Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

To everyone who reported my last avatar

Its NSFW, stop acting like a woman trying to act dumb and dance around the rules.
If you are somehow trying to imply that it's NSFW, because the waifu has semen on her face... I must let you know that the substance is actualy an egg white.

All avatars should be pictures of ainsley tbh
sorry to hear about that.

sucks hearing that they would report truecels, but not fakecels. lol they're probably fakecels themselves wanting to make this forum a safe space for themselves.
i reported it. it was a pathetically low effort attempt at circumventing the rules, you should feel bad. this is not a porn site and you should stop being so obsessed with worshipping females.
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i reported it. it was a pathetically low effort attempt at circumventing the rules, you should feel bad. this is not a porn site and you should stop being so obsessed with worshipping females.
Says the guy with the female avatar
sorry to hear about that.

sucks hearing that they would report truecels, but not fakecels. lol they're probably fakecels themselves wanting to make this forum a safe space for themselves.
You've seen a photo of Dekim? How do you know he's a truecel, or they are fakecels?

Where are all of these fakecel reports that you should be making, if you're saying there are so many out there that they are actively bandwagoning members?

How does a person who spent months begging to be mod, contribute nothing whatsoever to moderating and maintaining this place?
The thing that pisses me off the most, is that people who reported me are probobly some edgelords with low post counts that consist of nothing worth mentioning.

How does a person who spent months begging to be mod, contribute nothing whatsoever to moderating and maintaining this place?
Are you saying that I don't contribute? You can check my thread history; I've made more black pilled posts than you have. There's plenty of them.

Anyways, I should be a Mod, not you.

One of my black pilled threads got stickied the other day by Sergeantincel. What have you been doing lately? Probably dog shit as per usual.
I miss my miranda avi
Didn't report but that avi was getting on my nerves. NSFW avis and sigs are fucking annoying.
y the fuck did they remove it, what cuckism is this
i reported it. it was a pathetically low effort attempt at circumventing the rules, you should feel bad. this is not a porn site and you should stop being so obsessed with worshipping females.
O I remember your avatar. I was actually surprised it stayed for so long lmao
O I remember your avatar. I was actually surprised it stayed for so long lmao
Well... If certain cucks didn't snitch, it would have stayed even longer.
Are you saying that I don't contribute? You can check my thread history; I've made more black pilled posts than you have. There's plenty of them.

Anyways, I should be a Mod, not you.

One of my black pilled threads got stickied the other day by Sergeantincel. What have you been doing lately? Probably dog shit as per usual.
Since you keep bringing this up, I went through your activity in the past month. Here is what I've dug up:

April Thread Creation Activity
1. Trash-tier, low-effort threads which are effectively useless, meaningless, and in some cases have been reported: 32
2. Trash-tier threads that are so trash that they were deleted: 1
3. Blackpilled, potentially useful/engaging/interesting threads: 4
4. Blackpilled, but the same regurgitated shit everyone already knows and says type of theads: 7

So, while I never argued that you don't make blackpilled threads, thank you for motivating me to go through your history and discover that statistically speaking, only about 9% of your threads would be considered both blackpilled and as contributions to the community, while a full 74% are off-topic low-effort posts. Suffice to say that these are not flattering statistics.

Now, since you asked me what I've been doing lately, I will admit that I haven't made any threads recently on the subject of the blackpill, but that will be corrected soon as I have actually been doing relevant research, so you can await the atomic blackpill coming soon. I'm fairly confident that the sheer volume and depth of research will more than compensate for my absence due to my work and studies, and will make your limited contributions over the past month seem paltry in comparison.

Posting threads is a metric that YOU chose, not me - please refer to the fact that I said that you have contributed nothing to the moderation and maintenance of this site, meaning reports of the fakecels you complain about. In fact, there have been multiple reports about YOU, so if anything, you have actively contributed to giving us work. As you well know, after a recent string of reports, I sent you a polite PM detailing the stance of moderation on your behavior at that point. Now, if you consider the fact that we had a discussion about it, and the fact that the PM I sent was lengthier than the majority of your threads, you can see that as MY contribution to this site IN SPITE of your activity. If you then extrapolate this to the fact that you are not the only case I have handled this month in a similar manner, I am sure that you will see how foolish it is for you to try and compare contributions to this site from your laughable position.

In the past month I have:

1. Made two threads, one of them a PSA about new site functionality, the other sharing a blackpilling article which demonstrates how the media treats female virginity as opposed to how incels are treated in the media. This means that while I've made 2 threads, both were useful and/or blackpilled.

