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Venting To get a gf you need experience, but to get experience you need a gf: The social-development years up until the age of 20 are totally underrated...



At heart, I am a panda-bear| 5'4"| 1/10 face&head
Dec 11, 2022
Anyone older than 20 or even 25, has missed all those "trial-and-error" years, subconsciously mimicking how others behave (or don't behave).
If you're like me who has never had a social life, went out with friends (inevitably foids will have been there), and is well beyond the teen years, you don't have any experience.
Thats why if u ever vibe with an xxnigger u lie and tell her ur not a virgin and u have alot of experiencr and make shit up
Bagel boss man   16165926244
Same shit for jobs. Want you to have experience but how am i supposed to get that if they won't give me a chance ?
Underrated for people who either pretend to not understand how vital teen love and acceptance is, or for people who are blinded by their own privilege.

I had "friends" that started kissing and fucking at 13 years old. Imagine that, dude.

Do you think these pests would understand what's like to be in your mid to late 20s, and not even know what a hug from a foid your age, feels like?

Its beyond over if you reached 25, and never kissed anybody, or been in a serious/casual relationship, EVER.

Pack your bangs, grab a shotgun and put it in your closet, because you will use it sooner or later to blow your brains out.
Underrated for people who either pretend to not understand how vital teen love and acceptance is, or for people who are blinded by their own privilege.

I had "friends" that started kissing and fucking at 13 years old. Imagine that, dude.

Do you think these pests would understand what's like to be in your mid to late 20s, and not even know what a hug from a foid your age, feels like?

Its beyond over if you reached 25, and never kissed anybody, or been in a serious/casual relationship, EVER.

Pack your bangs, grab a shotgun and put it in your closet, because you will use it sooner or later to blow your brains out.
I know :feelsbadman: very very brutal. Are you 26 too ?

My mother tells me relationships are overrated (after I told her I really want a gf, that's why I'm depressed), and I said she's underrating loneliness she said, I wouldn't know, I was never lonely (she's 60). I think it's an unfair thing to say.

She claims she doesn't want to influence me, (so that I don't want a gf anymore, bc she knows I cannot have one anyway) she says it's "simply my opinion." I bet she means well ("he can't be sad about not having something he doesn't want") but still.

I can't really control my desires can I now?
Even if I had a foid show some interest in me I wouldn't be able to get past the talking stage because my social skills are non existent :feelsrope:
Even if I had a foid show some interest in me I wouldn't be able to get past the talking stage because my social skills are non existent :feelsrope:
I totally feel you bro. Although I doubt I could even talk much. I can't talk well with ANYONE, I have NEVER flirted with a girl (of course).
I don't know how to be funny or interesting. I'd get so nervous. Not that it will ever come to this stage. But IF, this will be the scenario.
It's so over.

Check out this thread.
I know :feelsbadman: very very brutal. Are you 26 too ?
Yeah, 26.
My mother tells me relationships are overrated (after I told her I really want a gf, that's why I'm depressed), and I said she's underrating loneliness she said, I wouldn't know, I was never lonely (she's 60). I think it's an unfair thing to say.

She claims she doesn't want to influence me, (so that I don't want a gf anymore, bc she knows I cannot have one anyway) she says it's "simply my opinion." I bet she means well ("he can't be sad about not having something he doesn't want") but still.

I can't really control my desires can I now?
Still think your mother is the least bad of the poisons you can get as a subhuman cel.

"She knows I cannot have one anyway", a person, A WOMAN, being this self aware about the world, is rare.

Again, genuinely not trying to downplay your stuff with your mother, cuz I obviously don't know her, but having a mother and family members that gas you up "You are gorgeous! You are such a gentleman, I bet girls really want you. You will find someone someday". Is INFINITELY worse, then having a mother that just tells you like it is. The bitter reality of your situation.
He is just been recovering from a stroke these 3 years in rehab his team basically dont want any statement or publications
hope he gets better. Stroke can leave you with permenant disabilites. Judging by recovery time its pretty bad probably
He is just been recovering from a stroke these 3 years in rehab his team basically dont want any statement or publications
so unfair btw. Meanwhile chad gets drunk often, uses drugs, eats like shit and still health is perfect
Yeah, 26.

Still think your mother is the least bad of the poisons you can get as a subhuman cel.

"She knows I cannot have one anyway", a person, A WOMAN, being this self aware about the world, is rare.

