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JFL This is what the SCP Foundation is now HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022
This is the current "reviewer's spotlight" on that website:feelskek::feelskek::

"The Deadname Meme":feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:. Of course the current day SCP Foundation is hardcore pushing tranny bullshit.

It's so bizarre though, the tranny is a self-centered piece of shit, yet we are supposed to be rooting for and agree with him?

The actual start of the article is a collapsible email conversation, which I only now discovered:feelshaha:, and right off the bat this character is badly unsympathetic:

Hello Dr. Heather Garrison,

This email is to inform you of your transfer, effective immediately, to the Memetics and Countermemetics section at Site-43. You were chosen via random lottery for staff reassignment, to build stronger ties between sites. Site-43 is a beautiful underground facility in Canada, and is sure to be a welcome change.

Transport will be arranged within the next 24 hours. Please use this time to collect any personal belongings, and get ready for a wonderful career change!

Tad Trainor,
Human Resources

We've never met and we probably never will. So I don't feel bad about saying this next part; am I to understand that I am being transferred to fucking Canada, and into a completely different department? I was in research, why not just move me to their research department? Don't I get a say in this? Also, what the fuck is a section?

And seriously? Canada?

Dr. Heather Garrison,

Please excuse the former email, I am still adjusting to a new dosage of hormones. The transfer is welcomed, and I am looking forward to new challenges.

Dr. Heather Garrison,


Wtf is this supposed to be:lul::lul:? Trannies really believe that this is acceptable behaviour and then complain why everyone hates them:feelskek::feelskek:. So basically, this character immediately starts insulting the person respectfully informing them of the change, specifically saying that they don't give a shit about civility because they'll never see each other, and then goes "Oh, sorry, I'm just a hormonal gurl that just got another shot of HRT uwu:foidSoy::soy:."


Also, suifuel for Canadacels.

Then, the article proper starts with a suifuel scene for manlets and namecels, as the tranny is greeted by a manlet researcher named Dr. Swallows, and the entire scene is just the tranny internally mocking the guy and trying not to laugh at his height and name:

"Hey! You must be the new transfer! Welcome to Site-43!" A short man in an ill-fitting lab coat called out, waving her over. "I'm Dr. Swallows, Research and Experimentation, and I've been assigned as your orientation buddy!"

Heather looked down at Dr. Swallows — he was already short, and it didn't help that at 6'2", she towered over him even more. "Thanks. Glad to be here." Heather was terse, failing to hide any negative emotions, but Dr. Swallows seemed not to notice.
Tallfag trannies genuinely expecting people to see and treat them as women is always a kekfuel, fictional or not:feelskek::lul:.

"So I hear you're going to be in Memetics and Countermemetics! Exciting! Have you done a lot of work in that field then?" He was sincere. Honestly, she felt bad being around him, worried that make him less endlessly optimistic. Ah well.

"Huh. Well I'm sure you'll make quick work of it!" Dr. Swallows began to walk down a corridor, having forgotten to tell Heather to follow him. For a second, she thought about not following him, ditching him instead and figuring this out on her own. Her legs were moving before she could stop them, though, and she quickly caught up with the short doctor.

Heather stood in line in the cafeteria, mentally beating herself up. Why did I have to tempt fate? She had just gone through what felt like the most excruciating day of her life, being dragged all over Site-43 by Dr. Swallows, spending the entire time trying not to make a joke about either his height or his name.

Then the article introduces another powerful, talented, gurlboss gurl with absolutely no manners, and the two of course start hitting on each other:feelskek:.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"

That's when Heather finally noticed the person attached to her object of obsession — a tall, slender woman, with long white hair falling effortlessly around her face. She was pretty. Shit, Heather thought. She didn't want to fall for somebody already. Right. She asked me a question.

"Umm, sorry, I was just looking—" Heather couldn't get the sentence out before being cut off.

"Well take a good fucking look, because this is the most you'll ever see. I'm way out of your league."
Oh fuck. Heather realized who she had been staring at; she'd heard about her on SCiPNET before being transferred, and Dr. Swallows wouldn't stop talking about how much he was terrified of her. This was her new boss. Dr. Lillian Lillihammer, living legend and memetics whiz.

"Sorry, I was looking at your coat." Heather, this is your boss. You should probably smooth this over. Heather stood up abruptly, and stuck her hand out to the other woman. "I was just transferred to the site, I'm the new member for the Memetics and Countermemetics section."

