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Serious This Site Needs More Empathy

  • Thread starter Deleted member 43188
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Deleted member 43188

Do you know why the world is so shitty right now? It's because of the LACK OF HUMAN EMPATHY. Empathy is what builds societies, the ability to think "What is best for others, not for myself". The Founding Fathers of the United States were some of the best men who ever lived, and they gave up their power as the landed aristocracy to ensure every American had FREEDOM and the right to pursue wealth. Abraham Lincoln as a white man gave up free labor just to free black people who were forcefully enslaved for white people like himself, that means he had to give up his slaves that he likely had. Then you have JFK who did a bunch of stuff for the U.S and saved us from Cuba even though they shot him for it. It's because of these people that we have the rights and freedoms we have today. I truly believe that without empathy our world would be a total shithole today.

When people act selfishly (think Vladimir Putin, think Richard Nixon, think Adolf Hitler), that's where suffering happens. We have people who don't give a rats ass how many people they hurt, they just act for their own self interest. That in my opinion is what hypergamy is about, hypergamy is putting the selfish desire and sin of lust ahead of love and what's good for humanity. That is why lust is evil, that is why it is unempathetic.

What we need is more empathy, not less. And this, my friends, is why I love CHRISTIANITY. Under Christianity, you stick with your partner for life, marriage is EXTERNAL, even if the afterlife. Thus, you must choose someone for their personality. In Christianity, everyone is made beautiful in the afterlife, so picking someone with a garbage personality but a nice body and face is irrational. In Christianity, you must EMPATHIZE with the person. This is a truly beautiful revelation in my opinion. It truly brings empathy into all aspects of life, you can't judge people for their looks.
Very based post. But prepare to be attacked by the degenerates of incels.is

Empathetic, lol, USA almost fucked all the world, especially latin america and MENA
"hurdur im a normie nigger who has a high paying job and socializes with rich chads, hurdur i get injected with the kike killshit, pls empathize with me"

not a chance
Normies are not showing us empathy, or even sympathy. Not showing the same level of disregard back would be cuckoldry
Stick your god and your science up in your ass npc nigger
Empathetic, lol, USA almost fucked all the world, especially latin america and MENA
The USA has made some mistakes, I agree Iraq was a disaster. But there is no doubt that the USA has made the world a safer, more tolerant, more inclusive, and freer place.
Normies are not showing us empathy, or even sympathy. Not showing the same level of disregard back would be cuckoldry
People on this forum barely has empathy for other incels :feelskek::feelskek:
This site does not 'need' empathy, you just WANT this site to have more empathy because you're a fucking fed.
Under Christianity, you stick with your partner for life, marriage is EXTERNAL, even if the afterlife. Thus, you must choose someone for their personality.
Wrong, there is no marriage in the afterlife in Christianity.
freer place.


You really think USA already gave a fuck about world freedom? Lol, they just want other countries to be subservient for them
People on this forum barely has empathy for other incels :feelskek::feelskek:
This, I feel this forum attracts a lot of really sick people. I've met some great people, but also a lot of psychopaths and sadists. People who take pleasure in the suffering of others.
Empathy is for soys and cucks, we need to hate normies and foids more and let them know what they are doing to us :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
This is an 85IQ level argument.

There's no doubt that because of police the world is a safer place. Imagine the world if there were NO POLICE....

I could show you an infographic of my city, NYC, and show you all the places police have raided in the last 50 years, it would cover the whole city. That doesn't mean the police actually protect your freedoms more than not. Society would fall apart without them.
Fair... when someone spergs out at me and starts screaming KYS or :chad::banhammer: I usually stalk their post history.

INVARIABLY the guy who told you to KYS or :chad::banhammer:.... 80% of his posts to everybody in the forum will be KYS or :chad::banhammer:

I guess you just have to take a deep breath, and remind yourself that charity begins at home, and consider that he's probably feeling pretty down to be chimping out at people like that.
I'm convinced this dude is like 12 years old or something. Every post sounds like some gay bullshit I wrote on an 8th grade Civics test
Joined May 25, 2022
This is an 85IQ level argument.

