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Blackpill Time for a jewish exposing thread.



Nov 7, 2017

Oy vey goyim, they are just a poor oppressed group, they have nothing suspicious about themselves.
hold on a second rabbi. I have the statistics to prove that Jewry is destroying the world.
Jews where the communists:

it's an undeniable fact, even the creator of communism was a jew.

Jews never made up more than 2% of the Russian demographics yet they where always overwhelmingly represented in top communist government roles.
Jews hold all the wealth in america:
out of 100 of the richest people in America, 30 of them where Jewish. Doesn't that seem strange considering they've never made up more than 1% of the American population?

It's undeniable that Jews have an insanely overrepresentation among the top 1% of people with wealth and power, this has occurred throughout the world and throughout time.

Until Israel is destroyed and Jewish people throughout the world are stripped of their power/ ancestry we cannot live in peace.
Creator of tinder= Jewish
Creator of facebook= Jewish
Creator of instagram= Jewish
We will never get laid unless Jewish power is annihilated.
"thats anti-semetic!!! hurr durr!!! :soy::soy::soy::y'all::y'all::soy::y'all::soy::soy::y'all::y'all:"
Kalergi plan. Look it up.

High IQ thread btw.
Fantastic thread OP.
Odrob odrob tel aviv
Please don't forget that not only the jews, but your 1% are just as bad. Kill all the rich, not only jews, but jews too.
Hitler tried destroying the Jews. They had the best businesses in Germany at the time. Prior to you know, attempted extermination. Einstein was a Jew aswell. Etc.

My point is, he should have used them for his own gain. And i dont know if killing them will help you get laid
Too bad the president of the most powerful country in the world loves licking kike dicks.
Please don't forget that not only the jews, but your 1% are just as bad. Kill all the rich, not only jews, but jews too.
The Jews are the 1%.
Too bad the president of the most powerful country in the world loves licking kike dicks.

How does someone do this to themselves?
He's not even Jewish, have some self respect damn It!!!
Praise be, 5th dimensional intergalactic silver surfer tier IQ. The Zionists are the reason the world is in shambles and degeneracy runs wild. I only wish more people knew about this. Also the holocaust never happened. Auschwitz was an internment camp like the ones they had for the japs back in the states. The only difference was the Germans didn’t have enough food to feed them all because supply lines were cut. Zyclon B was a pesticide and was used to get rid of lice and bugs that would cause disease in crowded areas. Do your research people
The Jews are the 1%.


How does someone do this to themselves?
He's not even Jewish, have some self respect damn It!!!
Imagine pissing on that wall. Jews can be more monkey-like than muslims when it comes to religion, they'd cut you up. Though getting to piss on it would be worth it.
Imagine pissing on that wall. Jews can be more monkey-like than muslims when it comes to religion, they'd cut you up. Though getting to piss on it would be worth it.
Or just ejaculate on it.
Blacked.com is run by a Jew. Pornography is made by Jews.
These sorts of threads make me wonder where all the blackpilled Jewish incels are at. You'd think you'd have a few on here with the balls to take issue with this sort of thread (not that I do), similarly to how some ethnics like to counter certain racepill topics and what not. But no they seem to not exist pretty much.
fuking jewz
These sorts of threads make me wonder where all the blackpilled Jewish incels are at. You'd think you'd have a few on here with the balls to take issue with this sort of thread (not that I do), similarly to how some ethnics like to counter certain racepill topics and what not. But no they seem to not exist pretty much.
they all ascend through moneymaxxing
This has nothing to do with inceldom you numpty
Lol jews have increased inceldom
They've increased everything else they touch as well though.
You might as well make an anti-circumcision thread that has nothing to do with inceldom, because circumsised men don't have the foreskin's gliding action and are less likely to make women orgasm.
6 gorillion remember 6 gorillions of jews that got killed hurr durr

The jews will always tell you what happened to them but they will never tell you the reason why.
Praise be, 5th dimensional intergalactic silver surfer tier IQ. The Zionists are the reason the world is in shambles and degeneracy runs wild. I only wish more people knew about this. Also the holocaust never happened. Auschwitz was an internment camp like the ones they had for the japs back in the states. The only difference was the Germans didn’t have enough food to feed them all because supply lines were cut. Zyclon B was a pesticide and was used to get rid of lice and bugs that would cause disease in crowded areas. Do your research people

Just to make you doubt (if youve never read about it). You dont hace to be Alt Rigt to doubt the official version. (Same with the twin towers and being a crazy conspirationist)
The only experience I have with Jewish people is a family I stayed with in Canada. They treated me like a king. Cooked me elaborate meals, drove me around. Their son took me out and got me high, introduced me to cute foids. Engaged me in conversation and included me in all the family activities. They had a dog and on whatever holiday they celebrate they would dress it up in one of those weird black hats. It was super cute. I really like lamb, and they would BBQ for me nearly every night. At some stage, probably while I was shoveling the fiftieth lamb chop down my throat, I decided I liked Jews. They were not degenerate at all. Quite the opposite.

