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Based This speech from Fight Club

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22907
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might watch ngl
Seriously though read anything from Chuck Palahniuk (he wrote Fight Club) - he is an incredible author and based as fuck about women (he is also a literal pedo faggot but don't hold that against him.)

I highly recommend reading Haunted, amazing book, dark and hilarious
great movie ngl
*points at male model in advertisement*
Tyler: "is that what a man looks like?"

That would have been powerful if Tyler Durden wasn't literally ultra ripped Chad Brad Pitt and the guy who was supposed to play an "everyman" was none other than six foot tall Edward Norton.
Huge cope. I would like to be a white collar with a driver licence, decent car and expensive clothings.
*points at male model in advertisement*
Tyler: "is that what a man looks like?"

That would have been powerful if Tyler Durden wasn't literally ultra ripped Chad Brad Pitt and the guy who was supposed to play an "everyman" was none other than six foot tall Edward Norton.
Haven't watched the movie so I don't know what you're talking about

Huge cope. I would like to be a white collar with a driver licence, decent car and expensive clothings.
What's the point of it if you don't have a woman?
Not one second but probably red pill crap.
Then go and become homeless.
You can become a white collar worker, you can get a car, you can buy expensive clothes. If it gives you meaning and fulfillment in life that equals that of a woman who loves you, what keeps you here?

Also a roof over your head is a necessity. Same is sex and relationships.
Huge cope. I would like to be a white collar with a driver licence, decent car and expensive clothings.
You'd probably enjoy that life for about six months, until you realize it is pointless.

If having a driving license was the cure to inceldom, you'd be the only guy here, @LastGerman
nothing is gonna happen nothing NOTHING N-O-T-H-I-N-G unless some virgin-loser makes sacrifice for the sake of attention

Normies will never do shit they will complain about how life is unfair , hard , meaningless , temporary and will forget about it a day later Only incels , true losers of the society can make real sacrifices and differences with this kind of movies this fucking normies simulating of being rebellious that's fucking it
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You can become a white collar worker, you can get a car, you can buy expensive clothes.

Getting a white collar job is quite hard here in Germany and in general. Getting a somewhat decent job is hard for men. In order to buy a car you need to have a driver licence first. In Germany you will pay 2000 Euro and more for this and I am currently struggling with it.

If it gives you meaning and fulfillment in life that equals that of a woman who loves you, what keeps you here?

I never compared this to females in the first place.
There are only those two options:
A low-level life life without a female, working in warehouse logistics for little money or a life where you have a decent job, a car and some decent clothings and I will go for the second option.

Also a roof over your head is a necessity.

And so are good jobs.
We do have a great war to fight.

The war against women for reconquering the World.
You'd probably enjoy that life for about six months, until you realize it is pointless.

Better than not enjoying life at all and working in warehouse logistics for little money. I would say it is better to have a white collar job with the prospect of a better future than working in a low-level job for little money.

If having a driving license was the cure to inceldom, you'd be the only guy here, @LastGerman

There are even some men here who do not have something crucial as a driver licence anymore, therefore this is indeed a problem or I would rather say a symptom.
Never saw the movie ngl
Getting a white collar job is quite hard here in Germany and in general. Getting a somewhat decent job is hard for men. In order to buy a car you need to have a driver licence first. In Germany you will pay 2000 Euro and more for this and I am currently struggling with it.
But it is attainable? Compared to getting a girlfriend.

I never compared this to females in the first place.
My bad.

There are only those two options:
A low-level life life without a female, working in warehouse logistics for little money or a life where you have a decent job, a car and some decent clothings and I will go for the second option.
I don't see the point in working when you don't have a goal or something that motivates you, be it a loving girlfriend, wife or children. When your goal is materialistic, it quickly wears out. The pressures of the job and society would come bearing down on you. It would eventually feel pointless(Unless you genuinely enjoy your job, which is rare). What's worse? working wageslaving or a "low-level life" (by low-level life I assume you mean neet). Now not everyone can neet so I understand why you might be forced to pick the other option.

I'm not even 20 but I've have already given up on my life, I see no chance of improvement in the future. You might not see your life the same way as I see mine, perhaps your situation is different in some aspects. This is maybe why our opinions differ.
But it is attainable? Compared to getting a girlfriend.

It is attainable although it has become even more difficult.

I don't see the point in working when you don't have a goal or something that motivates you, be it a loving girlfriend, wife or children.

The thing is, I do not have any real goal now as well or back then when I had a workplace. I would go for a better living condition, which means a comfy and decent job, a decent apartment, a driver licence, a car and so on. It is better than having absolutely nothing.