There's no doubt that because of police the world is a safer place. Imagine the world if there were NO POLICE....

I could show you an infographic of my city, NYC, and show you all the places police have raided in the last 50 years, it would cover the whole city. That doesn't mean the police actually protect your freedoms more than not. Society would fall apart without them.
No, thinking the USA really wants to spread democracy is either trolling/acting in bad faith or being extremely naive.

USA isn't the police of the world, they literally give resources to terrorists and narco militias and backed up dictatorships, simply because it benefited them economically, USA just care about their own interests like any other country.

Your third paragraph is based on a false premse, the only thing next to a police is the UN, not the US
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This, I feel this forum attracts a lot of really sick people. I've met some great people, but also a lot of psychopaths and sadists. People who take pleasure in the suffering of others.
That is called schadenfraude I believe, I think you have to do the pain inflicting to be a sadist.
The USA has made some mistakes, I agree Iraq was a disaster. But there is no doubt that the USA has made the world a safer, more tolerant, more inclusive, and freer place.
I am sure the people tortured in guantanamo agree with you
No, thinking the USA really wants to spread democracy is either trolling/acting in bad faith or being extremely naive.

USA isn't the police of the world, they literally give resources to terrorists and narco militias and backed up dictatorships, simply because it benefited them economically, USA just care about their own interests like any other country.

Your third paragraph is based on a false premse, the only thing next to a police is the UN, not the US
>No, thinking the USA really wants to spread democracy is either trolling/acting in bad faith or being extremely naive.

I'm pretty sure you're trolling or pretending to be a leftist now that I'm making a right-wing argument. Compare U.S foreign policy to any real resource-driven empire. A real resources war involves a total seizure of a countries key resources and shooting anyone that comes close. The U.S pours trillions of dollars into reigme change and actually installs Democratic governments after invading a country. They have failed, but failure is not malice.

>USA isn't the police of the world, they literally give resources to terrorists and narco militias and backed up dictatorships, simply because it benefited them economically, USA just care about their own interests like any other country.

They unfortunately have to do some evil things for the total betterment of humanity. I'm making a very Machevillian argument here, but unfortunately being a total virtuist and refusing to compromise ever does not lead to a successful empire. The only times the U.S finances bad guys is when it fits into their greater overall strategy of instilling world peace and universal freedom. The U.S worked with the Soviets in WW2 to defeat Hitler, that doesn't mean the U.S is pro-communist.
I am sure the people tortured in guantanamo agree with you
Yeah, I'm sure torturing a few terrorists to prevent another 3000 Americans, including CHILDREN, from dying in another terrorist attack, is totally evidence the U.S is an evil empire. I guess the definition of good is putting the comfort of literal terrorists over the lives of innocent children.
Fair... when someone spergs out at me and starts screaming KYS or :chad::banhammer: I usually stalk their post history.

INVARIABLY the guy who told you to KYS or :chad::banhammer:.... 80% of his posts to everybody in the forum will be KYS or :chad::banhammer:

I guess you just have to take a deep breath, and remind yourself that charity begins at home, and consider that he's probably feeling pretty down to be chimping out at people like that.
High IQ post.

These people are seriously ill.
Yeah, I'm sure torturing a few terrorists to prevent another 3000 Americans, including CHILDREN, from dying in another terrorist attack, is totally evidence the U.S is an evil empire. I guess the definition of good is putting the comfort of literal terrorists over the lives of innocent children.

US killed and tortured without any judicial process

US killed and tortured without any judicial process
Yes, and Obama apologized for that, but it was understandable given the nature of the situation. Al Qaeda killed 3000 Americans on 9/11, many Americans were angry and wanted justice. Enhanced interrogation was one of the tactics used to track down Osama Bin Ladin.

But regardless, as i said, it doesn't matter, Obama apologized for it.
>No, thinking the USA really wants to spread democracy is either trolling/acting in bad faith or being extremely naive.

I'm pretty sure you're trolling or pretending to be a leftist now that I'm making a right-wing argument. Compare U.S foreign policy to any real resource-driven empire. A real resources war involves a total seizure of a countries key resources and shooting anyone that comes close. The U.S pours trillions of dollars into reigme change and actually installs Democratic governments after invading a country. They have failed, but failure is not malice.

