Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious Those of you who can't stop talking about teen love are the same ones who are interested in 13-year-olds

I don't think anyone is actually seeking "justification", I sure as hell am not, justification is for normies, I seek what I desire because I desire it, I don't need to justify anything so I can "feel alright" with it

Do you spend time justifying your consumption of meat, I bet you don't even think about all the millions of animals that were killed so that humans (yourself included) can enjoy something as mundane as "good taste" JFL

Millions die just to stimulate our taste buds, yet for some reason I'm supposed to feel conflicted about pursuing sex with females society has labeled as "underaged" despite them already engaging in sex acts?

Morality doesn't exist

You say this "harmful behavior that amounts to a morally questionable ego trip"


Morality is an inherently egotistical position, because it requires one to assert that there is a "higher standard" of rules and that they are "better than others" for abiding by it

Based & Blackpilled.
Why did you start with 18?

Do you find it weird that you started with 18?
Well if you want a serious answer. I play games quite frequently outside of work/hobbies and the most frequently used keys are WASD, I play FPS games and I quite frequently use Numbers 1-2-3 to cycle weapons/killstreaks.
I rarely use the number "8", so following the series of alphabetical characters I typed, the closest number to my "strongest hand" was 1 hence why i typed 18 as a result.
Well if you want a serious answer. I play games quite frequently outside of work/hobbies and the most frequently used keys are WASD, I play FPS games and I quite frequently use Numbers 1-2-3 to cycle weapons/killstreaks.
I rarely use the number "8", so following the series of alphabetical characters I typed, the closest number to my "strongest hand" was 1 hence why i typed 18 as a result.

Sure bud, it had nothing to do with the fact that you're indoctrinated to think 18 is the magical number of consent
Sure bud, it had nothing to do with the fact that you're indoctrinated to think 18 is the magical number of consent
You asked me "Why did I start with 18?" Not "Why did you pick 18".

It's also the age I'd happily enter a LTR with a foid in an ideal world where they weren't all whores.
Totally agree. It is also mainly the autists who want to fulfil this loli fantasy and I think it has something to do with the fact that an adult NT female will always have one over on an autist mentally - in at least a social capacity - and that creates a catch-22 in the mind of the autists because most of these guys are envisaging a subservient partner when living out their fantasies.

Autists become extremely beta when speaking to females face to face (think ER) An NT female simply cannot be subordinate to an autistic male, I simply cannot imagine what the dynamics of that social relationship would look like, an autist is always at a disadvantage in any face to face social interaction.

That is why they prefer the idea of a young mind to which they can appear as a father figure as it is the only conceivable context in which the dominance fantasy can be maintained. Although autists can be smart in many ways, social interactions with NT women is one of their biggest fears, they would rather play dress up with a little doll with an underdeveloped mental faculty than have to face that fear and face the prospect of having their social impotence exposed at the hands of someone they consider their inferior.
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Some look good
A 16 year old chick isn’t mentally different from chicks your age

Don't you see the problem with this logic?

"A 10-year-old isn't mentally different from a 12-year-old. A 12-year-old isn't mentally different from a 14-year-old. A 14-year-old isn't mentally different from a 16-year-old. A 16-year-old isn't mentally different from an 18-year-old. Therefore, a 10-year-old isn't mentally different from an 18-year-old."

I'm aware that maturity and emotional development isn't clear-cut, but right now, someone's age is the best way to draw the line; and the line has to be drawn somewhere.
If they're not pure or innocent then it should be legal to fuck them. Not everyone needs to have "high level" romantic conversations, a lot of men are ok with basic romantic conversations.

This isn't about the "level" of romantic conversation, it's about manipulation.
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Don't you see the problem with this logic?

"A 10-year-old isn't mentally different from a 12-year-old. A 12-year-old isn't mentally different from a 14-year-old. A 14-year-old isn't mentally different from a 16-year-old. A 16-year-old isn't mentally different from an 18-year-old. Therefore, a 10-year-old isn't mentally different from an 18-year-old."