There was a moment of silence as both women, towering over everybody else in the room, looked at each other with shared recognition and understanding. For a second, Heather thought that she just might make it through this encounter without any casualties. That was until—

"I didn't hire a new researcher. Find another section to work in." Dr. Lillihammer began to walk away, until a second newcomer stopped her, a man with a very nice haircut.

After some back and forth, the tranny is left to talk a bit with the character that interrupted its conversation with that other tranny, and during the conversation, the tranny is passive aggressive against him because "feelings" and not replying to his questions because "feelings".

"Sorry about Li, she's a lot to take in all at once." The man who smoothed things over earlier approached her with an outstretched hand. "Dr. Harry Blank, Chair of Archives and Revisions. I'm just your friendly local archivist."

"Dr. Heather Garrison, I guess I'm part of the Memetics and Countermemetics section now? Not that I've had much experience with memetics before but…"

"What was that about the uhh… your deadname meme that Lil was talking about? That sounds like Memetics…"

Heather didn't reply. She hated it when it was called the deadname meme.

Trying to break the awkward silence, Harry continued. "You know, I'd love to ask you a few questions about that and yourself. I maintain a small file of employee bios, which I'd love to keep up to date. When would you be free to do that? It should only take an hour, maybe two."

He looked far too excited at the prospect of a lengthy deconstruction of her personal and work history — she much preferred to not think about her history, thank you very much!

And the last part is so bizarre I'm not even going to spoiler it:feelskek:. Remember when the Foundation was cold, calculating, amoral and utilitarian? Remember Keter duty for major screwups and regular D-class exterminations? Remember the Foundation encouraging genocides if it were needed to contain a single anomaly?

Yeah, forget about all of that. This is the new, improved and modern Foundation which employs stunning and brave genius researchers, who will spend entire paragraphs seething about how they aren't congratulated and recognized enough by the Foundation for being the geniuses they are:

"The first thing to know is that it's not a deadname meme, everybody just says that. It's so much more." Heather rolled her eyes, tired of having to deal with this every time she met somebody who'd read her dissertation. All that anybody remembered from her paper was the vast oversimplification that the Foundation thought would be more 'eye-catching' for their internal journals. Maybe that's the real memetic effect?

Of course, that nickname was all they remembered. Not any of the actual work that she did, no, of course not. Not the fact that while it used some basic memetics, the real work was identifying how to apply it to a noospheric idea, and then choosing which idea to target?
She had to remind herself; that wasn't the part that got fully published. The Foundation's internal journals made a lot of cuts to her dissertation before publication, the editor claiming that he knew better about what other scientists would care about. He thought it was more interesting how she had described the act of being deadnamed as containing a potential memetic load, through auditory delivery — the actual 'deadname meme' she'd created was practically a footnote, moved into the 'further research' section. And she had to fight hard for that.
But her interests or actually groundbreaking research didn't matter. It was all about what would look good for the Foundation, and the journal editor.

Between that and her advisor who kept telling her that nobody would care about her research, since it was only about trans people — she was pretty sick and tired of having to do so much work to just even get a glimmer of recognition.

the act of being deadnamed as containing a potential memetic load

And then, the final line, italics NOT mine, is the perfect clincher:

Fucking old white men.


And that's just the first part of that tale. Just 1/3 of it, there's still twice as much there, but I hadn't even tried reading that:feelshaha::feelskek:.
I identify as an SCP. My pronouns are [EXPUNGED]/[REDACTED].
549afe6d91d84440bbc2b3b858fdb1710324fa7302c32efa5c05e060773a296b 1
This is the current "reviewer's spotlight" on that website:feelskek::feelskek::

"The Deadname Meme":feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:. Of course the current day SCP Foundation is hardcore pushing tranny bullshit.

It's so bizarre though, the tranny is a self-centered piece of shit, yet we are supposed to be rooting for and agree with him?

The actual start of the article is a collapsible email conversation, which I only now discovered:feelshaha:, and right off the bat this character is badly unsympathetic:

Hello Dr. Heather Garrison,

This email is to inform you of your transfer, effective immediately, to the Memetics and Countermemetics section at Site-43. You were chosen via random lottery for staff reassignment, to build stronger ties between sites. Site-43 is a beautiful underground facility in Canada, and is sure to be a welcome change.

