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Serious Thomas Crooks prove political extremists of all sides are losers



Nov 24, 2017
The trump shooter have proven what I was saying for long; that the horseshoe theory is valid in more than just one way.


The trump shooter was shy in school and donated to a progressive fund, interestingly, he was a leftist republican (only autistics have time to come up with wacky, contradictory ideologies like national bolshevikism @wereq)

This isn't an accident. Most collective political activists are losers with nothing to fall back on (including myself) so they turn to fascism/communism/totalist ideologies to larp as some hero soldier (for the PEOPLE). We have no power in our life and are oppressed, so we turn to something that could put us above others, and lash out, and force others to conform equalizing things around.

The only question left is, how do we bring these disgruntled men to anti feminist side? Leftists are brainwashing them that radical feminism and the ablish of gender can solve all problems because it is supposedly cultural, not biologically.
I agree to an extent. Extremists will almost always be subhuman. People only become extremists after they become radicalized.

Chad will never be radicalized. He has a great life and gets treated greatly by everybody. Even if a nigger tries to jump him, he'll just forget about it 10 minuted later when he's banging stacey. He has too much positivity in his life to worry about ideologies. If he sees someone say the west has fallen, he'll think "how has it fallen when i have such a great life?". Same thing goes for all women

Meanwhile, incels are forced to rot in their room and spend all day on the internet, and the more time you spend on the internet the higher chance there is youll find radicalizing content
I agree to an extent. Extremists will almost always be subhuman. People only become extremists after they become radicalized.

Chad will never be radicalized. He has a great life and gets treated greatly by everybody. Even if a nigger tries to jump him, he'll just forget about it 10 minuted later when he's banging stacey. He has too much positivity in his life to worry about ideologies. If he sees someone say the west has fallen, he'll think "how has it fallen when i have such a great life?". Same thing goes for all women

Meanwhile, incels are forced to rot in their room and spend all day on the internet, and the more time you spend on the internet the higher chance there is youll find radicalizing content
I don't blame "radicalizing content", even they do play a part.

The thing about incels and other losers is that, we are unsatisfied with our lives; that's why accelerationism is so common in our types (you see that with antifa left and atomwaffen in both sides), it is about tearing down society, rebuild them to a state where people are more "systematic" so that makes it easier for autists to navigate.
how do we bring these disgruntled men to anti feminist side?
I think it just has to happen on its own. That's how it was in my case.

I used to be a brainwashed male feminist. Eventually I just couldn't bear still being KHHV at 29 yo. This combined with reading the foids' own blackpilling comments on their forums blackpilled me.

Edgy memes, redpillers, Andrew Tate etc. had no effect on me. I just had to see it for myself. Reading foid's own subreddits where they literally admit looks is the only thing that matters to them is what blackpilled me. And I also had to reach my limit of being KHHV.
politics is subhuman cope for the most part
The only question left is, how do we bring these disgruntled men to anti feminist side? Leftists are brainwashing them that radical feminism and the ablish of gender can solve all problems because it is supposedly cultural, not biologically.
As Kimchicel i think like this : I've never lived in the west if i don't count several months i spent in Norf england ; but could find out what was happening in there. UK is such a multi cultural / multi race society so the confilcts at there were way more "complicated" than confilcts now happening in SK. Meanwhile most South Koreans are not experiencing this. Thus it makes people here fully focus on Feminism or foids right, not such things as Brexit or how many immigrants do we have to accept per a year. And even right-wing men these days prefer foreign women than Kimchiwhores here. Selection and Focus is the key, i reckon
He should have became a registered Marxist-Rodgerist
Scenes when @AsiaCel shoots up a Biden crowd, of course in roblox
accelerationism is so common in our types
I think this has also to do with thing objectively becoming worse by the day. And i am talking about everything not only access to sex and relationship. I mean families, spirituality (religion and community), socialization, jobs market etc.

It just feels like a unplayable game where you cannot quit
political stuff is mainly just for copers like him who it's over for

you think chad cares about politics?
No extremist movements wants to associate themselves with incels bc it’d make them look bad even though the vast majority of political extremists only are incels. That’s why right wing copers and leftist soys hate us despite being no different to us.
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He looks really young
what i heard is there is another crook that donanted. i also get your point.
I don't blame "radicalizing content", even they do play a part.

The thing about incels and other losers is that, we are unsatisfied with our lives; that's why accelerationism is so common in our types (you see that with antifa left and atomwaffen in both sides), it is about tearing down society, rebuild them to a state where people are more "systematic" so that makes it easier for autists to navigate.
True, positive and healthy romantic and sexual relationships with foids, positive validation, all act as a big deradicalizing force, only turbo rotters have to worry about ideology, Chad no matter what doesnt have to worry about shit.
He clearly doesn’t have high T. He kinda looks like a toddler who is suffering from malnutrition
And what are you gonna do with high T, be part of the cuck protection force for foids?
Reading foid's own subreddits where they literally admit looks is the only thing that matters to them is what blackpilled me. And I also had to reach my limit of being KHHV.
Legit made me hate my foid relatives and mother because of the bluepill shit they tried to sell me in my younger days. Those words that those inhuman foids would leave on the internet legit used to make me sick. I refuse to believe we are the same species.
People that are calling him a Republican is pure Dem cope. Extremism sucks even if it has truth to it.:feelsbadman:
It's always sad to see these subhumans throw away their lives just so the left and right can race to disavow them. It's like a game of ping pong. :lul:

“He was a registered Republican! :soy: ”

