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Blackpill THIS is the root cause of inceldom (and it's IMPOSSIBLE to fix)

@JuliusEvola thoughts
I agree with all of this particularly the bit at the end about luddites. The progress of technology is inevitable as long as there are multiple states in the world because each state needs to research better technology and better military technology to insure their survival. The only way I see a somewhat return to a pre-industrial revolution style of living is if there is an all powerful unitary world government that decides to enforce this (completely unrealistic).
Julius Evola actually has a good book (Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul) on the individual that can "Ride the Tiger" (survive and thrive) through a contemporary world of dissolution. In fact I think if Kaczynski wasn't a luddite he would've been one of the most famous philosophers alive today.

I suppose my thread is quite alike yours I should've searched more for similar threads before writing mine so I could make mine more unique.
The progress of technology is inevitable as long as there are multiple states in the world because each state needs to research better technology and better military technology to insure their survival.
This is true, look at a huge amount of the technological progress in the 20th century, a lot of it was in WW1 and WW2

The only way I see a somewhat return to pre-industrial revolution living is if there is an all powerful unitary world government that decides to enforce this (completely unrealistic).
Reminds me of how the 3 powers in 1984 largely gave up on technological progress as their war was a stalemate, to focus on maintaining control of their populations instead

Julius Evola actually has a good book (Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul) on the individual that can "Ride the Tiger" (survive and thrive) through a contemporary world of dissolution. In fact I think if Kaczynski wasn't a luddite he would've been one of the most famous philosophers alive today.
I feel like I need to cut back on my tech use. Read books or something idk. I spend 16 hours on the internet reading about how the modern internet is bad for us lol
Reminds me of how the 3 powers in 1984 largely gave up on technological progress as their war was a stalemate, to focus on maintaining control of their populations instead
Wow, so true. I love Orwell's books but I do fundamentally disagree with him on his form of government as a social democracy. I think it is increasingly clear that democracy will fail in the west, and once AI and the police state become a bit more advanced it will be inevitable. Throughout history there has always been a cycle of new rulers, the rulers become corrupt, the masses revolt, but military technology is about on the threshold that a revolution would be impossible; and people will definitely want a revolution when societal decay becomes more pronounced and AI takes all of their jobs.
I feel like I need to cut back on my tech use. Read books or something idk. I spend 16 hours on the internet reading about how the modern internet is bad for us lol
lol yeah me too.
I have gotten more active as of recent though and more flexible (I can do the front splits) so I can kick higher.
I think it is increasingly clear that democracy will fail in the west,
Democracy will fail the west much as it failed in the Roman times - the people figured out that they could just keep voting themselves more free shit. College, healthcare, etc. While ignoring the fundamental fact that the money for it has to come for somewhere. The result will be the USA/EU turning into Brazil or Argentina, full of corruption and mutts. Politics will devolve to which candidate promises more free shit.

military technology is about on the threshold that a revolution would be impossible
Maybe, maybe not. For example, the Vietnamese and Afghans pushed the Americans out eventually. They had vastly superior technology and won every battle, but they didn't have tenacity or the will to fight.
people will definitely want a revolution when societal decay becomes more pronounced and AI takes all of their jobs.
I think things will fall apart sooner or later. The question is, if it will happen soon or in a century. Rome survived for hundreds of years in a semi-functional state. The USA as a big island effectively probably would only implode from within (another civil war). Europe has to deal with Muslims and Russians, but they have their own problems that limit their ability to push west.
I have gotten more active as of recent though and more flexible (I can do the front splits) so I can kick higher.
You could be an NFL punter lol

texans destroyed browns 2nite in muh sportsball :feelshaha:
Catastrophically falling birthrates will really doom the West. Thanks to women's unwillingness to have babies with incels, western civilization is doomed, srs. Every "western" country is affected, some just try to pretend it isn't a problem by importing 10 million shitskins. Shrinking population = no economic growth = no money to take care of old people = worst benefits = lower standard of living
I'll give it 20-30 yrs before we turn shit around. Elon Musk and the Chinese would probably be our salvation. We'll probably be too old by then though.
I add my comment to OP’s post and other posts as enumerated. Long commentary herein.