I'm aware that maturity and emotional development isn't clear-cut, but right now, someone's age is the best way to draw the line; and the line has to be drawn somewhere.

This isn't about the "level" of romantic conversation, it's about manipulation.
Seriously a 16 years old just isn’t different from a 19 year old. That’s just a fact. Once they’re in their mid teens they’re fully grown
I will leave this post short.

For the last year and a half, I've been under the impression that some users weren't being entirely serious when they mentioned "lolis", "JBs", ''waifus''. Over the last month or so I'm beginning to question that assumption.

Maybe some of you are physically attracted to shorter, slightly-built femoids. You may ascend with one, and if not, well, you can always find a 5'1, 95-pound escort in her early 20s to dress up as a schoolgirl. Either way, there is nothing wrong with such a preference. Others might believe that sexual inexperience is a desirable element in a partner, and that is why you prefer teenage femoids. I don't necessarily understand this, but fair enough. But some of you go a bit too far. You believe that teenage girls are "pure", "innocent", and "uncorrupted" -- not physically or sexually, but intellectually and emotionally -- and in your view, this makes them desirable. This, to me, is a massive red flag.

For one, teenagers are not ''pure''. They are not ''innocent''. They are just as capable of brutality and violence as their older counterparts. Most of the non-LARPers on the forum can attest to exclusionary social cultures at school, based partly on heightism, lookism, even racism. What makes me question your judgment is that you conflate social inexperience and immaturity with "purity". I can't possibly fathom having a romantic conversation with, and developing romantic feelings for, someone six years younger than I am (by way of reference, I'm an undergraduate). The one-sided dynamic of such a relationship would be boring and tedious at best (because 13-year-olds have little substance to offer), and predatory and exploitative at worst (because 13-year-olds do not understand nor have access to an adult's full legal rights and freedoms).

I am convinced that some of you who express a sexual predilection for rather young femoids (I'm not here to argue whether "pedophilia" or "ephebophilia" is semantically accurate, but I digress) are developmentally stunted by your jealousy of, and maybe bullying from, teen Chad. I can understand that. For many of us, our adolescence was the moment we discovered our place in the bottom rung of the genetic hierarchy; you want to feel like Chad, become Chad -- and it is easier for you to assume the dominant role in a relationship with someone who, for all intents and purposes, is a child. But I am simply not convinced this a proper justification for harmful behaviour that amounts to a morally questionable ego trip.
@Napoleon de Geso is the only retard who fucking dwells on this shit.

All you morons who thinks having sex with 13 yr old is going to validate your existence,

massive fucking cope.
It’s not weird for me cuz I’m 16 bro
No but imagine some of the older users who are 35+ yrs, or 40+ in Napoleon's case.

Imagine this retarded oldcel trying to take your agematched foid for his pleasure, his already wasted and dead end life while you, with more potential gets scrapped and pillaged out of something from your rightful range. Just so that this fucking idiot can attempt to pretend to be chad for his selfish foidish pleasure.
I agree completely
As a U.S. cel I've had to hear the whole "Girls who are 17 years and 364 days old must not be sexualized in any way" crap all my life. I'd have thought that a non-burgercel would be a little more understanding about the ridiculousness of high age of consent laws. Personally, I think 15 is reasonable.

It is true that the U.S. has relatively high age of consent laws and extremely harsh penalties that may actually be counterproductive (e.g. publicly accessible sex offender registries). It is also true that the American criminal justice system (overall, not just in cases surrounding sex crimes) has some serious flaws. In my opinion, this is a consequence of the suburban moral panic surrounding child abductions and "superpredator" career criminals in the 1990s. But that is a discussion for another day.

I am not here to argue where the law should draw the line. I am just here to argue that the line should exist, and that any incel who wants a far younger partner who they think is "innocent" and "pure" is misguided at best and dangerous at worst.
Youthfulness and fertility are attractive traits (both genders find it attractive) and younger foids have these traits higher on average, that's it

But yeah I agree, people who think that underage femoids are "innocent" and "pure" are utterly bluepilled and delusional about this
I think oldcels understand more about the fetish for young meat. Personally I feel disgusted by taking on a woman used by another, so a teen girl statistically is more likely to be a virgin.