>USA isn't the police of the world, they literally give resources to terrorists and narco militias and backed up dictatorships, simply because it benefited them economically, USA just care about their own interests like any other country.

They unfortunately have to do some evil things for the total betterment of humanity. I'm making a very Machevillian argument here, but unfortunately being a total virtuist and refusing to compromise ever does not lead to a successful empire. The only times the U.S finances bad guys is when it fits into their greater overall strategy of instilling world peace and universal freedom. The U.S worked with the Soviets in WW2 to defeat Hitler, that doesn't mean the U.S is pro-communist.
Since when criticizing the actions of another country upon country makes me a leftist? It's not because it's a leftist talking point that it isn't coherent with right nationalism.

Also, that's a false dichotomy, it's not because they don't engage directly in a war, invading the country and stealing its resources that they aren't taking imperialist actions for their own benefit.

Democratic? They literally installed dictatorships all over Latin america.

They backed insurrections in MENA for the sake of U$D's value, despite not making a single intervention throughout all the other years of the regimes.

Your last phrase doesn't make any sense, my point was never that USA supporting X group makes them ideologically similar to that group, just that they are using that group as a tool to ensure those interests, which have nothing to do with spreading freedom, since many of those groups do the same opposite of it
Yes, and Obama apologized for that, but it was understandable given the nature of the situation. Al Qaeda killed 3000 Americans on 9/11, many Americans were angry and wanted justice. Enhanced interrogation was one of the tactics used to track down Osama Bin Ladin.

But regardless, as i said, it doesn't matter, Obama apologized for it.
us killed 250k people in iraq and Al Qaeda wasnt even there.
"hurdur im a normie nigger who has a high paying job and socializes with rich chads, hurdur i get injected with the kike killshit, pls empathize with me"

not a chance
this :lul:
Since when criticizing the actions of another country upon country makes me a leftist? It's not because it's a leftist talking point that it isn't coherent with right nationalism.

Also, that's a false dichotomy, it's not because they don't engage directly in a war, invading the country and stealing its resources that they aren't taking imperialist actions for their own benefit.

Democratic? They literally installed dictatorships all over Latin america.

They backed insurrections in MENA for the sake of U$D's value, despite not making a single intervention throughout all the other years of the regimes.

Your last phrase doesn't make any sense, my point was never that USA supporting X group makes them ideologically similar to that group, just that they are using that group as a tool to ensure those interests, which have nothing to do with spreading freedom, since many of those groups do the same opposite of it

>Since when criticizing the actions of another country upon country makes me a leftist? It's not because it's a leftist talking point that it isn't coherent with right nationalism.

It is generally a leftist argument to attack America for its imperialist ambitions, but I now understand you're taking this stance from the right, specifically the far-right. Ultra-nationalists are often critical of U.S expansionary foreign policy because of extreme distrust in our institutions.

>Also, that's a false dichotomy, it's not because they don't engage directly in a war, invading the country and stealing its resources that they aren't taking imperialist actions for their own benefit.

They benefitted themselves to some extent, sure.... but the world the U.S has crafted and defends with its military is objectively better than a world in which the U.S did not engage in military interventionism. My point is the U.S has done far more good for the world than harm. It's easy to point at the few countries that have been destroyed, the U.S is a hegemony and hegemonies leave countries in rubble, but imagine the chaos if the U.S was absent from the world stage. You'd have far more smaller conflicts that would overall result in more suffering.

>Democratic? They literally installed dictatorships all over Latin america.

As an alternative to communist dictatorships that would starve people on mass and destroy economies. The end goal of these dictatorships were to eventually become Western democracies, which they did as conflict resided (i.e Chile).

>They backed insurrections in MENA for the sake of U$D's value, despite not making a single intervention throughout all the other years of the regimes.

World Reserve Currency and the PETRODOLLAR is how the U.S finances its global expeditions. It's a necessary evil. It's like the cops arresting and jailing someone for tax evasion. Sure... they weren't an evil person for not paying taxes, but taxes are a necessary evil if we are to have police at all. America is a world cop who uses the petrodollar system to tax the world, and uses this tax revenue to ensure relative stability.