Transport will be arranged within the next 24 hours. Please use this time to collect any personal belongings, and get ready for a wonderful career change!

Tad Trainor,
Human Resources

We've never met and we probably never will. So I don't feel bad about saying this next part; am I to understand that I am being transferred to fucking Canada, and into a completely different department? I was in research, why not just move me to their research department? Don't I get a say in this? Also, what the fuck is a section?

And seriously? Canada?

Dr. Heather Garrison,

Please excuse the former email, I am still adjusting to a new dosage of hormones. The transfer is welcomed, and I am looking forward to new challenges.

Dr. Heather Garrison,


Wtf is this supposed to be:lul::lul:? Trannies really believe that this is acceptable behaviour and then complain why everyone hates them:feelskek::feelskek:. So basically, this character immediately starts insulting the person respectfully informing them of the change, specifically saying that they don't give a shit about civility because they'll never see each other, and then goes "Oh, sorry, I'm just a hormonal gurl that just got another shot of HRT uwu:foidSoy::soy:."


Also, suifuel for Canadacels.

Then, the article proper starts with a suifuel scene for manlets and namecels, as the tranny is greeted by a manlet researcher named Dr. Swallows, and the entire scene is just the tranny internally mocking the guy and trying not to laugh at his height and name:

Tallfag trannies genuinely expecting people to see and treat them as women is always a kekfuel, fictional or not:feelskek::lul:.

Then the article introduces another powerful, talented, gurlboss gurl with absolutely no manners, and the two of course start hitting on each other:feelskek:.

After some back and forth, the tranny is left to talk a bit with the character that interrupted its conversation with that other tranny, and during the conversation, the tranny is passive aggressive against him because "feelings" and not replying to his questions because "feelings".

"Sorry about Li, she's a lot to take in all at once." The man who smoothed things over earlier approached her with an outstretched hand. "Dr. Harry Blank, Chair of Archives and Revisions. I'm just your friendly local archivist."

"Dr. Heather Garrison, I guess I'm part of the Memetics and Countermemetics section now? Not that I've had much experience with memetics before but…"

"What was that about the uhh… your deadname meme that Lil was talking about? That sounds like Memetics…"

Heather didn't reply. She hated it when it was called the deadname meme.

Trying to break the awkward silence, Harry continued. "You know, I'd love to ask you a few questions about that and yourself. I maintain a small file of employee bios, which I'd love to keep up to date. When would you be free to do that? It should only take an hour, maybe two."

He looked far too excited at the prospect of a lengthy deconstruction of her personal and work history — she much preferred to not think about her history, thank you very much!

And the last part is so bizarre I'm not even going to spoiler it:feelskek:. Remember when the Foundation was cold, calculating, amoral and utilitarian? Remember Keter duty for major screwups and regular D-class exterminations? Remember the Foundation encouraging genocides if it were needed to contain a single anomaly?

Yeah, forget about all of that. This is the new, improved and modern Foundation which employs stunning and brave genius researchers, who will spend entire paragraphs seething about how they aren't congratulated and recognized enough by the Foundation for being the geniuses they are:


And then, the final line, italics NOT mine, is the perfect clincher:


And that's just the first part of that tale. Just 1/3 of it, there's still twice as much there, but I hadn't even tried reading that:feelshaha::feelskek:.
Troons do really ruin everything they touch JFL
All the good SCP's have already been written
And a long time ago at that. There's a few, very few gems among the new ones as well, but most of them are just shit:dafuckfeels::feelswhat:.
I used to be an SCP fan when I was in elementary school. I stopped reading that shit after it was invaded by furfags. Nice to see that it's degraded further. This, this is why you gatekeep your communities.
I used to be an SCP fan when I was in elementary school. I stopped reading that shit after it was invaded by furfags. Nice to see that it's degraded further. This, this is why you gatekeep your communities.
Legitimately every community I was a part of in the past got destroyed because of trannies/faggots/soys/women. This forum is one of the few places that's still usable nowadays.
I used to be an ICP fan when I was in elementary school. I stopped reading that shit after it was invaded by furfags. Nice to see that it's degraded further. This, this is why you gatekeep your communities.
@Chudpreet TTD, even a universe about horrific entities isn't safe anymore. Anything tied to "internet culture" inevitably gets destroyed by troomers, it's like a new law of the internet.
Only SCPs from 1-1000 matter anyway.
SCP - supreme child predators
Woke culture ruins everything istg.
I've seen a video about him a long time ago. He kills kids right?
He's the twisted Santa Claus. Every year around Christmas time, he invades a happy successful family's rural household (north of 40 latitude) and ties all the family members up, brutally tortures and murders them as their kids watch, then take the youngest children and enslave them. Based as hell because all of his victims by default are sexhaver normie richfags since they need to be a family living in a large rural house
He's the twisted Santa Claus. Every year around Christmas time, he invades a happy successful family's rural household (north of 40 latitude) and ties all the family members up, brutally tortures and murders them as their kids watch, then take the youngest children and enslave them. Based as hell because all of his victims by default are sexhaver normies since they need to be a family living in a large rural house
Interesting SCP but the Ikea one is my favourite.
Interesting SCP but the Ikea one is my favourite.
Mine is 106 the old man, because he's similar to us he was a truecel who was drafted to WW1 as cannon fodder but used his incel rage to turned into a monster instead and tortures normies and foids every once in a while.
Mine is 106 the old man, because he's similar to us he was a truecel who was drafted to WW1 as cannon fodder but used his incel rage to turned into a monster instead and tortures normies and foids every once in a while.
Loved playing as him in SCP secret laboratory
I never understood the whole meme about scp stuff
All SCPs above 3000 are not cannon
I used to be an SCP fan when I was in elementary school. I stopped reading that shit after it was invaded by furfags. Nice to see that it's degraded further. This, this is why you gatekeep your communities.
Legitimately every community I was a part of in the past got destroyed because of trannies/faggots/soys/women. This forum is one of the few places that's still usable nowadays.
why are they allowing fanfiction like this now?

talk about inviting trannies, they were unable to talk about themselves when it was just about anomalous objects
This is the current "reviewer's spotlight" on that website:feelskek::feelskek::

"The Deadname Meme":feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:. Of course the current day SCP Foundation is hardcore pushing tranny bullshit.

It's so bizarre though, the tranny is a self-centered piece of shit, yet we are supposed to be rooting for and agree with him?

The actual start of the article is a collapsible email conversation, which I only now discovered:feelshaha:, and right off the bat this character is badly unsympathetic:

Hello Dr. Heather Garrison,

This email is to inform you of your transfer, effective immediately, to the Memetics and Countermemetics section at Site-43. You were chosen via random lottery for staff reassignment, to build stronger ties between sites. Site-43 is a beautiful underground facility in Canada, and is sure to be a welcome change.

Transport will be arranged within the next 24 hours. Please use this time to collect any personal belongings, and get ready for a wonderful career change!

Tad Trainor,
Human Resources

We've never met and we probably never will. So I don't feel bad about saying this next part; am I to understand that I am being transferred to fucking Canada, and into a completely different department? I was in research, why not just move me to their research department? Don't I get a say in this? Also, what the fuck is a section?

And seriously? Canada?

Dr. Heather Garrison,

Please excuse the former email, I am still adjusting to a new dosage of hormones. The transfer is welcomed, and I am looking forward to new challenges.

Dr. Heather Garrison,


Wtf is this supposed to be:lul::lul:? Trannies really believe that this is acceptable behaviour and then complain why everyone hates them:feelskek::feelskek:. So basically, this character immediately starts insulting the person respectfully informing them of the change, specifically saying that they don't give a shit about civility because they'll never see each other, and then goes "Oh, sorry, I'm just a hormonal gurl that just got another shot of HRT uwu:foidSoy::soy:."


Also, suifuel for Canadacels.

Then, the article proper starts with a suifuel scene for manlets and namecels, as the tranny is greeted by a manlet researcher named Dr. Swallows, and the entire scene is just the tranny internally mocking the guy and trying not to laugh at his height and name:

Tallfag trannies genuinely expecting people to see and treat them as women is always a kekfuel, fictional or not:feelskek::lul:.

Then the article introduces another powerful, talented, gurlboss gurl with absolutely no manners, and the two of course start hitting on each other:feelskek:.

After some back and forth, the tranny is left to talk a bit with the character that interrupted its conversation with that other tranny, and during the conversation, the tranny is passive aggressive against him because "feelings" and not replying to his questions because "feelings".