What's worse? working wageslaving or a "low-level life" (by low-level life I assume you mean neet).

Or it is the choice between working in something like warehouse logistics for little money or working within an office, a more cozy environment and better paid.

I'm not even 20 but I've have already given up on my life

Moggs me.

You might not see your life the same way as I see mine, maybe your situation is different in some aspects. That is can be why our opinions differ.

I am not sure if it is that different. I am 25 and i still live with my parents. So, it is beyond over at this point.
The thing is, I do not have any real goal now as well or back then when I had a workplace. I would go for a better living condition, which means a comfy and decent job, a decent apartment, a driver licence, a car and so on. It is better than having absolutely nothing.
It would be, but as all copes they quickly become boring. When you want something and receive it, you aren't satisfied for long. You'll want more to fill the empty hole. You will be grateful for a roof over your head, but then you'll need food, entertainment etc. It goes in a loop until you realize you want the things you can't have. Why enter that loop in the first place, when you can just rot/neet until you rope/get kicked out? I can totally see myself doing it for a couple of years, but as I said, it will eventually become pointless.
Or it is the choice between working in something like warehouse logistics for little money or working within an office, a more cozy environment and better paid.
Even if you genuinely enjoy your job, it's a matter of time until even the coziest of jobs become mind-numbingly boring and dull when you have no other things going on for you.
I am not sure if it is that different. I am 25 and i still live with my parents. So, it is beyond over at this point.
Is the prospect of owning and driving a car the only thing that is keeping you from roping?

I can see the upsides of living such a life. But I can't imagine myself working for 40 years only to die alone.
Why enter that loop in the first place, when you can just rot/neet until you rope/get kicked out?

I have been living this life but without being a NEET.

Is the prospect of owning and driving a car the only thing that is keeping you from roping?

Actually, that is a big point for me. Imagine being 25 and being driver licence mogged by younger females. It is emasculating and it brings me suicidal thoughts.

I can see the upsides of living such a life. But I can't imagine me working all my life while being alone.

In the end, it is a lose-lose-situation. So, what are we supposed to do?
In the end, it is a lose-lose-situation. So, what are we supposed to do?
I don't know, as long as it isn't cucked I guess anything'll do. It's our lives after all. You might wanna work and have a decent life while I'm gonna neet/LDAR until I rope.
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Nietzschean garbage. There's no such thing as "transcending" yourself, not in the sense the movie suggests. Take God out of the picture the way Nietzsche did and what you get is mother nature in it's brutal aspects, this "overman" stuff is a gigantic cope. Which is to say, whether you are a loser or not it's not up to "you" but it is based on the cards you were dealt with when you were born. You are a wage slave because your genes led you to it. You are not going to "free" yourself from anything. There's no imaginary Brad Pitt that's gonna turn you into an uber Chad. You are not going to burn society. If you were born a weakling, you are not going to ever destroy anything let alone the entire world.

The blackest of black pills is precisely this, that this Joker meme is just a cope. The revolution isn't happening. Mother nature dictates how things work in the world you are actually powerless to do anything about it.
This hasn't aged well though.

We now have wars to fight, but not the same kind of wars people fought in the past, we're able to leech the system and the society that abandoned us so we don't need to work at shitty jobs and can actually buy shit we want and desire. We're probably the last of children of history, used to dream with a purpose and place, we've several wars to fight (gender, nationality, race) that we didn't want on the first place, but still our great deppression is still our lives. We've been raised by a retarded social media telling that everything we needed to be was to be morally righteous to succeed, but we never did...we've mastered that fact and we're very dissapointed by this shitty life.
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Seriously though read anything from Chuck Palahniuk (he wrote Fight Club) - he is an incredible author and based as fuck about women (he is also a literal pedo faggot but don't hold that against him.)

I highly recommend reading Haunted, amazing book, dark and hilarious
He’s gay? Ewww...
Nietzschean garbage. There's no such thing as "transcending" yourself, not in the sense the movie suggests.
Tbh I just thought this particular scene was based. It resonates with me on how I was fed bluepills my entire childhood on how to succeed. I haven't seen the rest of the movie so I wouldn't know the message the movie was trying to spreading.
This hasn't aged well though.

We now have wars to fight, but not the same kind of wars people fought in the past, we're able to leech the system and the society that abandoned us so we don't need to work at shitty jobs and can actually buy shit we want and desire. We're probably the last of children of history, used to dream with a purpose and place, we've several wars to fight (gender, nationality, race) that we didn't want on the first place, but still our great deppression is still our lives. We've been raised by a retarded social media that everything we needed to be was to be morally righteous to succeed, but we never did...we've mastered that fact and we're very dissapointed by this shitty life.
He says we're fighting a spiritual war, which is maybe what you mean by "gender, nationality and race."
He’s gay? Ewww...

