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JFL This Cuck Tears thread made me laugh



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
Another delusional IT poster lol
@chudur-budur why do we hate you so much? kek
Are they really going to pretend that curries are not treated like shit just because we point out they do? I thought cuck tears was SJW, I thought they were ALL about acknowledging racial issues and white privilege. It really shows how weak their values are if they drop them just because someone they don't like agrees with it.
We don't hate currys. Women hate currys. Women in the west consider indian men to be the lowest of the low. Currys are the biggest victims of sexual racism.
inceltears drawing dogshit conclusions as usual. We accept currycels as truecels here
"not to mention that a lot of these "indian"guys are basically white supremacists pretending to he Indian so they cant be called racist"

Their level of delusion is off the charts. They can't accept the fact that half of this forum is non-white.
Jesus christ, pathetic cucktears... We don’t hate indian guys, we are just aware how low they are in hierarchy when it comes to dating world. JFL @ cucktears, they are all lowiqmaxxed.
"why don´t they just go out and act nice talk to women and get laid. It´s so easy..." teehee
"I date asian guys!"

<posts picture of asian guy with highly eurocentric features>
The Jew media has decreed the narrative is that incels are all white alt-right males that are entitled to sex.
Acknowledging racism in dating is racist? Low IQ even for IncelTears
What a great way to dismiss the collective feelings and experiences of our dineshcels
I swear they are legally retarded.
The only way you can get away with being a currycel is if you're a chadpreet, or if you have more "western or arab features".

Even currys back in india/pakistan value men/women with more western traits like lighter skin (lightskin is a biiiiiig one there)

It's ogre for all street shitters.
"not to mention that a lot of these "indian"guys are basically white supremacists pretending to he Indian so they cant be called racist"

Their level of delusion is off the charts. They can't accept the fact that half of this forum is non-white.

IncelTears is basically copemaxxing for every truth said here. I would like them to simply answer the question if they really think Indians can date to the same extent as whites, and then see what they say.

These cucks are all about women and minorities and "seeing color", and then when currycels talk about their perceived injustices they make up excuses or downplay it so as to not see color, the way a typical conservative would. Notice the way the question is formed so as to completely frame it as "Incels hate indians" which obviously isn't true when you consider a large portion of incels ARE indian; but if you don't mention that, you can lie about how all incels are actually white. It absolves them of responsibility, because then they'd have to admit the dating market is skewed.

You must understand, the liberals don't care about "oppressed groups", they care about their own satisfaction and perceived virtue from winning increasingly contrived social justice causes. A liberal's work is never done. However, in this case there is no way to champion the ethnicel cause because it would involve enslavement of their other sacred cow (women).
Another delusional IT poster lol
@chudur-budur why do we hate you so much? kek
These kind of posts hurt them so much because they are die hard to prove that incel community is mostly alt-right. Seeing so many ethincs on this forum fucks with their pea-brains so much that they lose all their normal way of thinking. Look at the replies --

1. They are not indians, some white neonazis trolling as indians.
2. Once I dated a 5'1/2" brown south-indian guy (but my current bf is a 6'3" white blue-eyed chad).
3. Indians are victim of unfortunate stereotypes.
4. I find them so attractive, teehee, they remind me of rajesh from big bang theory teehee.

(If any cucktears guest reading this) read my message:

Abbey chutiye, randi ka bacche!! Mein indian hoon.

I am a fucking curry and I am the most brutal currybasher on this forum and I know really really well how western women see us.
LOL the only hope for true currycels @chudur-budur is to live in the west and acquire power/wealth, that's the only way i've seen them do well.
If anything we're the only group that accepts curries.
LOL the only hope for true currycels @chudur-budur is to live in the west and acquire power/wealth, that's the only way i've seen them do well.

Well, I am actually in the process of careermaxxing and moneymaxxing, once I hoard enough money I will make friends with dubai oil barons and arrange dubai-porta-potties with them. So that I can literally shit on the faces of instagram models.

Well, I am actually in the process of careermaxxing and moneymaxxing, once I hoard enough money I will make friends with dubai oil barons and arrange dubai-porta-potties with them. So that I can literally shit on the faces of instagram models.

Goodluck on the careermaxing brother, shitting in the sheets is what we do best so i wish you all the luck in this endeavour.
Also how old're you and when do you think you'll careermax?

I'm 25 and trying to looksmax and careermax too.
Goodluck on the careermaxing brother, shitting in the sheets is what we do best so i wish you all the luck in this endeavour.
Also how old're you and when do you think you'll careermax?

I'm 25 and trying to looksmax and careermax too.

I am way older than you, a STEMcel currently phdcelling.
I am way older than you, a STEMcel currently phdcelling.
oh awesome, i feel pretty old too tbh haha. i'm on my second masters right now (STEM too).
I may end up on the same path as you then, look out for me fellow currycel.
Yet they provide nothing to admit their braindead statements but useless anecdotal evidences like "but muh girla i knew dated 5'1 balding indian, she has a crush for balding curry manlets".
They watch us all the time yet understand so little...
indians revenge: getting rapey

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