Again, genuinely not trying to downplay your stuff with your mother, cuz I obviously don't know her, but having a mother and family members that gas you up "You are gorgeous! You are such a gentleman, I bet girls really want you. You will find someone someday". Is INFINITELY worse, then having a mother that just tells you like it is. The bitter reality of your situation.
It's complicated and "interesting"....... read this .......... the way she contradicts herself 180 degrees is INSANE

In the past she was extremely like this (not in these words, but it had the same meaning) "learn to be happy alone" "you'll be alone".
But she also often said how good I look (she also accounts for what I wear).

It's absolutely insane how much she contradicts herself (both directly and indirectly).

Sometimes it seems like she's saying I'm a great looking dude who can get a pretty gf, other times it's the exact opposite - either directly or implied (I told her, to test her, I want a pretty gf. She then said, "you'd rather have a pretty and bitchy gf instead of a nice one?" to which I replied "I want a nice and pretty gf".
She then used an idiom which meant "you can't have both" ("you can't have both the bread and the money" losely translated). Which means "chose 1"

Really?! She can't really think that. In fact I KNOW she doesn't think that.

So she's a LIAR! And despite her letting me live here and she cooking for me and buying food and clothes for me I think it's still very unfair. EITHER LIE OR TELL THE TRUTH. PICK ONE!

But in the past 2-3 years she has flip-flopped and fluctuated between
"you can get a pretty gf but you need to go outside. She won't just appear at the doorstep"
- to "the average looks of women and men in Switzerland is ugly" (so that kinds of puts things into perspective),
- "you're not the type to marry or have kids" to "a girl has to be thankful to have YOU"
- implying how I'm actually ugly ("clothes matter a lot to how a person looks")
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What about 35? I am almost there.
Once you are past 30, and a subhuman, you are beyond invisible to every women, young and old.

The only time a woman will notice your presence, is when they need a scapegoat to cry oppression, or when they need someone to make fun of.

35 year old women want a man with 35 years of experience.
Once I get to 35, I will be a 15 year old, in the body of a 35 year old.
so unfair btw. Meanwhile chad gets drunk often, uses drugs, eats like shit and still health is perfect
KEK that's what I thought today. Tall chad can eat unhealthy shit all he wants, while I'm ugly and skinny-fat I need to think about what I can't eat (but fail bc what does it matter)
I totally feel you bro. Although I doubt I could even talk much. I can't talk well with ANYONE, I have NEVER flirted with a girl (of course).
I don't know how to be funny or interesting. I'd get so nervous. Not that it will ever come to this stage. But IF, this will be the scenario.
It's so over.
I'm sorry to inform you brother but for folks like us, it never began
Sad Doctor Who GIF
hope he gets better. Stroke can leave you with permenant disabilites. Judging by recovery time its pretty bad probably
His left side paralysed
KEK that's what I thought today. Tall chad can eat unhealthy shit all he wants, while I'm ugly and skinny-fat I need to think about what I can't eat (but fail bc what does it matter)
i also have health issues in early 20s(im 23) that a normal person shouldnt be having. Problems with eyesight. Joints bcs of apparent weak muscles. Doctors didnt do shit:feelsree:. Nothing tragic, but my quality of life is lower
KEK that's what I thought today. Tall chad can eat unhealthy shit all he wants, while I'm ugly and skinny-fat I need to think about what I can't eat (but fail bc what does it matter)
Genetic lottery. Seems I lost every dice roll (maybe IQ is only exception) while chads are 6ft+, perfect metabolism, perfect eyesight, etc.
Being born autistic kinda fucks that to hell anyways, I was weird and an outsider the moment I step into a school, normal teen years were never an option. And even if I had those I would still have ended up abnormal, I suspect.
Indeed am a 29 KHHV it ain't easy
I feel the same way you aren't given leeway or benefit of the doubt once you reach a certain age.
I feel the same way you aren't given leeway or benefit of the doubt once you reach a certain age.
brutal - how old are you? I'm 26
Underrated for people who either pretend to not understand how vital teen love and acceptance is, or for people who are blinded by their own privilege.

I had "friends" that started kissing and fucking at 13 years old. Imagine that, dude.

Do you think these pests would understand what's like to be in your mid to late 20s, and not even know what a hug from a foid your age, feels like?
yep my school was full of people who started fucking at 13-14, some did it before that and these were not chads/stacies it was just normies who were below my looks level, these fucks got to have full penetrative sex before becoming a teen while we are mid 20s and haven’t even come close

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