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Blackpill Time for a jewish exposing thread.

I'm not really concerned about getting a woman myself. I'm animated by the injustice facing incels and the indigenous people of Europe. The possibility of change and my potential role in it is the only thing keeping me alive. If I ever got the chance to be a part of this, I will use all means necessary to succeed in this endeavour.
Fair enough.
There is lots of jews and half jews here (even though they are considered goyim by the tribe)

I wonder why they never speak up or confront their family members who are involved with it
@Lord Byron how did u know them? They treated u like family....there are good jews. I have met some but the Zionists are something else
My mother went to Canada to work, and met them through that. When I was travelling through the region years later they lept at the chance to host me.

For the record I don’t like those crazy ultra orthodox ones. Also, MGM is a crime against humanity.
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Under the sign of Scorpion. Juri Lina. Read it.
This is the same exact logic liberals use to hate on white men. Jews do control the media and they are overwhelmingly left wing, playing a huge role in left wing bias in media, yes, but this secret evil plan to take over the world is just total lunacy.
Not sure what your point is. Human nature is garbage and being successful brings you nothing but scorn from average people. Jewish IQ is like 115 and higher IQ groups also have a higher number of edge cases (the odds of a white person being born with extremely high IQ is like 1 in ten thousand or something, where as for blacks it's like 1 in 20 million). So the math works in favor of jews.

Just look at it like this: If the idea that blacks and other brownies are willing to ignore IQ as evidence for how whites could dominate them so badly without having to be bigots against them, why is the idea so farfetched that the alt-right is simply in denial about jewish IQ and what it means? What if the likes of stormfront are just a white version of black lives matter?

The problem is that Jews are not just limiting themselves to dominating others. They are actively seeking to undermine not just white culture but everything that is normal, sane and good. There's nothing new or unusual about a given ethnic group coming to dominate another, but what Jews are doing borders on the psychotic, and this unhinged behavior has nothing to do with their high IQs and everything to do with their very identity as Jews, which was a theological construct now turned into a cultural construct once Jews abandoned their religion in the 19th century:

If Jews had limited themselves to making money and enjoy being the dominant ethnic group nobody would even care, but this compulsion they have to simply ruin things for everybody else is a continuous source of strife for their victims as much as for themselves, as people periodically get tired of their shit and tend to react very badly, often violently, with Nazi Germany being the most extreme case, from which Jews have learned absolutely nothing.
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I really like this kind of threads. Always reminds me that we are the most powerful people in the world and you goyim our servants. And you cannot do nothing about it.
This is the same exact logic liberals use to hate on white men. Jews do control the media and they are overwhelmingly left wing, playing a huge role in left-wing bias in media, yes, but this secret evil plan to take over the world is just total lunacy.

Yeah, but try to say something against whites and then say something against jews and see how different the reactions are. There are countries where it's illegal to question the holocaust; not denying it, just question it. It's the only case where you can be jailed in a first world country by just using words. ain't that suspicious?
Jews aren't responsible for your Autism and/or subhuman face.
Maybe they teach their children how to make money while not working for others, instead creating work for others.

It's in the Talmud.

The story of Joseph also sums up how Jews see themselves vis the rest of society. In the middle ages they kept referring to Christian gentiles as "Egyptians". Manual labor is a foreign concept for them, where as for gentiles in agrarian societies it is a badge of honor.

Either way, studying Judaism goes a long way in understanding why Jews behave the way they do, even non-religious Jews. The problems begun when they started to take the scriptures literally and forgot the spiritual meaning. Their unique racial narcissism was already very well developed when Christ came to the scene, and it is part of the reason they couldn't accept his message. Not every Jew was like that of course. Paul's hatred of Christians stemmed from his love of Judaism which was obviously build on an understanding of the spiritual meaning of the older religion. When Christ revealed himself to him, he saw that the object of his love is what Christians were actually worshiping, so he converted.