1) Women, when properly reared from childhood, tend to be happier with traditional values such as Christianity (think Amish, Mormon, strict Catholic or Protestant) as grounded in the past as eons ago, as recent as the 1950’s.

However with the advent of critical theory espoused by communist Jews taking its root with the eradication of Fascism (Nazism and Italian/Spanish/Romanian fascism) following WWII, and the ideals of feminism with suffrage and equality for women that serve as working money cow for the elite by design with liberalization of women from the traditional value system i.e. marriage and motherhood at relatively young age (before feminists allied with the controlling elite class passed laws regulating age of consent that put greater restriction on accessibility for men and older boys), women are deluded to believe they have greater freedom as brainwashed, inevitably lending to absurd hypergamy that unravels the social problems causing men to suffer incel life leading to pains of existence and resentment. This had been the case with Weimar Republic with some less than attractive men suffering inceldom, including Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, etc. (Ref. 1 and 2 with English translated edition)

The consequence as a reaction to loneliness with perpetual sexual frustration is called sexual fascism that returned to traditional value system, which lasted until Nazism got vanquished in 1945.

The consequence of victory (“freedom” over fascism) is that liberal democracy of feminism must prevail for decades to come that yet again forced inceldom for some men of lesser sex appeal and other factors of misfortune such as trauma and lack of education and skills as useless and worthless eaters that merely exist without purpose of life therefore forced to face nihilism. Like I have for most of my life as soon as I realize how useless and worthless I am with trauma in neglect that led to my failures not to mention my crippling disabilities such as Asperger disorder that severely limit my life in the society.

2) Women are the naturally disloyal traitors since the eon of Eve (if one believes the story of Genesis), even going further back to the first woman created for Adam named Lilith. Women are naturally selfish and depraved with insatiable lust and even demand power to domineer. The more women participate in the society, the more irrational they are, i.e. politicians, attorneys, NGO organizers promoting open border invasions and HR directors. (I have firsthand experience with HR personnel interrogating me to terminate employment under accusations many times; fuck the smug powertripping cunts.)

Ergo, “cunt” is a slang to describe the female sex’s behavior trying to supplant and even displace men as conspiring to triumph over men but in the end it leads to fragmented society with tension and violence and even outright misogyny by men to push back at women who try to assert dominance with misplaced power to bully and punish men and some lesser women as social climbing and brownnosing to answer to the gleeful powers that be (the ruling class hiding behind the facade of democracy like USA and EU) that lends to disharmony leading to catastrophic low birth rate with socially enforced inceldom for men of lesser means.

Meanwhile hardcore pornography (yes, even the most depraved kind that are 100% legal yet obscene) proliferates to render incel men “mute” as powerless with ever entrenched loneliness due to socially forced deprivations that propelled luckless men to become addicted to pornography as chronic masturbators.

Chad Thundercocks (genetic lottery winners as blessed; Henry Cavill, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Chris Pratt as cases in point) has superior luck to get anywhere in life as ascending, while lesser men are doomed to failure with the cruel society always throwing up obstacles (like scumbag harddriving abusive bosses) to force us to drop out of society with lessened labor participation rate by being welfare parasite (NEET depending on public assistance or even doing shitty gig jobs to scrape by).

This is the blackpill. I am blackpilled that only handsome men get beautiful women, provided Chad men will work hard to elevate in earning power in terms of labor and education.

3) Finally, women behaving congruent with advanced technology (ironically invented and refined by educated men as engineers, programmers and developers), with brainwashing from an early age and exacerbating in college such as gender studies and liberal arts propaganda (complimented by corrupt deceitful media promoting values like sexual liberation and standing up to the “patriarchy”) demonizing men while exulting radical feminism, have led to inflated sense of worth that led to narcissistic personality and moodiness forsaking settling down (marriage) to birth and rear children as happy stay at home mama as was traditional eons ago. This in turn led to impossible or improbable expectations by certain attractive women with varying SMV but mid to higher SMV when it comes to dating and choosing male partners.

Such high expectations by women inexorably led to forced inceldom among men with less luck for various reasons.

