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This group of normies turned on me because I told them one of their hobby’s was not even that impressive



Jan 5, 2023
This group of normies turned on me because I told them one of their hobby’s was not even that impressive. This was three years ago when this foid in the social group I was in did photography. I shared my opinion about the topic of photography to the social group I was in to say it was not that much of an impressive or skill full hobby to take up and what do you k ow well suprise suprise the normies where intolerant to me for even sharing that opinion,

The foids boyfriend went all white knight mode accusing me off ripping off her skills when I did not rip of her skills I just pointed out it wasn’t that much of an impressive hobby to do. Looking back on it now I can’t believe I got in to a stupid argument with these normies. I had a photoshop hobby and pointed out how photoshop takes more skill than photography and these normies came at me with their stupid opinion of photography taking more skill.

It’s so horrible having a group of normies being against me I mean they’ll turn on me and be so horrible to me over they’re intolerance of my how I fuck up the social interaction by daring to bring up something they might disagree with. I used to photoshop normies with out their consent I know I should not do it due to the obvious lack of consent yet when you look at it on the other side what’s stopping me? I’m abit if a weirdo that likes to make people my experiments when I choose people at random for a photo shop hobby. My mental gymnastics behind photoshopping anyone I wanted was to photoshop anyone I wanted as long as I did not post it. I would just send it to a group chat and they’d feel outraged because I made something of them with out they’re consent.
Photography is a real art form, unlike your nerdy computer shit.
Showing defiance as an inkwell is a big no-no
Photography takes 0 effort literally
Tbh you were the one who started the discord.
a) How would you feel if someone would belittle and talking down your hobby? You probably wouldn't be amused.
b) Photography isn't as easy as you would think. It's easy to do, but hard to master. Many pick up photography as a hobby, but only a few are actually good at it

Considering your other thread where you were thrown out of a club, I can just tell that you're a fucking retard with zero social awareness or knowledge. Fucking pathetic.
she probably spent like 5k on her equipment obviously she's gonna get defensive
a) How would you feel if someone would belittle and talking down your hobby? You probably wouldn't be amused.
b) Photography isn't as easy as you would think. It's easy to do, but hard to master. Many pick up photography as a hobby, but only a few are actually good at it

Considering your other thread where you were thrown out of a club, I can just tell that you're a fucking retard with zero social awareness or knowledge. Fucking pathetic.
Art is not about skill. It's not a sport, and it's not a competition. It's about self expression.
Photography ≠ Art

1. Music
2. Painting
3. Architecture
4. Dancing
5. Sculpture
6. Theatre
7. Cinema
Photography is a real art form, unlike your nerdy computer shit.
as actual graduate from art school and college art student you are both to degree right tho photo edition is harder than taking photos
Art is not about skill. It's not a sport, and it's not a competition. It's about self expression.
yes but skill is also important, since no likes bad art
Show us your shoops of normies.
a) How would you feel if someone would belittle and talking down your hobby? You probably wouldn't be amused.
b) Photography isn't as easy as you would think. It's easy to do, but hard to master. Many pick up photography as a hobby, but only a few are actually good at it

Considering your other thread where you were thrown out of a club, I can just tell that you're a fucking retard with zero social awareness or knowledge. Fucking pathetic.
I have personally experienced people belittling and talking down on my hobby. The foid who did photography talked down and belittled my cycling hobby she knows nothing about cycling just to tell me anyone can push two pedals she thought it wasn’t even that impressive for people to hold a fast pace on a bike well it actually is impressive while being a lot harder than she judged it for being in fact she’s judging a topic for being not that hard when she had no idea how hard it is.

You have not met me in person so you can’t conclude I have zero social awareness. I struggle with annoying people offending people and scaring people when I don’t want to annoy scare or offend anyone it’s something I really do not like about myself. To go on with the topic of social awareness I’m aware of how one sided it all is I can tell I’m not wanted in most social groups.
You're gonna be replaced by AI lol, get an actual skill.
People are going to use AI to cheat at their activities for example a portion of their art will be done with AI while they will choose to do the rest of it with out Ai. I think of AI as like a cheat code assistant to fast towards the work people do
Photography is a real art form, unlike your nerdy computer shit.


Re: Art is more important than math.

