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Serious To desire love is to desire foid validation in order to boost own ego - A precursor to bluepill/cuck mindset



Jul 30, 2022
I've seen many incels say they wan't to "feel loved" by females and not only fuck for hedonistic reasons. A poll from a few months ago showed that 80% of users on this site would rather have a KHHV wife than a hookup with new foid everyday

Look at what this banned user wrote:
After losing my virginity to an escort, I've realized that sex is kind of overrated. Does sex feel awesome? Sure, but it's not that life changing as some people think it is.

Of course having sex with someone you love dearly will intensify the experience but if there's no bond between you and your partner then it's not won't help you.

I want someone to hug and hold me in their arms, telling me that everything is going to be alright. Someone that will be there for you, no matter what, someone that loves you for who you are.

Cuddling is more intimate than sex in my opinion, after you hug someone you love besides your friends and parents your body will just shut down if you can't experience it again.

Fuck, I wish someone would just hold me in their arms, telling me that everything is going to be alright, I'm so lonely.

What a bluepilled and cucked take. Love is merely a projection of one's ego. To desire love is to desire foid validation. The only reason to have this desire, is to stroke your own ego, and boost your sense of self-importance by using a female's opinion to decide your own worth. If you wish to determine your own self-worth by the standards of other foids, feel free to do it --- But you'll only show weakness through this, as it would let the foid know they have something over you which they can exploit to their advantage

As long as she continues to "make you feel special" and says all the things you wan't to hear, it will be easier for her to manipulate you and reverse the power dynamic. So in that effect, she gains control and becomes the dominant force in the power dynamic of relationship, and you become her lap dog while under the illusion that she is the one who's subordinate to you, only because she makes you feel "self-important" by her words and her motions

Sex always has and always will be about power relations. It's either you are the dominant or the dominated. To wish for foid validation so that you can boost your ego, is a precursor to simpry and bluepilled behavior. When too many men relegate themselves to become bluepilled simps, the result is equivalent to current state of hookup / dating market --- A hypergamous gynocracy where a minority of men receive the most action, while a majority of men are loners, disenfranchised or/and experience low rates of sexual contact with females

For a male to stay non-cuck, they must draw a line at some point, and decide that there are certain lengths they would never go to obtain female validation. Even if the consequence of not going to certain lengths, is long-term celibacy or becoming anti-social / non-NT

Presuming sex is the main purpose or the ultimate purpose of wanting heterosexual relations with women --- It shouldn't be of concern to the man, whether the woman "emotionally loves them" or "physically lusts after them". As long as the man is allowed to fuck the female he wants to fuck, it wouldn't necessarily matter how the woman feels about him. An ideal isn't necessarily limited to the non-physical realm. Ideals can also be imagined in respect of the physical world, and ideals can be oriented towards the physical

The only reason why someone would choose first over second, is because they have a sentimental, egoistic projection of their ideal female partner. They want their ideal female lover to stroke their ego and validate them for their "thoughts" or "personality traits", not relating to social status, economic wealth or genetics (or else they would have chose second). This ideal is a sign of :bluepill: thinking, and it shows that anyone who chose first is sub-consciously :bluepill:. Because it shows that they hold the woman's opinion of them (as a potential sex / romantic partner) in high esteem --- To the degree they prefer the woman to emotionally validate them based on the "invisible traits" they possess (e.g. thoughts, personality). When in the physical, her most essential role would be solely to serve as fuckable meat that keeps you company and might also bear and raise your children

In the old days, females were expected to submit to their male partners. But it's no longer the old days. Through the commercialization of birth control devices, increase in female liberal rights, equalization of gender pay, and the establishment of social capitalism (aka welfare state) --- The female has been empowered to the degree that she no longer requires a male cohort to remain in a socially & economically stable situation. By the gynocratic world, marriage ultimately lost its original purpose

Without a female's dependancy on the male's social & economic resources, the male has no tangible means to ensure that he will retain a female's loyalty. Thus he becomes prone to cuckoldry upon pursuit of LTR with empowered neoliberal female. The damage that a modern female could do to her own social & economic situation thru infidelity is slim to none. There's no material incentive for a woman to remain loyal in a monogamous LTR in the neoliberal state of sex / dating world. As result, we've been able to see the female's true colours through their empowerment and liberalization, and it's clear the vast majority of them only have a sexual interest for the same minority of men