“ He voted for ActBlue! :feels:

It happens every time. You don't even have to do anything violent or reprehensible. No cause wants to associate themselves with ugly men. They will always throw you under the bus and attempt to distance themselves from you. Loser men have no allies.
politics is subhuman cope for the most part
i remember knowing a fellow incel at school who was into politics I heard one time he left the school cuz he was being taken advantage of. i hope theyre ok now but theyre prob not
No extremist movements wants to associate themselves with incels bc it’d make them look bad even though the vast majority of political extremists only are incels. That’s why right wing copers and leftist soys hate us despite being no different to us.
They're warming up. Just look at that German politician directly citing male virginity rate
Scary how ideology will rot your brain to oblivion
I don't think redpillers and Tate has an ideology. Their "ideology" is to extract as much pleasure as possible, pump and dump as much as foids as possible, get that Bugatti etc
It's always sad to see these subhumans throw away their lives just so the left and right can race to disavow them. It's like a game of ping pong. :lul:

“He was a registered Republican! :soy: ”

“ He voted for ActBlue! :feels:

It happens every time. You don't even have to do anything violent or reprehensible. No cause wants to associate themselves with ugly men. They will always throw you under the bus and attempt to distance themselves from you. Loser men have no allies.
That's why I don't disavow when fellow brocels snap and become famous like smooth sanchez. There's no need for us to take the moral high ground cos we always lose in any mainstream politics
They used to call them Rockefeller Republicans before the evangelical wing took control of the party.
I don't think redpillers and Tate has an ideology. Their "ideology" is to extract as much pleasure as possible, pump and dump as much as foids as possible, get that Bugatti etc
I was referring to feminism
I think it just has to happen on its own. That's how it was in my case.

I used to be a brainwashed male feminist. Eventually I just couldn't bear still being KHHV at 29 yo. This combined with reading the foids' own blackpilling comments on their forums blackpilled me.

Edgy memes, redpillers, Andrew Tate etc. had no effect on me. I just had to see it for myself. Reading foid's own subreddits where they literally admit looks is the only thing that matters to them is what blackpilled me. And I also had to reach my limit of being KHHV.
did you escortmaxx?
The whole thing is a psyop, trying to disguise the kike ordered removal of trump as incompetency
did you escortmaxx?
No, too much anxiety, but I definitely plan to. There's no fucking way I die virgin. I refuse to die until I get escort pussy :feelsdevil:
True. If I ever caught a glimpse of one of my "comrades" when I was a leftist, they were almost certainly some sort of ugly. There are plenty of losers in our movement too, but there's always legit gigachads like Louis Beam and Joel Davis (even though the latter looks traumatized a lot of the time jej)
Chad and females have no reason to care about extreme politics because they are already living in heaven, what reason do they have to question things.
I agree to an extent. Extremists will almost always be subhuman. People only become extremists after they become radicalized.

Chad will never be radicalized. He has a great life and gets treated greatly by everybody. Even if a nigger tries to jump him, he'll just forget about it 10 minuted later when he's banging stacey. He has too much positivity in his life to worry about ideologies. If he sees someone say the west has fallen, he'll think "how has it fallen when i have such a great life?". Same thing goes for all women

Meanwhile, incels are forced to rot in their room and spend all day on the internet, and the more time you spend on the internet the higher chance there is youll find radicalizing content
No shit. Pretty much only losers subscribe to ideologies outside the Overton Window. Chad and Stacy are thriving in the current system and as such don't need to.
He looks really young
He looks young because he is young. He was only 20 IIRC.
Yeah its true. Politics is a cope. Guaranteed that if this guy had a girlfriend, he wouldn't have been so neurotic and obsessed with politics. He would have been busy and happy spending time with his girlfriend rather than reading obscure political theory on the interwebs.

Same is true for islamic terrorists. If they actually had girlfriends or wives, they wouldn't be suicide bombing themselves.
Yeah its true. Politics is a cope. Guaranteed that if this guy had a girlfriend, he wouldn't have been so neurotic and obsessed with politics. He would have been busy and happy spending time with his girlfriend rather than reading obscure political theory on the interwebs.

Same is true for islamic terrorists. If they actually had girlfriends or wives, they wouldn't be suicide bombing themselves.
True. And the the Islamic terrorists have the belief that they'd get virgin if they die a martyr.

There isn't much else to this. People lacking basic needs in their lives turn to the extremes, of which both are authoritarian and so the horseshoe theory describes them accurately. It doesn't matter if a radical political theory is "for the people", "for the fatherland", "for our glorious leader" or "for our sex lives". It's all radicalism trying to enforce a way of life to compensate what the radicals lack.
No shit. Pretty much only losers subscribe to ideologies outside the Overton Window. Chad and Stacy are thriving in the current system and as such don't need to.

He looks young because he is young. He was only 20 IIRC.
20 is not young. He looks like a 13 year old.
I agree to an extent. Extremists will almost always be subhuman. People only become extremists after they become radicalized.

Chad will never be radicalized. He has a great life and gets treated greatly by everybody. Even if a nigger tries to jump him, he'll just forget about it 10 minuted later when he's banging stacey. He has too much positivity in his life to worry about ideologies. If he sees someone say the west has fallen, he'll think "how has it fallen when i have such a great life?". Same thing goes for all women

Meanwhile, incels are forced to rot in their room and spend all day on the internet, and the more time you spend on the internet the higher chance there is youll find radicalizing content
Yes. Like that japcel that assassinated Shinzo Abe lol

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