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This woman's definition of incel is enraging



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017


aka "involuntarily celibate", a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude. incels have little to no self awareness; even when they see other "ugly" men with girlfriends, they consider these men to be tricksters who have somehow beat the system and can get women despite being cursed with unattractiveness (in other words, theyre respectful to women and women are attracted to their personalities, but incels cant comprehend such a phenomenon). they believe that women owe them sex, and many of the more extreme incels like to spend time in incel communities on the internet coming up with ways to make women have sex with them (often involving genocide of people of color, genocide of "Chads" (men who have sex), taking rights away from women, raping them, having sex with women's dead bodies, and other horrid, disgusting things. they cant understand that that is PRECISELY why women want nothing to do with them).

I'm pretty sure Ryan is an incel. Yesterday he made a facebook post about how all women are shallow and exist to torture men by "denying" them sex, as if sex is something people "deserve", and not a privilege given by potential sexual partners that should be respected.


by lizalfoe August 08, 2017
I couldn't read the whole thing it always comes down to blaming men the woman can never be at fault in her mind
The worst part is how many thumbs up it has. So many women, white knights, and blue pilled incels are actively working against us.
worst part is when i tried to blackpill a mexican incel friend he just googled incel and started clinging to this definition to why hes not incel just cringe at this shit
We’re all white nationalists to them.
Had to stop and laugh at "horrible personality", it's literally a meme at this point. How can they be in this much denial. Have they ever tried to refute "Hitler had a wife"? No, they turn a blind eye to everything that doesn't conform to their libtard fairytale worldview. If people with "bad personalities" don't get into relationships, then domestic abuse must not exist, right? Whoops.
Normalfags must laugh at this. I know numerous couples where the male is treating the female like shit, a few where it's known he's beating her. Normals have to know plenty of similar cases. I can see if most don't buy into looks theory, but this personaliteehee nonsense is just laughable.
Women are psychics and have an excellent radar for detecting toxic personalities



never mind
The last part is the biggest bullshit ever, women do deny men sex and it's not just something that 1% of people have
Is it today the livestream with the youtuber guy?
Women are psychics and have an excellent radar for detecting toxic personalities



never mind

Femoids will let chad abuse them and justify it in their peanut sized brains while pretending incels are sexists

Women are the worst pieces of shit EVER at detecting male personality
The funniest thing is you know many literal incels use "incel" as a slur.
The funniest thing is you know many literal incels use "incel" as a slur.

I guess it's because of posts like this:

Not wanting to chase a landwhale who is fat by choice when she doesn't want you for something you were born with? Such irrationality
I know literal mysoginist homophobe nazis who have girlfriends.

I hate the personality platitude.
I guess it's because of posts like this:

Not wanting to chase a landwhale who is fat by choice when she doesn't want you for something you were born with? Such irrationality

Love the IT OP username. Probably describes a lot of them
Jus respek wiman mayn.
Wiman very gud pepol an if u nice and respek wiman an treet dem laik princes dey meybee sex you, yes?

The worst part is how many thumbs up it has. So many women, white knights, and blue pilled incels are actively working against us.
implying incels use social media.
implying all we care about is sex.
Women have no fucking clue what "incel" means. They live on another planet.
Another proof the world undeniably fucking hates us, yes this is what the normal human person thinks about us, don't let it go through your head that people care about your suffering and are willing to help, they are not.
I saw that as well.
If women chose their partners based on personality and respecting women, domestic abuse wouldn't exist and you wouldn't hear Chads talk about how they "fucked bitches"
None of this bullshit is accurate. Fuck this definition.
This definition is pretty good:

Short for involuntary celibate, meaning the inability to get a date/intimate female attention.

Incel's can be otherwise very normal people with normal mental, emotional, and physical states. However, ask any incel and he (most times a male) will tell you the thing he wants most in the world is a meaningful relationship, sex aside. Ironically, women have little romantic interest, and will friendzone the incel, causing emotional trauma and can lead to love shyness.

These people are often polite, intelligent, and even funny around their friends (which can include women). In addition, they are spiritual, and have well defined identities from trying to fix themselves for the opposite sex. Nevertheless, they are doomed to be alone because of minor flaws in character, interests, or physical appearance.
Imagine being the only kid on the playground without a new toy everyone takes for granted. You are allowed to see and touch the toy, but can never play with it or have your own. When the toy breaks, they ask you to fix it then take it right back. That's what it feels like to be an incel.

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