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This cuck celebrated /r/incels getting banned, just lol



Nov 7, 2017
[video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ4i9ONXY2g [/video]

This is how all of the /r/IncelTear users look like (SJWs and beta cuck neckbeards), they are against free speech and have nothing better to do then bully. The bitch in the video is a bully, but she has a (rotten) vagina so she gets a pass.

Read the comments tho, even some normies are with us.

EDIT: Just a reminder that people like this women make fake accounts and post vile shit on /r/incels and then screenshot it and report it for hate speech.
why are people so obsessed with us?
They ALL look the SAME
No femoid can be a cuck, i bet she`s cucking his bf in an poly-whatever "relationship".
subhuman looks tbh, smv only stems from her warm hole.
lel, at least the blackpill is spreading, look out the comments
She is not very ugly. Would smash tbh.
no meaningful arguments, just 'incels are bad, trust me'

that and the strawmen
TheIncelStaresBack said:
no meaningful arguments, just 'incels are bad, trust me'

that and the strawmen

I liked how she replied to the top comment. 0 energy, 0 arguments, just a lol.
Oh look an SJW with snowflake pink hair. Way to break the mold.
I wanna hate fuck one of these women, tbh. Maybe I will if lookxmaxxing round two works since I fixed all my previous mental issues.
God what a dumb roastie, couldn't even listen to her voice for 20 seconds before turning that shit off.
pm_me_ur_metatarsals said:
I wanna hate fuck one of these women, tbh. Maybe I will if lookxmaxxing round two works since I fixed all my previous mental issues.

That's more risky than playing Russian roulette.  Even if the sex is 100 consensual, the probability of these kinds of women making a false rape accusation later on is extremely high.  And since our society has a listen and believe mentality when it comes to accusations from women, there's a good chance it would lead to an arrest and conviction and even if it didn't, could permanently ruin your reputation.

Even being alone in a room with one of these women is very dangerous.
her pale skin really brings out the yellow in her teeth.
Captvic said:
why are people so obsessed with us?

because we voice uncomfortable truths that have long been silenced because they question the very fabric of our society, such as the romanticization of love which is, in truth, nothing but a byproduct of evolution that drives every roastie and stacey towards all the 6'4'' uber-chads of the world while generating a sense of alienation from the sexual marketplace in all those who're left behind.

we're also the other side of the social ecosystem, the rotten part of society, and we unapologetically accept that instead of blindly commit ourselves to all the self-improvements koolaids like all the failed good goys are supposed to do. they don't accept that we are failures, and we are fully aware of that and nevertheless we don't want to change because every change is just a cope and society is a ponzi scam where only the Chads and their Staceys can benefit from any further commitment of those at the bottom
Captvic said:
why are people so obsessed with us?

According to them they cherrypick and take the extremist post around here seriously and think they are going to kill people even though no incel who killed people was spawned from an incel forum or sub and were mentally unstable and going to kill from the beggining
Captvic said:
why are people so obsessed with us?

Insecure with themselves, spend their days making fun of week people to give them the illusion that they're better.
She is so unattractive, but it doesn't matter since she has a vagina and most men would fuck her regardless. She would be right here with us if she were born a guy, but she won the 50/50.
CopingGymcel said:
She is so unattractive, but it doesn't matter since she has a vagina and most men would fuck her regardless. She would right here with us if she were born a guy, but she won the 50/50.

I would fuck her.
Ryo Hazuki said:
That's more risky than playing Russian roulette.  Even if the sex is 100 consensual, the probability of these kinds of women making a false rape accusation later on is extremely high.  And since our society has a listen and believe mentality when it comes to accusations from women, there's a good chance it would lead to an arrest and conviction and even if it didn't, could permanently ruin your reputation.

I am a bit paranoid so I record everything. I'll just ask her about the previous night at the door and try to get her to basically admit she consented at all times. Open and shut case at that point. Recording stuff indoors is a bit iffy,  but I'll let my lawyer handle the nuances of that. Point is I will have a mountain of evidence proving that she is full of shit.
CopingGymcel said:
She is so unattractive, but it doesn't matter since she has a vagina and most men would fuck her regardless. She would right here with us if she were born a guy, but she won the 50/50.

she's actually considered an stronk independent woman who defies the sexist beauty standard imposed upon her by the patriarchy
Nautica1983 said:
I would fuck her.

So would I, and that's the problem. I don't even find her attractive and I'd still fuck her good.
mfw i am disgusting while i shower 3 times a day
CopingGymcel said:
So would I, and that's the problem. I don't even find her attractive and I'd still fuck her good.