2. I have processed 54 reports, which I believe is the second-most of all moderators after Sergeant, but I could be mistaken on that figure. Each report necessitates the completion of a form, and often a personalized PM to go along with it. I have also banned numerous alt accounts of people such as whogivesafucc who were using them to dodge bans and troll, through investigative work and following up on leads submitted by our users (something which, again, you have no history of doing, as you contribute nothing to moderation and maintenance besides getting your own posts/threads reported).

3. Remained active on the Discord, which includes its own set of responsibilities in terms of moderation.

4. Participated in numerous discussions with the rest of the moderation staff about users, policy, current events, and potential enhancements to the site. A conservative estimate would be about 10 manhours in the month of April have been devoted to this.

As such, I think it's quite evident why you're not a moderator here despite your insistence to become one and why your petty finger-pointing is misguided at best.
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but which avatar?

also, @blickpall-------------->powerful analitical capabilities ( not content-related eh )
Since you keep bringing this up, I went through your activity in the past month. Here is what I've dug up:

April Thread Creation Activity
1. Trash-tier, low-effort threads which are effectively useless, meaningless, and in some cases have been reported: 32
2. Trash-tier threads that are so trash that they were deleted: 1
3. Blackpilled, potentially useful/engaging/interesting threads: 4
4. Blackpilled, but the same regurgitated shit everyone already knows and says type of theads: 7

So, while I never argued that you don't make blackpilled threads, thank you for motivating me to go through your history and discover that statistically speaking, only about 9% of your threads would be considered both blackpilled and as contributions to the community, while a full 74% are off-topic low-effort posts. Suffice to say that these are not flattering statistics.

Now, since you asked me what I've been doing lately, I will admit that I haven't made any threads recently on the subject of the blackpill, but that will be corrected soon as I have actually been doing relevant research, so you can await the atomic blackpill coming soon. I'm fairly confident that the sheer volume and depth of research will more than compensate for my absence due to my work and studies, and will make your limited contributions over the past month seem paltry in comparison.

Posting threads is a metric that YOU chose, not me - please refer to the fact that I said that you have contributed nothing to the moderation and maintenance of this site, meaning reports of the fakecels you complain about. In fact, there have been multiple reports about YOU, so if anything, you have actively contributed to giving us work. As you well know, after a recent string of reports, I sent you a polite PM detailing the stance of moderation on your behavior at that point. Now, if you consider the fact that we had a discussion about it, and the fact that the PM I sent was lengthier than the majority of your threads, you can see that as MY contribution to this site IN SPITE of your activity. If you then extrapolate this to the fact that you are not the only case I have handled this month in a similar manner, I am sure that you will see how foolish it is for you to try and compare contributions to this site from your laughable position.

In the past month I have:

1. Made two threads, one of them a PSA about new site functionality, the other sharing a blackpilling article which demonstrates how the media treats female virginity as opposed to how incels are treated in the media. This means that while I've made 2 threads, both were useful and/or blackpilled.

2. I have processed 54 reports, which I believe is the second-most of all moderators after Sergeant, but I could be mistaken on that figure. Each report necessitates the completion of a form, and often a personalized PM to go along with it. I have also banned numerous alt accounts of people such as whogivesafucc who were using them to dodge bans and troll, through investigative work and following up on leads submitted by our users (something which, again, you have no history of doing, as you contribute nothing to moderation and maintenance besides getting your own posts/threads reported).

3. Remained active on the Discord, which includes its own set of responsibilities in terms of moderation.

4. Participated in numerous discussions with the rest of the moderation staff about users, policy, current events, and potential enhancements to the site. A conservative estimate would be about 10 manhours in the month of April have been devoted to this.

As such, I think it's quite evident why you're not a moderator here despite your insistence to become one and why your petty finger-pointing is misguided at best.
it's just offtopic thought nothing is meant to be taken seriously here
Since you keep bringing this up, I went through your activity in the past month. Here is what I've dug up:

April Thread Creation Activity
1. Trash-tier, low-effort threads which are effectively useless, meaningless, and in some cases have been reported: 32
2. Trash-tier threads that are so trash that they were deleted: 1
3. Blackpilled, potentially useful/engaging/interesting threads: 4
4. Blackpilled, but the same regurgitated shit everyone already knows and says type of theads: 7

So, while I never argued that you don't make blackpilled threads, thank you for motivating me to go through your history and discover that statistically speaking, only about 9% of your threads would be considered both blackpilled and as contributions to the community, while a full 74% are off-topic low-effort posts. Suffice to say that these are not flattering statistics.

