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It's Over this society is built on people pretending to do things

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
after much hesitation, I finally booked classes for the degree I am changing into. The first thing I noticed after looking at my new timetable was that I'm going to be spending an insane amount of time at university (10 hours a day on one day, 7 hours on another and a few hours during a few others) compared to before. Granted, I fucked myself over by booking classes at the last minute, but the raw time spent is on another level. What's the difference between then and now? Before I was doing some shitty finance degree (actually a double degree with some government thing so you'd expect there to be MORE work, not less), now I changed into a subject at only the periphery of the hard sciences. For the past half a year I have basically lived as a NEET who had to write 2000 words every two weeks (which I already do several times over when rambling on this forum), the course work was no harder than filling out forms I'd have to fill out if I was actually on welfare (and technically I am). How little hard work has to be put into one of these degrees is insane.

I think I know why this is the case - they're mickey mouse degrees that exist because we have nowhere to put people. There is so little to do, so little worth working for in the modern west thanks to outsourcing, automation, stagnation of living standards and financialisation of the economy, that we now charge people tens of thousands of dollars to learn the productivity equivalent of shining somebody's shoes. Most people who study this, but who aren't complete retard failures and who actually do somewhat lucrative work (accountants, financial planners, organising productivity) will lose their jobs to software very soon anyway.

Despite this, just the finance degree on its own would have been worth more to complete than the hard science degree I enrolled in! That's insane, and to make things worse the people behind it are making a concerted effort to market business in high schools to artificially inflate demand while lowering the value of the degrees (also those with them). Somebody gets a $40,000 degree in marketing and they earn commission off selling furniture, somebody gets a $40,000 degree in accounting and they make the same as a librarian, somebody studies management and they have to go back to uni because management on its own is useless and in the end they double their uni debt. This is a scam that only exists because many people are either too dumb to make it into the hard sciences but are smart enough to go into uni, or there is just no room there for the amount of people currently doing mickey mouse work. The US government currently inflates the GDP by adding in rent people who own houses would have otherwise paid on their houses if they were renting, this whole system is based on the most retarded lies possible. With all this buildup and denial of what's actually happening, the day in which society is forced to realise via economic bubble pop that a lot of people don't actually have anything to work for anymore will be catastrophic. People will die.
We need a reset soon. Its too far gone to fix.
noticed this long ago most ppl in comfortable,high paying jobs in the west just browse reddit on work hours tbh. its pretty insane yeah, i dont think those countries can support it for much longer its just a matter of time till collapse now.
We need a reset soon. Its too far gone to fix.
I think I am going to start unironically looking into boiling water from scratch
maybe I'm wrong but knowing how to do basic shit probably puts you ahead of nine tenths of the population, at least in cities. Given the carrying capacity of the land you live on this might help you at the expense of others. Starvation kills you pretty slowly but dehydration (from lack of water or from diarrhea from bad water) kills you very quickly in comparison.
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Obviously this is a scam bro.
I think I am going to start unironically looking into boiling water from scratch
maybe I'm wrong but knowing how to do basic shit probably puts you ahead of nine tenths of the population, at least in cities. Given the carrying capacity of the land you live on this might help you at the expense of others. Starvation kills you pretty slowly but dehydration (from lack of water or from diarrhea from bad water) kills you very quickly in comparison.
Tbh I already boil my own drinking water anyways. Its over for drinkfromthetapcels.
Tbh I already boil my own drinking water anyways. Its over for drinkfromthetapcels.
What 3rd world country are you in? Here in Australia our tap water is fine, except for in Adelaide where something mineral in it makes people spew.
90% of my office does busywork that affects absolutely nothing. The flit about and make noise, but none of it matters at all to the function the company actually serves. I'm forced to not just coexist with them, but interact with them and abide the mass delusion, to go through the motions with them.
What 3rd world country are you in? Here in Australia our tap water is fine, except for in Adelaide where something mineral in it makes people spew.

The water is fine to drink from the tap here, I just boil my water out of habit since I fear calcium build up in the taps. Plus boiled water tastes better than directly from the tap. I kind of like less metallic tasting water.
I'm sorry to hear that
can you even afford red meat?
Overlord Chadeau banned red meat since it hurts the animals feelings. But we do have almond soy milk vitro meat though. Our rubles are also made of plastic now so the trees don't feel sad.

All civilizations were built and are continuously sustained by lies. For the most part, people are willing to play along until the lies no longer put food on the table
We need a reset soon. Its too far gone to fix.

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