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RageFuel This site is kind of fascist.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 60
  • Start date
Deleted member 60

Deleted member 60

Nov 7, 2017
We lost too many good members since 2017 for autistic reasons. This isn't a democracy anymore. Now I'm not saying the admin is a filthy Jew trying to profit off our suffering, but I think keeping a happy and loyal userbase could help generate more shekels in the long run. We can keep this place active and fun without selling out to normie cunts. Just imagine if the first generation of cels were still here. It would be amazing. Sadly many of them left due to beef with the mods.

So I feel like the community should have a vote on who becomes a moderator. Or at the very least we should be able to vote certain people off the moderation team (mainly blickpall). We should have an election before Nov 7 or some kind of quarterly performance review. The mods with lowest approval ratings will be impeached and maybe banned. Alternatively you could just make me a mod.


i should definitely be mod for having over 12k posts and joining in nov 2017
Personally I reject almost all post reports I process because 99% of them are:

- Petty as fuck
- Pointless
- Weak-minded people getting "triggered" over nothing

I think it's important to have rules (eg. not allowing people to talk about how they fucked 10 girls previously) but it's also important to be able to have pretty open discussions. Some people are just too sensitive.
Personally I reject almost all post reports I process because 99% of them are:

- Petty as fuck
- Pointless
- Weak-minded people getting "triggered" over nothing

I think it's important to have rules (eg. not allowing people to talk about how they fucked 10 girls previously) but it's also important to be able to have pretty open discussions. Some people are just too sensitive.
see what I mean? I don't even know you nigga, how did you get modded?
Elections would really save this site tbh.
see what I mean? I don't even know you nigga, how did you get modded?

Why specifically do you want to be a mod? Do you know what janitorial/moderation work involves on this site?
name names or these are 100% baseless accusations lmao tbjh

you cant just say we ban people for no reason without naming names. every single person that has been banned that i can think of had it coming. plsgo ahead
name names or these are 100% baseless accusations lmao tbjh

you cant just say we ban people for no reason without naming names. every single person that has been banned that i can think of had it coming. plsgo ahead
I don't believe I said that. But there were many unjustified bans. The most recent being @SoCalSuifuel
Is it difficult work?

No not particularly. But it's not glamorous or exciting either. I enjoy doing it because I enjoy the site and want to see it working well. But it's mundane.

Basically, posts get flagged automatically by the system if they have certain keywords for spam or trolling. Those posts go into an approval queue. Posts in the approval queue must be reviewed manually by a mod/janitor and either approved if there is no problem with the post or denied if they are obviously spam/trolling.

Additionally, all reported posts go into a report queue which must be reviewed one by one again in context of the thread. Users on here report a lot of posts. Many of these reports are petty bullshit where they are just clearly trying to manipulate the rules to get a user they don't like banned or censor something they don't want to see because they're too sensitive (eg. racepill, heightpill, whatever). Each of these reports must be manually reviewed and decided whether or not it should allowed, or if there is a real serious rule violation and it should be deleted. If the latter, mods will then decide if a warning ought to be given as well. If enough warnings stack up, people get bans.

That's basically the gist of it. It's neither hard nor easy work. It's a matter of trying to maintain impartial and separate peoples' vendettas against one another and oversensitivity from real rule violations so that the truly problematic content gets dealt with as it should.

Personally, I am someone who will always lean toward free speech. I believe in open dialogue when it comes to valid differences of opinions. From what I've seen, however, a lot of the users who get banned tend to be people who make recurrent personal attacks on other users. That is a different matter. I think most people would agree they would not want this forum saturated with unnecessary insults and attacks.
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No not particularly. But it's not glamorous or exciting either. I enjoy doing it in its own way because I enjoy the site and want to see it working well. But it's mundane.

Basically, posts get flagged automatically by the system if they have certain keywords for spam or trolling. Those posts go into an approval queue. Posts in the approval queue must be reviewed manually by a mod/janitor and either approved if there is no problem with the post or denied if they are obviously spam/trolling.