I've already mentioned in my post that if sexual inexperience is what you seek in a partner, you aren't as morally questionable as someone who is looking for emotional/social inexperience.
I'm just sitting here asking for a gf meanwhile all of you nigs are talking about wanting a specific type of girl.
Meanwhile my only requirements are don't be (too) fat and be virgin
There have been a lot of creepy pedos on here from day 1.

I remember having arguments with a few who argued it was OK because they were really a 12 year old boy in the body of a man. Literally resorting to "transagism" in order to justify themselves. Also even though i haven't been a teenage boy for a long long time when i was in highschool foids were still raving bitches who engaged in large amounts of promiscuity. Most of the guys here would have been just as shit out of luck back then as they are now.

I always considered transageism to be such an outlandish fantasy that it had to be satire.
Don't you see the problem with this logic?

"A 10-year-old isn't mentally different from a 12-year-old. A 12-year-old isn't mentally different from a 14-year-old. A 14-year-old isn't mentally different from a 16-year-old. A 16-year-old isn't mentally different from an 18-year-old. Therefore, a 10-year-old isn't mentally different from an 18-year-old."

I'm aware that maturity and emotional development isn't clear-cut, but right now, someone's age is the best way to draw the line; and the line has to be drawn somewhere.

This isn't about the "level" of romantic conversation, it's about manipulation.
Age is an arbitrary number for brain and character development. There are 30 year old foids who still act like they are 16. Female maturity is heavily linked to their SMV. Women don't mature until they get too old to pull chad. Then they mature to the "I need to settle down" stage. Once they hit menopause, they change into grandmother type figures and mellow out. If foids never aged, they would never grow up.
I don't really think you need some intrincate explanation as to why someone would prefer a teenage girl over a 30 or older woman. They're just more fertile and attractive on average, it's no rocket science.

I don't see why a 25-year-old on this forum would prefer a 13-year-old foid over a 23-year-old foid, though. I can understand, from an evolutionary standpoint, why men are attracted to cues of youthfulness -- but men also look for cues of sexual maturity (i.e. adult frame, hip-to-waist ratio, physical fitness, breast development), and if you are attracted to the former but not the latter, it is a biological malfunction.

You're comparing extremes.

Would you rather fuck an 18 year old or 80 year old?

Of course any sane man would pick a younger foid, but some members on this forum have an attraction to foids who look like they probably can't even spell puberty.


I'm 18 and would fuck a 13-17 jb any day boyo,i don't buy that innocence shit but i would love to be someone in their early love life

As I've already mentioned this is not a dig at teenagecels, I'm referring to the older incels on this forum.

Same. I would take a chaste woman in her late-20s or even 30s over a slut in her late-teens any day.

This is what I am trying to avoid more than anything:


Sexdolls may not be 100% realistic yet but at least they're clean. Can't say the same about 99.9999999% of modern women of legal age.

I can't tell if this is real, why the fuck would someone save a condom and not toss it? Fucking disgusting.
Most people (including me) would fuck a 13 year old girl if there were no repercussions or it was legal.

How do you know?
If she's 2-3 years into pubertal development, she's fair game as far as I care. Most girls start puberty by 10-11, so they are ready by 12-13.

I don't see why this is the case.

Do you also think we should allow 12-year-olds to vote, drink, smoke, gamble, drive, and join the military?
Autists become extremely beta when speaking to females face to face (think ER) An NT female simply cannot be subordinate to an autistic male, I simply cannot imagine what the dynamics of that social relationship would look like, an autist is always at a disadvantage in any face to face social interaction.

More often than not, when the relationship goes sour, the NT female assumes the abusive role.

Totally agree. It is also mainly the autists who want to fulfil this loli fantasy and I think it has something to do with the fact that an adult NT female will always have one over on an autist mentally - in at least a social capacity - and that creates a catch-22 in the mind of the autists because most of these guys are envisaging a subservient partner when living out their fantasies.