One notable case example of volatile reactionary attitude — existential suffering due to palpable loneliness causing mental disintegration as the result of denial by the cruel society that demands conformity to corrupt values — to the advent of radical feminism leading to severely limited accessibility in terms of ridiculous female expectations (e.g., high standard and high maintenance as self-absorbed expecting the world — and Chad and beta provider men — to resolve around the insipid cunts) that corresponds to the nature of SMV (hence, inceldom) is Christopher Cleary. (A more extreme and rather unfortunate example is George Sodini.)

The present state of the West (even Asia is prone to the disease of feminism as in China and Japan with catastrophic birth rates across the board nowadays) is that the allure and deceit of feminism destroys life itself, especially affecting the worthliness of men as artificially selecting to date, marry and mate with, hence the contagious sickness and depravity of hypergamy that is the root cause of inceldom lending to societal disharmony and disorder (violence and disorder forcing men to be thrown in jails and prisons to suffer as reacting volatilely to being forced to live as incel).

Side note: the proliferation of self-produced amateur pornography such as PornHub, webcam and OnlyFans and its imitators that exploit lonely incels (I admit to being addicted to webcam pornography as a paying customer and incognito browser lurker to avoid being banned for lurking, for nearly two decades, observing beautiful yet unattainable girls being unabashedly sluttish) are the symptom of the compounding sociological crisis that overvalues the good-looking and attractive foids for enrichment, that suffice to serve as the release valve for hopelessly morbid sexual frustration arising from utter deprivation as the result of enforced inceldom imposed by the cruel society that requires extreme work ethic and requisite attainment of degree via higher education to survive to attain the girlfriend/wife, or else suffer the fate of being an incel as an outcast.

(This post with the gallery of provocative infographic memes is for stupid sinecure fraudulent [taxpayer money gouging pig] lurkers who ingrate in the bubble of the woke DIE-shitted Ivory Tower analyzing in pseudo-intellectual masturbatory Marxist jargon why inceldom is “unnaturally” misogynistic. Likewise for low-IQ gaslighting fake news media scumfuck, clownish anti-extremist orgs, murderously tyrannical “married with kids, go home and fuck wife after shift” glowniggers [RIP victims of 9/11, TWA 800, OKC b*ombing, Waco and Ruby Ridge incidents as well as feeble old man Mr. Craig Robertson and the entire J/6 hostages and those who died by murder and suicide tied to J/6]. Get fucked, overeducated and under-intelligent imbeciles. It’s called cause and effect, bitch.)


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Technological advancement doesn't necessarily have to mean we turn to worshipping foids, enabling moral degeneracy, and basically allowing free hypergamy and discriminatory treatment towards subhumans in the name of modernism; foids wouldn't even need to enter these workplaces, considering men make up the majority of highly advanced industries... :feelshehe:

The rise of progressivism and feminism mainly lead to this, but was indeed led along by technology; now it is sustained by the various elites and corporations intent on enabling it, and the freedom we allow to, that can be taken away and a society allowed to technologically thrive while allowing subhumans to exist as well. :feelsclown:

Also, we don't necessarily need religion for allowing monogamous relationships and the logical standard of keeping society running with them. :feelsjuice:
This. It's an ice cream/shark correlation. There is no reason we can't have technology and patriarchy at the same time. We could have developed all the same technology, but banned women from so much as looking at it, the same way that the Taliban ban women from laughing in public.
However, religious belief has been falling for decades. Why? It's a result of our greater scientific knowledge of how the world works, and the technology that led to those discoveries
No, I don't think that this is the case. Christianity (because I guess that you are mostly talking about this specific religion) started to slowly collapse after the Reformation, because it completely destroyed the Catholic Church's authority and all of his dogmas which helped to make religious principles more seriously taken by the masses. Of course, the Reformation didn't came out of norwhere and it was mostly the fault of the catholic priests and their practises at this time (like paid indulgences), but still. And after the Reformation, the Christianity was slowly losing it's spiritual wealth (the churches were more and more emptier, esspecially the protestant's one), more populist preachers began to appear rather than the intellectual one like in the early days of the church, and after the technological development accured, is was a final hit to the church.
There's one and only cause: being ethnic in a White country. Period. The rest is subhuman cope.

The rest are either giga subhuman Whites and deserve to be offed from the gene pool, or mentalcels/deadbeats that should also get rid of.

The racepill is the only blackpill. I have seen LTN with women, even with a group of women. Meanwhite HTN gymmaxed Arabs are always alone.

