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JFL this is why i struggle to believe what normies say online



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
People on the internet are so gullible, they believe any story that some retard on the internet will say. i could say i infiltrated the white house and escaped undetected and i bet they'd believe me.

Here's an example. In the comments section of a video about a fraternity president from Baylor University who received no jail time for rape of a 19 year old woman, one of the comments said this:

JFL at that first guy trying to sound like a badass online, literally every person says what he just said, i hear people say that shit all the time yet only like 1 in a billion people actually do that shit especially something as outrageous as what he described.

Aside from the first guy trying to sound like a badass (but instead sounding desperate to virtue signal and receive brownie points from simps and feminazis), look at that second guy. I decided to see if this second guy is telling the truth, but my investigation results are inconclusive due to an insufficient amount of information. Nonetheless, based on the info i already have about this guy, he claims to have served 8 years on a 20/10 sentence (idk what 20/10 sentence means @FrailPaleStaleMale what does that mean?) but nonetheless he claims he served 8 years in prison. Nonetheless, on his facebook profile, it says he got married on April 21st 2006, 14 years ago. based on what he looks like, it appears he might be in his early-mid 40s. In 2006, people usually married in their late 20s (eg: 28). it could be he was a little older than that given he looks currently like 42 or 43 (idk what his age is though but his brother is 36). If he got incarcerated, it definitely was prior to 2006, because it definitely wasn't post-2006. 2006+8=2014, yet i found that he was using facebook back in the past several years, sharing posts, posting profile pics, etc, i even found some old fb activity of him from july 2011. so he definitely didn't get jailed after 2006.

on his brother's fb profile, there was one post from a while back his brother shared about hitting a woman, and he commented this on his brother's shared post "just call uncle shawn" as a response to a foid getting hit by her boyfriend or something, but that isn't proof he violently beat up his sister's rapist. plus, if he did that to his sister's rapist, why didn't he say BROTHER shawn instead? he never mentioned his niece being raped. also, despite knowing he has a couple of brothers, i found NO evidence that he has a sister, NO mention of a sister anywhere on his facebook profile or his brothers/relatives' fb profiles. this all sounds LARPy to me.

here's another LARPy post i found on quora.

ok, i feel very skeptical towards this quora guy. what he says sounds very outrageous and sensational, very LARPy. first of all, this guy graduated from university of washington with an MBA degree, which is a graduate degree (NOT a bachelor's degree). As a result, he may have been somewhere in his mid-20s in 2000. Which means now, he'd be in his mid-40s or something. The problem with his post is that, most likely when this was typed (February 22, 2000 it seems), he probably didn't type this instantly after being released from prison (if he went to jail at all). If he went to jail, maybe he got out 4 years ago, or 2 years ago or whatever. 2020-13=2007, which means his daughter would be born in 2001, but many times people start a family a little longer than that after finishing a MBA degree. can maybe he would claim he was released from jail in 2016 or something rather than 2020 if i were to ask him, which would mean his daughter would be born when he was still in college studying a MBA degree, which sounds unlikely. Also, how does he know the weight of this guy? Usually we will have no idea how much our friends weigh and we rarely ask them, so how does he know how much this alleged child molester weighs? Sounds very LARPy

his post sounds very LARPy, seriously, he says very outrageous and sensational shit. A 6'4 tall 275 pound child molester? who is this molester supposed to be? Dwayne Johnson? usually a child molester has a rather average build and stature. also, if a child molester were confronted by a dad of a child, why would the child molester simply say "it wasn't rape and she asked for it"? most child molesters, as far as i know, would probably deny doing what they did. That's what happened in some video i found of a texas redneck dad confronting some child molester boomercel. A lot of the predators on TCAP and predator hunter videos deny what they did a lot. Also, she required stitches? Most child molestation based on what i read doesn't have that kind of stuff happen. Hell, most rape cases don't involve that kind of physical damage. Also, they found TAPES of 11 little girls and him? First of all, in the 2000s, VHS tapes became obsolete (although they were still common in the first half of the 2000s) but then DVDs replaced VHS tapes. Secondly, as far as i know, most child molesters don't create their own videotapes of what they do, and if they do, it doesn't usually end up in their house especially if they're some suburban middle class man, usually it goes on the dark web and is done by non-suburban people. Tapes of 11 little girls sounds very sensational, and also if he molested 11 little girls, it would be logical to infer he molested his own daughter, yet i never heard of him doing so. what he said sounds very LARPy especially given the outrageous story he tells.