Now, since you asked me what I've been doing lately, I will admit that I haven't made any threads recently on the subject of the blackpill, but that will be corrected soon as I have actually been doing relevant research, so you can await the atomic blackpill coming soon. I'm fairly confident that the sheer volume and depth of research will more than compensate for my absence due to my work and studies, and will make your limited contributions over the past month seem paltry in comparison.

Posting threads is a metric that YOU chose, not me - please refer to the fact that I said that you have contributed nothing to the moderation and maintenance of this site, meaning reports of the fakecels you complain about. In fact, there have been multiple reports about YOU, so if anything, you have actively contributed to giving us work. As you well know, after a recent string of reports, I sent you a polite PM detailing the stance of moderation on your behavior at that point. Now, if you consider the fact that we had a discussion about it, and the fact that the PM I sent was lengthier than the majority of your threads, you can see that as MY contribution to this site IN SPITE of your activity. If you then extrapolate this to the fact that you are not the only case I have handled this month in a similar manner, I am sure that you will see how foolish it is for you to try and compare contributions to this site from your laughable position.

In the past month I have:

1. Made two threads, one of them a PSA about new site functionality, the other sharing a blackpilling article which demonstrates how the media treats female virginity as opposed to how incels are treated in the media. This means that while I've made 2 threads, both were useful and/or blackpilled.

2. I have processed 54 reports, which I believe is the second-most of all moderators after Sergeant, but I could be mistaken on that figure. Each report necessitates the completion of a form, and often a personalized PM to go along with it. I have also banned numerous alt accounts of people such as whogivesafucc who were using them to dodge bans and troll, through investigative work and following up on leads submitted by our users (something which, again, you have no history of doing, as you contribute nothing to moderation and maintenance besides getting your own posts/threads reported).

3. Remained active on the Discord, which includes its own set of responsibilities in terms of moderation.

4. Participated in numerous discussions with the rest of the moderation staff about users, policy, current events, and potential enhancements to the site. A conservative estimate would be about 10 manhours in the month of April have been devoted to this.

As such, I think it's quite evident why you're not a moderator here despite your insistence to become one and why your petty finger-pointing is misguided at best.
Just make a no alt account rule since everything apparently trolling.
it's just offtopic thought nothing is meant to be taken seriously here
I don't disagree with that, but for a poster who claims to be making substantial contributions to the site, claims to be deserving of a moderator position, and at the same time judges my own contributions to the site, having a 74%+ useless thread post rate as well as the other factors I listed above is not something that mirrors or substantiates that statement.
Since you keep bringing this up, I went through your activity in the past month. Here is what I've dug up:

April Thread Creation Activity
1. Trash-tier, low-effort threads which are effectively useless, meaningless, and in some cases have been reported: 32
2. Trash-tier threads that are so trash that they were deleted: 1
3. Blackpilled, potentially useful/engaging/interesting threads: 4
4. Blackpilled, but the same regurgitated shit everyone already knows and says type of theads: 7

So, while I never argued that you don't make blackpilled threads, thank you for motivating me to go through your history and discover that statistically speaking, only about 9% of your threads would be considered both blackpilled and as contributions to the community, while a full 74% are off-topic low-effort posts. Suffice to say that these are not flattering statistics.

Now, since you asked me what I've been doing lately, I will admit that I haven't made any threads recently on the subject of the blackpill, but that will be corrected soon as I have actually been doing relevant research, so you can await the atomic blackpill coming soon. I'm fairly confident that the sheer volume and depth of research will more than compensate for my absence due to my work and studies, and will make your limited contributions over the past month seem paltry in comparison.

Posting threads is a metric that YOU chose, not me - please refer to the fact that I said that you have contributed nothing to the moderation and maintenance of this site, meaning reports of the fakecels you complain about. In fact, there have been multiple reports about YOU, so if anything, you have actively contributed to giving us work. As you well know, after a recent string of reports, I sent you a polite PM detailing the stance of moderation on your behavior at that point. Now, if you consider the fact that we had a discussion about it, and the fact that the PM I sent was lengthier than the majority of your threads, you can see that as MY contribution to this site IN SPITE of your activity. If you then extrapolate this to the fact that you are not the only case I have handled this month in a similar manner, I am sure that you will see how foolish it is for you to try and compare contributions to this site from your laughable position.