"Sorry about Li, she's a lot to take in all at once." The man who smoothed things over earlier approached her with an outstretched hand. "Dr. Harry Blank, Chair of Archives and Revisions. I'm just your friendly local archivist."

"Dr. Heather Garrison, I guess I'm part of the Memetics and Countermemetics section now? Not that I've had much experience with memetics before but…"

"What was that about the uhh… your deadname meme that Lil was talking about? That sounds like Memetics…"

Heather didn't reply. She hated it when it was called the deadname meme.

Trying to break the awkward silence, Harry continued. "You know, I'd love to ask you a few questions about that and yourself. I maintain a small file of employee bios, which I'd love to keep up to date. When would you be free to do that? It should only take an hour, maybe two."

He looked far too excited at the prospect of a lengthy deconstruction of her personal and work history — she much preferred to not think about her history, thank you very much!

And the last part is so bizarre I'm not even going to spoiler it:feelskek:. Remember when the Foundation was cold, calculating, amoral and utilitarian? Remember Keter duty for major screwups and regular D-class exterminations? Remember the Foundation encouraging genocides if it were needed to contain a single anomaly?

Yeah, forget about all of that. This is the new, improved and modern Foundation which employs stunning and brave genius researchers, who will spend entire paragraphs seething about how they aren't congratulated and recognized enough by the Foundation for being the geniuses they are:


And then, the final line, italics NOT mine, is the perfect clincher:


And that's just the first part of that tale. Just 1/3 of it, there's still twice as much there, but I hadn't even tried reading that:feelshaha::feelskek:.
I don't understand nothing of this zoomer shit
I remember on the TERF subreddit r/itsafetish it would come up all the time how trannies portraying women as moody and hysterical and unable to control their emotions because of foid hormones (even in professional work emails apparently) is actually incredibly misogynistic. Using biological essentialism to assert that women are inherently hysterical and retarded is actually such an extreme misogynist position that even a fairly large subset of users on this forum would disagree

They do this bizarrely often probably because their entire frame of reference for women as a concept comes from porn and media tropes. Trannies get away with stuff like this all the time because women are absolutely terrified of pushing back against them on anything. It is actually hilarious that feminists have been largely successfully bullied into accommodating obvious male fetishists (who are indistinguishable from other misogynistic male porn addicts in every way aside from the fact that they are living their fetish 24/7)
Last edited:
Trannies are obviously narcissistic. How else do they have the ability to think they could ever be foids
I remember before that website got completely taken over by zoomerfag scum, before creepypasta shit was mainstream and got corrupted. The old internet should have lasted forever.
Kill all normies (in minecraft) that ruined this concept. It's like it's in their nature to ruin anything that they touch. (nations, video games, movies, comic books, christianity, etc.)
Kill all normies (in minecraft) that ruined this concept. It's like it's in their nature to ruin anything that they touch. (nations, video games, movies, comic books, christianity, etc.)
Kill all normies (in minecraft) that ruined this concept. It's like it's in their nature to ruin anything that they touch. (nations, video games, movies, comic books, christianity, etc.)
i used to really enjoy SCP and was around during its initial 1-1000 series

watching youtube videos where they read and self extrapolate SCPs was a big pass time for me during my wage slave hours

past years it's slowly become more and more degenerate normie mass media NPC appealing bullshit and imo the LGBT/tranny push in the past 1-2 years is the nail in the coffin for me. it's a shame to see it happen since it was a really cool concept
This is the current "reviewer's spotlight" on that website:feelskek::feelskek::

"The Deadname Meme":feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:. Of course the current day SCP Foundation is hardcore pushing tranny bullshit.

It's so bizarre though, the tranny is a self-centered piece of shit, yet we are supposed to be rooting for and agree with him?

The actual start of the article is a collapsible email conversation, which I only now discovered:feelshaha:, and right off the bat this character is badly unsympathetic:

Hello Dr. Heather Garrison,

This email is to inform you of your transfer, effective immediately, to the Memetics and Countermemetics section at Site-43. You were chosen via random lottery for staff reassignment, to build stronger ties between sites. Site-43 is a beautiful underground facility in Canada, and is sure to be a welcome change.

Transport will be arranged within the next 24 hours. Please use this time to collect any personal belongings, and get ready for a wonderful career change!