@JosefMengelecel @Robtical thoughts?
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Of course he went with a weapon like a cowardly faggot. I bet it's not even a real story, and he just wants upvotes from cucks and whores.

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Of course he went with a weapon like a cowardly faggot. I bet it's not even a real story, and he just wants upvotes from cucks and whores.

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I bet if he went unarmed he would’ve gotten his ass kicked by the child molester so he needs to rely on a gun.

like you and I said, there’s a big chance he’s lying because he wants internet fame. What he said sounds so sensational.

@ThoughtfulCel @Bangkok or bust Thoughts?
Those stories are fake as fuck. It’s as you said in a previous thread. These type of people only want to sound badass online. They will never have the balls to do any of this stuff. You pretty much debunked both of those cucks’ LARPs so they were obviously full of shit.

Another thing I have to add is that they think it is so easy to injure or kill a rapist. That all they have to do is simply find them and kill them. The thing is that rapists who have atleast a little bit of common sense who get away with it would expect some sort of retribution towards them. They would actually be overly paranoid and would move much further away as well as creating a new alias. Also I am sure that they would be carrying a weapon with them as well. If by miracle the cuck found the rapist, there is a chance that the rapist would just kill the cuck instead.

Also these type of stories are pretty personal and traumatic so I doubt anyone would say it in the internet in a bragging sort of way.
Those stories are fake as fuck. It’s as you said in a previous thread. These type of people only want to sound badass online. They will never have the balls to do any of this stuff. You pretty much debunked both of those cucks’ LARPs so they were obviously full of shit.

Another thing I have to add is that they think it is so easy to injure or kill a rapist. That all they have to do is simply find them and kill them. The thing is that rapists who have atleast a little bit of common sense who get away with it would expect some sort of retribution towards them. They would actually be overly paranoid and would move much further away as well as creating a new alias. Also I am sure that they would be carrying a weapon with them as well. If by miracle the cuck found the rapist, there is a chance that the rapist would just kill the cuck instead.

Also these type of stories are pretty personal and traumatic so I doubt anyone would say it in the internet in a bragging sort of way.
And also, how the hell does somebody easily beat someone to the point where they’re permanently damaged physically? That takes exceptionally large amounts of physical strength. Their stories sound very outlandish and sensational. Also, it seems like the first guy might not even have a sister
And also, how the hell does somebody easily beat someone to the point where they’re permanently damaged physically? That takes exceptionally large amounts of physical strength. Their stories sound very outlandish and sensational. Also, it seems like the first guy might not even have a sister
I’m pretty sure he would have also suffered atleast some injuries as well. These stories are just made to make cucks happy do they get internet points. In real life a lot of things won’t go as well for them because of the reasons I mentioned above
I’m pretty sure he would have also suffered atleast some injuries as well. These stories are just made to make cucks happy do they get internet points. In real life a lot of things won’t go as well for them because of the reasons I mentioned above
anyone who thinks they’d actually kill them is delusional. Very few parents do this
Maybe they did. Normies are way more sadistic and psychopathic on average than most people on this forum.
@micropenis29 normies gaslight incels into thinking the high inhib, orderly well adjusted normies are most normies. Most normies are crazy and weird but hypocritically bully unattractive sexless males for being weird ie not adjusting to social trends and ever changing norms of socially acceptable behavior.
Maybe they did. Normies are way more sadistic and psychopathic on average than most people on this forum.
@micropenis29 normies gaslight incels into thinking the high inhib, orderly well adjusted normies are most normies. Most normies are crazy and weird but hypocritically bully unattractive sexless males for being weird ie not adjusting to social trends and ever changing norms of socially acceptable behavior.