Eitherway, the more "carnal" Jews couldn't accept the new revelation, and conspired to murder Jesus. The problem is that the decline of Judaism had led them starving for spiritual fulfillment, and their hopes at this point lied entirely on the coming of the Messiah. But since the Jews had become carnal, this Messiah was envisioned as an earthly conqueror who would have led to the establishment of a great kingdom and the dominion of Jews over the gentiles. Christ offered them a spiritual kingdom. Some responded to that, and became Christians. Many didn't, and they ended up putting their hopes on Barabbas, the rebel, and it is at that point that Jews because revolutionaries. Believing that the time of the Messiah was at hand, they followed Barabbas in an insurrection against the Romans, which ended up in disaster for them. Eventually their defiance against the Romans and their fanatic zeal forced the hand of the Romans to the point the latter marched right into Jerusalem and tore the temple down. This was a mortal blow to Judaism as it had been up to that point and a new religion was born after that, which was Talmudic Judaism, but this new version of Judaism was imbued with the spirit of revolution, which acted as a latent poison to slowly transform generation of Jews into the duplicitous creatures we know today.

My "awakening" to the so called Jewish question came when i read Weininger, who claimed that the sin of Jews was "smirking at the Good". Many of the philosophic cels here might understand how important this is, for the "Good" in question is nothing but the formal order of the universe, which is the Logos which Christians believe came to earth in the form of Christ. When Jews denied Christ, they rejected Logos itself. This has profound ramifications most people who aren't into philosophy may not understand.

See, most people tend to see the world as reflecting an higher purpose or meaning. This was the view of the world the ancient possessed, one in which everything in life reflected some kind of divine reality. It's why ancient art has this transcendent, cosmic sense of beauty to it. But once you reject this idea, suddenly one becomes a revolutionary for every sense of there being a kind of meaning or formal order to things is seen as a limitation and a kind of oppressive force.

So we have this combination of elements which produced the modern Jews. First, their rebellion against Logos and the order of the universe, which led them to adopt a revolutionary and one might say "criminal" tendency. Second, their racial narcissism, which stems from a literal interpretation of their scriptures. Third, their Messianic expectation, which increasingly shifted on themselves as they slowly abandoned their religion after the Enlightenment. That is, the Jews decided they were going to be their own Messiah, and that they were going to "redeem" the world. This is "Tikkun Olam" as modernized Jews actually understand it. It's how you get people like Barbara Spectre which a lot of people in the alt-right can't help but mention constantly. See, the vast majority of people in gentile societies are mostly passive actors and are only concerned with their immediate well being. Jews are not like that. They have this ideological force that unites and motivates them in engaging in things which in their mind are going to make the world better, but which in truth always end up having the opposite effect since their conception of making things better implies rejecting the formal order of the universe and replace that with a bunch of 2+2=5 type of constructs build on "humanitarian" values and the like.

Now, what makes Jews this unstoppable force is that gentiles are not just the victims of all this, but have gone in a similar direction themselves. Against Jewish "internationalism", gentiles can only respond with modernistic constructs of their own. Rationalism, scientism, nationalism and a religious fundamentalism which ironically is based on the "letter that killeth", the very thing Christ accused Jews of doing in his own day. The decadence of the Romans and the Greeks was not caused by Jews, and Europeans returned to that decadence with the Renaissance and onward. Everything Europeans developed after that was build on no solid metaphysical foundation, and all was needed was for someone to show up and kick all the sand castles down, which is where Jews come into play.

In simple words, gentiles developed a conception of formal order that was excessively "literal", material, rationalistic, and ultimately unable to withstand actual scrutiny. I was watching this episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm a while back which for me was the perfect demonstration of how Jews see gentiles. In this episode, Larry David was listening to this message on his machine where this lady tells him to call him back, but the message cuts off as she is dictating her phone number. Now in the same room there's this other lady who works for the one who left the message and Larry David asks her what the missing numbers are, and she refuses to tell him because she is bound not to reveal her employer's phone number without permission. The situation is of course ridiculous because the first lady quite clearly wanted Larry David to have her number, but the second lady's blind sense of "honor" led her to her ridiculous refusal to give him the number. And this is how Jews understand gentile society, as evidenced by this book:

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Jews aren't responsible for your Autism and/or subhuman face.