In the past month I have:

1. Made two threads, one of them a PSA about new site functionality, the other sharing a blackpilling article which demonstrates how the media treats female virginity as opposed to how incels are treated in the media. This means that while I've made 2 threads, both were useful and/or blackpilled.

2. I have processed 54 reports, which I believe is the second-most of all moderators after Sergeant, but I could be mistaken on that figure. Each report necessitates the completion of a form, and often a personalized PM to go along with it. I have also banned numerous alt accounts of people such as whogivesafucc who were using them to dodge bans and troll, through investigative work and following up on leads submitted by our users (something which, again, you have no history of doing, as you contribute nothing to moderation and maintenance besides getting your own posts/threads reported).

3. Remained active on the Discord, which includes its own set of responsibilities in terms of moderation.

4. Participated in numerous discussions with the rest of the moderation staff about users, policy, current events, and potential enhancements to the site. A conservative estimate would be about 10 manhours in the month of April have been devoted to this.

As such, I think it's quite evident why you're not a moderator here despite and why your petty finger-pointing is misguided at best.
Oh please, you always low ball everyone. I've always willing to acknowledge that you're a busy person, but nevermind...

And here's what I've observed of you over the months.

1. You too yourself made countless of low effort posts, but yet critercise low effort posts. You probably begged Serge to have low-effort posts ruled-in, I'm guessing?
2. So what if some black pilled threads are regurgitated? I've seen you gotten intrigued by some and I feel more of them could've been stickied especially my thread "On Male Spaces" and "Female Sexual Behaviour," and many more.
3. Also just lol at you trying to get-by community in-bound posting. I know that you've negatively skewed the stats in your favor.
4. I do make reports, only when necessary. Like you, I don't see all of the posts around.

I'm tired of you, low-balling me. I've lost my patience with you.

You cause a massive distress on this forum for everyone. Innately people are overly angst of those that are of a higher authority (i.e. Police), but it's you that makes shit worse for you. Why do think out of all the Mods; that most people here despise you? You said a lot of asinine things around here. There are people that have more of a problem with you than me. Many people would be glad to see you get demodded and even banned.

Oh and here are some examples of you low-balling:

You, personally, don't have to care. No one is asking you to. But if you care about this site, you should care about how discourse is handled on it when considering the sensitivity of the subject. Perhaps caring about the individuals involved or discussed is not a prerequisite for having a logically sound viewpoint? Or if that's off base of me to assume, then perhaps not caring is enough of a reason not to post 0 content stream of consciousness responses? Since you clearly care so little, I'm surprised you mustered the effort.

The "attitude" stems from you giving brain dead 1 line responses to thought-out arguments. We get it, you're happy to be a useless sack of potatoes in your mother's basement, you're a misanthrope, so edgy. To come into an argument to basically say "I don't care about this," is just a waste of time, space, and keyboard presses.

You're entitled to your beliefs but consider the fact that while we support free speech, we also have rules in place that effectively go against free speech. Are you going to champion the cause of allowing women and bluepilled normies to post here as well, since you're so pro-free speech? Or does your belief system stop working when it exceeds your own personal interests? I guess that is what is to be expected of a misanthrope, and that's fine, but don't pretend to pledge allegiance to a higher call to arms than what you're truly fighting for.

Since we're on the topic, please point out where in my original post that you gave your negative IQ response to that I suggested we restrict free speech? I'm pretty confident that all I did was lay down some logical framework for a discussion on the matter, as people tend to argue about opposite subtopics when discussing the broad term of pedophilia. What I said about caring about the site was not about its continuation but about its quality if discourse. Again, please actually try to rub two braincells together when reading my posts so that your responses follow logically. Also, consider that perhaps because of your "unique" stance on humanity, children, morals, etc. that some posts and arguments on this forum aren't tailored to your particular flavor of edge. You will find plenty of things that you don't care about on this forum, as do I. Instead of saying "lol who cares tho" you could either think about why these people care and give a thought-out response or just move on. Remember: no low effort and spam allowed, as per the rules. I imagine this will be your next clarion call.

Anyways, I don't have the time to go through 2000+ posts, but if I key-word search "mother, loser, and Blickpall." I'm sure many posts of your posts, would come up. I'll be sure to search up more later on.