Wouldn't surprise me if he did it

Normies hate male rapists more than anythjng in the world

They'd kill a random male rapist before they'd kill a Stacy who murdered their entire family right in front of them
And they wouldn’t even talk about it if they did
Liar trait: you give outrageous details to your stories
Wouldn't surprise me if he did it

Normies hate male rapists more than anythjng in the world

They'd kill a random male rapist before they'd kill a Stacy who murdered their entire family right in front of them
no because this shit rarely occurs
Wouldn't surprise me if he did it

Normies hate male rapists more than anythjng in the world

They'd kill a random male rapist before they'd kill a Stacy who murdered their entire family right in front of them
There are enough normies out there that want people that say mean things about women online dead or at the very least their lives ruined.
They want to push such guys to the breaking point and have them fail at getting "revenge" so they can either be shot dead by cops or can be locked up and have a permanent criminal record and the justice system to make an example of those kind of guys.
They want to make criminals out of law abiding males that say unflattering things about females online.
This is what I'm talking about. Why are you so desperate to affirm your belief in a world where pedophiles aren't punished? This is one of those issues of yours you need to address. You saw a guy on the Internet and were so consumed, you were like "I need the peace of knowing that maybe he's lying about beating up that guy." Why do you care if he beat up the guy?
There are enough normies out there that want people that say mean things about women online dead or at the very least their lives ruined.
They want to push such guys to the breaking point and have them fail at getting "revenge" so they can either be shot dead by cops or can be locked up and have a permanent criminal record and the justice system to make an example of those kind of guys.
They want to make criminals out of law abiding males that say unflattering things about females online.

Yeah, normies are all about the tribe

Their brains are effectively hijacked by female programming

They will do anything for a chance at a whiff of pussy at some future date, regardless of the cost

Basically they're just low-IQ really
Liar trait: you give outrageous details to your stories

no because this shit rarely occurs

I dont know how rare it is tbh
This is what I'm talking about. Why are you so desperate to affirm your belief in a world where pedophiles aren't punished? This is one of those issues of yours you need to address. You saw a guy on the Internet and were so consumed, you were like "I need the peace of knowing that maybe he's lying about beating up that guy." Why do you care if he beat up the guy?
Because stuff like this rarely occurs. If he said he robbed a bank and got away with it I’d still be skeptical
Yeah, normies are all about the tribe
They're all about women while pretending they aren't. They worship women.

Their brains are effectively hijacked by female programming
They use males foids don't like as an outlet for their sadistic tendencies.

They will do anything for a chance at a whiff of pussy at some future date, regardless of the cost
This is a big misnomer. It's actually worse than that. They live for the mere approval of foids and as little as a "thank you :)"
If they did it for a mere whiff of pussy you wouldn't see gay guys defending foids.
They value the opinions of foids above all else and how they are seen as foids as much as they try to deny it. Their actions show them for what they are.

Basically they're just low-IQ really
Some are some aren't. But a lot a very violent and hate incels as much if not more as incels here hate soyciety.
Same with foids. You can't really fathom it. Even some normies and foids are in denial of how much they hate unattractive males that don't cuck to foids.
I bet if he went unarmed he would’ve gotten his ass kicked by the child molester so he needs to rely on a gun.

like you and I said, there’s a big chance he’s lying because he wants internet fame. What he said sounds so sensational.

@ThoughtfulCel @Bangkok or bust Thoughts?
A gun equalizes a strength gap easily. He would gave gotten fucked up without one
A gun equalizes a strength gap easily. He would gave gotten fucked up without one
True. But I doubt any of this happened. I think he just wanted internet fame and made up a fake story
Because stuff like this rarely occurs. If he said he robbed a bank and got away with it I’d still be skeptical

But you also make threads about people who do confront pedophiles. For seemingly no reason other than to be angry about them being confronted. Why do you care?
But you also make threads about people who do confront pedophiles. For seemingly no reason other than to be angry about them being confronted. Why do you care?
To taunt normies who jerk off to vigilante justice myths
This is a big misnomer. It's actually worse than that. They live for the mere approval of foids and as little as a "thank you :)"
If they did it for a mere whiff of pussy you wouldn't see gay guys defending foids.
They value the opinions of foids above all else and how they are seen as foids as much as they try to deny it. Their actions show them for what they are.

