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Nov 14, 2017

also some of the comments... blackpilled af
Smiling QT looking at an 8/10 male in the thumb nail with lust...hmm...better skip this one.
What the fuck? Imagine if an incel did this. This is messed. How can these guys just go up and instantly get a girl's phone number without even speaking when I haven't been able to do it throughout my whole life? This is bullshit. Yet another proof that personality is meaningless.
underøath said:
What the fuck? Imagine if an incel did this. This is messed. How can these guys just go up and instantly get a girl's phone number without even speaking when I haven't been able to do it throughout my whole life? This is bullshit. Yet another proof that personality is meaningless.
i like your name ♡
coldmachinery said:
Smiling QT looking at an 8/10 male in the thumb nail with lust...hmm...better skip this one.

bro the only part that you need to watch is at 0:15 seconds.
flowerful said:
coldmachinery said:
Smiling QT looking at an 8/10 male in the thumb nail with lust...hmm...better skip this one.
bro the only part that you need to watch is at 0:15 seconds.
Is that a lump in my throat? Is that...sweaty palms? Is..no, it can't be, the urge to violent bash my skull into the bathroom sink until I suffer brain damage? It's been awhile.
This thread is in desperate need of a blackpill tag. This fucking hurts.
Can we please stop posting fake Youtube pranks/social experiments? These types of videos have been proven fake time and time again.
Meanwhile in Incel Land:
>asked for a girls number
>she said she "just stopped giving it out recently"
CopingGymcel said:
Can we please stop posting fake Youtube pranks/social experiments? These types of videos have been proven fake time and time again.

CopingGymcel said:
Can we please stop posting fake Youtube pranks/social experiments? These types of videos have been proven fake time and time again.

that's a cope.
please tag as suifuel ffs
One girl literally said "you're funny" and he had not spoken a word and only made a loopy hand gesture. Fuck anybody that tells us to be funny or have a "good personality" this is literal proof looks = everything
Fucking chads.
his personality level outside the realm of our understanding
Tempus Edax Rerum said:
his personality level outside the realm of our understanding

bro just workout your personality and in no time youll be like this
CopingGymcel said:
Can we please stop posting fake Youtube pranks/social experiments? These types of videos have been proven fake time and time again.

CopingGymcel said:
Can we please stop posting fake Youtube pranks/social experiments? These types of videos have been proven fake time and time again.
LEL GoldJacketLuke, he did a video with Eggy. Was hilarious.
If this isnt fake im going er(jk fbi)
Hey guys, I'm one of the guys in that video. I'm the guy with the backwards American hat.

Everyonce in awhile I google my youtube username to see where I'm popping up, that's how I found this thread.

Two points I want to make:

1) The video is 100% real. All the interactions are legit and genuine. However, I have spent quite a bit of time around other prank and "picking up girls" youtubers and lots of them are fake. So it's good that you guys are discussing and aware of that.

2) I texted some of the girls' numbers that I got from this video and nothing happened. No dates. Nada.

From my experience, when I approach a girl with confidence, and especially in an unusual and pranky way.... it startles them. And they often give their number just to be nice / they are kind of in a startled mood and not sure how to react so they say yes and gave me their numbers in videos like this. Shock energy plays a large role.

Believe what you want, but when you guys say, "Look how easy it is for these guys...", I just want to say that this was a prank. I got zero dates or meetups with any of these girls. No true connection was formed. It was for entertainment purposes. And the lack of responses from the girls reflects that. Believe me, I tried to follow up with the girls that I felt attracted to haha. Nothing.

I imagine it's like after the experience happened and they go home and think about it they go... wtf, why would I want to go on a date with a guy who pranked me and used me for his video. Initially in the moment they mired the confidence, but after they processed what happened they didn't feel attraction towards me when I made these videos.

I haven't made a video like this for about 3 years now (I left that prank channel and started my own different channel). Just didn't feel right anymore. I've shed lots of my former pickup thinking. Looking back it felt like I was putting on an act to "try to be cool" in those videos back then. I hope you don't feel insecure from watching this video :(

Anyways, I wish all of you the best. And if anyone wants to chat further, I'd be happy to.

-- Luke
GoldJacketLuke said:
Hey guys, I'm one of the guys in that video. I'm the guy with the backwards American hat.

Everyonce in awhile I google my youtube username to see where I'm popping up, that's how I found this thread.

Two points I want to make:

1) The video is 100% real. All the interactions are legit and genuine. However, I have spent quite a bit of time around other prank and "picking up girls" youtubers and lots of them are fake. So it's good that you guys are discussing and aware of that.