They had a very prominent role in destroying everything that can give a person meaning and fulfillment apart from raw earthly happiness.
I really like this kind of threads. Always reminds me that we are the most powerful people in the world and you goyim our servants. And you cannot do nothing about it.
Now its getting good, but reenforces the suspicions. Why jews hate all goyim?
Yeah, but try to say something against whites and then say something against jews and see how different the reactions are. There are countries where it's illegal to question the holocaust; not denying it, just question it. It's the only case where you can be jailed in a first world country by just using words. ain't that suspicious?
Thy gave a granny years in prison in germany for questioing a part and she was alive at the time
Nobody here has explained how the jews benefit from destroying the west via mass immigration. How on earth do the jews benefit from flooding europe and america with jew hating muslims? You guys do realize that the muslims hate jews even more than Hitler did? Israel would probably not even exist if the US wasn't helping it. So why would the jews want to destroy American and the west via mass immigration of anti-semetic muslims?

See how your bullshit conspiracy theory makes no sense?

Jew hate is the white version of white hate.
Nobody here has explained how the jews benefit from destroying the west via mass immigration. How on earth do the jews benefit from flooding europe and america with jew hating muslims? You guys do realize that the muslims hate jews even more than Hitler did? Israel would probably not even exist if the US wasn't helping it. So why would the jews want to destroy American and the west via mass immigration of anti-semetic muslims?

See how your bullshit conspiracy theory makes no sense?

Jew hate is the white version of white hate.
The Jews from Israel are pushing muslims into Europe so they don't have to deal with them. You really are a :bluepill::soy:
Lol @ not being blackpilled on jews
Nobody here has explained how the jews benefit from destroying the west via mass immigration. How on earth do the jews benefit from flooding europe and america with jew hating muslims? You guys do realize that the muslims hate jews even more than Hitler did? Israel would probably not even exist if the US wasn't helping it. So why would the jews want to destroy American and the west via mass immigration of anti-semetic muslims?

See how your bullshit conspiracy theory makes no sense?

read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald.
Nobody here has explained how the jews benefit from destroying the west via mass immigration. How on earth do the jews benefit from flooding europe and america with jew hating muslims? You guys do realize that the muslims hate jews even more than Hitler did? Israel would probably not even exist if the US wasn't helping it. So why would the jews want to destroy American and the west via mass immigration of anti-semetic muslims?

See how your bullshit conspiracy theory makes no sense?

Jew hate is the white version of white hate.

You really think the high ((commands)) who aprove this immigration laws are sending muslims where they live?
We are not talking about the average jew, this is a small ethnic elite that owns most of the money on earth.
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Good Post but there's some discrepancies. Communism wasn't created by a jew but a Frenchman named Robiespierre. You also forgot during the latter half of Stalins reign he started a mass purging of Jews, starting with Trotsky. more often than not more Jews are capitalists, Rand, Friedmann, Hayek, Rothbard. CEOs are capitalists by default. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram make their money through ad revenue, and some ads straight up promote degenerate shit. That's how the Jew makes their money. Also a lot of landlords are Jews, my landlady included.
It's in the Talmud.

The story of Joseph also sums up how Jews see themselves vis the rest of society. In the middle ages they kept referring to Christian gentiles as "Egyptians". Manual labor is a foreign concept for them, where as for gentiles in agrarian societies it is a badge of honor.

Either way, studying Judaism goes a long way in understanding why Jews behave the way they do, even non-religious Jews. The problems begun when they started to take the scriptures literally and forgot the spiritual meaning. Their unique racial narcissism was already very well developed when Christ came to the scene, and it is part of the reason they couldn't accept his message. Not every Jew was like that of course. Paul's hatred of Christians stemmed from his love of Judaism which was obviously build on an understanding of the spiritual meaning of the older religion. When Christ revealed himself to him, he saw that the object of his love is what Christians were actually worshiping, so he converted.