Bluepillers who romanticize about "wanting to be loved" don't seem to fathom that females for the most part take interest in your "material traits" (genetics, social status, economic resources) before they take interest in your "immaterial traits" (personality, mindset). It has always been this way. Females for the most part have always prioritized their interest in a male's "material traits" over a male's "immaterial traits". This is traditionally how females survived (i.e. sexual selection process to preserve genetics and economic wealth). A countless studies have been published by various institutions of human biology, social science & economics, that show a direct correlation between sexual success / failure and genetics (height, race), female expectations for relationship partners and material attributes (income, economic situation, genetics), divorce / extramarital affairs and economic / financial situations

Regardless of what normies and bluepilled bots on mainstream social media want to believe, decades, otherwise centuries of stats and research data all tell the same story --- When it came to a sexual interest in males, majority of females have always placed GES attributes (genetics, economic wealth, social status) over IPM attributes (intelligence, personality, mindset) in terms of importance. Based on evolutionary biology, there are several practical reasons why most females placed GES attributes over IPM attributes. But despite all the years of what is said to be research published by institutions that specialize in biology, social science and economics, normies and other bluepilled bots want to pathetically cling to this dreamy fantasy of "being loved for who they are as a person with emotions"

If you're lucky, you might never become a cuck, or you might never come to realize that you were a cuck. But if you choose to pursue LTR with a female in neoliberal world where they can live independently and comfortably without a male partner, most likely you'll learn the hard way, to why your personality has little to no significance in a relationship
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Yep.. made a thread about this on similar lines

Yep.. made a thread about this on similar lines

Great posts I shall read them
No shit I want to feel validated and loved. I would rather be a bluepiller than a blackpilled mangled dog of a person. Developing an ego and feeling powerful take precedence over sticking a dick in a wet hole. It's less that I want to have mindless sex and more that I want to go through normal sexual and romantic development like everybody else so I can achieve self-actualization. Impossible simply because of a lack of a few millimetres of bone, brutal.
No shit I want to feel validated and loved. I would rather be a bluepiller than a blackpilled mangled dog of a person. Developing an ego and feeling powerful take precedence over sticking a dick in a wet hole. It's less that I want to have mindless sex and more that I want to go through normal sexual and romantic development like everybody else so I can achieve self-actualization. Impossible simply because of a lack of a few millimetres of bone, brutal.
Living and thriving off validation is not sustainable, it's also a foid trait which is why they become miserable after a certain age despite them still being able to get laid, it's just their validation levels has sunk. It's why so many Chads and Stacies rope in the entertainment/pop culture industry, they realise as they get older living off the validation they get is risky because they finally reached the conclusion that they aren't a God but a mere human being like the rest of us. They live seemingly perfect lives that many here dream about, envy upon days but what do they end up doing? Drugs, divorces and suicide, it's extremely common in that subset of society. Not everyone, but common enough to dispel the myth that you need validation to survive, short answer is - you don't.
No shit I want to feel validated and loved. I would rather be a bluepiller than a blackpilled mangled dog of a person. Developing an ego and feeling powerful take precedence over sticking a dick in a wet hole. It's less that I want to have mindless sex and more that I want to go through normal sexual and romantic development like everybody else so I can achieve self-actualization. Impossible simply because of a lack of a few millimetres of bone, brutal.
As long as she continues to "make you feel special" and says all the things you wan't to hear, it will be easier for her to manipulate you and reverse the power dynamic. So in that effect, she gains control and becomes the dominant force in the power dynamic of relationship, and you become her lap dog while under the illusion that she is the one who's subordinate to you, only because she makes you feel "self-important" by her words and her motions

Sex always has and always will be about power relations. It's either you are the dominant or the dominated. To wish for foid validation so that you can boost your ego, is a precursor to simpry and bluepilled behavior. When too many men relegate themselves to become bluepilled simps, the result is equivalent to current state of hookup / dating market --- A hypergamous gynocracy where a minority of men receive the most action, while a majority of men are loners, disenfranchised or/and experience low rates of sexual contact with females

For a male to stay non-cuck, they must draw a line at some point, and decide that there are certain lengths they would never go to obtain female validation. Even if the consequence of not going to certain lengths, is long-term celibacy or becoming anti-social / non-NT
Living and thriving off validation is not sustainable, it's also a foid trait which is why they become miserable after a certain age despite them still being able to get laid, it's just their validation levels has sunk. It's why so many Chads and Stacies rope in the entertainment/pop culture industry, they realise as they get older living off the validation they get is risky because they finally reached the conclusion that they aren't a God but a mere human being like the rest of us. They live seemingly perfect lives that many here dream about, envy upon days but what do they end up doing? Drugs, divorces and suicide, it's extremely common in that subset of society. Not everyone, but common enough to dispel the myth that you need validation to survive, short answer is - you don't.
Well true but lacking normal sexual development means nobody else takes you seriously. Humans thrive off of stimulating each other's egos.

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