Also when I made the thread about "Female Insecurities," I've gotten criticized by a few users and guess what? Then you and some other Mod asked the Admin if you could ban me. It wasn't even against the rules. Then you guys went through scurrying my threads/post trying to look for any reason to ban me or looking through any spec of reason to ban me. I've been told that there are no Mods that have a personal bias or vendetta against certain users, but it turns out to be untrue. And of course, (I felt like) Sergeantincel had to banned me to avoid you or whomever who perm banning me
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Anyways JFL, I got classes to go to, I'll come back.
damn idk tore old blicky a new asshole
Oh please, you always low ball everyone.
A convenient overgeneralization to make; I didn't feel it necessary to openly categorize each thread into each specific category, and naturally some people will categorize them differently from others. However, if we simply make the distinction between "blackpilled" and "off-topic" without any qualifying and subjective adjectives such as "useless," the numbers don't change much.

I've always willing to acknowledge that you're a busy person, but nevermind...
I don't require any validation or acknowledgement from you, but I'll continue this train of thought later.

1. You too yourself made countless of low effort posts, but yet critercise low effort posts. You probably begged Serge to have low-effort posts ruled-in, I'm guessing?
While it is true that EVERYONE makes a low-effort post occasionally, it is not true that they make them with as great a frequency as thread topics as others who do (you). You're constructing a strawman here, as our topic of discussion was never low-effort POSTS; I opened the topic of you not contributing to moderation and maintenence, but you changed it to being your contributions to the site in the form of blackpilled THREADS (and threads in general). You're consistently changing the topic of discussion, which isn't going unnoticed and is a poor tactic for argument.

The second part of the quote is patently false. The topic has been discussed in the past, and I came to the conclusion that it would be antithetical to the site's policies of inclusivity to persecute and ban people for low-effort POSTS (not threads). I even made a recent post about this in feeback, about how it would be wrong to ban/punish people who post low-effort because we are not going to punish IQcels for being who they are, but you obviously missed it when going back months in time to find two posts I made mid-argument with Kointo.

2. So what if some black pilled threads are regurgitated? I've seen you gotten intrigued by some and I feel more of them could've been stickied especially my thread "On Male Spaces" and "Female Sexual Behaviour," and many more.

While there is nothing objectively wrong with regurgitated blackpill threads, it would be a stretch to call them contributions when they are what they are - unoriginal, regurgitated statements. Sure, for a few people who see them for the first time (myself included), it may be interesting due to them being a first exposure situation. However, it doesn't seem right to credit you with it being a contribution if you're merely replicating someone else's work.

I didn't see those two threads, so perhaps you are right, but again - I did credit you for making some interesting blackpilled threads, and more importantly never denied that you make them, which was never part of my argument to begin with. So this is essentially another strawman you're constructing - which, if you're unaware, means you are answering criticisms that were never levied against you.

3. Also just lol at you trying to get-by community in-bound posting. I know that you've negatively skewed the stats in your favor.

Not sure what this means, would appreciate further clarification.

4. I do make reports, only when necessary. Like you, I don't see all of the posts around.

There is the chance that I have missed one or two here or there, but given that as I mentioned, I am the second-most active moderator in terms of handling reports (probably), one would expect that I would see more of your work in that field. Being that I've seen exactly none that come to memory and none that were evident in my review of the past month, is evidence of the fact that you are either fearmongering by fabricating a hypothetical army of ghost fakecels which don't really exist, or you haven't bothered to make reports based on your suspicions/experience. Either way, you aren't doing much to aid the site.

I'm tired of you, low-balling me. I've lost my patience with you.

You cause a massive distress on this forum for everyone. Innately people are overly angst of those that are of a higher authority (i.e. Police), but it's you that makes shit worse for you. Why do think out of all the Mods; that most people here despise you? You said a lot of asinine things around here. There are people that have more of a problem with you than me. Many people would be glad to see you get demodded and even banned.

Frankly, I don't care about any of that. I do my job, and most of the time I do it well in the sense that I complete what is asked of me - handling reports fairly, discussing uncertain situations with other moderators. This isn't a popularity contest, which I know may seem counter-intuitive to you, someone who clearly values and aims to garner popularity and a certain level of "brotherly" "love" among the users (particularly in off-topic) through either your positivity (which I think is genuine) or your cutesy anime gifs and pictures (the use of which is probably genuine, but I don't believe that you aren't aware of the effect that this has on people and I do believe that you generate this effect intentionally).