Yeah it's scary. I noticed this tendency in myself before becoming blackpilled. It's evolutionary hardwired into men to want foid approval.
Yeah it's scary. I noticed this tendency in myself before becoming blackpilled. It's evolutionary hardwired into men to want foid approval.
tbh but western countries amplify it.
Other than justbewhite a reason a lot of guys find SEA countries more hospitable is because it's less hateful of the average male.

Anglo countries use to be more tolerant of the average male as long as they were white. That's no longer the case.
To taunt normies who jerk off to vigilante justice myths

But you've made threads about when vigilante justice does happen. If that's what you want, why would you make the threads where vigilantes actually go out and vigilante?
But you've made threads about when vigilante justice does happen. If that's what you want, why would you make the threads where vigilantes actually go out and vigilante?
Yes but it’s still statistically rare
Yes but it’s still statistically rare

But why are you making the threads, is the issue? If you just wanna gloat about vigilantes who don't walk the walk, I would think you would just look for examples of that. But no, you go looking for examples of vigilantes who DO walk the walk.
But why are you making the threads, is the issue? If you just wanna gloat about vigilantes who don't walk the walk, I would think you would just look for examples of that. But no, you go looking for examples of vigilantes who DO walk the walk.
that's because i don't need to prove it. if murder vigilantism was common, we'd hear about it all the time, yet 99.9999% of the time we only hear of the sex offender being arrested instead of attacked/killed and if murder vigilantism was that common, the murder rate would be much higher. the homicide rate in america is like 5 per 100,000 and most of it is presumably not because of vigilantism, and yet the rape rate (this only includes rapes resulting in arrests/convictions because most isn't reported) is 27.3 per 100,000 (the real percent of women who get raped is 16.666 percent).
video won't play. whats in the video?
that's because i don't need to prove it. if murder vigilantism was common, we'd hear about it all the time, yet 99.9999% of the time we only hear of the sex offender being arrested instead of attacked/killed and if murder vigilantism was that common, the murder rate would be much higher. the homicide rate in america is like 5 per 100,000 and most of it is presumably not because of vigilantism, and yet the rape rate (this only includes rapes resulting in arrests/convictions because most isn't reported) is 27.3 per 100,000 (the real percent of women who get raped is 16.666 percent).

You're not understanding me. What is the actual point of making threads about real vigilantes? This isn't about how common they are. Maybe they are rare. But why make threads about them?
You're not understanding me. What is the actual point of making threads about real vigilantes? This isn't about how common they are. Maybe they are rare. But why make threads about them?
Because cucks try to act tough by talking about things they see in movies.
Because cucks try to act tough by talking about things they see in movies.
You're not understanding me. What is the actual point of making threads about real vigilantes? This isn't about how common they are. Maybe they are rare. But why make threads about them?
what robtical said is the reason.
Because cucks try to act tough by talking about things they see in movies.

what robtical said is the reason.

No, the threads about when vigilantes actually do the things they say they'll do. Not when they don't do it, but when they do it. Why are you making THOSE threads?
No, the threads about when vigilantes actually do the things they say they'll do. Not when they don't do it, but when they do it. Why are you making THOSE threads?
because rare unusual situations can more attention
because rare unusual situations can more attention

"Can more attention?" What does this mean?

I'm not sure if you understand, but I'm not asking why you're posting these with regard to whether or not they undermine your claims about vigilantes being rare. I'm asking why do you care about the instances of actual vigilantes when all you wanna do is point out when vigilantes don't vigilante?
"Can more attention?" What does this mean?

I'm not sure if you understand, but I'm not asking why you're posting these with regard to whether or not they undermine your claims about vigilantes being rare. I'm asking why do you care about the instances of actual vigilantes when all you wanna do is point out when vigilantes don't vigilante?
because i think these guys are lying about what they did so i wanted to show people who funny it is
because i think these guys are lying about what they did so i wanted to show people who funny it is

But you've posted examples of people who've actually done it. Remember that thread about the guys who prison fucked that one guy, or whatever?
But you've posted examples of people who've actually done it. Remember that thread about the guys who prison fucked that one guy, or whatever?
that's because it's rare, sensational stuff and therefore is more attention-grabbing
no because it gets many replies and wondered what people reaction would be

Alright, finally. Jesus. How the fuck did it take us this long to come to this answer? Did you not understand me when I asked "Why are you making those threads?"

