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Venting To grow the best body you can from your genes



Mar 3, 2021
What I mean is, it would save many if such technology existed. You'd be taken to some facility, and your dna sampled to see all the possible combinations of your future offspring just on the basis of your genes if they were re-arranged, like cloning where the egg gets zapped to make it mitose.

The best make up would be found, your body grown and through a brain translant you'd get a new htn or chad body.

Not only it is not fraud like surgery, but also humane eugenics. Nobody dies and the best genes get passed on. If your particular make up is insanly good or in high demand you the state would pay for it, while in every other cases it would be considered something alike plastic surgery.

Same thing with having kids, your sperm would be taken, studied, the egg of your partner too, and then the best match found. It would be inserted back into your partner insaminated, and you two could still have sex afterwards.
If everybody is Chad then nobody is Chad, why does no one understand this
bro irl is not rick and morty
If everybody is Chad then nobody is Chad, why does no one understand this
I don't think most would even qualify to have chad genes in them. If anything, just have an improvement. Maybe a sort of trade, rather then being a 5'10 6/10 you'd be a 6'3 normie.

And obviously such technology would be expensive, rare at first and really controversial, so only a handful would get to use it.

The future is chad either way, foid hypergamy requires it. Unless we tweak humans to find more happiness in being together then in arousal from physical appearence. Make us more social than animalistic, which is the case in some people as the species has an interest to surive rather then improve first and foremost.

Its better to have a milion normies then five thousand chadlites and chads. There needs to be a balance beetwen quality and quantity and the primary doctrine which task you follow is up to your genetic make up. This is why sometimes foids have kids with generally speaking undesirable men, some foids have their drive to motherhood stronger or weaker, and to accomplish that they water down their expectations a lil under the influence of this biological drive. Hypergamy must be chekced off, the bare minimum threshold passed basically.

We usually focus much on what is attractive and lilttle on other aspects of human nature, which in this case are really whitepilled. I think that for the grant majority of men the game in dating is basically set up against them, and its hard, the ammount of work to put in to receive something is hideously too big.

Also we are paradoxical. A ran through htb has better genes then a ltb, but a ltb could potentially be a virgin at 20, yet there are men who would rather be with a ltb then be shamed for being with a htb who has a high bodycount, so they settle for a ltb. (the ammount of posts here that asked if one of us would be willing to be with a stacy porn actress who had sex with Tyrones and the answers speak for themselves as proof)

Its ego.

There is a second nature to humanity which is biological but not animalistic and I think it has to do with our brain being so complex it aligns itself more with what only a very complex machine could mimic and step above into even bigger greatness.

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