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JFL This cuck's comments



Dec 28, 2017
The more you or you and your SO weigh the more sturdy and expensive you have to go. If you have a combined weight 550 or more which is totally possible for America then get a big strong nice one. Flip it all the time. Do not hang out in the bed. Sleep in it and relax before fallin asleep but that is it. Only rated for so many hours of sleep. Sitting on your butt causes a high pressure point and prolonged pressure can deform the mattress. I weigh 220. My gf lets say 300 cuz I really dont know but shes my fluffy potatoe and she loves me. We have a cali-king beauty rest that was brand new. Also it sounds crazy but make sure your floor is level and adjust accordingly. I find a 5 degree incline so my head is just ever so slightly higher then my feet helps. If you throw an egg crate mattress cover and then a feather down on top of that youll put 5 years onto the life maybe even 15 if you weigh like 130 and dont live in bed.

I did not read the FAQ closely enough and my current loan is stuck pending. Last time $300 only took about 5 days now its looking like the money is going to take the whole 21 days. I still owe $425 dollars on my rent because I let my girlfriend convince me we could buy her laptop and school stuff before the money cleared and we pay rent. If I am able to secure a loan that can be sent friends and family so that I can access it I will refund the current loan. I need less now then originally because I was able to get a paycheck after having a lot of time off work for the holidays. This is entirely my fault and is embarrassing. To anyone looking to borrow know this.
It WILL take up to 21 days, let me say that again 21 flippin days for money to become available. If you think you need a loan it better be able to wait untill then or you'll end up just like me with a pissed off landlord.
I have paid back each loan I have recieved before and the interest is negotiable under the circumstances but would appreciate it if you don't put the screws to me too hard. There needs to be a money back garuntee for the friends and family option or be able to confirm the receipt without losing and ground in the chargeback arena. Working full time and have student loans coming (If student aid is still running with the governement shutdown) on Feb. 2 for $4500 of which only about 1500 of it will be for classes and books. So I should be able to stop the bleeding and go back to just being a lurker. Thank you for your consideration proof of everything and anything can be provided. I won't ever speed read a FAQ again right hand to god. I learnt my lesson.

Ill try to keep this shor so here's the bullet points.

1. I support the entire houshold and have been for the last 16 months approximately.
2. She does not work and is not giving it her all in her studies at community college
3. She is moody and will pout and be a downright bitch for basically nothing.
4. I do not believe she has been lookong for a job like she promised she would.
5. I took her in because her mother was extrememly abusive. Otherwise she would not have been living with me untill she had employment for at least 6 months.
6. She has become "entitled" and now foes things like argue with me when I try to feed my cat or do rhe dishes. "Shes had enough food" "No you have to do the dishes this way"
7. Mind you she barely cleans the house and I have to do a majority on the weekend during my only time off work.
8. She can be very sweet and has a good soul but she has just allowed herself to dtay and be a shitry girlfriend.
9. This isn't so much of a big deal as I was lucky enough to have many sexual partners that honestly were way out of my league and I have done anything a man could ever dream about but she is around 260 pounds down from 300+ yay! This puts a damper on sex almost completely but I still make sure to give her an orgasm every other night and have sex a few times a month and I make sure she is left extrememly content. But untill she loses the weight I am not really getting anything out of it.
10. I am tired of her being unhappy and unwilling to do or try any suggestions that I make of her.
So my question is this. Is it okay to give her a time limit on when to find a job and make her start going to counceling so that she can realize how good she has it so she can stop freaking out iver dumb shit like not having any marijuana for a few days? If she put as much effort into a job search as she did a weed search she would be hired tomorrow. Im basically cutting off any spending on her and I want to tell her 30-60 days and no job you have to leave untill you get one and a Ill reconsider being with her and letting her live with me. Is this too harsh? What are some other steps I can take to strengthen our relationship and maybe save it? Seeing a therspist? Jobs that are easy for people like her to get? Think mentally handicapped but with a heart of gold and kow drive. I love her so much and I want to see her do well but I have to draw a line in the sand or I am going to be taking care of this baby forever. Please help :)

[JFL] @ the level of cope, and fat acceptance
Holy shit i wouldnt fuck 300lbs whale even if i got paid, how tf people can get their dicks up for that
Holy shit i wouldnt fuck 300lbs whale even if i got paid, how tf people can get their dicks up for that
He makes sure she gets an orgasm every night by letting Tyrone fuck her, so she's extremely content. Utterly disgusting. JFL at paying a huge weed smoking pig to live for free at home that he probably buys Burger King for everyday and wonders why she's fat. Cucks are disgusting
Holy shit i wouldnt fuck 300lbs whale even if i got paid, how tf people can get their dicks up for that
If he got that much pussy, why is he settling for a 300 pound landwhale with a shitty personality to go along with all the fat? Something doesn't add up

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