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148986485Saturday, November 01, 2014 3:54 PM CDT
"You need math to make art" Well, usage of mathematical knowledge can allow you to revise your logical thinking to solve artistic problems. "Art" itself is a system of components working together, just as "Mathematics" is.
I have personally experienced people belittling and talking down on my hobby. The foid who did photography talked down and belittled my cycling hobby she knows nothing about cycling just to tell me anyone can push two pedals she thought it wasn’t even that impressive for people to hold a fast pace on a bike well it actually is impressive while being a lot harder than she judged it for being in fact she’s judging a topic for being not that hard when she had no idea how hard it is.
She's actually correct. Anyone can push two pedals, even my grandma. My grandma can't do photography, though ...
She's actually correct. Anyone can push two pedals, even my grandma. My grandma can't do photography, though ...
Photography is just pushing a button.
Photography is just pushing a button.
No it's not.
Button of what? It already starts with what hardware is required to take good pictures. Different situations need different shutter speeds and shit, different lenses. Picture composition is a thing. Lightning is a thing. Gear is a thing. Many many things to consider.
No it's not.
Button of what? It already starts with what hardware is required to take good pictures. Different situations need different shutter speeds and shit, different lenses. Picture composition is a thing. Lightning is a thing. Gear is a thing. Many many things to consider.
Same thing applies to cycling, bikes also have mechanisms on them like the gears which affect speed and the exertion required to move. The bike itself can be fixed and modified.
I get you're trying to 'own' him or whatever by using his same oversimplification on himself, but it doesn't really help anyone.
Same thing applies to cycling, bikes also have mechanisms on them like the gears which affect speed and the exertion required to move. The bike itself can be fixed and modified.
I get you're trying to 'own' him or whatever by using his same oversimplification on himself, but it doesn't really help anyone.
I don't try to "own" anyone, I just like to talk facts.
And fact is, photography takes skill and knowledge. Riding a bike does not.
Everyone rides a bike nowadays. Even my fucking grandma does. Not everyone has a proper photography portfolio.
Because, even assuming what you said about skill is true, it's useless.
Riding a bike is literally just pushing pedals. Photography is lightning, lenses, settings, picture composition, angle and probably alot more which I'm not familiar with.
There's a reason why there are courses taught about photography but none about cycling. It's because every retard and his grandma know how to push pedals, but not everyone knows how to take proper photos.
Might have been impressive before digital photography. Nat Geo photographers had actual talent back then.
Riding a bike is literally just pushing pedals. Photography is lightning, lenses, settings, picture composition, angle and probably alot more which I'm not familiar with.
There's a reason why there are courses taught about photography but none about cycling. It's because every retard and his grandma know how to push pedals, but not everyone knows how to take proper photos.
Being good at a useless thing is not that impressive.
Being good at a useless thing is not that impressive.
True, riding a bike fast is very useless, literally nobody gives a shit, so cycling indeed isn't impressive at all.
Good photography which other people can enjoy and even hang on their walls is not useless and very impressive.
True, riding a bike fast is very useless, literally nobody gives a shit, so cycling indeed isn't impressive at all.
Good photography which other people can enjoy and even hang on their walls is not useless and very impressive.
How is it useless? It provides you with a form of transportation. If you base the usefulness of a hobby based on how it can please some other random faggot, then yeah, you win.
This group of normies turned on me because I told them one of their hobby’s was not even that impressive. This was three years ago when this foid in the social group I was in did photography. I shared my opinion about the topic of photography to the social group I was in to say it was not that much of an impressive or skill full hobby to take up and what do you k ow well suprise suprise the normies where intolerant to me for even sharing that opinion,

The foids boyfriend went all white knight mode accusing me off ripping off her skills when I did not rip of her skills I just pointed out it wasn’t that much of an impressive hobby to do. Looking back on it now I can’t believe I got in to a stupid argument with these normies. I had a photoshop hobby and pointed out how photoshop takes more skill than photography and these normies came at me with their stupid opinion of photography taking more skill.

It’s so horrible having a group of normies being against me I mean they’ll turn on me and be so horrible to me over they’re intolerance of my how I fuck up the social interaction by daring to bring up something they might disagree with. I used to photoshop normies with out their consent I know I should not do it due to the obvious lack of consent yet when you look at it on the other side what’s stopping me? I’m abit if a weirdo that likes to make people my experiments when I choose people at random for a photo shop hobby. My mental gymnastics behind photoshopping anyone I wanted was to photoshop anyone I wanted as long as I did not post it. I would just send it to a group chat and they’d feel outraged because I made something of them with out they’re consent.
Normies are packanimals lol
How is it useless? It provides you with a form of transportation. If you base the usefulness of a hobby based on how it can please some other random faggot, then yeah, you win.

Cycling is not useless people literally get paid to stay fit by riding a bike to deliver products while other people who do cycling use their bikes to travel where they both need to go and want to go every day.
If an incel says one inconsiderate remark to a normie, they treat it like the greatest sin of all and will do everything to harm him. They act like he has blasphemed against God Himself and try their best to ostracize and destroy him in many ways.

Then when an incel says he's fed up with how poorly normalscums treat him on a constant 24/7 basis, he is gaslighted as his perpetrators tell him that it is all a joke and that he needs to be less sensitive. Because it would be too much effort for them to treat him as an equal or even with the smallest bit of respect. Or they just straight up tell him he doesn't deserve respect and deserves to be treated poorly because of his looks or some other reason they come up with.
If an incel says one inconsiderate remark to a normie, they treat it like the greatest sin of all and will do everything to harm him
True. They all operate on the same wavelength to the point where anyone who just barely steps out of line is considered unworthy and is ostracized
True. They all operate on the same wavelength to the point where anyone who just barely steps out of line is considered unworthy and is ostracized
Yep as an incels we are expected to act as fucking doormats and slaves for the rest of soyciety.
If an incel says one inconsiderate remark to a normie, they treat it like the greatest sin of all and will do everything to harm him. They act like he has blasphemed against God Himself and try their best to ostracize and destroy him in many ways.

Then when an incel says he's fed up with how poorly normalscums treat him on a constant 24/7 basis, he is gaslighted as his perpetrators tell him that it is all a joke and that he needs to be less sensitive. Because it would be too much effort for them to treat him as an equal or even with the smallest bit of respect. Or they just straight up tell him he doesn't deserve respect and deserves to be treated poorly because of his looks or some other reason they come up with.

I took it as a form of being treated poorly when a foid over defensively said to me “don’t touch me” when I did not want to do anything to her. I brought this up to another foid a while later and she replied like it was no big deal and just a simple statement of what not to do. The truth is it was not a simple statement of what not to do it was a case of some foid victimising herself to put me in a position where I would loook as bad as possible because she’s so scared of me and I don’t even want to do anything bad to her
a) How would you feel if someone would belittle and talking down your hobby? You probably wouldn't be amused.
b) Photography isn't as easy as you would think. It's easy to do, but hard to master. Many pick up photography as a hobby, but only a few are actually good at it

Considering your other thread where you were thrown out of a club, I can just tell that you're a fucking retard with zero social awareness or knowledge. Fucking pathetic.
This. Some people on this forum are simply dicks and then cry when they get excluded by normies.
Go er on them

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