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this one turkish girl



proponent of the glassespill and beard theory
May 14, 2023
I dont know why I think about this slut...
There is this one Turkish girl in the parallel class with a porn body who goes to work at night. She probably works in a club full of chads or something similar. I hate it. They have miles more experience than me and a better life. are healthy, always have someone who is interested in them, always have someone to help. dirty wankers and whores. My depression is kicking in hard right now. fuck the world, it's worthless. It's great that you get work everywhere with your attractive bodies. in nightclubs where a lot of chads work and go. I can't even get into clubs like that. fuck you all. When communism comes, this will no longer exist and I hope it comes. If I can't have it, no one should have it. Where is the red army that will free me? Shitty lazy wankers should finally free me from this hell hole and bring these people to justice for their material character. Free me or nail me to the cross like Jesus, you pissers...
how many fucking Arabs are in your university
how many fucking Arabs are in your university
that germany! normal here. If you go out here you will think that you are in Istanbul
when need extreme communism back
some schools have here over 90% muslims
wow thats a shit ton. I think I saw somewhere that there's like 20 million immigrants in Germany. With the declining birth rate of German woman, Germany will probably be 50% Muslim by 2100
wow thats a shit ton. I think I saw somewhere that there's like 20 million immigrants in Germany. With the declining birth rate of German woman, Germany will probably be 50% Muslim by 2100
nope. According to calculations, they will be well over 50% by 2050
Bist du deutsch? , wie sieht die alte aus , hast du ihr IG etc ?
In some German cities there are more young deathnics than natives
you from here? criminal shithole. natives have this criminal behaviour too. everywhere are thugs
Noch n Deutscher für meine @ liste :feelskek: @Swagpilled @Retardinator @OutcompetedByRoomba @Friezacel @Lebensmüder @nice_try @Skoga @Whitefeminineboy
Why dont you go to NK or Cuba if you like communism so much ?
Why dont you go to NK or Cuba if you like communism so much ?
because I'm white. If I cant have the same as better looking people so I want that no one should have it
because I'm white. If I cant have the same as better looking people so I want that no one should have it
Russia and most other EE countries had communism and nowadays they are shitholes and most of these arent "trad" either, regardless of what EE copers say
Russia and most other EE countries had communism and nowadays they are shitholes and most of these arent "trad" either, regardless of what EE copers say
because they dont have commuism anymore.
I'd rather be a Korean peasant fighting to produce enough grain to survive alongside my compatriots in a close-knit, culturally and ethnically homogenous community than be engulfed in an artificially created rat race with the rest of the goyim in which we compete as to who will serve our Jewish overlords the best.
north korea kim GIF
I'd rather be a Korean peasant fighting to produce enough grain to survive alongside my compatriots in a close-knit, culturally and ethnically homogenous community than be engulfed in an artificially created rat race with the rest of the goyim in which we compete as to who will serve our Jewish overlords the best.
and get send to a death camp if you dont worship the Kims 24/7
and get send to a death camp if you dont worship the Kims 24/7
kim is a faggot that should be punished for his capitalistic lifestyle. everyone have the same or no one have nothing
kim is a faggot that should be punished for his capitalistic lifestyle. everyone have the same or no one have nothing
have you ever been assaulted by a shitskin ?
commies too but they do it in other ways
I wish I was thugmaxxing shitskin in germany who lived on a welfare and got to fuck aryan bitches. It's over for low T autisticcels like me.
I wish I was thugmaxxing shitskin in germany who lived on a welfare and got to fuck aryan bitches. It's over for low T autisticcels like me.
where you from?
you from here? criminal shithole. natives have this criminal behaviour too. everywhere are thugs
Firmen, "gutgebildete" und Reiche wandern aus Deutschland in die Schweiz ab (schon lange), Kriminalität ist am zunehmen, Kaufkraft sinkt....... die Ampel Regierung ist scheiße...
I wish I was thugmaxxing shitskin in germany who lived on a welfare and got to fuck aryan bitches. It's over for low T autisticcels like me.
they are all high t. full beards, masculine stature, voice
where you from?
Bulgaria. I am low T, mentally ill, suffer from OCD and mentally crippled. I've been assaulted by minorities here as well. Same shit here except less violent.
Firmen, "gutgebildete" und Reiche wandern aus Deutschland in die Schweiz ab (schon lange), Kriminalität ist am zunehmen, Kaufkraft sinkt....... die Ampel Regierung ist scheiße...
die nächsten regierungen werden auch scheiße. es geht alles den bach runter. das land hat ausgedient...
dat stimmt
wir incels müssen uns noch ein schönes leben machen bevor alles den bach runter geht dann schauen wir mit sonnenbrille zu wie das schiff sinkt.
Slap Love GIF by felat delibalta
sexy booty GIF
wir incels müssen uns noch ein schönes leben machen bevor alles den bach runter geht dann schauen wir mit sonnenbrille zu wie das schiff sinkt.
Slap Love GIF by felat delibalta
sexy booty GIF
stabil :yes: bin einverstanden
wir incels müssen uns noch ein schönes leben machen bevor alles den bach runter geht dann schauen wir mit sonnenbrille zu wie das schiff sinkt.
Slap Love GIF by felat delibalta
sexy booty GIF
Screenshot 982
what you see when you go outside. Low inhib moggers... it's over for germancels it truly is.
and they are often taller then most germans. they dont short like everryone think
they are giga moggers even aryan german stacies would rather have sex with them over a german. Has to be brutal seeing aryan foids being stolen by such thugmaxxing scum. I hate them.
they are giga moggers even aryan german stacies would rather have sex with them over a german. Has to be brutal seeing aryan foids being stolen by such thugmaxxing scum. I hate them.
for me its not that bad because I'm extremly subhuman anyway. Its not difficult to mog me but its hard to see that they get all sluts
frankfurt, berlin are emirates on germany
as an german ince I recomend you to move as far as possible to eastern germany. How can you survive seeing all
this untermensch creatures and hijab cunts while youself dont have access to fresh pussy.

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