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JFL To manlets feeling insecure



Nov 19, 2017

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/short/comments/11x1rrw/to_people_feeling_insecure/

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/short/comments/11x1rrw/to_people_feeling_insecure/jd1jpw7/

Here’s a story more for girls to enjoy but also could be for boys: I have this family friend who is about 5’. She loved it. One time, before she was married and she was in high school she saw this really cute and but tall dude at a bar. So she took a bar stool, dragged it up next to him, stood on it, and offered her hand to shake saying “I’m (name).”

:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

I thought this had to be satire but it's just another clueless roastlet. Never change, r/short :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
no cope for your height
There is nothing worse than being a manlet.

We're living in a simulation.
There's just NO FUCKING WAY these are real people.
There is nothing worse than being a manlet.

Real. The main reason curries and rice are mocked is because of their subhuman heights. If they were similar height to europeans, they'd get way way waaaaaaaay less hate
i love being short also, i don't know why people are angry about it /s
To all the shortcels here, how do you dudes not rope after seeing shit like this?
There is nothing worse than being a manlet.

if they think being short is so 'beneficial' why don't they cut their legs and join them
To all the shortcels here, how do you dudes not rope after seeing shit like this?


One scurried away from me in a Target Field skywalk. Would you say that she wisely avoided a "Toll"?

A Western Queen already accused me of pushing her years ago in a certain city. Her friend's presence was sufficient to prevent me from being arrested.

I've had women avoid me as much as possible. On one occasion, a foid quickly blocked me from sitting next to her on a very crowded bus. Another fell(wearing sandals) on the ground and accused me of pushing her until her foid friend said "It wasn't him".

Ironically enough, in the youth commune, a certain pale White brunette staff member would always speak to me quickly, which I still was able to understand even while dazed from napping. She spoke slowly to the other Blacks. A car filled with young Whites drove past me as I walked to the nearby transit station(5B) and they quickly yelled out racial slurs. Again, I understood their remarks perfectly as the Blacks around me struggled to make sense of them.
Real. The main reason curries and rice are mocked is because of their subhuman heights. If they were similar height to europeans, they'd get way way waaaaaaaay less hate
Brutal racepill. In Korea, I'm considered tall and my height is a massive halo. In Japan, I'm usually the tallest man in the room. In my neighborhood full of white people, I'm barely above average.

Ethnics cannot compete with whites.
I love being short people use me as a garden gnome
joaquin phoenix laughing GIF
Brutal racepill. In Korea, I'm considered tall and my height is a massive halo. In Japan, I'm usually the tallest man in the room. In my neighborhood full of white people, I'm barely above average.
chads.is :chad: :chad: :feelsseriously:
God what a horrific post and I'm gonna go ahead and waste my time debunking this fucking redditard coper anyway

You will always win at hide and seek. Literally nothing else matters because you will always be the one person who fit somewhere that everyone else couldn’t and where no one expected someone to fit.
Who the fuck plays hide and seek past 10 years old?

If hypothetically you were tall in another life, we would literally rule the world. We just had to be made short to give other people a chance to being just as cool. Plus short people can get away with being way more rude to people but still passing as funny, like if you were tall and made that joke people would be real afraid of you.
So you admit that if I were taller I would be more successful? How is this a positive? That just proves that being short sucks. And people are much more likely to take offense to something you say if you are short. If you are tall you can get away with more because people are too intimidated to question you. People don't take shit from manlets.

You can always appear taller. Especially for girls, heels are an option. And platform shoes totally are too. The rest of the world can’t fake being short, but you can totally fake being tall.
Wow, so I can fake not being a manlet? Once again, surely by doing this it would be admitting that being short sucks, otherwise why would you want to fake being tall? And who the fuck would want to fake being short?

Short people are way more likely to live longer. I’m not sure the science behind it but I know it’s true. Your less likely to have back and knee problems, you’ll be fit and active for a longer period of time when you get old, and your way less likely to break a bone because your closer to the ground.
So tall people get to live shorter but happier lives and manlets get to suffer longer, awesome!