2) I texted some of the girls' numbers that I got from this video and nothing happened. No dates. Nada.

From my experience, when I approach a girl with confidence, and especially in an unusual and pranky way.... it startles them. And they often give their number just to be nice / they are kind of in a startled mood and not sure how to react so they say yes and gave me their numbers in videos like this. Shock energy plays a large role.

Believe what you want, but when you guys say, "Look how easy it is for these guys...", I just want to say that this was a prank. I got zero dates or meetups with any of these girls. No true connection was formed. It was for entertainment purposes. And the lack of responses from the girls reflects that. Believe me, I tried to follow up with the girls that I felt attracted to haha. Nothing.

I imagine it's like after the experience happened and they go home and think about it they go... wtf, why would I want to go on a date with a guy who pranked me and used me for his video. Initially in the moment they mired the confidence, but after they processed what happened they didn't feel attraction towards me when I made these videos.

I haven't made a video like this for about 3 years now (I left that prank channel and started my own different channel). Just didn't feel right anymore. I've shed lots of my former pickup thinking. Looking back it felt like I was putting on an act to "try to be cool" in those videos back then. I hope you don't feel insecure from watching this video :(

Anyways, I wish all of you the best. And if anyone wants to chat further, I'd be happy to.

-- Luke

Hey Luke, 
how did the video with Egg White happen and what do you think about his story personally? You come across pretty confident and I'm sure that helps to some degree but do you believe in the reality of Lookism, the halo effect and the nature of the black pill? In other words: Do you think any of your videos could have happened in a comparable way if you were less of a Chad? 
Thanks for taking your time.
modus_coperandi said:
Hey Luke, 
how did the video with Egg White happen and what do you think about his story personally? You come across pretty confident and I'm sure that helps to some degree but do you believe in the reality of Lookism, the halo effect and the nature of the black pill? In other words: Do you think any of your videos could have happened in a comparable way if you were less of a Chad? 
Thanks for taking your time.

Hey Modus_coperandi :)

I randomly stumbled upon one of his videos in early 2016 and really enjoyed his videos. (I think someone posted one of his videos on the misc section of the bodybuilding forum, a place I used to frequent). I think he's a funny dude. I also really liked how he made videos when he was depressed or frustrated or angry etc. I appreciated his honesty and authenticity which made me curious about him more and made me feel connected to him. He can be very relatable. I liked his vulnerability on youtube. I was also impressed when he was working 80+ hours a week. That grind impressed me. I commented on some of his videos and we got to talking on twitter. He was going on a trip to LA (where I live) so I think I messaged him saying we should meetup and film some vids together. Something like that.

Cool guy. I like egg man :)

It seems like he's had it really rough for lots of his life. But at the same time it seems like he's pushing through and moving towards more and more positivity slowly over time. Which I think is awesome. I'm curious to see how his story continues to unfold. I believe in egg white and think he's going to make it. (srs)

I believe in the reality of lookism, nature of halo effect, and black pill stuff very mildly. All that stuff exists, it's true. But I believe to a degree much much much less than what I imagine members of this forum think is true. Just my humble honest opinion.

Fair question. I think I'm a fairly good looking guy. And yes, I'm sure that helped with my confidence and helped with the reactions in the videos.

The Simple Pickup guys were one of the first guys doing pickup videos on youtube. I don't think most people would consider them "Chads" haha, and they did a pretty damn good job in their videos! But like I said in the previous post, these videos have shock energy to them. They are not an authentic reflection of real life.

It's the same with tinder. I'm really flabbergasted when "incel" type people make claims about dating and life based off tinder experiments, where the only factor at play is pictures haha. Real life is very very very different than tinder.

I enjoy talking about these topics. Modus, care to share with me more of your beliefs on all these things? I'm curious to hear your perspective?

Thanks for joining me for a chat. :)
GoldJacketLuke said:
Hey guys, I'm one of the guys in that video. I'm the guy with the backwards American hat.

Everyonce in awhile I google my youtube username to see where I'm popping up, that's how I found this thread.

Two points I want to make:

1) The video is 100% real. All the interactions are legit and genuine. However, I have spent quite a bit of time around other prank and "picking up girls" youtubers and lots of them are fake. So it's good that you guys are discussing and aware of that.

2) I texted some of the girls' numbers that I got from this video and nothing happened. No dates. Nada.

From my experience, when I approach a girl with confidence, and especially in an unusual and pranky way.... it startles them. And they often give their number just to be nice / they are kind of in a startled mood and not sure how to react so they say yes and gave me their numbers in videos like this. Shock energy plays a large role.