So fuck off.

First you ruin our countries, murder us, colonize us, mistreat us.

Then this. I can't express my feelings in a way that is compliant with the Terms and Rules so I won't say more but for good measure: fuck you.
Catastrophically falling birthrates will really doom the West. Thanks to women's unwillingness to have babies with incels, western civilization is doomed, srs. Every "western" country is affected, some just try to pretend it isn't a problem by importing 10 million shitskins. Shrinking population = no economic growth = no money to take care of old people = worst benefits = lower standard of living

Let's look at some of the symptoms of our inceldom and trace back the root cause for each.

1. Social media & online dating has resulted in most women pursuing a small number of high SMV males. But where did social media originate? The internet, which came from computers, which came from microprocessors, which came from transistors, etc. Essentially, social media traces its roots back through the development of technology.

2. Prior to the internet and social media, cable television and movies led women to greater awareness that Chad-tier men were out there, and created the misguided idea that a becky-tier woman should be treated like a "princess" by society. Same thing - these developed from technology such as the vacuum tube, wireless transmitter, film, etc

3. Religion used to be a powerful cope that kept sluts in check, prevented divorce etc. If they were promiscuous or cheated, they'd be going straight to hell. However, religious belief has been falling for decades. Why? It's a result of our greater scientific knowledge of how the world works, and the technology that led to those discoveries. Technology such as TV, the internet etc. also brought this knowledge to the masses. Note this also applies to us men as well - we've realized that the "rules" in religious texts are largely bluepilled bullshit, so why should we comply and get screwed over by society? Thus, many of us have stopped pursuing marriage, a family life, etc.

4. Women going to college more and entering the workforce - Everyone has been told for decades that a college degree is the key to success. Boomer advice nowadays, but most normtards have followed it. But why would you need a degree anyway? Because the world around us is getting more complex and technologically dependent - thus, more training needed for gainful employment to work on such advanced systems. This leads to the inevitable results of college educating foids - they delay marriage and childbirth for a decade to work on their careers. Plus, they refuse to date lower income or less educated men.

5. Our hormone levels are messed up. Why? Estrogen-seeping plastics, bioengineered and manipulated trash foods, etc. This ruines our growth and development from ages 10 to 30, making us shorter and less attractive, and lowering our SMV. This too all originated from technology.

6. Our lifestyles tend to be more sedentary, since we have the internet, game consoles, etc. Jobs too are more desk-oriented rather than labor. Boomer and earlier generations were more involved with sports and blue collar jobs simply because that's all they had and knew at the time. As in item #5, this led to better health outcomes and thus higher SMV.

tl;dr the technological advancement of the last 60 years is the root cause of inceldom. It's true that foids are hypergamous by nature - however, that's always been the case. Technology just gave them the tools and knowledge to act on those instincts.

Unfortunately I see no way we could turn back the clock on technology. Ludditism, when tried throughout history, has always failed.
High IQ read, it’s awful being able to analyze and comprehend exactly how our societies wound up like this without any ability to affect change.

Here’s the thing though — even without religion and with the onset of technology, the fact that we can trace and identify the problems and negative outcomes that should be avoided “should be” good enough for building new rules and regulations to get society back on track to a more fair state. Eg you don’t have God to defer to but you do have pragmatic reasons to change the law/societal norms.

The trouble is nothing will change without tremendous unrest and probably force. You would effectively need a WW2 Germany style uprising against the current regime where the masses of young men take up arms and bend society to their will. From here you could force women out of the workforce, clamp down on immigration, break up the giant corporate monopolies and the lobbying-corpo revolving door, fix education and media to shame traditional degeneracy and promote traditional marriages with children, fix the divorce laws, ban social media and dating apps, fix the housing market by obliterating nimby groups and having government deregulate zoning and having government constantly build housing like Japan, remove affirmative action, etc etc.

You’d need a total rework shift in the top down propaganda people are fed. But it could work. Basically I’m saying though that you would need a new right fascist revolt and that seems unlikely to happen in my lifetime unless people are starving to death en masse.

More realistically men will just continue to check out of society and do the bare minimum coping with video games and tv — never having a home, never having a family, eventually keeling over and for what? This pitiful muck of a life is disgusting and the mass brainwashing and gaslighting of men against their interests is evil.

