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Venting This video on an incel getting bullied has scarred me.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22572
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Deleted member 22572

Deleted member 22572

Nov 12, 2019

Fucking hell was this hard to watch. My throat feels tight as fuck, my eyes are holding back a whole reservoir rn and my stomach is gonna collapse in on itself. I won't forget this video for the rest of my life. Jesus.

This is basically a exaggerated version of what an incel has to go through in their lives.

And there are people like The Truth Hurts on YouTube where this isn't even an exaggerated version of what they had to go through.

No one cares about bullying.

You got thousands of cunts running out of school to protest for climate change meanwhile kids are killing themselves or feeling like killing themselves because of bullying

The average person is a normie so they only care about what they're told to care about.

When the fuck are the normies gonna be told to stop making fun of people for their appearance?

It should be against the law. You don't get to chose what you look like. You can go to prison for something stupid like drugs, beating someone up in a bar fight or vandalism but no one gives a shit about bullying which is something that is more likely gonna result in the death of someone than those other things.

Bruh I don't even know what I'm saying. I'm just venting. I can't think straight rn after having seen that video.

(My reaction to this video coming tomorrow on yt:schmuck on wheels !!! XD)

Seriously though what a fucked up world. This is literally why people go ER and apparently the people killed are the victim. (The people killed are only the victim if they're a child or not a normie which is 10% of the world it seems)

The 'education' system is literally designed for this shit to happen.

No one cares though hahahaha!

Climate change ahhahahahaha!

Greta thunburg hahahahhaa!!

Keanu reeves hwhahhwhshsa!!!

The avengers hahahaha!!!

Star wars hehhehehehhahaha!!!

Clown world.
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Therapy cannot do anything for this poor soul :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
They are false moralists. They have no morals, but they like to virtue signal as "morally superior".
Normies and foids are also very selfish and immature. They easily dismiss others suffering and are quick to extrapolate their own misfortunes as a "deep social problem".

They don't care about the homeless person sleeping in a cardboard box outside their giant houses in their gated communities. But somehow they want to "save the planet" and "stop climate change for the survival of the world and a better future for people".

What about the people here today, at the present, that are suffering right now? Not because of any natural environment change, but because of their selfish social behavior. What attitudes are they gonna change to help their fellow men?

So eager to cut "carbon emissions" but they don't even have the decency to buy a plate of food and feed a homeless person, or help an elderly person in their family or even a stray dog in an animal shelter.

I don't believe many Incels have killed normies/women. The actual numbers are less than 1%. They are much more at risk of being killed by blacks. And they don't have any sympathy for blacks either.

Normies and foids are disgusting hypocrites, pay no heed to their empty words.
Entitled bad bad nazi alt right, personality misogynist entitled not entitled to human respect entitled i know an ugly guy with a wife and happy you entitled
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Therapy cannot do anything for this poor soul :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
He'll always have a black cloud over his head no matter what. He can still improve his life though. He just needs to stay with his family and isolate himself from the rest of this psychotic world and he should never leave his house or go to school ever again. (Should go outside but rarely. School, NEVER AGAIN. )

Yeh good quote
He'll always have a black cloud over his head no matter what. He can still improve his life though. He just needs to stay with his family and isolate himself from the rest of this psychotic world and he should never leave his house or go to school ever again. (Should go outside but rarely. School, NEVER AGAIN. )
LDAR is all an Incel can do ngl
Postnatal abortion has to be a thing asap
Isn't there a movement centered around this kid? I think people care about this kid. It's sad that it took this video to get a reaction, but if you show people the pain, they will respond. It's like homelessness. Sure it's a tragedy, but you have to see it in front of you to know.
I went through this at 8, like a very bad hour of just crying after a school therapist found a suicide note that I wrote. But instead of being helped my mom and dad tried to put me down and told me to “man up” and shit.
Isn't there a movement centered around this kid? I think people care about this kid. It's sad that it took this video to get a reaction, but if you show people the pain, they will respond. It's like homelessness. Sure it's a tragedy, but you have to see it in front of you to know.
Nothing will happen
There was a lot of bullying for my face
Isn't there a movement centered around this kid? I think people care about this kid. It's sad that it took this video to get a reaction, but if you show people the pain, they will respond. It's like homelessness. Sure it's a tragedy, but you have to see it in front of you to know.
Dunno. But if I was a millionaire or something like dat I'd actively and directly get in touch with the family and try and help them.