Tad Trainor,
Human Resources

We've never met and we probably never will. So I don't feel bad about saying this next part; am I to understand that I am being transferred to fucking Canada, and into a completely different department? I was in research, why not just move me to their research department? Don't I get a say in this? Also, what the fuck is a section?

And seriously? Canada?

Dr. Heather Garrison,

Please excuse the former email, I am still adjusting to a new dosage of hormones. The transfer is welcomed, and I am looking forward to new challenges.

Dr. Heather Garrison,


Wtf is this supposed to be:lul::lul:? Trannies really believe that this is acceptable behaviour and then complain why everyone hates them:feelskek::feelskek:. So basically, this character immediately starts insulting the person respectfully informing them of the change, specifically saying that they don't give a shit about civility because they'll never see each other, and then goes "Oh, sorry, I'm just a hormonal gurl that just got another shot of HRT uwu:foidSoy::soy:."


Also, suifuel for Canadacels.

Then, the article proper starts with a suifuel scene for manlets and namecels, as the tranny is greeted by a manlet researcher named Dr. Swallows, and the entire scene is just the tranny internally mocking the guy and trying not to laugh at his height and name:

Tallfag trannies genuinely expecting people to see and treat them as women is always a kekfuel, fictional or not:feelskek::lul:.

Then the article introduces another powerful, talented, gurlboss gurl with absolutely no manners, and the two of course start hitting on each other:feelskek:.

After some back and forth, the tranny is left to talk a bit with the character that interrupted its conversation with that other tranny, and during the conversation, the tranny is passive aggressive against him because "feelings" and not replying to his questions because "feelings".

"Sorry about Li, she's a lot to take in all at once." The man who smoothed things over earlier approached her with an outstretched hand. "Dr. Harry Blank, Chair of Archives and Revisions. I'm just your friendly local archivist."

"Dr. Heather Garrison, I guess I'm part of the Memetics and Countermemetics section now? Not that I've had much experience with memetics before but…"

"What was that about the uhh… your deadname meme that Lil was talking about? That sounds like Memetics…"

Heather didn't reply. She hated it when it was called the deadname meme.

Trying to break the awkward silence, Harry continued. "You know, I'd love to ask you a few questions about that and yourself. I maintain a small file of employee bios, which I'd love to keep up to date. When would you be free to do that? It should only take an hour, maybe two."

He looked far too excited at the prospect of a lengthy deconstruction of her personal and work history — she much preferred to not think about her history, thank you very much!

And the last part is so bizarre I'm not even going to spoiler it:feelskek:. Remember when the Foundation was cold, calculating, amoral and utilitarian? Remember Keter duty for major screwups and regular D-class exterminations? Remember the Foundation encouraging genocides if it were needed to contain a single anomaly?

Yeah, forget about all of that. This is the new, improved and modern Foundation which employs stunning and brave genius researchers, who will spend entire paragraphs seething about how they aren't congratulated and recognized enough by the Foundation for being the geniuses they are:


And then, the final line, italics NOT mine, is the perfect clincher:


And that's just the first part of that tale. Just 1/3 of it, there's still twice as much there, but I hadn't even tried reading that:feelshaha::feelskek:.
its sad what this site has come to it used to be on its peak in 2000-21 now its just rotting with fags and foids
I used to be an SCP fan when I was in elementary school. I stopped reading that shit after it was invaded by furfags. Nice to see that it's degraded further. This, this is why you gatekeep your communities.
true we should gate keep this one too recently ive spotted a foid/fag saying "im a woman and i can fix you" dont know if it was a troll or not
Legitimately every community I was a part of in the past got destroyed because of trannies/faggots/soys/women. This forum is one of the few places that's still usable nowadays.
beacuse they dont have the guts to fuck around here
Heather looked down at Dr. Swallows — he was already short, and it didn't help that at 6'2", she towered over him even more. "Thanks. Glad to be here." Heather was terse, failing to hide any negative emotions, but Dr. Swallows seemed not to notice.
@Chudpreet TTD, even a universe about horrific entities isn't safe anymore. Anything tied to "internet culture" inevitably gets destroyed by troomers, it's like a new law of the internet.
1000%. I’ve got nothing to add to this besides that this phenomenon is very real and has ruined so many things I like

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