Shorter people are way more athletic. Because we’re closer to the ground our center of gravity is lower allowing our balance to be top notch and our stability to be inherited and not learned as you grow up if that makes since.
So why are most athletes tall then? Why are most football players tall? Why are the best boxers tall? Manlets are not athletic, we are small and weak, and the ones who do well in sports are generally praised for being able despite being short. It is literally seen as a handicap.

You can fit in so many places. Trains. Airplanes. The dog cage. Bro when I tell you I have spent the night in the strangest places that my tall friends could never dream of, it really should be a book. It is so much easier to just be confortable plus you’re very rarely going to be a pain to bring around because you just fill in the extra space that couldn’t be used by those taller people.
Fantastic, I get to uhhh... crawl in cupboards and fill up the space between tall people?

Food and money. Shorter people, typically, eat way less meaning that you’re going to save way more money throughout life because you’re not waisting it on filling up your whole body with nutrients. One quick snack and you’re good for a few more hours unlike all those other tall kids.
Just... who cares?

Spunky. Bro just stop caring. If you don’t make it your personality people learn to get over it real fast. And if they don’t, well that’s why you’re an ankle biter waiting for Achilles heel. It’s not an offense to be one, it’s actually just a strategy for one of the most well known weaknesses in history. Here’s a story more for girls to enjoy but also could be for boys: I have this family friend who is about 5’. She loved it. One time, before she was married and she was in high school she saw this really cute and but tall dude at a bar. So she took a bar stool, dragged it up next to him, stood on it, and offered her hand to shake saying “I’m (name).”
Being short is cute in girls, not guys. Typical foid ignorance.

So, it’s 100% confidence. You can ignore your height, which I’m totally guilty of doing. Or you can learn about all the amazing and totally star striking celebrities who are your height or even shorter and take on that kind of confidence. Have you ever met a short confident person? Cuz they’re probably the best people you ever will meet.

These fucking copers need to rope immediately.
This posts screams: cope or rope
Brutal racepill. In Korea, I'm considered tall and my height is a massive halo. In Japan, I'm usually the tallest man in the room. In my neighborhood full of white people, I'm barely above average.

Ethnics cannot compete with whites.
Ethnics would be taller if they had better diets though definitkey genetics play a apart too
Ethnics would be taller if they had better diets though definitkey genetics play a apart too
I was a greedy fat fuck in my youth now that I think about it. This gluttony gave me more than enough nutrients to reach my max genetic potential. My 6'5 Korean grandpa is probably the biggest factor though.
Keep grinding, keep hustling, never get up.
Short men are good at hide and seek because they're INVISIBLE
Pure Kinography, sometimes life is the ultimate art kek :feelskek:
she saw this really cute and but TTTTTAAAAALLLLL dude at a bar. So she took a bar stool, dragged it up next to him, stood on it, and offered her hand to shake saying “I’m (name).”

these retards writing themselfs man
I was a greedy fat fuck in my youth now that I think about it. This gluttony gave me more than enough nutrients to reach my max genetic potential. My 6'5 Korean grandpa is probably the biggest factor though.
Your grandpa should have had a Harem to improve Korean height. How many kids did he have?
Your grandpa should have had a Harem to improve Korean height. How many kids did he have?
He had 4 kids with my grandma. I'm currently the tallest person in my family at 6'0 flat.
He had 4 kids with my grandma. I'm currently the tallest person in my family at 6'0 flat.
Why did everyone say ur 6'3?

My grandad had 10 kids, but 4 is high as fuck for rice standards
Why did everyone say ur 6'3?

My grandad had 10 kids, but 4 is high as fuck for rice standards
I think I mentioned before that I walk around in public at 6'3 wearing extremely thick work boots.
God what a horrific post and I'm gonna go ahead and waste my time debunking this fucking redditard coper anyway

You will always win at hide and seek. Literally nothing else matters because you will always be the one person who fit somewhere that everyone else couldn’t and where no one expected someone to fit.
Who the fuck plays hide and seek past 10 years old?