So if any of these plans include the holocaust 2: electric boogaloo, you will have to go through me first.
I think jews are just smart people, they know how to make money. I dont think there is a secret plan to degenerate everyone, they just want to make money with it (porn, social media). Why always jews in the top ranks ? Maybe they teach their children how to make money while not working for others, instead creating work for others. Its just my theory, could be wrong but if there is a secret plan, why are there no leaks from jews ?
The only experience I have with Jewish people is a family I stayed with in Canada. They treated me like a king. Cooked me elaborate meals, drove me around. Their son took me out and got me high, introduced me to cute foids. Engaged me in conversation and included me in all the family activities. They had a dog and on whatever holiday they celebrate they would dress it up in one of those weird black hats. It was super cute. I really like lamb, and they would BBQ for me nearly every night. At some stage, probably while I was shoveling the fiftieth lamb chop down my throat, I decided I liked Jews. They were not degenerate at all. Quite the opposite.

So if any of these plans include the holocaust 2: electric boogaloo, you will have to go through me first.
I will.
Here's a brilliant introduction to the topic:
Fuck off with this bullshit. Jew hate is like the biggest alt-right cope in history. And I find if fucking hysterical how jewish control of the economy is used as evidence for their supposed schemes even though this is literally the exact same argument sjws use to rationalize the idea of the so called white supremacy, to which the alt-righters will respond by saying "no we just have higher IQ you are just envy us hahahahaha".

Errr, guyz, u do realize this is literally the exact same defense the jews use right? How can high IQ explain white supremacy in the economy but now jewish supremacy seeing as the later has a far higher average IQ?

Lmao at alt-right hypocrisy.

Ib4 Disillusioned is a secret jew
The only experience I have with Jewish people is a family I stayed with in Canada. They treated me like a king. Cooked me elaborate meals, drove me around. Their son took me out and got me high, introduced me to cute foids. Engaged me in conversation and included me in all the family activities. They had a dog and on whatever holiday they celebrate they would dress it up in one of those weird black hats. It was super cute. I really like lamb, and they would BBQ for me nearly every night. At some stage, probably while I was shoveling the fiftieth lamb chop down my throat, I decided I liked Jews. They were not degenerate at all. Quite the opposite.

So if any of these plans include the holocaust 2: electric boogaloo, you will have to go through me first.
They are conservative between their race but socially destroying progressive when it comes to dealing with other races
Does this even need to be said by now?
Fuck off with this bullshit. Jew hate is like the biggest alt-right cope in history. And I find if fucking hysterical how jewish control of the economy is used as evidence for their supposed schemes even though this is literally the exact same argument sjws use to rationalize the idea of the so called white supremacy, to which the alt-righters will respond by saying "no we just have higher IQ you are just envy us hahahahaha".

Errr, guyz, u do realize this is literally the exact same defense the jews use right? How can high IQ explain white supremacy in the economy but now jewish supremacy seeing as the later has a far higher average IQ?

Lmao at alt-right hypocrisy.
Either Jews are like that cause of personal tendencies summed up with IQ or they are privileging their own ethnicity. Either Jared Taylor is right or Adolf Hitler was. Sjws brutally chessmated
Let’s see. My money is on the fact that if you can’t even get a woman, there is no way you are getting a Reich. But then again, being an incel is what motivated Hitler.

I didn’t think there was anything that could make ANTIFA look less insane, but this thread did it.
not only alt right hates jews man

Not sure what your point is. Human nature is garbage and being successful brings you nothing but scorn from average people. Jewish IQ is like 115 and higher IQ groups also have a higher number of edge cases (the odds of a white person being born with extremely high IQ is like 1 in ten thousand or something, where as for blacks it's like 1 in 20 million). So the math works in favor of jews.

Just look at it like this: If the idea that blacks and other brownies are willing to ignore IQ as evidence for how whites could dominate them so badly without having to be bigots against them, why is the idea so farfetched that the alt-right is simply in denial about jewish IQ and what it means? What if the likes of stormfront are just a white version of black lives matter?
Let’s see. My money is on the fact that if you can’t even get a woman, there is no way you are getting a Reich. But then again, being an incel is what motivated Hitler.

I didn’t think there was anything that could make ANTIFA look less insane, but this thread did it.
I'm not really concerned about getting a woman myself. I'm animated by the injustice facing incels and the indigenous people of Europe. The possibility of change and my potential role in it is the only thing keeping me alive. If I ever got the chance to be a part of this, I will use all means necessary to succeed in this endeavour.
These sorts of threads make me wonder where all the blackpilled Jewish incels are at. You'd think you'd have a few on here with the balls to take issue with this sort of thread (not that I do), similarly to how some ethnics like to counter certain racepill topics and what not. But no they seem to not exist pretty much.

There is lots of jews and half jews here (even though they are considered goyim by the tribe)

I wonder why they never speak up or confront their family members who are involved with it
@Lord Byron how did u know them? They treated u like family....there are good jews. I have met some but the Zionists are something else
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