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Venting This video on an incel getting bullied has scarred me.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22572
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that video is generating so much costless virtue signalling. How many people would actually incur some personal cost to help that kid (if it was even possible to help him. It’s not). Very very few would, and only some small trivial cot. Billionaire donating $10k to charity for virtue points tier.

worst video I’ve seen on the consequences of bullying. That kid is not gonna make it in this life. He prob won’t live past 20. tbh the only thing that can alleviate his pain is killing his bullies. It’s fashionable to think that violence is never the answer in a civilized society, and that one should persue other alternatives. That’s all bullshit. Violence is often the only solution, especially in extreme cases like this, and is magnitudes more effective than the next best “solution”. I hope he kills every one of his bullies, and nobody stops him before he can do it. Ofcourse it’s not really his bullies fault. They don’t exactly make the conscious decision to make his life hell. They’re just going with the crowd and having fun and looking after their own social standing by bullying him/refusing to associate with him. It’s not their fault that they’re repulsed by that kid and don’t want to associate with him. But it will alleviate that kids pain. His bullies have probabaly lived more in their 9 years than he will live in 100 lifetimes.
Brutal real life pill at the end there. I can’t swallow it, it’s too big. :cryfeels:
Inb4 he goes ER in 9 or so years. Honestly though hes gonna go ER or kill himself, there really is no alternative. All of this because his flesh and bones aren’t the right size or arranged in the optimal position...

Reality is hell
I hate normalniggers so god damn much
Screenshot 2020 02 20 at 92445 PM
Honestly though hes gonna go ER or kill himself, there really is no alternative.
The vast majority of low value beta males rope quietly in their little cuck corner. Only 0.000001% go ER.
Soon this will be the fate that all sub8 males are doomed to. Seriously though, it’s crazy how people will occasionally acknowledge the extremes. They acknowledge that a boy suffering from dwarfism has little control over his life, but they won’t admit to the varying degrees of suffering experienced by genetically inferior men. It’s the grey area where the truth can be found. I really feel for him
Seriously Gene testing should be mandatory for pregnant foids. They could have caught the disability before the fetus developed and aborted him before he was born. No he's going to live a life of hell.
Poor kid, his only hope is if he's a highIQcel and he gets popularity and acknowledgement for creating wormholes or some shit like Stephen hawking
Kid needs to just grow up and stop being edgy and he can get a rocking hot girlfriend!
Schools are a joke nowadays, teaching kids pure nonsense and not teaching them things that are actually useful to them, such as social and life skills
Absolutely brutal man
This kid represents the constant struggle on what trucels have to go through on a daily basis, this shit doesn't stop after childhood.

About the jewtube comments, cue the virtue-signallers in 3...2...1...
Crushed my fucking heart. No kids should feel this bad, and the mother instead of reconforting him is making a video of him crying.. Like jesus fucking christ, that kid need to be homeschooled in a warm house full of love.

This fucking public system is failling hard for mens and boys around the world. We are the majority of the drop outs.
Crushed my fucking heart. No kids should feel this bad, and the mother instead of reconforting him is making a video of him crying.. Like jesus fucking christ, that kid need to be homeschooled in a warm house full of love.

