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Soy Thousands of teenage simps are going to get cucked by taking this advice



Feb 24, 2020

JFL if you listen to girls, they have no intellegent thoughts. They only way to get a girl to like you is to be Chad.
be our simp, whether you get anything out of it or not, but especially if you don't get anything, so the sisters can have orbiter slaves
Toilets lie in their dreams, they'll die before they stop gaslighting us.
Pure garbage, I stopped reading at the first point, I bet this is just a "how to become an orbiter/sexless drone" guide more than anything.
Yeah guys my age are surely without girlfriends because they don't use this advice. That's why only 3 normies in my entire school have girlfriends.
Gotta love(hate) their blatant lies.
be our simp, whether you get anything out of it or not, but especially if you don't get anything, so the sisters can have orbiter slaves
bla bla bla all bullshit. didn't read :dab::dab::dab::dab::dab:
Step 1: Be Chad
Step 2: If you aren't Chad, do extreme looksmaxxing to become Chad
Step 3: If that is impossible, rope
1."can guys plz stop approaching me, it's getting annoying. If I like you I'll show it to you..."

2. "OMG, what is he sooo confident about? Certanily not his looks, lmao. I actually prefer shy guys over cocky guys, my crush is shy and he's sooo cute."

3. "I thought we were just friends... Why does every guy have to start behaving all creepy once you let him into your life "

4. "he keeps ignoring me, what do I have to do to get his attention?"

5. "omg, my crush just sent me his dic pic and said he's waiting in the bathroorm...sooo assertive!"

6. "why do guys keep complimenting me on my looks, it's creepy and shallow"

7. "idk, his interests, hobbies, mannerisms... are... just... weird"

8. "I hate guys who talk to me while having ulterior motives"

9. "why isn't he chasing me?"
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10. If you’re a chad disregard everything I said above and just fuck me
IMG 20200218 010923

Step 10 be Chad
You know what? I don't even care. Let the fuckers bluepill themselves and suffer the consequences.
>how to get a girl to like you
it's official, foids do not have brains
> 10k upvotes on such advice

A32DNa s 400x400

just don't be an incel, bro :lul:


whoa, absolutely giga-based. I used to frequent Funnyjunk and I'm glad to see that the legacy I helped foment there of sexism and anti-Semitism (before it was cool) has been preserved in its apparent successor.
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Woah that's some great advice! Let me write it down in my notes ASAP

Rule 0: be Chad and we'll let you do whatever you want to us tee hee :feelsclown:
This sounds like advice for being a beta orbiter or betabuxx as described by a landwhale single mother. Teen girls want a chad pump and dump destroyer who falls in love with her, just so she can break his heart.
Not a single letter
Generic cope advice like this has left many men rejected constantly. These things are often projected onto the thought of a good looking man. The consideration of him being ugly would never be made when coming up with lies like this
Teen girls want a chad pump and dump destroyer who falls in love with her, just so she can break his heart.
Cope. They get their hearts broken by Chads, begin fetishizing it, and then seek to break the hearts of chad-lites and upper-tier normies in revenge.

The amount of roasties on Tinder who outright say "break my heart teehee" is unsettling. May peace be upon the lower status males they get into relationships with as they age and become fatter.
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Cope. They get their hearts broken by Chads, begin fetishizing it, and then seek to break the hearts of chad-lites and upper-tier normies in revenge.

The amount of roasties on Tinder who outright say "break my heart teehee" is unsettling. May peace be upon the lower status males they beefs get into relationships with as they age and become fatter.
Cope, they also want to break a gigachads heart as well. Women are not monogamous and will ruin it even with gigachad over a silly argument just to see him destroyed.
Cope, they also want to break a gigachads heart as well. Women are not monogamous and will ruin it even with gigachad over a silly argument just to see him destroyed.
A mere roastie cannot possibly destroy giga-Chad, so she copes by getting into a relationship with Brad/Billy, cuckolding him, and then enjoying the ensuant chaos.

Giga-Chad is even less monogamous than a roastie, if monogamy is understood as the sexual strategy of those without inherent power in a relationship. But when a roastie is with Brad/Billy, the power dynamic shifts decisively in her favor.
A mere roastie cannot possibly destroy giga-Chad, so she copes by getting into a relationship with Brad/Billy, cuckolding him, and then enjoying the ensuant chaos.

Giga-Chad is even less monogamous than a roastie, if monogamy is understood as the sexual strategy of those without inherent power in a relationship. But when a roastie is with Brad/Billy, the power dynamic shifts decisively in her favor.
Cope, roastie lies about abuse and puts Gigachad in prison for breaking up with her. Gigachad, having never faced a real challenge in his life then ropes in prison.