That is why they prefer the idea of a young mind to which they can appear as a father figure as it is the only conceivable context in which the dominance fantasy can be maintained. Although autists can be smart in many ways, social interactions with NT women is one of their biggest fears, they would rather play dress up with a little doll with an underdeveloped mental faculty than have to face that fear and face the prospect of having their social impotence exposed at the hands of someone they consider their inferior.

There is something to be said about how toxic femininity contributes to a culture where men are expected to assume a dominant role -- not just in relationships but in almost every social context -- and this, of course, places physically inferior and/or socially impotent men (through no fault of their own) at a disadvantage.

I would argue that the dominance aspect is true for NT pedocels as well -- someone as wealthy and connected as Epstein could easily maintain a dominant role with an adult femoid, but I suppose over time that wasn't big enough of a power trip.
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@Napoleon de Geso is the only retard who fucking dwells on this shit.

All you morons who thinks having sex with 13 yr old is going to validate your existence,

massive fucking cope.

No but imagine some of the older users who are 35+ yrs, or 40+ in Napoleon's case.

Imagine this retarded oldcel trying to take your agematched foid for his pleasure, his already wasted and dead end life while you, with more potential gets scrapped and pillaged out of something from your rightful range. Just so that this fucking idiot can attempt to pretend to be chad for his selfish foidish pleasure.
Ngl oldfags butting in on my agematch does piss me off. I’m constantly trying to ascend with snapchat and keep losing because some 20+ college age chad just sends one message and they fuck on the same day jfl
but men also look for cues of sexual maturity (i.e. adult frame, hip-to-waist ratio, physical fitness, breast development)
All of which most girls already have in their early teens nowadays.
marrying used hole is most cucked thing man can do
Same. I would take a chaste woman in her late-20s or even 30s over a slut in her late-teens any day.

This is what I am trying to avoid more than anything:


Sexdolls may not be 100% realistic yet but at least they're clean. Can't say the same about 99.9999999% of modern women of legal age.
Didnt read but fuck the teen love baiters.
Experienced MILF is the way to go
Same. I would take a chaste woman in her late-20s or even 30s over a slut in her late-teens any day.
I don't think anyone is actually seeking "justification", I sure as hell am not, justification is for normies, I seek what I desire because I desire it, I don't need to justify anything so I can "feel alright" with it

Do you spend time justifying your consumption of meat, I bet you don't even think about all the millions of animals that were killed so that humans (yourself included) can enjoy something as mundane as "good taste" JFL

Millions die just to stimulate our taste buds, yet for some reason I'm supposed to feel conflicted about pursuing sex with females society has labeled as "underaged" despite them already engaging in sex acts?

Morality doesn't exist

You say this "harmful behavior that amounts to a morally questionable ego trip"


Morality is an inherently egotistical position, because it requires one to assert that there is a "higher standard" of rules and that they are "better than others" for abiding by it

You say that as if most users on the forum take your position on morality, but by your standard, the vast majority of us are egoists. Most claims on this forum are based on some conception of morality.

When someone says, "I deserve to ascend as much as Chad does; I deserve my looksmatch", that is a moral claim -- he is arguing that individuals deserve "fair equality of opportunity of ascension".

When someone says, "I deserve the right to free speech, including the right to express inflammatory speech without censorship by the state or even social media platforms," that is a moral claim -- he is arguing that by nature of being a free-thinking individual you deserve dignity and associated civil liberties.

When someone says, "I deserve the right to visit a sex worker; to engage in a mutually consensual commercial transaction with a sex worker, without excessive interference by the state," that is a moral claim -- he is arguing that as a free-willed individual, it is immoral for the state to restrict his economic freedoms based on the (possibly religious) value judgment of a particular official.