Additionally, all reported posts go into a report queue which must be reviewed one by one again in context of the thread. Users on here report a lot of posts. Many of these reports are petty bullshit where they are just clearly trying to manipulate the rules to get a user they don't like banned or censor something they don't want to see because they're too sensitive (eg. racepill, heightpill, whatever). Each of these reports must be manually reviewed and decided whether or not it should allowed, or if there is a real serious rule violation and it should be deleted. If the latter, mods will then decide if a warning ought to be given as well. If enough warnings stack up, people get bans.

That's basically the gist of it. It's neither hard nor easy work. It's a matter of trying to maintain impartial and separate peoples' vendettas against one another and oversensitivity from real rule violations so that the proper inappropriate content gets dealt with as it should be.

Personally, I am someone who will always lean toward free speech. I believe in open dialogue when it comes to valid differences of opinions. From what I've seen, a lot of the users who get banned tend to be people who make recurrent personal attacks on other users. That is a different matter.

@Themisterpepsi jfl at this decembercel

@Themisterpepsi jfl at this decembercel

Cool cage gif. Never seen it before.

Seriously though, I explained what is involved. Why do you personally want to be a moderator?
Good. Democracy is cancer. Viva il duce :fire::fire::fire:.
I don't believe I said that.
not exactly, but it was implied when you said "We lost too many good members since 2017 for autistic reasons. This isn't a democracy anymore."

The most recent being @SoCalSuifuel
sergeant locked this thread (no warning) because he (socal) was trolling in the rabbit stream and made that thread complaining about being kicked even though it was justified. locking the thread because he was causing drama after he was the one who instigated it all? seems fair to me. after that lock, he made a thread claiming we were going to ban him because we're NEET's friends or something. after that thread was deleted (no warning) he kept making post after post asking us to ban him, basically throwing a hissy fit. every post/thread he made that talked about us being unfair about the way we mod was deleted and he recieved a warning for; he recieved a total of 4 warnings on the same day. after that, he made a thread in the ban appeal section in which he expressed having no remorse and in which he insulted sergeant. after that he received a final warning in which sergeant detailed not to unban.

yes, an autistic reason indeed. clearly, socalsuifuel was being overly dramatic and escalated the situation 10 fold. i wish this hadnt happened to begin with, but oh well.

ALSO sorry if this isnt that well written or formatted but :feelsautistic::feelsokman:
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I got a question
Can I insult mods here when I'm angry
This site isn't fascist enough.

fakecels, sexhavers and the GL gotta go
Can I insult mods here when I'm angry
i think so as long as you dont break any rules, meaning no misinformation. mods get insulted all the time with no repercussions towards the users.
i think so as long as you dont break any rules, meaning no misinformation. mods get insulted all the time with no repercussions towards the users.
What would be classified as misinformation though
If I call one of the mods a faggot or jew
That could be labeled misinformation cause they might not be jewish or gay
What would be classified as misinformation though
If I call one of the mods a faggot or jew
That could be labeled misinformation cause they might not be jewish or gay
we get called faggots and jews all the time. by no misinformation i mean no actually trying to convince users of falsehoods, for instance in this case, saying that im a faggot or a jew because of sEkrit information that you have that for some reason are unwilling to share with anybody. that goes beyond normal insults and is an attempt at misinforming others about us.
so any questions about socal's ban, @fukmylyf ? or anybody else's disappearance?
Sus that you would use that for a example :feelswhere:
lol well that's how AfrikanCel was banned; claimed to have secret information that outed this place as a jewish honeypot or something but wouldn't share it with anybody. by this point he already had a pretty big warning level. when he was innevitably banned for spreading falsehoods a lot of people assumed that it must've been because he was telling the truth o: o: :feelstastyman:
it's their fault that they were banned.

i'd like to remind you that the community had also advised us to unban that larper guy what's-his-name because "he was a truecel", and you see how it went down. mod elections are NOT a good idea in the slightest because mere popularity does not mean that one will be a good mod, and in fact often means the opposite. all sorts of unfit people, even several trolls such as the_gambler proved to be extremely popular and were idolised. what's more, users cannot see removed posts, warnings, report accuracy/frequency and etc. so they lack a vital piece of the puzzle when it comes to considering a mod candidate.
Elections would really save this site tbh.
I haven’t even been here long enough to think there is any problem with the mods.