She then marries tech billionaire Brad and divorces him for his money and becomes a sugar momma dating 18 year old twink chads, till she ODs on heroin at 40, leaving behind 3 kids from 4 different men.
Cope, roastie lies about abuse and puts Gigachad in prison for breaking up with her. Gigachad, having never faced a real challenge in his life then ropes in prison.

She then marries tech billionaire Brad and divorces him for his money and becomes a sugar momma dating 18 year old twink chads, till she ODs on heroin at 40, leaving behind 3 kids from 4 different men.
Roasties actually have a very hard time getting their Chad ex's charged with abuse which is why they cry all the time about the moral imperative of "believing rape accusations." The funny thing is that these allegations are probably true in most cases. You think that Chads, psychopathic as they are, do not mistreat the roasties who enter into their harems?

Of course they abuse these roasties. And the roasties deserve all the PTSD they get from it, except that their insanity ends up trickling down onto Brad and Billy in their subsequent relationships.
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Ok im about to put this advice ino action

just don't be an incel, bro :lul:

View attachment 210779

whoa, absolutely giga-based. I used to frequent Funnyjunk and I'm glad to see that the legacy I helped foment there of sexism and anti-Semitism (before it was cool) has been preserved in its apparent successor.


muh evel incels!!!11!!11!1
Gotta love how using certain terms is enough for them to consider us racist. What fucking mongoloid would consider words alone to be racist, not actions or beliefs, but just categorizing words such as Tyrone and Chang.
Don’t believe the word of a woman just look at her actions instead. Given a choice she would rather be railed by chad then have a nice guy bf. lol at the delusional of this bitch, they are so scared someone will end their Ponzi scheme they have going on.
Don’t believe the word of a woman just look at her actions instead. Given a choice she would rather be railed by chad then have a nice guy bf. lol at the delusional of this bitch, they are so scared someone will end their Ponzi scheme they have going on.
Thats good advice. Actions speak louder than words after all. NEVER trust what a foid says, just what they do
Pure garbage, I stopped reading at the first point, I bet this is just a "how to become an orbiter/sexless drone" guide more than anything.
“Complement us!” is meme tier advice. Chad doesn’t need complements he just looks at them and they drop their clothes on the spot. Over if u cant do that
So being arrogant is a simp trait now?
“Complement us!” is meme tier advice. Chad doesn’t need complements he just looks at them and they drop their clothes on the spot. Over if u cant do that
An ugly guy who compliments a girl gets called creepy at best. At worst he gets the cops called on him or whiteknights knock him out.
just talk to her bro

>proceeds to get a rape accusation
if you do get the girl tho, give her your hoodie bc we love them
I hate this sentence with a passion, it's not enough to be a beta for you and pay for your shit, you have to give up your property too.
Im so glad my cancerous teenage years are behind me.
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1."can guys plz stop approaching me, it's getting annoying. If I like you I'll show it to you..."

2. "OMG, what is he sooo confident about? Certanily not his looks, lmao. I actually prefer shy guys over cocky guys, my crush is shy and he's sooo cute."

3. "I thought we were just friends... Why does every guy have to start behaving all creepy once you let him into your life "

4. "he keeps ignoring me, what do I have to do to get his attention?"

5. "omg, my crush just sent me his dic pic and said he's waiting in the bathroorm...sooo assertive!"

6. "why do guys keep complimenting me on my looks, it's creepy and shallow"

7. "idk, his interests, hobbies, mannerisms... are... just... weird"

8. "I hate guys who talk to me while having ulterior motives"

9. "why isn't he chasing me?"
The perfect response. You should post that in the reddit thread
"Life can suck sometimes, own it"

followed by

"da poor jooooozzz, dey so oppressed"

Let's combine the two. If a Jew is sent to Auschwitz, just tell him, "life can suck sometimes, own it."

What, that's cold and uncaring? Well, maybe it's also cold and uncaring when you swine say that shit to incels, you fucking cunts.
onecooldude posts on r/teenagers and he is anti-incel, so why is he a truecel?
Chad won't read her shitty advice, potential beta providers will. It's a win win for her.
Good thing I would never fall for that bullshit, even back then.
I call this kind of shit WTF (Worse Than Foid), on the idea that foidism represents the average female level of argument, and this is far below that.

"Advice on how to get gurlz, from an actual gurl! Teehee!" Why would anyone fall for that garbage?

If you wanted to learn how to catch rabbits, you wouldn't ask a rabbit.

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