Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting Time flies by when you are a lonely virgin



Lolicon, anti aoc advocate and sexual marxist.
Feb 15, 2018
I can't keep up. Another year has gone by and with it goes all my hopes of positive change. It was another full of battles and losses, bills and more and more frustration. I have given up on any social life. I spend my weekends on this forum. I keep my interactions with people at a minimum. I talk only when necessary and avoid sharing my personal life with normans. I've been labeled a weirdo because of my retired lifestyle, but that helps to keep people away. I'm not interested in anybody's life and I hope they are not interested in mine. I didn't make any friends, but that's ok. When you're ugly, people only use you to brag about their lives. I still remember when I used to visit relatives and they would sit on the couch blabbering away about my cousins' girlfriends. They would stop the conversation at intervals to ask me if I had got a girlfriend yet, and my negative answer would prompt them to resume their previous harangue about my cousins' fuckathon with his whores. It's true when we say no one understands our pain. We're the loneliest men on the planet. There exists an unconquerable desert inside of us, and it continues to grow as we live. Lord have mercy.
Need to learn Japanese before the 2020 worst case scenario.
How old are you, OP?
Just today I was remembering something that seemed to have happened last year or so but it happened in fact in fucking 2012, lol. SIX fucking years have passed. And to think I was already old and balding heavily back then.

Some years are pretty much blank slates to me. 2015 for example, I can't remember one single memorable day or thing that happened. It's only a blur of imageboards and cope, but I don't remember anything specific from it.
It's Sunday and I woke up at 3pm and it's all ready 4.22pm, the days, months and years fly by for me as I get older.
It's Sunday and I woke up at 3pm and it's all ready 4.22pm, the days, months and years fly by for me as I get older.

Ah nice to see a British Incel posting.
Just today I was remembering something that seemed to have happened last year or so but it happened in fact in fucking 2012, lol. SIX fucking years have passed. And to think I was already old and balding heavily back then.

Some years are pretty much blank slates to me. 2015 for example, I can't remember one single memorable day or thing that happened. It's only a blur of imageboards and cope, but I don't remember anything specific from it.
I have a lot of blank years too lol. I can't remember anything good from the time I was 18-24. I was already an incel back then lol.
I have a lot of blank years too lol. I can't remember anything good from the time I was 18-24. I was already an incel back then lol.
My life had very well demarcated phases:

0-4= don't remember shit
5-9= ok tier childhood, though fatherless
10-16= hell, pretty much. Lost contact with my best friend, bullying galore, changing schools nonstop, acne kicked in hard, started to have interest in girls and be brutally, traumatizingly rejected. I actually was practically a Hikikomori during some periods.
17-19= best time of my life in HS
20-22= downhill once again, blank years start to appear
23-24= started NEETing, some cool years
25-28= uneventful years full of blanks
29-30= apathetic, pessimist and sad all the time pretty much
Time accelerates as you age, it's over for oldcels like me. :feelsgah::blackpill::feelsohh::panties::feelsautistic::feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
my entire life is a forgettable blur
It seems to me that my life of suffering moves at a crawl
There exists an unconquerable desert inside of us, and it continues to grow as we live. Lord have mercy.

Have mercy or fucking kill me already

my entire life is a forgettable blur

Same. Weed doesn't help either tbh.
I can't remember much from the last 10 years.
Need to learn Japanese before the 2020 worst case scenario.

Insane to think it's almost 2020 it feels like 2010 was like 3 summers ago.
My life had very well demarcated phases:

0-4= don't remember shit
5-9= ok tier childhood, though fatherless
10-16= hell, pretty much. Lost contact with my best friend, bullying galore, changing schools nonstop, acne kicked in hard, started to have interest in girls and be brutally, traumatizingly rejected. I actually was practically a Hikikomori during some periods.
17-19= best time of my life in HS
20-22= downhill once again, blank years start to appear
23-24= started NEETing, some cool years
25-28= uneventful years full of blanks
29-30= apathetic, pessimist and sad all the time pretty much

You're already 30? You seemed a lot younger to me wow.
i think goes by really slow
I was on a porn forum earlier jacking off to JB and there was this "holy grail" post someone was talking about and all these guys were going crazy. Girl using her mom's dildo. Everyone commenting. I remember that night vividly as I was there live. Was a great experience seeing this girl go that wild and free for the first time.
Then after a good nostalgic fap I see the original cap date which is back in 2014. Almost 5 years ago haha holy shit I felt really old so suddenly. It felt just like it was a few months ago.
1-20 was nothing but school school school
15-30 was nothing but work work work
And now I'm 30 with nothing to show for it all. Just wasted my time because Incels can NEVER win in life. We are just born to get shit on and have to keep our mouths open and praise the people who shit into our mouths or else we are called out that we aren't "man" enough or that we are ungrateful for a society where a woman would ride 100 cocks and suck doggy dicks but never even look at ours because that would be sexual assault.
Hate this fucking world and I HATE this fucking life

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