I've already tried to get in touch with them but obviously 0.1 percent chance they'll respond.
The truth is not everybody is ready for school, homeschooling is the only way for truecels grow up without having themselves destroyed by the normiescum.
I'm will to bet a $100 Visa gift card that in 9 years he will either

1. Kill himself and leave behind a long, detailed suicide note.

2. Find anothER way out.
looks like a misogynist
Dunno. But if I was a millionaire or something like dat I'd actively and directly get in touch with the family and try and help them.

I've already tried to get in touch with them but obviously 0.1 percent chance they'll respond.

That family is famous right now, there's a whole #stopbullying thing going on for them all over social media. For now. Like homelessness, bullying is an easy problem to put out of your head.
Abolish public schooling and the "education" system
That family is famous right now, there's a whole #stopbullying thing going on for them all over social media. For now. Like homelessness, bullying is an easy problem to put out of your head.
What's actually being DONE though? Is anything being done to change society and how ugly people are treated or are they all just virtue signalling.
Sad af. Also high IQ on what you said about it should be against the law to make fun of someone’s physical appearance, as they had no pick in their genetics. Shouldnt count for fatcel though.
615290D9 60D8 4849 9D00 ABBCAF7B9280
Abolish public schooling and the "education" system
The education system in the first place, was designed by some cunty psychotic trillionaire so that people are taught to have enough knowledge to work but so they don't have TOO much knowledge and they're not TOO clever.

It's pointless in the first place.
Giving females a free pass on their fuck ups is not the answer.

Would you like to suffer for 50+ years, just to punish your mother? Its just not worth the flood of incels, an abortion ban would produce. I'm all for euthanasia.
game over for handsomecels
Would you like to suffer for 50+ years, just to punish your mother? Its just not worth the flood of incels, an abortion ban would produce. I'm all for euthanasia.
Yeh I agree. Abortion pretty much should be mandatory if it's known that the child will be deformed or ugly is what I think. It's the sad truth.
Would you like to suffer for 50+ years, just to punish your mother? Its just not worth the flood of incels, an abortion ban would produce. I'm all for euthanasia.
I am pro euthanasia, let them decide later on, sure. But why would I give female the power to choose if someone lives or dies? Not only that, but by allowing abortion, you are telling females they can fuck as many people as they want without consequences.
you are telling females they can fuck as many people as they want without consequences.
THIS. For this reason, like I said, abortion should only be done if it's known that the baby will be deformed or ugly etc
THIS. For this reason, like I said, abortion should only be done if it's known that the baby will be deformed or ugly etc
Then again, it should be for the incel to decide if he wants to live or die. As I said before, I am pro euthanasia. Why would we let a female decide the fate of an incel?
Then again, it should be for the incel to decide if he wants to live or die. As I said before, I am pro euthanasia. Why would we let a female decide the fate of an incel?
Nah you shouldnt make someone decide whether they wanna live or die whilst they're alive n all dat
What's actually being DONE though? Is anything being done to change society and how ugly people are treated or are they all just virtue signalling.

Like with homelessness, there's not much the person sitting and watching the video can do. The sympathy they feel for the guy is genuine. But what can they do besides themselves be nicer to ugly people? Besides calling on others to be nicer to ugly people? Because that's what they're doing right now, and that's all that can be done. But is that virtue signaling?
Don't forget even her mother is recording her son so she could attention whore and gain fame. She doesn't care about her because her son wasn't a Chad but hey at least he would make me a little famous teehee.
that video is generating so much costless virtue signalling. How many people would actually incur some personal cost to help that kid (if it was even possible to help him. It’s not). Very very few would, and only some small trivial cot. Billionaire donating $10k to charity for virtue points tier.