Believe what you want, but when you guys say, "Look how easy it is for these guys...", I just want to say that this was a prank. I got zero dates or meetups with any of these girls. No true connection was formed. It was for entertainment purposes. And the lack of responses from the girls reflects that. Believe me, I tried to follow up with the girls that I felt attracted to haha. Nothing.

I imagine it's like after the experience happened and they go home and think about it they go... wtf, why would I want to go on a date with a guy who pranked me and used me for his video. Initially in the moment they mired the confidence, but after they processed what happened they didn't feel attraction towards me when I made these videos.

I haven't made a video like this for about 3 years now (I left that prank channel and started my own different channel). Just didn't feel right anymore. I've shed lots of my former pickup thinking. Looking back it felt like I was putting on an act to "try to be cool" in those videos back then. I hope you don't feel insecure from watching this video :(

Anyways, I wish all of you the best. And if anyone wants to chat further, I'd be happy to.

-- Luke

Fuuucckkkk. A Chadlite who seems like a nice guy. Typical. Chadlites and Chads usually are nicer people for obvious reasons. That's why Stacy's are mainly more nicer than those fucking 5/10 bitches who feel entitled to everything.

Thanks for this experience. But also suicide fuel. Crazy how you still couldn't land one fucking date, and you mog me to oblivion. It's over for all of us. Holy shit man. What the fuck with women?
hahaa hey anincelforlifelol :)

I will say I enjoy your guys' humor. You guys are funny dudes lol.

I also only texted the girls I was attracted towards. I had really high standards for hotness back then, while now I look more for chemistry.

haha. Dude getting dates with women is hard man. But all it takes is finding the right girl for you and you've made it. I try to think of girls in terms of chemistry, flow, and connection. So if a girl "rejects" me I don't think, "I wasn't good enough for her", but more "We just didn't have chemistry".

Most girls I've interacted with in my life I can just tell we wouldn't be a good fit. But everyonce in awhile there is a girl that I kind of "flow" with if that makes sense. That's what it's about mayne.

I had a fair amount of one night stands back in the day... but honestly was 99% shallow and empty. I felt bad afterwords. No fulfillment or connection. Was just me being insecure and wanting validation for my ego and penis.

All about connection and chemistry now.

Thanks for chatting anincelforlife. :) I'd love to talk more with you guys if there is any thing or topic you guys would like to chat about.

P.S. We're all gonna fucking make it brahs! (srs)

This guy is TRP in a box, right down to the meaningless bullshit lingo and "flow" lmao.
VLÖ said:
This guy is TRP in a box, right down to the meaningless bullshit lingo and "flow" lmao.

haha bro I am blue or white pill. All about loving women, truth, working on myself, and p o s i t i v i t y.

I should work on my language though to better articulate my thoughts.
GoldJacketLuke said:
haha bro I am blue or white pill. All about loving women, truth, working on myself, and p o s i t i v i t y.

VLÖ said:
This guy is TRP in a box, right down to the meaningless bullshit lingo and "flow" lmao.

I think he seems like a decently nice guy though and I watched a bunch of his vids back when I was more bluepilled and still believed that "game" was a variable factor you can really have influence on. 
I guess if you lead "Chadlife" and collect a certain quality of experiences you will inevitably come to the same conclusions he did. 
I mean this guy lives pretty much in the same area, where Elliot Rodger came from, one can only imagine how different they experienced this place. 

The video where Luke talked to Eggy is quite entertaining, both of them talking about the same game and about staying positive, one playing it on easy mode and one on nightmare. 

modus_coperandi said:
I think he seems like a decently nice guy though and I watched a bunch of his vids back when I was more bluepilled and still believed that "game" was a variable factor you can really have influence on. 
I guess if you lead "Chadlife" and collect a certain quality of experiences you will inevitably come to the same conclusions he did. 
I mean this guy lives pretty much in the same area, where Elliot Rodger came from, one can only imagine how different they experienced this place. 

The video where Luke talked to Eggy is quite entertaining, both of them talking about the same game and about staying positive, one playing it on easy mode and one on nightmare. 


Thanks for sharing the context of who I am and that video Modus. Glad you enjoyed the vid. :)

Yep, I lived in Isla Vista for several years.

Thanks for calling me a decently nice guy haha :)

Anyone want to chat about anything. How are all you guys doing today?
What the actual fuck is this Eggman video?
I thought he was an epitome of blackpill, and yet here he is, making motivational speeches about how we're all gonna make it.
I don't know, it's probably good for him, but I can't help but feel disappointed. Sad!

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