Eitherway, the more "carnal" Jews couldn't accept the new revelation, and conspired to murder Jesus. The problem is that the decline of Judaism had led them starving for spiritual fulfillment, and their hopes at this point lied entirely on the coming of the Messiah. But since the Jews had become carnal, this Messiah was envisioned as an earthly conqueror who would have led to the establishment of a great kingdom and the dominion of Jews over the gentiles. Christ offered them a spiritual kingdom. Some responded to that, and became Christians. Many didn't, and they ended up putting their hopes on Barabbas, the rebel, and it is at that point that Jews because revolutionaries. Believing that the time of the Messiah was at hand, they followed Barabbas in an insurrection against the Romans, which ended up in disaster for them. Eventually their defiance against the Romans and their fanatic zeal forced the hand of the Romans to the point the latter marched right into Jerusalem and tore the temple down. This was a mortal blow to Judaism as it had been up to that point and a new religion was born after that, which was Talmudic Judaism, but this new version of Judaism was imbued with the spirit of revolution, which acted as a latent poison to slowly transform generation of Jews into the duplicitous creatures we know today.

My "awakening" to the so called Jewish question came when i read Weininger, who claimed that the sin of Jews was "smirking at the Good". Many of the philosophic cels here might understand how important this is, for the "Good" in question is nothing but the formal order of the universe, which is the Logos which Christians believe came to earth in the form of Christ. When Jews denied Christ, they rejected Logos itself. This has profound ramifications most people who aren't into philosophy may not understand.

See, most people tend to see the world as reflecting an higher purpose or meaning. This was the view of the world the ancient possessed, one in which everything in life reflected some kind of divine reality. It's why ancient art has this transcendent, cosmic sense of beauty to it. But once you reject this idea, suddenly one becomes a revolutionary for every sense of there being a kind of meaning or formal order to things is seen as a limitation and a kind of oppressive force.

So we have this combination of elements which produced the modern Jews. First, their rebellion against Logos and the order of the universe, which led them to adopt a revolutionary and one might say "criminal" tendency. Second, their racial narcissism, which stems from a literal interpretation of their scriptures. Third, their Messianic expectation, which increasingly shifted on themselves as they slowly abandoned their religion after the Enlightenment. That is, the Jews decided they were going to be their own Messiah, and that they were going to "redeem" the world. This is "Tikkun Olam" as modernized Jews actually understand it. It's how you get people like Barbara Spectre which a lot of people in the alt-right can't help but mention constantly. See, the vast majority of people in gentile societies are mostly passive actors and are only concerned with their immediate well being. Jews are not like that. They have this ideological force that unites and motivates them in engaging in things which in their mind are going to make the world better, but which in truth always end up having the opposite effect since their conception of making things better implies rejecting the formal order of the universe and replace that with a bunch of 2+2=5 type of constructs build on "humanitarian" values and the like.

Now, what makes Jews this unstoppable force is that gentiles are not just the victims of all this, but have gone in a similar direction themselves. Against Jewish "internationalism", gentiles can only respond with modernistic constructs of their own. Rationalism, scientism, nationalism and a religious fundamentalism which ironically is based on the "letter that killeth", the very thing Christ accused Jews of doing in his own day. The decadence of the Romans and the Greeks was not caused by Jews, and Europeans returned to that decadence with the Renaissance and onward. Everything Europeans developed after that was build on no solid metaphysical foundation, and all was needed was for someone to show up and kick all the sand castles down, which is where Jews come into play.

In simple words, gentiles developed a conception of formal order that was excessively "literal", material, rationalistic, and ultimately unable to withstand actual scrutiny. I was watching this episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm a while back which for me was the perfect demonstration of how Jews see gentiles. In this episode, Larry David was listening to this message on his machine where this lady tells him to call him back, but the message cuts off as she is dictating her phone number. Now in the same room there's this other lady who works for the one who left the message and Larry David asks her what the missing numbers are, and she refuses to tell him because she is bound not to reveal her employer's phone number without permission. The situation is of course ridiculous because the first lady quite clearly wanted Larry David to have her number, but the second lady's blind sense of "honor" led her to her ridiculous refusal to give him the number. And this is how Jews understand gentile society, as evidenced by this book:

