Someone who has never been punched or beaten up should never become a military officer, or someone who has a high chance of being deployed to a combat zone. A woman who has never been punched by a man should never become a military officer. Because she doesn't understand what men are capable of, and how much they can hurt her. Men are utterly brutal on eachother, at a higher rate than they are towards women. And a man can fuck you up. Especially an enemy. Especially if we're potentially fighting people like the slavs. The slavs don't fuck around. My grandfather dealt with them during the Soviet occupation, though he seemed fine because he learned to swim with the sharks. Other countries don't have that sense of chivalry and politeness that anglos and westerners have. They don't give a fuck. The Law of War? It's all bullshit. Everyone fights dirty. The slavs fight dirty. Americans don't follow it either, we just delegate the interrogating job to a non-American. Being a military officer seems more like a ceremonial position in the west at this point. If it actually had any real authority, real power, even at the General ranks - they wouldn't let so many women and minorities become officers.