As a teenager i used to be an edgy liberal who was deluded by certain media and people into believing in some utopia where everyone should have rights to do whatever they want. When it came to gays i fell for the love and rights meme which they were tactically spreading around normie circles to get them on their side which is succeeding since normies can be influenced by pretty much anything. Then i grew up and realized that gays and their lobby are one of the strongest pillars in today's warped culture and they are affecting every pore of society, if you give them a finger they will take a whole hand. Not only are they power hungry and want to ruin family unit and society with moral decency and dignity which they pretty much did, they indoctrinate and sexualize youth, they posses and spread most of diseases despite being overwhelming minority, they have billion partners, they are producers of the most deranged fetishes, they are frustrated animals with primal urges, they are overwhelmingly far left, they are pedophiles, gay couples have biggest rates of child sexual, physical, psychical abuse and neglect, they pushed the culture that effectively led to sexual liberation, bisexualism, transgenderism, genders theory, kids being put on puberty blockers at age of 7, drag kids at age of 8 twerking to naked men, men in drags reading books to toddlers, etc. Why were normal and dignified values spiraling down since 60s when hippies were "coincidentally" introduced, who were their age target and what did they stand for? Do i need to be more insightful and go further? Now i know that you already have a prepared response of some based cuckservative magapede you know who takes it in the pooper but he loves capitalism and guns so he must be based but frankly i don't care my point still stands and decades of recent social decay show that. It is an embarrassment to see what modern "conservative" movement has became, what did it exactly conserve? You care more what progressives will think or label you with so you shit on the dogma and movement and that's what they want, they want you to be bunch of docile and spineless cowards so they could continue to set societal norms and influence public and culture while you are desperately trying to show how you are tolerant and how liberals are the real racists or whatever. Decade ago marriage between man and woman was a sacred conservative value but now it is completely fine to have attention whoring gay "conservatives" on stage telling young people how homosexuality is great western civilization trait that should be protected. You are not conservatives, you are progressives who lag 10 years behind, conservatism is not about economy anymore it is about social issues and young men are getting more and more pissed at the establishment trying to present itself as "conservative" and people who are trying to sell them destruction, moral decadency and everything their forefathers and ancestors stood against, you don't cherish tradition, morals or conservatism, you cherish money and that's why in 20 years we will see the talks from conservatives about how pedophilia is a sacred conservative value when progressives legalize that too.