So this is a good thing ? I guess the others like to work and if there is no one who creates work then there will be no jobs. The jews create jobs and the others work for them, or is it a bad thing ? Sorry im confused
Good Post but there's some discrepancies. Communism wasn't created by a jew but a Frenchman named Robiespierre. You also forgot during the latter half of Stalins reign he started a mass purging of Jews, starting with Trotsky. more often than not more Jews are capitalists, Rand, Friedmann, Hayek, Rothbard. CEOs are capitalists by default. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram make their money through ad revenue, and some ads straight up promote degenerate shit. That's how the Jew makes their money. Also a lot of landlords are Jews, my landlady included.
Copyright is not Capitalism. The biggest companies are build because of copyright, that means they are NOT capitalists, they are corporatists, because in capitalism no one has the right to copyright.
Who Controls Your Mind

Military grade jewpill
View attachment 50983
Military grade jewpill

I could just as easily create a different graph showing that whites own 80+% of the worlds wealth and use it as evidence that whites are oppressing people who are not white. Which is exactly what groups like black lives matters are doing.

The Jews from Israel are pushing muslims into Europe so they don't have to deal with them. You really are a :bluepill::soy:

Don't have to deal with them? Do you think gated communities would protect them in a muslim majority nation? Even the elites have to live somewhere. If that somewhere is full of muslims then they are fucked.
Nobody here has explained how the jews benefit from destroying the west via mass immigration. How on earth do the jews benefit from flooding europe and america with jew hating muslims? You guys do realize that the muslims hate jews even more than Hitler did? Israel would probably not even exist if the US wasn't helping it. So why would the jews want to destroy American and the west via mass immigration of anti-semetic muslims?
They can immigrate to Israel at any time once the west is destroyed. Israel doesn't take in muslim refugees or anyone who is not ethnically jewish.
more often than not more Jews are capitalists, Rand, Friedmann, Hayek, Rothbard.
jews dont have an ideology, only that they are anti-goyim and pro-jew. They use ideologies as a method of controlling us but they don't actually believe in anything other than in group preference and self preservation
I could just as easily create a different graph showing that whites own 80+% of the worlds wealth and use it as evidence that whites are oppressing people who are not white
No need to make a graph, just give an example of a policy in a white country that oppresses people who are not white.
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you cannot do nothing about it.
But we have in the past and we will again. You cannot suppress the truth much longer with the internet being as prominent as it is.
This is the same exact logic liberals use to hate on white men
Not really but even if we accept this premise as true, you cannot question jewish power on any major platform while hating on white people is commonplace. Have you ever heard the Voltaire quote "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
Jews do control the media and they are overwhelmingly left wing, playing a huge role in left wing bias in media, yes, but this secret evil plan to take over the world is just total lunacy.
Read the protocols of the elders of zion. Even in the talmud there are hints at world domination, talking about owning 2,800 goy slaves when their messiah arrives. Total lunacy is closing your eyes and ears to what is happening all around us while still not attributing nefarious motives to jews.
Jew hate is like the biggest alt-right cope in history
Jews are hated, first and foremost, because they are CORRUPTERS! They are hated because, instead of doing their own dirty work they deceive and manipulate us into doing it for them. They get us to support them in their murder of Palestinian children. They make us pay for it, they make us supply the weapons, and they make our government express approval of it. The Jews, like an especially insidious disease organism, get inside us and change the way we think and behave in order to make us easier prey for them to exploit.