Like it or not, the rejection of "conventional morality" is a form of morality in and of itself, our forum members regularly propound unconventional normative claims and value judgments, yet you only proffer the "moral scepticism" perspective when the agenda suits yours.
Age is an arbitrary number for brain and character development. There are 30 year old foids who still act like they are 16. Female maturity is heavily linked to their SMV. Women don't mature until they get too old to pull chad. Then they mature to the "I need to settle down" stage. Once they hit menopause, they change into grandmother type figures and mellow out. If foids never aged, they would never grow up.

Again, I'm not arguing that emotional development is clear-cut, I'm just saying the line has to be drawn.
Seriously a 16 years old just isn’t different from a 19 year old. That’s just a fact. Once they’re in their mid teens they’re fully grown

This, quite frankly, isn't true at all. Brain and emotional development, social awareness, etc does not stop at 15.
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You say that as if most users on the forum take your position on morality, but by your standard, the vast majority of us are egoists

Not even by my standard, the majority of you are in fact egoists

Most claims on this forum are based on some conception of morality

I agree, that's why most claims on this forum are false or logically flawed, as they are rooted in a false premise

When someone says, "I deserve to ascend as much as Chad does; I deserve my looksmatch", that is a moral claim -- he is arguing that individuals deserve "fair equality of opportunity of ascension"

When someone says, "I deserve the right to free speech, including the right to express inflammatory speech without censorship by the state or even social media platforms," that is a moral claim -- he is arguing that by nature of being a free-thinking individual you deserve dignity and associated civil liberties.

When someone says, "I deserve the right to visit a sex worker; to engage in a mutually consensual commercial transaction with a sex worker, without excessive interference by the state," that is a moral claim -- he is arguing that as a free-willed individual, it is immoral for the state to restrict his economic freedoms based on the (possibly religious) value judgment of a particular official.

You really need to look at my signature, people claiming they deserve things is something I hate, nobody deserves anything, and its the concept of deserving that is exactly why we have inequality that is so easily accepted in this world, because everyone goes around telling themselves that its alright that they deprive others of something and keep excess for themselves, because "I deserve it"

Like it or not, the rejection of "conventional morality" is a form of morality in and of itself

"Like it or not, atheism is a form of religion in and of itself"

"Like it or not, veganism is a form of carnivorism in and of itself"

I'm sorry no, that's not how it works

yet you only proffer the "moral scepticism" perspective when the agenda suits yours

If by "when the agenda suits yours" you mean "all the time", I agree, because I'm always against any argument made based on morality, you either assert something based on logic or your don't assert it at all

This, quite frankly, isn't true at all. Brain and emotional development, social awareness, etc does not stop at 15.

For women in probably does :feelskek:
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I agree with almost everything except for this:
The one-sided dynamic of such a relationship would be boring and tedious at best (because 13-year-olds have little substance to offer)
There are some exceptions, I am not usually attracted to ''lolis'' but if I find a truly intelligent and well cultured 13/14yo I would take her over an intellectually average grown woman every time. How much you have to offer depends more on your personality than your age, that's why some highly intelligent kids have adult friends. Of course, you were probably generalizing so my comment wasn't really necessary but I still wanted to point it out.
yeah I'm literally in high school so I have first hand knowledge of what teenage girls are like. the idea that they're "cute innocent waifus" like the girls you see in anime is so completely off the mark it's hilarious.
never did anyone think this about high school aged whores if they have a working brain
There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to a 13 year old. That is around the age they begin to be fit for reproduction. And so from a purely evolutionary standpoint at least it makes sense
never did anyone think this about high school aged whores if they have a working brain
if they had a working brain, yeah. I don't think the guys posting on here daily about "cultured lady loli waifus of culture" meet that criteria tbh
if they had a working brain, yeah. I don't think the guys posting on here daily about "cultured lady loli waifus of culture" meet that criteria tbh
What if you also like sassy lolis?
if they had a working brain, yeah. I don't think the guys posting on here daily about "cultured lady loli waifus of culture" meet that criteria tbh

I still can't tell how many of them are simply fucking around
I still can't tell how many of them are simply fucking around
As a general rule of thumb.

If(age > 20 && weeb.avi == true){

cout << "They're being serious";



cout << "They're joking";


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