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Brutal This is the fate of low caste curries

I’m a manlet darkskin Dravidian curry.

I get mogged badly by Aryan curries who are below-avERage looking AND manlet, just because they have fair skin while I have poo coloured shitskin.

OvER when you are not only curry, but a bottom-tiER curry.

Imagine being a curry who is manlet AND has niggER-tiER skin colour. That’s me, oh I have autism as well on top of my repulsive physical appearance.

All manlet darkskin Dravidian curries should receive welfare from govERnment. It’s the worst existence for a pERson to live (excluding those who are deformed/disabled).
Even i struggled so much, I'm not even a manlet and super ugly, i just have a Dravidian curry skin,

I can't imagine a life being a Dravidian and manlet at the same time , my poor Dravidian brothers 'How you all are coping?
brutal existence.
imagine being born in the lowest race ever and also in the very lowest of the lowest of that race.
atleast light skinned upper class indians can get good jobs and light skinned wives but dravian shitskinned indians are destined to a life of misery and suffering
What is the IQ level of these Dalit's, i really wanna know
I don't actually know tbh. Shits hella complicated both culturally and constitutionally. It is mandatory for indians to have caste-religion certificate but I have no fucking idea what caste a Hindu convert would belong to. I've never met one in IRL or heard about them except for iskon fags
Funny how curries always tell people that “muh caste system was abolished 70 years ago” yet need caste certificates jfl
I was bullied in highschool by some SC(and upper caste oc) fucks because I'm from a scheduled tribe.
caste system is brutal and retarded
yeah caste system isn't binary upper caste vs lower caste it is usually lower castes oppressing the even lower castes especially since shudras have a lot of power and influence now
Funny how curries always tell people that “muh caste system was abolished 70 years ago” yet need caste certificates jfl
caste certificates aren't used for discrimination it is used to categorize different caste communities to see how poor and backwards they are and how well off they are as a community they do reservations based off that kind of like affirmative action
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Praying to gods despite being bottom of the caste system in the bottom race of humans
looks like he is praying to the saint Kabir he was very anti casteist and was all for equality most castes communities including upper and lower have their own Gods and practices too along with mainstream Hindu Pantheon
One of them would be the North-East Indian chink looking tribes, they didn't have enough contact with mainland Indians to have a proper caste labelling so they're labelled separately as a tribe.
not just North east even mainland there are tribes the Paniya caste of south India was very isolated despite being in mainland and are genetically most related to the first ever indians
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What about Muslims and such? How do non-hindus that aren’t indrgenous fit into this system?
In Kerala the syro christians {first converts of christianity in India after the death of jesus} fill in the role of Vaishya basically merchants because in south India there isn't really vaishya and kshatriya castes there is 'kshatriya' but they are only kshatriya because brahmins did varna rituals to make them one they are originally shudras they usually intermarry with brahmins too the Kerala royal families are an example of this
caste certificates aren't used for discrimination it is used to categorize different caste communities to see how poor and backwards they are and how well off they are as a community they do reservations based off that kind of like affirmative action
Caste system is not really abolished then jfl, even if it can’t be used for discrimination.

In Kerala the syro christians {first converts of christianity in India after the death of jesus} fill in the role of Vaishya basically merchants because in south India there isn't really vaishya and kshatriya castes there is 'kshatriya' but they are only kshatriya because brahmins did varna rituals to make them one they are originally shudras they usually intermarry with brahmins too the Kerala royal families are an example of this
What about people converting to hindu?
average blacks life is infinitely better than a shit-eating low caste pajeet
not in sub saharan africa I guess, they eat mud and shit there
I'm Dravidian curry too. I hate my nigger roots, I was always Mocked by the fair skin currys and my relatives when I was kid, now I'm 19 (6'0 height) and i still have options, but I'm not gonna marry a Dravidian nigger women 'i don't want a Dravidian kid ,
( Now I finally got a gf , a fair skinned Muslim pajeeta and my neighbour, she is cute ❤️)

Wait then why are you still here?
Mods ban this fakecel
Life is all about luck
Caste system is not really abolished then jfl, even if it can’t be used for discrimination.

What about people converting to hindu?
Caste can't really be abolished anyways because each caste is an identity of a community so within the 4 varnas and even the outcastes they have their own community, identity, culture and basically it is like a sub ethnic group for examples Patels and Jats you can't one day tell the Patels and Jats to give up their identity


People converting to Hinduism has no caste, I think in government documents you need to write the write the jati/communnity you were born in as the government takes a caste census to see how well a particular community is doing for its reservation system so you can't one day become a patel or jat as you are not born in that community

Syro Christians in Kerala can larp as brahmins anyways because their community legend says they were once converted to Christianity by St Thomas the apostle and they used to be Namboothiris in Kerala {kerala brahmins}
Caste can't really be abolished anyways because each caste is an identity of a community so within the 4 varnas and even the outcastes they have their own community, identity, culture and basically it is like a sub ethnic group for examples Patels and Jats you can't one day tell the Patels and Jats to give up their identity


People converting to Hinduism has no caste, I think in government documents you need to write the write the jati/communnity you were born in as the government takes a caste census to see how well a particular community is doing for its reservation system so you can't one day become a patel or jat as you are not born in that community

Syro Christians in Kerala can larp as brahmins anyways because their community legend says they were once converted to Christianity by St Thomas the apostle and they used to be Namboothiris in Kerala {kerala brahmins}
But isn’t caste important for Hinduism itself as a religion? Would the convert Hindu be allowed to read the Vedas or would they have to have molten lead poured into their mouths if they do so?
But isn’t caste important for Hinduism itself as a religion? Would the convert Hindu be allowed to read the Vedas or would they have to have molten lead poured into their mouths if they do so?
no one follows this in this day and age I bet you 95% of Hindus have never read the most casteist law book in Hinduism the Manu smriti and the other 5% who read it probably read it for its historic context I only know one major Hindu school who still upholds hierarchical heredity caste system but they don't follow batshit rules like pouring lead
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB1f_nv5V-I
no one follows this in this day and age I bet you 95% of Hindus have never read the most casteist law book in Hinduism the Manu smriti and the other 5% who read it probably read it for its historic context I only know one major Hindu school who still upholds hierarchical heredity caste system but they don't follow batshit rules like pouring lead
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB1f_nv5V-I

I was half joking, cause obviously they would get in trouble with the law. But still, isn’t the whole point of the bhagvat gita about telling Arjuna he must do his duty? How would a convert Hindu know what his dharmic duty is?
Dalits are the only trucels among curries. imagine being considered as lower human by the most subhuman group of "humans" on this earth, lowest of the lowest position.
I was half joking, cause obviously they would get in trouble with the law. But still, isn’t the whole point of the bhagvat gita about telling Arjuna he must do his duty? How would a convert Hindu know what his dharmic duty is?
I don't think modern society can be strictly divided into the 4 varnas like the past Dr Br Ambedkar talks about even in the not so distant past you would find shudra jati's doing work not prescribed to their varna in the ancient past the shudra king chandragupta had to be made kshatriya by the brahmins. So most hindus take bhagavad gita as doing their day to day duty than varna like certain careers and jobs are not going to be fitted into the 4 varnas.

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