What’s enraging is that the problems facing young men are numerous and extremely obvious as are the solutions yet no one will lift a finger to change a thing. Women’s advancement came at the cost of men yet were told fixing men’s problems must never come at any cost to women no matter what or how minor. Exceptions exist yada yada yeah yeah but collectively western women are horrible and never should’ve been given governing authority. They don’t care about men at all but men actually did care about women and many still do — to our own detriment.

The more time passes the more I think something like citizenship for service or the vote for service makes sense because then you’re weeding out women and anyone that doesn’t care about their country enough to fight for it and defend it from making decisions.
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I guess the problem is, how would we fix it? It would be nearly impossible to get western democracies to ban social media and dating apps. That would basically be the tip of the iceberg of solutions. Either that, or western governments would either have to collapse into anarchy or turn authoritarian
even Rome died eventually and it was unthinkable. the best, most feasible weapon is ldar. stop feeding a dogshit system
Let's look at some of the symptoms of our inceldom and trace back the root cause for each.

1. Social media & online dating has resulted in most women pursuing a small number of high SMV males. But where did social media originate? The internet, which came from computers, which came from microprocessors, which came from transistors, etc. Essentially, social media traces its roots back through the development of technology.

2. Prior to the internet and social media, cable television and movies led women to greater awareness that Chad-tier men were out there, and created the misguided idea that a becky-tier woman should be treated like a "princess" by society. Same thing - these developed from technology such as the vacuum tube, wireless transmitter, film, etc

3. Religion used to be a powerful cope that kept sluts in check, prevented divorce etc. If they were promiscuous or cheated, they'd be going straight to hell. However, religious belief has been falling for decades. Why? It's a result of our greater scientific knowledge of how the world works, and the technology that led to those discoveries. Technology such as TV, the internet etc. also brought this knowledge to the masses. Note this also applies to us men as well - we've realized that the "rules" in religious texts are largely bluepilled bullshit, so why should we comply and get screwed over by society? Thus, many of us have stopped pursuing marriage, a family life, etc.

4. Women going to college more and entering the workforce - Everyone has been told for decades that a college degree is the key to success. Boomer advice nowadays, but most normtards have followed it. But why would you need a degree anyway? Because the world around us is getting more complex and technologically dependent - thus, more training needed for gainful employment to work on such advanced systems. This leads to the inevitable results of college educating foids - they delay marriage and childbirth for a decade to work on their careers. Plus, they refuse to date lower income or less educated men.

5. Our hormone levels are messed up. Why? Estrogen-seeping plastics, bioengineered and manipulated trash foods, etc. This ruines our growth and development from ages 10 to 30, making us shorter and less attractive, and lowering our SMV. This too all originated from technology.

6. Our lifestyles tend to be more sedentary, since we have the internet, game consoles, etc. Jobs too are more desk-oriented rather than labor. Boomer and earlier generations were more involved with sports and blue collar jobs simply because that's all they had and knew at the time. As in item #5, this led to better health outcomes and thus higher SMV.

tl;dr the technological advancement of the last 60 years is the root cause of inceldom. It's true that foids are hypergamous by nature - however, that's always been the case. Technology just gave them the tools and knowledge to act on those instincts.

Unfortunately I see no way we could turn back the clock on technology. Ludditism, when tried throughout history, has always failed.
IMG 5391
Expanding on the OP

All these technological advances have improved the lives of women and significantly reduced the quality of life for men

But that's where AI comes in

AI will be the first technological leap that improves the lives of men, and reduces the quality of life for women

How so?

AI will decimate female dominated desk jobs, meaning they will earn less, which will help men out-earn them, because we know women refuse to marry men who make less then them.

AI will bring upon us hyper-realistic artificial general intelligent girlfriends and wives. With new augmented reality headsets like the Apple Vision Pro, our AI girlfriends/wives can live in the same room as us. They will be infinitely customizable. You can give them the voice of any anime or video game character or actress/celebrity who has ever lived. You can give them the same face, dress them however you'd like, fine tune their personality. The price of hyper realistic sex dolls will plummet as they gain mainstream use. With augmented reality headsets like Apple Vision Pro, you will see your AI girlfriend/wife projected onto the sex doll so you can actually have physical sex with her and physically kiss her. When all this happens, men will disappear from dating apps, women will go mad, and society's population will plummet.
7. Unregulated vaginal sexual capitalism where women have more power or influence over a majority of men. Unregulated or unmoderated sexuality of females has become a disaster for men everywhere. :feelsjuice:
Hence forcing society to collapse
Let's look at some of the symptoms of our inceldom and trace back the root cause for each.