Thats what pisses me off, Im easily willing to given women who arent my looksmatch and even slightly below a chance, but they dont want me. Then a normie will say "they dont want you cus you're negative and spout blackpill garbage". Do these fucking idiots actually think we tried approaching girls negatively and say these things to them IRL, are they that stupid?
Anything to be contrarian against our beliefs. I 100% agree that if she were male she would be right here with us; her face is not very attractive. So many are obsessed with us that it's sad. Unfortunately for them black pilled truth and wokecels will never go away. Our numbers will grow inevitably due to the societal fallout that is social media.
She's so disgusting. Her looksmatch is incel. Women will never feel our pain.
iiiTeMpeR said:
[video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ4i9ONXY2g [/video]
This is how all of the /r/IncelTear users look like (SJWs and beta cuck neckbeards), they are against free speech and have nothing better to do then bully. The bitch in the video is a bully, but she has a (rotten) vagina so she gets a pass.
Read the comments tho, even some normies are with us.
EDIT: Just a reminder that people like this women make fake accounts and post vile shit on /r/incels and then screenshot it and report it for hate speech.

Jesus Christ, she looks hideous lmao. No surprises though, no real women use reddit, let alone fucking r/inceltears, a sub absolutely 0 normal people know about.
Jesus Christ, she looks hideous lmao. No surprises though, no real women use reddit, let alone fucking r/inceltears, a sub absolutely 0 normal people know about.
Sub8Hate said:
Anything to be contrarian against our beliefs. I 100% agree that if she were male she would be right here with us; her face is not very attractive. So many are obsessed with us that it's sad. Unfortunately for them black pilled truth and wokecels will never go away. Our numbers will grow inevitably due to the societal fallout that is social media.

Exactly, /r/incels was on of the fastest growing communities on reddit because many men are realizing the truth due to their anecdotal expieriences, as sexual freedom grows, inceldom will grow. Its a linear relationship, as one grows, the other will grow to.
Captvic said:
why are people so obsessed with us?

I'm afraid some of these fat SJW's get their vaginas wet thinking about incel dick

To be honest thought, women are attracted to men who don't care about what other people will think of him, the so called "confidence" (thought the moment they see our face they give up). We may don't have confidence in ourselves, but we have confidence in what we say, also, we have anger and we are not afraid to debate, this attracts them, but since our theories are extreme and are not socially acceptable, and women are too attached to what is socially acceptable, we get the reactions we get.

I had a normiebook for over 3 years, not ONE single female talked to me, even when I post that I was sad or posting sad songs, back I was a pathetic bluepilled cuck. In 3 months of a reddit account, I had 5 females to message me and 2 of them were avid r/Rapekink and r/IncelTears poster, I replied to one because I was in a good mood in the day.

Go figure.
iiiTeMpeR said:
Exactly, /r/incels was on of the fastest growing communities on reddit because many men are realizing the truth due to their anecdotal expieriences, as sexual freedom grows, inceldom will grow. Its a linear relationship, as one grows, the other will grow to.

Absolutely. She's calling on people to censor us and to get rid of us, but we will only grow in number, it is inevitable. She just doesn't realize it because she's a clueless, privileged roastie. Social media and dating sites have ramped up hypergamy to levels never seen before. The fallout will create countless incels who will join our ranks. 

Does anyone have the MakeApp? She'd look terrible if you removed the makeup. Dumb bitch probably has no idea how much her pussy is worth. Even then I'd bet you anything she wouldn't give her looksmatch the time of day.
incelman said:
She is not very ugly. Would smash tbh.

People say Big Red is ugly or something - I thought she was kinda hot.

The girl is clearly ugly. But so am I. So therefore I would fuck.
Tuttle said:
People say Big Red is ugly or something - I thought she was kinda hot.


She would be quite fuckable if she didn't wear glassess and had a better haircut like the girl in the vid.
incelman said:
She would be quite fuckable if she didn't wear glassess and had a better haircut like the girl in the vid.

She is ugly but I would fuck her, honestly I wouldn't mind dicking her.
incelman said:
She would be quite fuckable if she didn't wear glassess and had a better haircut like the girl in the vid.

I am not in to cosplay and I don't think this was her intention but I chuckle at the thought she is like a sexy Velma Dinkley.
looks like a dude with makeup tbh. Thought it was a tranny untill i heard her speak.
She's got a ton of makeup and still looks like a cheese pizza nightmare
god damn, this is what chad pumps and dumps?
he can have these disgusting subhuman women tbh.
I rather be alone.
Lestat said:
god damn, this is what chad pumps and dumps?
he can have these disgusting subhuman women tbh.
I rather be alone.


hang her high
Absolutely disgusting.
Her comment on that video: If "You're ugly" is all you have to say to me, then I've already won <3
My reply: Keep winning then. You are genuinely ugly, you would be an /r/incels mod if you were a man.
her smug face screams dumb cunt
Women are not cucks, they are doing the cucking.
Tuttle said:
I am not in to cosplay and I don't think this was her intention but I chuckle at the thought she is like a sexy Velma Dinkley.

I always remember how Freddy fucked both her and the other girl while Saggy and Scooby solved the mystery but in the end Fred got all the credit despite not doing anything

iiiTeMpeR said:
She is ugly but I would fuck her, honestly I wouldn't mind dicking her.

Yeah same. I would definately do her.

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