Yea he is super gay, as is Bret Easton Ellis (wrote American Psycho.) I give them a pass though, high-IQ faggots like them have an ascended level of woman-hating that I can only dream of.
He says we're fighting a spiritual war, which is maybe what you mean by "gender, nationality and race."

Wars based on gender, nationality and race tend to be physical or at least directly confrontational, spiritual wars tend to be individual or at least interpersonal.

This movie was mostly aimed to late GenXers and early millenials which had very low economical, political IQs compared to us (partially because of less access to sociological, economical, political and sexual theory), that's why most of them ended with shitty dead-end jobs as wagecucks.
Wars based on gender, nationality and race tend to be physical or at least directly confrontational, spiritual wars tend to be individual or at least interpersonal.
I was thinking more of how the media influences us on these topics, making kids traps, gay, ashamed of being white etc. Identity issues and such.
most of them ended with shitty dead-end jobs as wagecucks.
Aren't we headed towards the same future?
I was thinking more of how the media influences us on these topics, making kids traps, gay, ashamed of being white etc. Identity issues and such.
That's why I said we're the last children of history, after us what'd be left of our gender will non-binarism and transsexualism (also obviously Chads too). They were the middle children of history with no purpose, but they at least got things such as sex, relationships, friendships and even love and appreciation by their community or town (things that we perceive as luxuries these days).

We're the last children of history, with no love, respect or appreciation, but just constant disdain and hatred against us. What differentiates us the most from them is that we actually have a purpose unfortunately with only one (realistic) conclusion, fighting and confronting this system until we're replaced by a horde of mentally ill, materialistic and ultra-capitalistic transsexuals.

Fight Club is the 90s, we're experiencing Our Twisted World nowadays.
"We're a generation of men raised by women. I wonder if another women is really the answer we need."
fight club is one of my fav films shame we could not all meet up and have few bouts our selves.
*points at male model in advertisement*
Tyler: "is that what a man looks like?"

That would have been powerful if Tyler Durden wasn't literally ultra ripped Chad Brad Pitt and the guy who was supposed to play an "everyman" was none other than six foot tall Edward Norton.

That's the whole point, that scene is supposed to be ironic. Norton is an insecure incel who subconsciously wants to be Chad Pitt, so he creates him in his mind (spoilers). The whole film is an incel fantasy.
Seriously though read anything from Chuck Palahniuk (he wrote Fight Club) - he is an incredible author and based as fuck about women (he is also a literal pedo faggot but don't hold that against him.)

I highly recommend reading Haunted, amazing book, dark and hilarious

Here he is being asked directly about incels.
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That's the whole point, that scene is supposed to be ironic. Norton is an insecure incel who subconsciously wants to be Chad Pitt, so he creates him in his mind (spoilers). The whole film is an incel fantasy.

Here he is being asked directly about incels.

Using both Norton and Pitt to illustrate inceldom was a wack idea, it's like putting a deformed truecel to play a romcom with a prime girl, totally unrealistic.

Even the main representatives of inceldom didn't hit puberty yet when this movie was released. ER was like 6 years old, Cho like 12, Minassian like 4.

It's more of a wagecuck fantasy than an Incel fantasy.
It would look a better speech if Brad Pitt wasn't a giga Chad who mogs the average man from Oklahoma to Khoramabad.
It would look a better speech if Brad Pitt wasn't a giga Chad who mogs the average man from Oklahoma to Khoramabad.

Hollywood casting an average looking dude is sooo complicated because of some reason...
JFL I rmb feeling so 'pumped up and woke' after watching Fight Club until returning back to reality after a day. :feelskek:
Using both Norton and Pitt to illustrate inceldom was a wack idea, it's like putting a deformed truecel to play a romcom with a prime girl, totally unrealistic.

Even the main representatives of inceldom didn't hit puberty yet when this movie was released. ER was like 6 years old, Cho like 12, Minassian like 4.

It's more of a wagecuck fantasy than an Incel fantasy.

I didn't mean it literally, braincel. Obviously Fight Club long predated incels. Pitt represents chad. He's Norton's fantasy, everything he wants to be. He creates a fantasy world where he is chad.

Explained here:

But it can also be interpreted as bluepilled, as it's Norton's belief that he's chad and his subsequent confiduhnce that enables him to get Marla and attract thousands of guys to follow him.

He also destroys Angel Face, gigachad, Jared Leto, the symbol of chad beauty in the film:
This is 99 now things are more fucked up guys.

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