1. Social media & online dating has resulted in most women pursuing a small number of high SMV males. But where did social media originate? The internet, which came from computers, which came from microprocessors, which came from transistors, etc. Essentially, social media traces its roots back through the development of technology.

2. Prior to the internet and social media, cable television and movies led women to greater awareness that Chad-tier men were out there, and created the misguided idea that a becky-tier woman should be treated like a "princess" by society. Same thing - these developed from technology such as the vacuum tube, wireless transmitter, film, etc

3. Religion used to be a powerful cope that kept sluts in check, prevented divorce etc. If they were promiscuous or cheated, they'd be going straight to hell. However, religious belief has been falling for decades. Why? It's a result of our greater scientific knowledge of how the world works, and the technology that led to those discoveries. Technology such as TV, the internet etc. also brought this knowledge to the masses. Note this also applies to us men as well - we've realized that the "rules" in religious texts are largely bluepilled bullshit, so why should we comply and get screwed over by society? Thus, many of us have stopped pursuing marriage, a family life, etc.

4. Women going to college more and entering the workforce - Everyone has been told for decades that a college degree is the key to success. Boomer advice nowadays, but most normtards have followed it. But why would you need a degree anyway? Because the world around us is getting more complex and technologically dependent - thus, more training needed for gainful employment to work on such advanced systems. This leads to the inevitable results of college educating foids - they delay marriage and childbirth for a decade to work on their careers. Plus, they refuse to date lower income or less educated men.

5. Our hormone levels are messed up. Why? Estrogen-seeping plastics, bioengineered and manipulated trash foods, etc. This ruines our growth and development from ages 10 to 30, making us shorter and less attractive, and lowering our SMV. This too all originated from technology.

6. Our lifestyles tend to be more sedentary, since we have the internet, game consoles, etc. Jobs too are more desk-oriented rather than labor. Boomer and earlier generations were more involved with sports and blue collar jobs simply because that's all they had and knew at the time. As in item #5, this led to better health outcomes and thus higher SMV.

tl;dr the technological advancement of the last 60 years is the root cause of inceldom. It's true that foids are hypergamous by nature - however, that's always been the case. Technology just gave them the tools and knowledge to act on those instincts.

Unfortunately I see no way we could turn back the clock on technology. Ludditism, when tried throughout history, has always failed.
Technological advancement is cope. Autism is the real reason why Incels despite being good people with decent looks can’t get a gf.

Incels are 3000% times more likely to be autistic. Source: telegraph
Let's look at some of the symptoms of our inceldom and trace back the root cause for each.

1. Social media & online dating has resulted in most women pursuing a small number of high SMV males. But where did social media originate? The internet, which came from computers, which came from microprocessors, which came from transistors, etc. Essentially, social media traces its roots back through the development of technology.

2. Prior to the internet and social media, cable television and movies led women to greater awareness that Chad-tier men were out there, and created the misguided idea that a becky-tier woman should be treated like a "princess" by society. Same thing - these developed from technology such as the vacuum tube, wireless transmitter, film, etc

3. Religion used to be a powerful cope that kept sluts in check, prevented divorce etc. If they were promiscuous or cheated, they'd be going straight to hell. However, religious belief has been falling for decades. Why? It's a result of our greater scientific knowledge of how the world works, and the technology that led to those discoveries. Technology such as TV, the internet etc. also brought this knowledge to the masses. Note this also applies to us men as well - we've realized that the "rules" in religious texts are largely bluepilled bullshit, so why should we comply and get screwed over by society? Thus, many of us have stopped pursuing marriage, a family life, etc.