>Your last phrase doesn't make any sense, my point was never that USA supporting X group makes them ideologically similar to that group, just that they are using that group as a tool to ensure those interests, which have nothing to do with spreading freedom, since many of those groups do the same opposite of it

Even if the groups directly oppose freedom, they can be used as geopolitical tools that will further the long run objectives of the U.S (freedom, democracy, etc).

Israel and billionaire Jews fund Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, that doesn't mean Israel is anti-Jewish or isn't supporting Jewish interests, they're just thinking way more long term than "is X group bad"
The USA has made some mistakes, I agree Iraq was a disaster. But there is no doubt that the USA has made the world a safer, more tolerant, more inclusive, and freer place.
And that's about native Americans?
Incels are usually more empathic than normfags
The US and their spreading of feminism and technology in all countries led to us being miserable and incels. Fuck the US and fuck nigger-lovers and also ofc Kikes. They made the lives of ugly men into hell for as long as technology and the living standard are this high. I can't wait for based Chinks and Russians to wipe this satan-country from the map.
Fuck emphaty. Did foids and normies have empathy against us ?
:feelsclown: if everyone is made beautiful in after life, why cant they be so in the current life too?
Because if our world was perfect there would be no judge of character. Our world must be imperfect, to be a balance between heaven and hell.
The USA has made some mistakes, I agree Iraq was a disaster. But there is no doubt that the USA has made the world a safer, more tolerant, more inclusive, and freer place.
Sorry, but this makes me laugh.
Then maybe you should read more books or learn some history.
What is exactly that good and freedom that US has brought to anyone? Dont idolize politicians and governments, they do what benefits them at the moment, if its costs millions of people their lives they dont give two flying fucks. What makes Putin more evil than lets say Obama? If we go by death count im sure as hell Obama wins there. Im also sure Lincoln didnt give two flying fucks for black people, it just benefited him at the exact moment.
Abraham Lincoln as a white man gave up free labor just to free black people who were forcefully enslaved for white people like himself, that means he had to give up his slaves that he likely had

According to thirteen-year-old Intellau, there were some important conditions of that...
Do you know why the world is so shitty right now? It's because of the LACK OF HUMAN EMPATHY. Empathy is what builds societies, the ability to think "What is best for others, not for myself". The Founding Fathers of the United States were some of the best men who ever lived, and they gave up their power as the landed aristocracy to ensure every American had FREEDOM and the right to pursue wealth. Abraham Lincoln as a white man gave up free labor just to free black people who were forcefully enslaved for white people like himself, that means he had to give up his slaves that he likely had. Then you have JFK who did a bunch of stuff for the U.S and saved us from Cuba even though they shot him for it. It's because of these people that we have the rights and freedoms we have today. I truly believe that without empathy our world would be a total shithole today.

When people act selfishly (think Vladimir Putin, think Richard Nixon, think Adolf Hitler), that's where suffering happens. We have people who don't give a rats ass how many people they hurt, they just act for their own self interest. That in my opinion is what hypergamy is about, hypergamy is putting the selfish desire and sin of lust ahead of love and what's good for humanity. That is why lust is evil, that is why it is unempathetic.

What we need is more empathy, not less. And this, my friends, is why I love CHRISTIANITY. Under Christianity, you stick with your partner for life, marriage is EXTERNAL, even if the afterlife. Thus, you must choose someone for their personality. In Christianity, everyone is made beautiful in the afterlife, so picking someone with a garbage personality but a nice body and face is irrational. In Christianity, you must EMPATHIZE with the person. This is a truly beautiful revelation in my opinion. It truly brings empathy into all aspects of life, you can't judge people for their looks.
How can the founding fathers be good people if they had slaves, your point falls mute. Wheres empathy for the slaves, I only have empathy for myself humans should all die
In order to be able to be empathetic towards others, you need to feel that warmth yourself from others, genuine empathy, not assuming some moral deity status through "just work on yourself bro" "just be yourself bro" shallow platitudes.
Tell me why I should have a shred of empathy for normshits who would never feel the same way genuinely towards me.

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