The fact is, I don't care if people like me. I don't care if people talk shit about me or want me removed. I don't care about any of that, because first of all, it is impossible to please everyone. I don't care about being popular here or in real life. The only thing I care about as a moderator is that my moderator actions are justified, and that they are viewed as satisfactory by the rest of the moderation staff.

Secondly, as you said, simply being in a position of authority exposes you to derision and hate, oftentimes generated by the fact that you are enforcing the rules that the majority of the moderators and community have agreed upon and/or asked for.

Thirdly, I am not going to change who I am just to be more well-liked by others. I have certain convictions, beliefs, and ideas; I will argue in support of them, and denounce the opposing convictions, beliefs, and ideas. That is what all users on this site do, except mine have more exposure because of the aforementioned consequences of being in a position of power.
Oh and here are some examples of you low-balling:

As I mentioned above, it is very convenient for you to take two posts I made out of context months ago and use them as examples of me "low-balling" someone. I stand by the points I made in this particular discussion. However, I will submit that the tone and language I used was inappropriate and uncalled for; I got emotionally invested because it frustrates me when a person simply spams one-liners such as "lol I don't care" in a thread/topic that is obviously of importance and worth to others. It contributes nothing, and it legitimately does not take any effort or mental exertion to make a statement of that nature. I spoke to Sergeant about this particular incident, and while he agreed with the overarching message I was putting out (if I recall correctly), he mentioned that I should tone down my rhetoric when I become emotionally invested. Which reminds me; @Kointo, I'm sorry for being unnecessarily antagonistic in that discussion.

I would like to add that while this rhetoric is unbecoming of a moderator, I see users (such as yourself) getting away with much more vitriolic speech (please refer above to my list of what I have done in the past month for this site/community, and how you refer to it as "dog shit as usual"). It is somewhat unfair that as a moderator, I cannot express myself as freely as someone who is not, but I accept that it comes with the territory. It's a work in progress, but I'm trying to distance myself from emotionally-fueled statements like the ones you have highlighted above, something I believe that I've been more successful in doing in the past few months since that conversation transpired.

Anyways, I don't have the time to go through 2000+ posts, but if I key-word search "mother, loser, and Blickpall." I'm sure many posts of your posts, would come up. I'll be sure to search up more latter on.

Just out of curiosity, I did the searches you recommended.

For "mother," there are 2 pages of posts, but out of all of those, the only posts that contain what I perceive to be your intended point (that I accuse people of being losers living with their mothers), are the two I made in that discussion with Kointo, one of which was a nebulous and general statement that I don't believe that it's right for people to dwell in their mother's house indefinitely and leech off of society, something that I still stand by. This is my belief, still. I ascribe to and value Stoicism, utilitarianism, meritocracy, and industriousness, and I don't think that I've seen sufficient cause to change my personal opinion on these matters. The other post containing "mother" is the one that you quoted. The only other one which was made outside of that particular conversation with Kointo is similarly nebulous and reflects the same point of view, with no target in mind. So, in total, only one post was directed at anyone in particular with accusatory statements associated with them. In another, I ask Kointo if he ever sees himself moving out of his mother's house, but I did not make any judgments on his answer nor did I preemptively discriminate him in the post containing the question.

For "loser," there are 6 posts, all but one of which were me quoting someone else who said loser. The one time I wrote "loser" on this board was when I was telling a user that if he pursues a hypothetical course of action, he will be perceived as a loser for doing so - I imagine this is quite far away from what you are trying to accuse me of, which is some sort of tyrant who goes around calling fellow incels losers.

So, instead of you trying to augment your argument and position with patent falsehoods and saying you're "sure many posts would come up," and that you'll "search up more later on," you could actually, you know, provide evidence to back your statements beyond isolated incidents months ago. Not that that would do you any good, because as I said before:

1. I don't care what you, or others, think about me.
2. I still have the right to have personal beliefs and express them in a moderate fashion.
3. This is all tangential to a strawman argument that you constructed which doesn't respond in any way to my initial query.

It's clear that this is simply a smear campaign for you. I hope you got some satisfaction out of it.

Also when I made the thread about "Female Insecurities," I've gotten criticized by a few users and guess what? Then you and some other Mod asked the Admin if you could ban me. It wasn't even against the rules. Then you guys went through scurrying my threads/post trying to look for any reason to ban me or looking through any spec of reason to ban me.