But this still doesn't answer why you care. If your thrill is vigilantes who don't vigilante, why do you care about the reaction to vigilantes who do? See how that's weird? You're not just looking for failed vigilantes, you're looking for any and all vigilantes. That's a bizarre obsession, and it betrays an insecurity that every time you hear about pedophiles in trouble, you have to look into it, and then either sigh in relief that it was a false alarm, or come here and grumble when the stories are true. It's not just failed vigilantism you're paying service to. It's all of the vigilantism. And I wonder why you care.
Alright, finally. Jesus. How the fuck did it take us this long to come to this answer? Did you not understand me when I asked "Why are you making those threads?"

But this still doesn't answer why you care. If your thrill is vigilantes who don't vigilante, why do you care about the reaction to vigilantes who do? See how that's weird? You're not just looking for failed vigilantes, you're looking for any and all vigilantes. That's a bizarre obsession, and it betrays an insecurity that every time you hear about pedophiles in trouble, you have to look into it, and then either sigh in relief that it was a false alarm, or come here and grumble when the stories are true. It's not just failed vigilantism you're paying service to. It's all of the vigilantism. And I wonder why you care.
it depends of the targeted group. i personally think that people on the internet are extremely moral panic-ky about sex offenders, and i feel like they only hate on them opportunistically rather than because they actually care about children or women or something. and many times they'll try to act like they're part of that .00001% who would kill a sex offender yet this is rare. "if that was my daughter" is pretty much a meme now. at first it would be normies saying "if that was my daughter i'd kill him", then later people take that sentence and make it more creative by saying "he would be on missing posters" or "i'd rape and torture him to death" or "he wouldn't have a head anymore" etc. and the way these people try to act badass on the internet is cringey to say the least
it depends of the targeted group. i personally think that people on the internet are extremely moral panic-ky about sex offenders, and i feel like they only hate on them opportunistically rather than because they actually care about children or women or something. and many times they'll try to act like they're part of that .00001% who would kill a sex offender yet this is rare. "if that was my daughter" is pretty much a meme now. at first it would be normies saying "if that was my daughter i'd kill him", then later people take that sentence and make it more creative by saying "he would be on missing posters" or "i'd rape and torture him to death" or "he wouldn't have a head anymore" etc. and the way these people try to act badass on the internet is cringey to say the least

This isn't an answer to my question. I'm asking why you care so much about vigilantes who DO make good on their claims.
You care because people who aren't on this forum care?
people on the internet outside this forum are influencing society far more often thanks to using social media to spread their voice
Quora is fucking cancer.
Not sure what a 20/10 is. Maybe it's some form of police code for a crime somewhere. I would be I climbed to think maybe it was a 20 year cut to 10 because of behaviour but him giving it 8 seems unlikely. Maybe it's just slang somewhere. Or maybe he just meant the year 2010 and got out 2 years ago?
Do you think these guys are honest or lying?
No idea. But probably lying. To me it seems on a normie site, criminals on those kinds of charges either go one way. Either never speak about it let alone have an account. Or milk it for all they can. Some people that make those claims may be legit. The second one seems more viable than the first screenshot imo. But either way, I have no way of knowing.
i feel like people with these charges usually aren't on quora. also, how would the second one know the weight of his victim? and usually child molesters are average build, not the height and weight of dwayne johnson. and also, most child molesters don't even make cp tapes
I wouldn't know about that either. I don't really care much about what other people have done. The second guy, may have been making guesses or estimates. Maybe heard something about it. The weight thing I'd be surprised about. So either he's just trying to hype himself up more to look good. Over and underestimating where it serves.

The first one sounds like pure keyboard warrior, people I've had to fight against, I never really found much about their states afterwards, that was it. And even if you get on a charge the details can sometimes be pretty scarce. The second sounds like a more thought out thing. In my opinion I think both are probably bullshit. But I'll never be able to say for sure jfl
do some prisons have different crime hierarchies than other prisons?

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