If hypothetically you were tall in another life, we would literally rule the world. We just had to be made short to give other people a chance to being just as cool. Plus short people can get away with being way more rude to people but still passing as funny, like if you were tall and made that joke people would be real afraid of you.
So you admit that if I were taller I would be more successful? How is this a positive? That just proves that being short sucks. And people are much more likely to take offense to something you say if you are short. If you are tall you can get away with more because people are too intimidated to question you. People don't take shit from manlets.

You can always appear taller. Especially for girls, heels are an option. And platform shoes totally are too. The rest of the world can’t fake being short, but you can totally fake being tall.
Wow, so I can fake not being a manlet? Once again, surely by doing this it would be admitting that being short sucks, otherwise why would you want to fake being tall? And who the fuck would want to fake being short?

Short people are way more likely to live longer. I’m not sure the science behind it but I know it’s true. Your less likely to have back and knee problems, you’ll be fit and active for a longer period of time when you get old, and your way less likely to break a bone because your closer to the ground.
So tall people get to live shorter but happier lives and manlets get to suffer longer, awesome!

Shorter people are way more athletic. Because we’re closer to the ground our center of gravity is lower allowing our balance to be top notch and our stability to be inherited and not learned as you grow up if that makes since.
So why are most athletes tall then? Why are most football players tall? Why are the best boxers tall? Manlets are not athletic, we are small and weak, and the ones who do well in sports are generally praised for being able despite being short. It is literally seen as a handicap.

You can fit in so many places. Trains. Airplanes. The dog cage. Bro when I tell you I have spent the night in the strangest places that my tall friends could never dream of, it really should be a book. It is so much easier to just be confortable plus you’re very rarely going to be a pain to bring around because you just fill in the extra space that couldn’t be used by those taller people.
Fantastic, I get to uhhh... crawl in cupboards and fill up the space between tall people?

Food and money. Shorter people, typically, eat way less meaning that you’re going to save way more money throughout life because you’re not waisting it on filling up your whole body with nutrients. One quick snack and you’re good for a few more hours unlike all those other tall kids.
Just... who cares?

Spunky. Bro just stop caring. If you don’t make it your personality people learn to get over it real fast. And if they don’t, well that’s why you’re an ankle biter waiting for Achilles heel. It’s not an offense to be one, it’s actually just a strategy for one of the most well known weaknesses in history. Here’s a story more for girls to enjoy but also could be for boys: I have this family friend who is about 5’. She loved it. One time, before she was married and she was in high school she saw this really cute and but tall dude at a bar. So she took a bar stool, dragged it up next to him, stood on it, and offered her hand to shake saying “I’m (name).”
Being short is cute in girls, not guys. Typical foid ignorance.

So, it’s 100% confidence. You can ignore your height, which I’m totally guilty of doing. Or you can learn about all the amazing and totally star striking celebrities who are your height or even shorter and take on that kind of confidence. Have you ever met a short confident person? Cuz they’re probably the best people you ever will meet.

These fucking copers need to rope immediately.
What the hell am I reading
Just began for hideandseekcels just now
He had 4 kids with my grandma. I'm currently the tallest person in my family at 6'0 flat.
I wish I was your height to get Respected and not be targeted 24/7 I don't.know what I did to piss off space time bro.
I was a greedy fat fuck in my youth now that I think about it. This gluttony gave me more than enough nutrients to reach my max genetic potential. My 6'5 Korean grandpa is probably the biggest factor though.
100% your grandpa , my grandpa is also 5'9 wayy above for his generation and im 6'1
"it’s 100% confidence."
if they think being short is so 'beneficial' why don't they cut their legs and join them
Poor tallfags have to suffer so short people can thrive
To all the shortcels here, how do you dudes not rope after seeing shit like this?
  • Don't want to get outlived by a tranny.
  • Friendships.
  • Videogames/books I'd still like to consoom and places I'd still plan on visiting.
Just become the new Stalin theory
The first poster should kill himself. Literally worthless, -20 IQ, human being.

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