4. Women going to college more and entering the workforce - Everyone has been told for decades that a college degree is the key to success. Boomer advice nowadays, but most normtards have followed it. But why would you need a degree anyway? Because the world around us is getting more complex and technologically dependent - thus, more training needed for gainful employment to work on such advanced systems. This leads to the inevitable results of college educating foids - they delay marriage and childbirth for a decade to work on their careers. Plus, they refuse to date lower income or less educated men.

5. Our hormone levels are messed up. Why? Estrogen-seeping plastics, bioengineered and manipulated trash foods, etc. This ruines our growth and development from ages 10 to 30, making us shorter and less attractive, and lowering our SMV. This too all originated from technology.

6. Our lifestyles tend to be more sedentary, since we have the internet, game consoles, etc. Jobs too are more desk-oriented rather than labor. Boomer and earlier generations were more involved with sports and blue collar jobs simply because that's all they had and knew at the time. As in item #5, this led to better health outcomes and thus higher SMV.

tl;dr the technological advancement of the last 60 years is the root cause of inceldom. It's true that foids are hypergamous by nature - however, that's always been the case. Technology just gave them the tools and knowledge to act on those instincts.

Unfortunately I see no way we could turn back the clock on technology. Ludditism, when tried throughout history,
Let's look at some of the symptoms of our inceldom and trace back the root cause for each.

1. Social media & online dating has resulted in most women pursuing a small number of high SMV males. But where did social media originate? The internet, which came from computers, which came from microprocessors, which came from transistors, etc. Essentially, social media traces its roots back through the development of technology.

2. Prior to the internet and social media, cable television and movies led women to greater awareness that Chad-tier men were out there, and created the misguided idea that a becky-tier woman should be treated like a "princess" by society. Same thing - these developed from technology such as the vacuum tube, wireless transmitter, film, etc

3. Religion used to be a powerful cope that kept sluts in check, prevented divorce etc. If they were promiscuous or cheated, they'd be going straight to hell. However, religious belief has been falling for decades. Why? It's a result of our greater scientific knowledge of how the world works, and the technology that led to those discoveries. Technology such as TV, the internet etc. also brought this knowledge to the masses. Note this also applies to us men as well - we've realized that the "rules" in religious texts are largely bluepilled bullshit, so why should we comply and get screwed over by society? Thus, many of us have stopped pursuing marriage, a family life, etc.

4. Women going to college more and entering the workforce - Everyone has been told for decades that a college degree is the key to success. Boomer advice nowadays, but most normtards have followed it. But why would you need a degree anyway? Because the world around us is getting more complex and technologically dependent - thus, more training needed for gainful employment to work on such advanced systems. This leads to the inevitable results of college educating foids - they delay marriage and childbirth for a decade to work on their careers. Plus, they refuse to date lower income or less educated men.

5. Our hormone levels are messed up. Why? Estrogen-seeping plastics, bioengineered and manipulated trash foods, etc. This ruines our growth and development from ages 10 to 30, making us shorter and less attractive, and lowering our SMV. This too all originated from technology.

6. Our lifestyles tend to be more sedentary, since we have the internet, game consoles, etc. Jobs too are more desk-oriented rather than labor. Boomer and earlier generations were more involved with sports and blue collar jobs simply because that's all they had and knew at the time. As in item #5, this led to better health outcomes and thus higher SMV.

tl;dr the technological advancement of the last 60 years is the root cause of inceldom. It's true that foids are hypergamous by nature - however, that's always been the case. Technology just gave them the tools and knowledge to act on those instincts.

Unfortunately I see no way we could turn back the clock on technology. Ludditism, when tried throughout history, has always failed.
while tech has destroyed our already dimished smv, ironically futuristic cutting edge tech might also open up opportunies to modify our genetics to become chadier, but if it becomes too mainstream then chads will be the average.. the key is to stand out of the average..
Widespread inceldom is merely the next stage of dysfunction. Men were not meant to have instant access to an unlimited cache of porn and stimulation. Women were not meant to have access to an army of men to validate them and vie for them. The result is that women become increasingly hypergamous, while men become distracted and demoralized. The incentives that kept both sexes, especially men, working for the betterment of society disappear. Birth rates plummet. More people become isolated and asocial. Less people work hard or work at all. This leads to a cascade of problems that can't even be fully comprehend let alone addressed by (largely corrupt and ineffective) governments. All we can do is watch it burn.
I know this is an old post, but there needs to be discussion here. You also ignore the possibility that technology might actually replace women entirely, which, if you think about it, has been happening for quite some time. Almost all domestic work (work done usually by women) has been automated or is close to being automated in the first world nations. Jobs that reliably employed women (things like secretaries and office personnel) are also being replaced by new technologies such as AI.

