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- Feb 8, 2019
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Just cope on the forum. But whatever you do, don’t get banned.
What is is YouTube channel tho?
What is is YouTube channel tho?
are there people on here that haven't seen his videos???? thats crazyHis youtube is same as his cels.is username, FaceandLMS. Look for the scripted non-live stuff.
Life isn’t easy man. If you do decide to end it, I won’t blame you but at the same time I don’t encourage it. Best to just keep yourself alive though or you let the normies win.
I think normies just like being able to say ‘Yay, incel killed himself lol’.Implying that if I'm alive, they lose???
Win at what btw? They've already won.
have you thought about statusmaxxxing i mean you have a decent youtube channel maybe something could happen
I think normies just like being able to say ‘Yay, incel killed himself lol’.
As for saving your money and retiring to a shithole country. That is another cope. At least, it has some caveats: It wouldn't be to Brazil cuz you would get murdered, it would have to be to SEA. And which hobbies? The same ones you have now? Vidya? It's all pointless, IMO. Being dead > coping. The problem is finding the courage to KYS..
What if you became a very rich man OP?
Either way, many people just suck.Reading this again, this is kinda naive. Do you know how much luck and how many connections you need to get status? For every high-S man, there are millions who tried harder than him who failed.
"Just be high status, bro".
It's not that easy, esp if you're ugly, which is kinda the problem in the first place.
Only I.T. would say that. Actual normies don't care. Anyway, the implication is that if live to a ripe old age, I will have stuck it to I.T.? Nah, I would have wasted time being alive.
1. Not all 3rd world countries are shithole countries, when you say shithole country I think of places like Liberia or Haiti, not brazil
2. The "you will get murdered" thing for brazil is a cliche BS meme, every country has dangerous areas (low class), middle class areas, upper middle class areas, high class areas, etc. There are a lot of MGTOW that are going to brazil, it just depends on where you can afford to live, if I can only afford to rent in a low class area then I would not bother going. America is a great country, but I would never go live in Chicago, every place has its dangerous areas.
3. Unlike you I've never really wanted "companionship" or "female validation", you probably feel "lonely", I just feel horny lol, the only thing that I feel I'm missing out on is sex, because that's all I've ever really wanted, so of course guys like you want to kill yourself because you'll never "feel desired", I'd have no problem just fucking whores, playing vidya, etc for the rest of my life, you need to give up on your ego and stop thinking of yourself as someone who is worthy of "love", stop caring about the entire concept, its all just lust anyways, you're chasing ghosts, chase after tangible things you can actually enjoy.
All this Being dead > coping sounds retarded. Men pretty much just need sex, food and entertainment to have an enjoyable life (well that's all I need), everything else is ego based and you only feel bad about it, because you are still an egoist, abandon your ego, stop chasing after ego based goals, and you'll stop wasting your time and feeling like dying so much.
A lot of you guys are suffering because you are mentally trying to be Chad even though you are stuck in an incel body, you give yourself Chad standards of living, Chad goals, etc, that doesn't make any sense logically, you aren't Chad, its like a chicken trying to train itself to fly after it sees an eagle soaring, stop wasting all that mental energy on something that is not for you or within your grasp.
Think of it in video game terms, imagine if you start off with a class with stats geared towards dexterity and agility (archer) rather than strength and health (warrior), you would be stupid if you bought a two handed sword and warrior based armor, and tried to fight as a warrior. There are perks to the life path that is ahead of black pillers, but we have to put in years of work till we can even enjoy those perks, but most of you are never going to enjoy those perks because you're too busy trying to think and be Chad even though you know full well you aren't. I thought black pillers are supposed to be the logical ones, abandon your ego.
OK Barbaroossa MGTOW 2014 lol. But srs, I agree that men need less than women. Women need protection, attention, validation, love, etc, whereas men are more independent.
For me, it's not about women but when you take relationships out of the equation, what is life? Working? Aging? Balding? Weakening? Dying. To be clear, even having a gf IMO isn't a GREAT reason for living but without even that, there is even less reason. I guess I just hate life in general
Wanting a 3.5/10 roastie gf who hasn't sucked too many dicks in Cancun and Magaluf, and who hasn't had too many abortions, hasn't been in too many gangbangs, isn't too over 250 lbs, isn't too unable to pairbond is not chad standards.
I just think you guys aren't focusing on the perks we have that normie males won't, we'll have way more expendable income, were not having children, or getting married, or taking out a mortgage, or buying expensive shit to "stay in style", etc. That's hundreds of thousands of dollars more accrued over decades.
He is a mentalcel in denial. It´s probably the worst type of inceldom.Dude you are 6'3 you are confirmed a fakecel
Depends, what does his face look like, heard him say his face is as bad as it gets (outside the realm of physical defects), Face > Height, that's the most basic rule there is, if his face is really that bad, then being tall won't make a difference.Dude you are 6'3 you are confirmed a fakecel
He is a mentalcel in denial. It´s probably the worst type of inceldom.
I dont care of wether you alive or dead. But yeas you are right. And i think that suicide is the best option tbh .The knowing that nothing good is on the horizon. The staring back at my life of failure despite trying. Relationships, feeling confident, feeling happy have always been a struggle. There is nothing I want here on earth. I don't think i even want a girlfriend anymore. Why? So I can try with every breath to keep her attracted, if she was ever? So I can spend all my money raising children that I hardly get to see because I am at work. And that's if my gf doesn't break up with me and turn the children against me. Why? So that on my deathbed, I can cope that a piece of me still exists after I die?
But I can't get a gf anyway. So my purpose is to work a job if I'm lucky, pay taxes and get older and uglier then die anyway. Why not fast-forward the process?
So yes, this is not a rope thread. For now. I doubt that when the urge and bravery to rope hit me, I'll stop to make a thread announcing to you that I'm going. So mods, this is NOT a rope thread. But just know that when you stop hearing from me, I will be gone. It won't be anytime soon, but it will happen. I'm done here. Now, if I say "Folks, I got a becky gf suddenly and magically, so I am retiring from the incel community, see ya virgins!!" (unlikely) then obviously I will not be leaving the community because I roped, but if I suddenly disappear then just know that I got brave.
I'd rather be dead than have a gf. Even if I became rich and got a gf, it would only help stave off the actual roping, it wouldn't take away the wanting to.
you are in for a treat newfag.. search faceandlms on jewtubeWhat is is YouTube channel tho?
you need to try psychedelics. They can help you view your life from a perspective outside your own. I remember you reacting to weed in a video like it was some drug done by criminal degenerates so I doubt you've ever tried any psychs. I don't think you appreciate what you have fkn get a sex robot
ah not FACE.. I found this community coz of you bro. hate to see you feeling so hopeless.
you also stickied one of my comments in your video...![]()
I dont care of wether you alive or dead. But yeas you are right. And i think that suicide is the best option tbh .
there is fucking nothing in life. I realy dont desire anything at all.
Give me millions of dollars and will burn it.
Give me everething and i will spit at it.
I just hate the very idea of being alive.