But given the user base, why would you think elections would result in better mods? Mods that the user base don’t like might be better for the continued survival of the site as a whole.
vote for me and I will keep these filthy septembercels in line
I've noticed that there's a high turnover rate, idk though I've never had issues with the mods. They seem pretty fair.

I personally have a conspiracy theory that all incel spaces online eventually get run by non-incels because the most functional people will rise to the top. The most functional people who are able to work together, troubleshoot problems, administer stuff, etc are more likely to be high-functioning mentalcels who eventually ascend or people who were never incels in the first place.

Wizardchan had two crises due to non-incel mods, and many of the original incel subreddits had non-incel mods (not sure about /r/incels). Some of those subreddits were open about it, one of them even had a femoid mod. So keep a watchful eye on the admins/mods on this website guys.
I got a question
Can I insult mods here when I'm angry

  • Targeted attacks: Persecution or bullying of other users is not allowed.
Keep in mind that in general this applies for all users. Most of the people on this site have experienced plenty of being treated like shit IRL. Most people aren't coming on this site to dish out or receive even more abuse.

If you just want to use this site to insult other incels when you're angry, you can certainly do that. Choice is always yours. But you're probably going to rack up warnings rapidly which will trigger a ban.
I got a question
Can I insult mods here when I'm angry
a contentless targeted attack against another user is a contentless targeted attack against another user. insult whatever mod you want to with your friends or whatever rather than shitting up threads.
  • Targeted attacks: Persecution or bullying of other users is not allowed.
Keep in mind that in general this applies for all users. Most of the people on this site have experienced plenty of being treated like shit IRL. Most people aren't coming on this site to dish out or receive even more abuse.

If you just want to use this site to insult other incels when you're angry, you can certainly do that. Choice is always yours. But you're probably going to rack up warnings rapidly which will trigger a ban.
Can we make a thread where all we do is just roast each other? Like it's all in good fun I mean, not for realsies.
People under 6' 0'' should never be mods, the shorter the mod the stronger his Napoleon Complex
I've noticed that there's a high turnover rate

Most people will never be incel for long (if they ever were at all), or will find a hobby to cope, or will just accept it and move on with their lives.

Some will get banned from here because they can't control themselves. Their rage is boiling over and they will keep lashing out at other incels until they get banned. It's understandable, but that rule needs to exist.

It's normal to expect I think.

Can we have a thread where all we do is just roast each other? Like it's all in good fun I mean, not for realsies.

Brave of you in particular to propose that idea... :feelsokman: :feelskek:
People under 6' 0'' should never be mods, the shorter the mod the stronger his Napoleon Complex
you mean the shorter the mod, the stronger your bias against him because of deeply ingrained heightism. that is all "napoleon complex" means: "he is short haha look at him", kind of like calling someone "creepy".
Most people will never be incel for long (if they ever were at all), or will find a hobby to cope, or will just accept it and move on with their lives.

Some will get banned from here because they can't control themselves. Their rage is boiling over and they will keep lashing out at other incels until they get banned. It's understandable, but that rule needs to exist.

It's normal to expect I think.

Brave of you in particular to propose that idea... :feelsokman::feelskek:
So is it a yes?
This site is kind of fascist.you say?
inb4 you are banned
inb4 this thread is closed kek
What if I dont got friends

Well you could vent your anger with video games, or hitting a punching bag, or weight lifting, or running/biking, or meds or anything else like many of the rest of us do. Or you can keep attacking people until you get banned. Whatever feels better for you.

So is it a yes?
Above my station to decide. I just mop the floors. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it would just turn into a giant shitshow that wouldn't end well.
Well you could vent your anger with video games, or hitting a punching bag, or weight lifting, or running/biking, or meds or anything else like many of the rest of us do. Or you can keep attacking people until you get banned. Whatever feels better for you.

Above my station to decide. I just mop the floors. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it would just turn into a giant shitshow that wouldn't end well.

There needs to be a thread dedicated to bashing mods tbh, bring it up with sarge if he says no hes a volcel

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