cope and seethe
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she's hot nglshe's the foid that wrote an article about us on Serge's blog. users like @BummerDrummer @ScornedStoic have been on her podcast, and she constantly lurks the forum
she's hot nglshe's the foid that wrote an article about us on Serge's blog. users like @BummerDrummer @ScornedStoic have been on her podcast, and she constantly lurks the forum
soyshe's hot ngl
I’d fuck her all day and night. Too bad her smv equals the circumference of the universe in nanometers@Speedloader i think this filthy jew cunt is your looksmatch
The admin posted a blog entry written by her in the incel blog, then locked and deleted the thread when he started getting a ton of flak.
@Atavistic Autist created a damning thread about her in ID about her connections and how this whole shit might be psyop. The thread got moved to OT because it "wasn't related to inceldom." But they were just trying to suppress the thread without overtly (((shutting it down))).
It gets worse: users like @BummerDrummer and @ScornedStoic allegedly were on her fucking podcast.
This is peak clown world and we're in the eye of the storm.
bummer literally stripped on webcam for discord e-girls and let them laugh at him (allegedly) so I’m not surprised by this. I could probably find the discord users who were on that VC to back me up.
Remember. Have no confidence in most men when it comes to holes. They will screech blackpill one second but ALL of that goes out the window the second a hole shows attention, back to simping, back stabbing, the works.
we are inviting a whore into our community.You guys get a whiff of pussy and immediately go fucking crazy.This jezebel has already fucked a million guys,and jfl at thinking she will suck your cock.it is by accepting women and normies that this community will turn into a joke.
NORMIES DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously,you think incels would still exist if normies gave two shits?You seriously think we would have many friendless people as we do here if normies gave a fuck?you seriously think a woman out of all treacherous beings(her being the most treacherous one) will ever give two flying fucks about our community and about you?NORMIES WISH WE WERE FUCKING DEAD.
I do not even want to know what her nefarious mind plans to do,once she gets her hands on our community,but i know that whatever she does it will bring destruction to our community.
Stop worshipping bitches.it will not get you pussy and it only drag you to hell.
Tldr: sergeant and various incels around here have helped this jezebel by participating in her podcast,spreading her podcast in incels co twitter,have allowed her to write on incels go blog(instead of picking the several true incels who asked sergeant if they could write) and probably helped her with a million of other things that i do not know about.She probably has an account here kek.We cannot allow these bitches to have any place in our community.A hoe is a hoe.
Jezebel is an another word for whore.Who is jezebel?
Thought the podcroastie's name is naama kates or sth.
Amen, wiser words have never been spokenStop worshipping bitches.it will not get you pussy and it only drag you to hell.
Man, I seem to be totally immune to any normie infiltration. Not a single one has ever reached to me. Feels good, they can sense I'm immune to simpery and cuckolding so they don't even bother, unlike other usersThe admin posted a blog entry written by her in the incel blog, then locked and deleted the thread when he started getting a ton of flak.
@Atavistic Autist created a damning thread about her in ID about her connections and how this whole shit might be psyop. The thread got moved to OT because it "wasn't related to inceldom." But they were just trying to suppress the thread without overtly (((shutting it down))).
It gets worse: users like @BummerDrummer and @ScornedStoic allegedly were on her fucking podcast.
This is peak clown world and we're in the eye of the storm.
WHATbummer literally stripped on webcam for discord e-girls and let them laugh at him (allegedly) so I’m not surprised by this. I could probably find the discord users who were on that VC to back me up.
Remember. Have no confidence in most men when it comes to holes. They will screech blackpill one second but ALL of that goes out the window the second a hole shows attention, back to simping, back stabbing, the works.
Happened many times and will continue to happen.
dude honestly , what do you expect when there are thousands of sex starved men ? what in the fuck do u think is gonna happen? Its obvious as shit that they will backstab each other for sex, which is why prostitution and escort celling should be encouraged. The male sex drive is vastly larger than a woman's and given the fact that men don't give a fuck about men(with few exceptions) shit like this is bound to happen.
bummer literally stripped on webcam for discord e-girls and let them laugh at him (allegedly) so I’m not surprised by this. I could probably find the discord users who were on that VC to back me up.