This fucking public system is failling hard for mens and boys around the world. We are the majority of the drop outs.
Nah she said she's been comforting him every day 24/7 for a whole term. I thinks it's good of her to make that vid cuz it raises awareness but doesn't matter anyway cuz normies gonna virtue signal and then forget about it and move on to the next thing like next avengers movie
Nah she said she's been comforting him every day 24/7 for a whole term. I thinks it's good of her to make that vid cuz it raises awareness but doesn't matter anyway cuz normies gonna virtue signal and then forget about it and move on to the next thing like next avengers movie
I think it's her teacher filming, at 0:38 the kid said "you just stand there and don’t do anything and you call me the dumbest kid in the class" Then she go and virtue signal about shaming bullies while she don't do shit.
The child is rejected by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth; less he be weak then he shall burn himself to feel any degree of warmth.
Yesterday i saw another video of him saying he wants to kill caroline. So a foid is bullying him. This is exactly what i have experienced:
Foids are not only the biggest racists but also the biggest bullies.
I went through this at 8, like a very bad hour of just crying after a school therapist found a suicide note that I wrote. But instead of being helped my mom and dad tried to put me down and told me to “man up” and shit.
Fucking hell, it’s times like that when I most contemplated roping and leaving a note explaining that it was advice like that that pushed me over the edge, that would get whoever said it to you into a world of trouble. What era did you grow up in and in what part of the world?
Fucking hell, it’s times like that when I most contemplated roping and leaving a note explaining that it was advice like that that pushed me over the edge, that would get whoever said it to you into a world of trouble. What era did you grow up in and in what part of the world?
North east America. New York. I’m 16 years old now.
Yesterday i saw another video of him saying he wants to kill caroline. So a foid is bullying him. This is exactly what i have experienced:
Foids are not only the biggest racists but also the biggest bullies.
Jus push her down the stairs this week(in Minecraft) :feelsEhh:

I really hopes he goes anothER way n let his bullies have a very long nap
I have seen so many on social media commenting on this.
They are all ignoring the blackpill. He is bullied because of his looks, anyone can see that.
"Kids can be so cruel". Adults are the same, these dumb virtue signalling whores are the same.
They claim, they feel bad for him and things needs to change. :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
They are a huge part of the problem.
sad thing is when he grows up he'll still be be treated like shit by other people but it will be more insidious than it is now
Kids like this or that have some mental condition like autism should not be put in schools and instead home schooled. I’m in high school right now and the kids with autism get trashed every day. I can’t imagine the absolute hell this kid goes through.
Kids like this or that have some mental condition like autism should not be put in schools and instead home schooled. I’m in high school right now and the kids with autism get trashed every day. I can’t imagine the absolute hell this kid goes through.
Yeh I get treated like shit and I don't even have a disease or mental problem or anything like that I'm literally just ugly. I thought I had it bad but this kid has it 10 times worse
"you just stand there and don’t do anything and you call me the dumbest kid in the class"
How heartless must someone be to be in the only position to help, and then so cruelly deny that help? Can teachers not see that children cannot stand up for themselves, that teachers have an obligation to look after the children placed in their care?
How heartless must someone be to be in the only position to help, and then so cruelly deny that help? Can teachers not see that children cannot stand up for themselves, that teachers have an obligation to look after the children placed in their care?
normies don't care,they want us dead.If the teacher liked the kid she would have protected him,unless you think she was scared of the kids or something(big cope and we all know it).May god have mercy on us all.
This is literally why people go ER and apparently the people killed are the victim. (The people killed are only the victim if they're a child or not a normie which is 10% of the world it seems)
Basically joker movie, the 3 subway wallstreet assholes are victims we should feel bad for & Arthur brought all the bad experiences on himself apparently.
I was heavily bullied in middle school esecially. To the point I was hugging myself to sleep as a cope mechanism. I drop few tears when I look at my pictures from my childhood.
normies don't care,they want us dead.If the teacher liked the kid she would have protected him,unless you think she was scared of the kids or something(big cope and we all know it).May god have mercy on us all.
This. If you are not exactly the same, EVERYONE will hate you. Just not everyone will bully you because of that but they will not care about you in the best case scenario.
I feel bad for him, taking the blackpill so young. Even if the bullying stopped he'd still be a dwarf, he knows this.
How heartless must someone be to be in the only position to help, and then so cruelly deny that help? Can teachers not see that children cannot stand up for themselves, that teachers have an obligation to look after the children placed in their care?
Don't forget, SHE'S A FOID. And that little boy is UGLY, now you know why she doesn't do shit about it. Foids hate ugly men, and ugly boys are no exceptions, she rather help the rich little white chads and stacys.

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