worst video I’ve seen on the consequences of bullying. That kid is not gonna make it in this life. He prob won’t live past 20. tbh the only thing that can alleviate his pain is killing his bullies. It’s fashionable to think that violence is never the answer in a civilized society, and that one should persue other alternatives. That’s all bullshit. Violence is often the only solution, especially in extreme cases like this, and is magnitudes more effective than the next best “solution”. I hope he kills every one of his bullies, and nobody stops him before he can do it. Ofcourse it’s not really his bullies fault. They don’t exactly make the conscious decision to make his life hell. They’re just going with the crowd and having fun and looking after their own social standing by bullying him/refusing to associate with him. It’s not their fault that they’re repulsed by that kid and don’t want to associate with him. But it will alleviate that kids pain. His bullies have probabaly lived more in their 9 years than he will live in 100 lifetimes.
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What's actually being DONE though? Is anything being done to change society and how ugly people are treated or are they all just virtue signalling.

Do we really even have to ask JFL, why would normies bother putting in honest thought into life problems and the hard choices that have to be made societally to change them, normies love their feel good quick fix - "man this is bad, I'm such a good person, and you're all such great people for agreeing with me, lets all feel good together"

Like with homelessness, there's not much the person sitting and watching the video can do. The sympathy they feel for the guy is genuine. But what can they do besides themselves be nicer to ugly people? Besides calling on others to be nicer to ugly people? Because that's what they're doing right now, and that's all that can be done. But is that virtue signaling?
Bruh u can tell whether someone genuinely means what they're saying or they're virtue signalling. In this case I think it's possible that people genuinely care about the kid but they need to realise that this is happening to fucking thousands of kids and they'll forget this in a week or a lot less and this will happen again and again to more people.

I don't get why people with power or influence never do anything? (Besides donate to charities which are mostly scams) they don't actually actively do anything like start movements for things n stuff like that. What is their reason for this? (Genuinely asking, not being rhetorical or sarcastic or anything like that. I feel there must be a reason cuz I don't know what that reason is)
Bruh u can tell whether someone genuinely means what they're saying or they're virtue signalling

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

No you can't, anyone can say anything, by that logic all women can just tell what you think of them based on your conversations with them

No you can't, anyone can say anything, by that logic all women can just tell what you think of them based on your conversations with them
What if I'm a space alien with an iq of 568 with telepathic abilities
Bruh u can tell whether someone genuinely means what they're saying or they're virtue signalling. In this case I think it's possible that people genuinely care about the kid but they need to realise that this is happening to fucking thousands of kids and they'll forget this in a week or a lot less and this will happen again and again to more people.

I don't get why people with power or influence never do anything? (Besides donate to charities which are mostly scams) they don't actually actively do anything like start movements for things n stuff like that. What is their reason for this? (Genuinely asking, not being rhetorical or sarcastic or anything like that. I feel there must be a reason cuz I don't know what that reason is)

There are anti-bullying movements with money behind them. But what can money do but buy you an AdCouncil commercial?
That would be very ironic
Well I got called an alien by my bullies cuz I have wide spaced bug eyes and massive forehead and no lower third so maybe I am an alien .
>The schoolboy, who has the most common type of dwarfism called achondroplasia, told his mother: 'Give me a rope, I want to kill myself.'
>9 year old asking for rope to kill himself

He was born and his life was over.
Normies are going to virtue signal and pretend to care for a few hours, but nothing will ever change. If normies are so against bullying, why is it still such a widespread and completely normalized thing in schools?
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Imagine not being attractive in Chadstralia of all places. It's over for him and it will be hard for him to go ER with their gay laws. Maybe he can stabmaxx. Make bullies think twice next time they go after an incel
There are anti-bullying movements with money behind them. But what can money do but buy you an AdCouncil commercial?
They're handling it the wrong way. Cba to go into detail tho cuz I feel drained cuz I've actually been putting thoughts and energy into my posts today for once and that video has genuinely drained some of my energy too.

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