Literally who?
Ironically all of those fuckers that are beta orbiting her are anti-escortcels because they want "muh affection and validation"
good one
yeah,i noticed that.think it happened one or two hour ago.A whiff of pussy changes most mans minds@Billowel You got (((shut down))) bro. Thread got moved to OT.
yeah,i noticed that.think it happened one or two hour ago.A whiff of pussy changes most mans minds
I am not surprised.Pussy is pussy and sergeant wants it.As long as i have god,i am fine.All threads with any mention of her will get shipped to OT so they get less attention. OT is full of memesters and shitposters, so this controversy is just going to going to get buried under all of the OT noise.
Fucking disgusting.
Because they deny their nature, they only end up handicapping themselves, and leaving themselves open to manipulation
Seriously imagine a guy like @BummerDrummer who comes online posting edgy shit, nigger this nigger that, doing something pathetic like stripping on a webcam for e-girls while they laugh at you or going on that woman's podcast, explain Bummer, that shit doesn't add up, you just seem like a pathetic faker now
All that edginess goes out the window at the whiff of pussy JFL
They only way I'd go on any media platform is if its well known and its to give a clear and serious message, I'm not going on some random foids podcast lol, these guys are jokes
I bet in a year or two women are gonna be allowed here. Mark my words. Or we'll get a foid mod.All threads with any mention of her will get shipped to OT so they get less attention. OT is full of memesters and shitposters, so this controversy is just going to going to get buried under all of the OT noise.
Fucking disgusting.
It gets worse: users like @BummerDrummer and @ScornedStoic allegedly were on her fucking podcast.
yeah it was.was.@Billowel wasnt this thread on ID?
The very minute hot girls or any girls at all are allowed on here for that matter tons of thirsty faggot Chadlites will suddenly begin flocking to our site and pushing all the true incels out declaring themselves "incels" to get next to the supposed "incel loving foids" and before you know it this place will become an even bigger joke than the literal faggot seeking out boyfriend fest that my old home site Wizchan is now due to the Mod Fag Clique over there allowing the faggot fap thread despite nearly the entire userbase asking for it to be removed on meta as well allowing fags to openly troll for boyfriends.
So if we have admins that actually care about the community don't let foids join up no matter how well intentioned they may seem or even actually be.
As the old saying goes: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions".
I bet in a year or two women are gonna be allowed here. Mark my words. Or we'll get a foid mod.
The fact that this was moved to OT just shows how retarded this is getting
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wish i had money so i could go to the philiphines,marry some jb and spend my life studying and doing what i gotta do.life is brutal.I feel like the end is near. It's been fun, brocel.
@Damo the incel is this true?women shouldn't be allowed here, i agree.
it was rumored that Damo the incel was Naama Kates, but of course she said no she wasn't
wish i had money so i could go to the philiphines,marry some jb and spend my life studying and doing what i gotta do.life is brutal.
Thats not true I didn't say I was her it was Blacktarpill making up rumors about mewomen shouldn't be allowed here, i agree.
it was rumored that Damo the incel was Naama Kates, but of course she said no she wasn't
PM me your faceThats not true I didn't say I was her it was Blacktarpill making up rumors about me
i have some ideas to moneymaxx but they will probably fail.I don't want to be a bum(paul the apostle was against it),but the only thing i think i might be able to really do it is is trades.Thing is that takes quite some time to even start,and i am also unsure.Sometimes the monastic life seems ideal,but then my urges return and i am left baffled.I will try a few things, but if they fail i will either try to do trades(big doubt) or head to a monastery and see where it goes.You can take steps to do that now. What's stopping you?
I cant trust you especially after our historyPM me your face
@Nothingness also said thatThats not true I didn't say I was her it was Blacktarpill making up rumors about me
You can trust me DamoSlayerI cant trust you especially after our history
He also can't be trusted@Nothingness also said that
Absolutely No Cum Dumpsters Allowed
That Rule is Non-Negotiable.
Keep the cunt out.
Thank you for explaining.
If the admins are really siding with a fucking journalist foid, then the end is near.
Next step will be a femcels sub forum, the ban of misoginism , IT users as mods and a build in Twitter share button.