I think the end result of all of this is the complete technological replacement of females with artificial analogues. Even birth and motherhood will be done via an artificial process. This is an overall win for us (males) since we effectively eliminate sexual competition (the root of most ills). I think an all male society would be vastly preferable to what we have now under gynocracy.
the root cause is hypergamy, blaming technology is a kind of foid worship.
Let's look at some of the symptoms of our inceldom and trace back the root cause for each.

1. Social media & online dating has resulted in most women pursuing a small number of high SMV males. But where did social media originate? The internet, which came from computers, which came from microprocessors, which came from transistors, etc. Essentially, social media traces its roots back through the development of technology.

2. Prior to the internet and social media, cable television and movies led women to greater awareness that Chad-tier men were out there, and created the misguided idea that a becky-tier woman should be treated like a "princess" by society. Same thing - these developed from technology such as the vacuum tube, wireless transmitter, film, etc

3. Religion used to be a powerful cope that kept sluts in check, prevented divorce etc. If they were promiscuous or cheated, they'd be going straight to hell. However, religious belief has been falling for decades. Why? It's a result of our greater scientific knowledge of how the world works, and the technology that led to those discoveries. Technology such as TV, the internet etc. also brought this knowledge to the masses. Note this also applies to us men as well - we've realized that the "rules" in religious texts are largely bluepilled bullshit, so why should we comply and get screwed over by society? Thus, many of us have stopped pursuing marriage, a family life, etc.

4. Women going to college more and entering the workforce - Everyone has been told for decades that a college degree is the key to success. Boomer advice nowadays, but most normtards have followed it. But why would you need a degree anyway? Because the world around us is getting more complex and technologically dependent - thus, more training needed for gainful employment to work on such advanced systems. This leads to the inevitable results of college educating foids - they delay marriage and childbirth for a decade to work on their careers. Plus, they refuse to date lower income or less educated men.

5. Our hormone levels are messed up. Why? Estrogen-seeping plastics, bioengineered and manipulated trash foods, etc. This ruines our growth and development from ages 10 to 30, making us shorter and less attractive, and lowering our SMV. This too all originated from technology.

6. Our lifestyles tend to be more sedentary, since we have the internet, game consoles, etc. Jobs too are more desk-oriented rather than labor. Boomer and earlier generations were more involved with sports and blue collar jobs simply because that's all they had and knew at the time. As in item #5, this led to better health outcomes and thus higher SMV.

tl;dr the technological advancement of the last 60 years is the root cause of inceldom. It's true that foids are hypergamous by nature - however, that's always been the case. Technology just gave them the tools and knowledge to act on those instincts.

Unfortunately I see no way we could turn back the clock on technology. Ludditism, when tried throughout history, has always failed.
Liberal feminazism combined with the advance of technology was the revolution that taught us the true colors of the women nature. But from the other side, the world has advanced too far to evER considER reverting itself into a conservative, religious and traditional society.
Kek why are you blaming technology. Technology is a mere instrument. The ROOT cause is biology
5. Our hormone levels are messed up. Why? Estrogen-seeping plastics, bioengineered and manipulated trash foods, etc. This ruines our growth and development from ages 10 to 30, making us shorter and less attractive, and lowering our SMV. This too all originated from technology.
@proudweeb Myself and my six voices in my cranium have come to the unanimous dec about no 5 with Estrogen . We believe its a legion of Demons lead by big Pharma and Woke Media and Academia that have lead to a new generation of gender androgynous dysphoria Troon freaks .
Today kids have 1/8th the testosterone their grand dad did, just a fact. Estrogenic adulterants have been contaminating our food supply for 40-60 years. Micro plastics, packaging liners etc estrogenize in the blood stream and use natural testosterone to do it.
It's a result of our greater scientific knowledge
Pseudo scientific scientism being forced down our throats under the guise of "science"

The irony is these tech systems & inventions were made by loser tier smv men in the first place.

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