I don't remember this incident in particular, but what you're effectively doing here is trying to misconstrue what is a normal process for sound moderator decisions as some sort of targeted attack or persecution.

When a thread gets reported or receives a lot of negative attention and we are otherwise notified about it, we have to investigate. If we are not sure about how to handle a problem, we raise it to discussion with the rest of the moderating staff. When deciding how to resolve the situation, what kind of punishment to assign if any, it makes sense to review the user's history; for example, someone who has repeatedly made the same offense in the past will likely get a stricter punishment than someone who offends for the first time. Someone who generally has a good standing in terms of rule-breaking content will be treated more leniently. This, by the way, is why you were verbally warned recently as opposed to receiving any sort of % addition, because even though this was an issue that you were reported for, banned for, and talked to about in the past, you had not been reported for such behavior in a while and thus after discussion, moderation agreed to send a verbal warning.

So, what you paint as persecution and "scurrying my threads/post to look for any reason to ban me," you're misrepresenting what is actually due diligence in the process.

I've been told that there are no Mods that have a personal bias or vendetta against certain users, but it turns out to be untrue.

To continue this line of thought, there is no mod that I am aware of that is scouring any single user's post history, waiting for them to slip and trip. However, we have a convenient log of offending posts, reports, and other notable conduct available to us. This means that when a user's name is brought up in discussion of a recent misdeed, or a post of theirs is reported, we already have a decent amount of information available to us about their past missteps. Thus, it would be inaccurate to call it a "vendetta" as there is no single user (that I'm aware of) that any moderator is actively seeking to ban; it's simply how a progressive system of reports, warnings, and bans works. If anyone wanted you gone permanently, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to create a case, but I know that at least I personally don't care that much about you.

And of course, (I felt like) Sergeantincel had to banned me to avoid you or whomever who perm banning me

Patently false. As you well know, if you get permanently banned by one of us and make an appeal, your sentence can be commuted or changed. Sergeant has no reason to pre-empt any actions of any of the other moderators if they can simply be changed or lifted at his discretion. Your bans have, as far as I can recall, been the result of discussion and agreement between all of the moderators interested enough in participating in them. I don't want to lie and don't have access to the logs on this, so if @SergeantIncel wants to chime in on this one if he remembers more, but during your most recent major ban from the site I believe that I suggested a lesser sentence (1 week, if I recall) than the one you received (2 weeks) but was okay with either outcome.
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@blickpall @idkwattodowithlife

Get a room and don't hijack my thread
it's a warzone in here
Blickpall and idk derailed the thread time to close it.
fucking fakecels
The fact is, I don't care if people like me. I don't care if people talk shit about me or want me removed. I don't care about any of that, because first of all, it is impossible to please everyone. I don't care about being popular here or in real life. The only thing I care about as a moderator is that my moderator actions are justified, and that they are viewed as satisfactory by the rest of the moderation staff.
I'm skeptical about what you said here. If you don't care then you'll run into some of the same problems that you'll face again. Seeing the amount of conflicts you get yourself into, is already a tell tale sign that something is up or wrong with you.

As for popularity, I've seen you go off on someone saying that they're "unpopular and unwanted" on incels.is. Whatever perhaps you changed your views overtime, but I doubt so.

You make it seem like people are enamored with popularity, I don't really care about popularity. If people want to become more popular, just post more.

People develop social cliques with similar like interests and post count and off-topic posters don't turn a blind-eye on new posters. We're inviting to new posters.

So, instead of you trying to augment your argument and position with patent falsehoods and saying you're "sure many posts would come up," and that you'll "search up more later on," you could actually, you know, provide evidence to back your statements beyond isolated incidents months ago. Not that that would do you any good, because as I said before:
Your original post and other posts made it seem like that it recalls upon from some past events. I don't care about the cherry-picking thing, almost everyone does it.

And no I'm not going to sift through your 2000+ posts.

They're not all isolated incidents. There are some trends and unusual behavior, I observe from you.

I'm not sure, if I want to forgive/apologize you (well of course, you don't care), but it seemed unusual of you giving three condescending posts in a row...

Well whatever, people lose themselves in the heat of moment.

Do what you want.
i reported it. it was a pathetically low effort attempt at circumventing the rules, you should feel bad. this is not a porn site and you should stop being so obsessed with worshipping females.
he like jacking off to jav he doesn't worship females.
that was my favorite scene, when that pig hank got killed
Tfw you missed some nice drama :feelsbadman:

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