Let's be real for a moment, let me rate these girls as they should be rated (+-1 deviations may occur):
Keelsey: Disgusting. Looks like utter shit even with 10 layers of filters and makeup. Not even I would touch that, and that says something. 2 PSL.
Anne: Looks like a 4 PSL in her photo, but it's a close up selfie in perfect lighting, perfect angle, and with a filter. She is probably closer to a 3 IRL. Would probably bang if drunk.
Jas, the only attractive match. 7/10 black chick. Definitely above @itsover, but the match probably wouldn't go anywhere. If the original OP is serious about his experiment, he should try to set up a date with the black chick. If it works, then he has proved something. Right now it proves nothing.