament to how much men are hated.

Fucking Chad and chugging down a gallon of alcohol is apparently what the industry needs, of course! What an indisputable fact! I always wanted R&D to be filled with people who don't give a fuck about R&D and want only to receive a decent paycheck to buy more dirt to smear on their face to fuck Chad!

It's not like this would backfire in any way!
This is the most important part. It should be made into its own thread. Or change the title around if you can still edit it.

Women on reddit doesn't want virgins to be hired in tech/STEM.

They are getting bolder and bolder. Not only can we not receive their love and affection but we're not even allowed to make money or work.
This. Being a virgin is illegal in the 21st century. Women are completely chasing sexually unsuccessful men out of society.
I wish ER + covid upon that fucking roastie.
If there was anyone in history who deserved to die a slow, painful death from rectal cancer, this cunt is it. Just reading her hateful, bigoted spew is almost enough to let you actually feel the spittle coming out of her vile mouth.
I’m in STEM, and had interned at a lab that had 95% foid employment. Not only was I treated like parasite infested diarrhea by all the foids for simply doing my job, but EVERY foid that worked their whether they knew me or not would tense up and cringe as they passed me, as if I offended their existence for not being a chad and not meeting their “respect another human being” criteria. It was the most blackpilling experience of my life, the foids their would ignore my emails, phone calls, and texts every single day until my pedant boss would yell at me at the end of the week for not finishing my assignments. Also, I remember that I found one of my foid coworkers twitter accounts and saw her tweet about ME saying that it is so anxiety inducing that she had to share a lab with someone (me).
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This post is utterly misinformed and maniacal, the fact that this got 150 upvotes is a testament to how much men are hated.

Fucking Chad and chugging down a gallon of alcohol is apparently what the industry needs, of course! What an indisputable fact! I always wanted R&D to be filled with people who don't give a fuck about R&D and want only to receive a decent paycheck to buy more dirt to smear on their face to fuck Chad!

It's not like this would backfire in any way!
Incidentally, lots of tech companies now offer beer fridges and "team building activities" and frat Chads are quickly flooding the industry. Incels are not welcome.
based googlecels
This cunt can't see two moves ahead of her and has the awareness of a hamster.

The reason she's able to even swipe right in chads and get dicked on demand is precisely because of these kind of men she wants out of STEM.

Insufferable thing should have been aborted.
This is beyond blackpilling.
Incels grow up realizing socialization is not forthem, so we end up entering into fields where socialization is less important.
Now we have females and normies trying to remove us from those industries too.
They dont want you to have love, they dont want you to have a job, they want to see you dead
What Marc Lepine did was what we call self-defense

If any sub-8 male thought what he did was too "extreme," all I'd have to do is show him the normie supremacist, literally genocidal words of that Reddit cunt and he'd immediately change his mind and see that Lepine was right.
This cunt can't see two moves ahead of her and has the awareness of a hamster.

The reason she's able to even swipe right in chads and get dicked on demand is precisely because of these kind of men she wants out of STEM.

Insufferable thing should have been aborted.
You don't get it friendo. Those dating apps have already been made. The socially retarded virgin nerds who made them aren't needed anymore. Chad can maintain them. He can make better use of the six figure salary than you anyway. What does a single virgin need six figures for?
It's not a meme anymore, they want ugly men to have all rights removed to the point we will have to live in the sewers.
But still you aint gonna see this shit on IT, they will turn blind on it. Definitely not all women are like that, right?

She also made a good point: ugly, kissless virgins scare good-natured women away from stem. It's going to change once chads take over after us incels. Just get rid of ugly incels and you're good.
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If there was anyone in history who deserved to die a slow, painful death from rectal cancer, this cunt is it. Just reading her hateful, bigoted spew is almost enough to let you actually feel the spittle coming out of her vile mouth.
nevermind my previous comment, the manifesto is low IQ as fuck. what a cuck
What a cunt. Ugly incels and currycels working to death in IT while she just sucks cock and calls them unnattractive
What a cunt. Ugly incels and currycels working to death in IT while she just sucks cock and calls them unnattractive
also the manifesto is cucked as fuck and they're already seething, imagine if it was based

normies are beyond hope
Again, the solution? It's not "hire more women/black people". It's stop hiring socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to you and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.

AGGHHHHHH :feelsUnreal:

Can't they leave technical slave jobs to ugly men? It's not like toilets are good at them and they wouldn't want them anyway.

but they HAVE to invade. there is no place left for incels
But still you aint gonna see this shit on IT, they will turn blind on it. Definitely not all women are like that, right?

They say "not all women are like that," but when challenged to find an example of a woman who disagrees with her and calls her out as the Nazi-like genocidal cunt she is, none are to be found.

Feminist swine and their cucked male simp "allies" are true subhuman vermin. They are soulless sociopaths. Perhaps the most laughable thing about them is the way they boast about how "superior" they are because they're "normal," yet they are incapable of normal human emotions such as love. All they feel is hate, hate for anyone who's different from them. If they could, they would exterminate everyone who disagreed with them in gas chambers. I can't blame Lepine at all for what he did. They would have murdered him just for being an ugly male.
AGGHHHHHH :feelsUnreal:

Can't they leave technical slave jobs to ugly men? It's not like toilets are good at them and they wouldn't want them anyway.

but they HAVE to invade. there is no place left for incels
no I hope they fire all the incels, we'll see how well putting chads and high tier normies (thats pretty much who are social) in IT with lots of fucking cunts, everything will go to shit.

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