First they said fakecels are ok, they let in normies, and chads like Zyrros. They claimed they were blackpilled yet they subtly whiteknighted defending the honor of femoids loving and protecting them all in the name of lookism. They said those poor innocent women it is not their fault nature is the problem patriarchy is cope, women are human beings that deserve rights over time they took over and the mods and admins loved them, kissing their asses for being good looking. Now we are at the climax of this foolishness and the ultimate question is should we allow those that claim they are females to post and comment on here, some of them that will say yes. And once the admins decide to capitulate, I guarantee the creation of lookism 2.0 will be complete and all of us honorable truecels shall leave for better pastures, This site will be given the membership it deserves, the fakecels normies chads and women can enjoy it the mods and admins can continue enjoying its soaring popularity, but the original purpose of this site, the blackpill will have forever been destroyed.