There are a few of us who aren’t lemmings, a few of us who can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears and figure things out for ourselves. That will be the day when we begin settling the score with those who have been corrupting and bleeding our people for so long.
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I could just as easily create a different graph showing that whites own 80+% of the worlds wealth and use it as evidence that whites are oppressing people who are not white. Which is exactly what groups like black lives matters are doing.
Yeah, but jews are just the 2% of the total population. What are the odds most of them are on these positions?
Yeah, but jews are just the 2% of the total population. What are the odds most of them are on these positions?
Actually theyre less than .2% of the global population
> some jews are doing bad stuff so all jews are bad

Low IQ
Anyone who wants to read about alt-right fake paranoia about "all jews" should read Natan Cofans.
So this is a good thing ? I guess the others like to work and if there is no one who creates work then there will be no jobs. The jews create jobs and the others work for them, or is it a bad thing ? Sorry im confused

Mmmh, no. Usury, which is essentially what Jews are engaging in even to this day, is just currency manipulation. Having a bunch of "middle men" skimming off the produces of actual labor is robbery:

Jews are predominant in academia, fiance, law, journalism, all occupations which we would all be better off if they weren't as prevalent and as numerous as they are. Look at the difference between the type of job left-wing people gravitate towards to as opposed to right-wing people:

But we have in the past and we will again. You cannot suppress the truth much longer with the internet being as prominent as it is.
You did in the past and paid huge price. My grandfather raped half of germany, so you never know, if you are german, maybe you are my relative. And when we have nukes you will pay the final price. The truth? Everybody knows the truth. But it seems that the majority fine with it.
You did in the past and paid huge price. My grandfather raped half of germany, so you never know, if you are german, maybe you are my relative.
Nice LARP. Congrats you beat a country the size of texas with three of the largest superpowers in the world. If US doesn't get involved you would have been ovened by now.

And when we have nukes you will pay the final price. The truth? Everybody knows the truth. But it seems that the majority fine with it.
You better get those nukes ready because you kikes arent worth a fuck in combat.
Please don't forget that not only the jews, but your 1% are just as bad. Kill all the rich, not only jews, but jews too.
Kill the rich? Autism?
Nice LARP. Congrats you beat a country the size of texas with three of the largest superpowers in the world. If US doesn't get involved you would have been ovened by now.

You better get those nukes ready because you kikes arent worth a fuck in combat. View attachment 51111

It doesn't matter who was involved. I so sorry it was not a fair game. We made them involved, kicked your ass and made you our servants. You are now under our rule and all you can do is to post on forums.

Yes, sure, some photoshop is proving your point.
I pity you

its ok, I lost the ability to feel a long time ago.
my roommate wanted to beat her ass for non-political reasons though so he has my back
Jews aren't responsible for your Autism and/or subhuman face.

jews aren't responsible for your peanut gallery comments yet here you are.
This is fucking based. As much as I like capitalism, I do hate those filthy Jews.
This is the same exact logic liberals use to hate on white men. Jews do control the media and they are overwhelmingly left wing, playing a huge role in left wing bias in media, yes, but this secret evil plan to take over the world is just total lunacy.
This is fucking based. As much as I like capitalism, I do hate those filthy Jews.

capitalism is ok for people that still live with their folks, once you move out (either by force, like I was, or voluntarily) and have to pay bills to keep a roof over your head its kind of ridiculous to consider yourself still a capitalist unless you're from some rich family and/or got an inheritance, which I think only a few of you here can claim that.
there's varying degrees though, agorism (center right), corporatism/mutualism (dead center), syndicalism (center-left), collectivism (center far-left)
and crony capitalism/welfare capitalism (center far right)
there's also georgism, (which makes you slightly more leftist, only by a bit) but is just land taxes for businesses.
Kill the rich? Autism?

nazbol (kill capitalist jews)
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It doesn't matter who was involved. I so sorry it was not a fair game. We made them involved, kicked your ass and made you our servants. You are now under our rule and all you can do is to post on forums.
And yet here you are on this forum posting with us lowly servants. Let me give you a hint shlomo, if you're not getting laid with the insane amount of money and influence jews have today then you're part of the goyim.
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this thread is basically "when the Saxon began to hate"

incels.is purge of juden when?
And yet here you are on this forum posting with us lowly servants. Let me give you a hint shlomo, if you're not getting laid with the insane amount of money and influence jews have today then you're part of the goyim.
Insane amount of money and influence will not make a foid really feel affection to me. It will not make me chad. The maximum is betabuxing and I don't want it.
explain this shit you ZOG excrement:
all jews, all feminists...why so many?


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