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Serious This civilization is repulsive

  • Thread starter Despondent Dreamer
  • Start date
Despondent Dreamer

Despondent Dreamer

Dec 1, 2021
While I still lament over the loss of my youth, and long for the missing memory of a past which I never got to actually experience, none of it is terribly relevant to the person who I am right now. Rather what keeps us moving forward in life is having a goal worth pursing, something which we can strive towards which at least feels of value. Yet none of that has been made available to me at all, this world has absolutely nothing to offer a man like me.

It could be seen as our fate as humans to build monuments in defiance against entropy which are doomed to decay. Whether they be buildings, offspring, or systems of belief, their purpose remains largely the same. At the very least the intention is to better our lives, to provide structure to an otherwise chaotic world, and to provide catharsis for the pain which our very existence causes us. However the context of my birth has sentenced me to life within a civilization which is set upon tearing down nearly every human construct we could use to comfort ourselves, the things which we'd otherwise use to find joy and something worth building upon. Granted it could all be seen as futile, but aspects of our cognition seem to prevent the vast majority of humans from seeing the logic in self-elimination, so as a result we have no better alternative.

Regardless, in absence of any meaning this society provides the opportunity for hedonistic binging, much of which is totally inaccessible to anyone here. For the most part my life now consists of coping with games in which I can temporarily pretend that I'm in a world which I actually care about, or a world which see any value in doing anything within. Whether it be meaning, value, battles, or sex, my access to all of it has been reduced to a commodified and totally artificial emulation of a human experience. I can lead an army in an imaginary world, I can watch the heartfelt struggles of fictional characters, I can pay a woman to serve as a fleeting substitute for a mate, but I can't find a single thing in this wretched reality which is worth contributing to or worth fighting to protect.

Worse still, I can't even convince people of how repulsive it all is. I can't make people understand that if they're so committed to obliterating everything that we've inherited from previous generations, that they'd be better off focusing on how to facilitate a permanent end for this planet. Social structure, culture, religion, not even mere statues, none of it has been spared from the fury of the people who seem to wish us to return to primitive tribes surrounded by wilderness. While others are fucking each other or mutilating themselves in an effort to "celebrate being human", we're rotting here without access to even the warmth of another person.
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Coincidently I was reading claymore rn
This is not civilization but anti-civilization. Read about Antonio Oliveira Salazar. Also over for essaycels
Good reading. :feelsjuice:
This is not civilization but anti-civilization. Read about Antonio Oliveira Salazar. Also over for essaycels
Agree, our society is higly uncivilized. And we should not remain civilized in an uncivilized society. :feelsaww:
It's time to restore justice and return the place that was illegally taken away from us. :society:
I have lost all faith in this world after seeing what politicians can do to us under the disguise of a pandemic.
The worst thing is that 95% of people are completly brainwashed and don't question anything mainstream media broadcasts, even if a simple google search can proof it to be a lie.
I forgot ur old name lol. Its like on my tongue but can't materialize.
LiterallyASoyboy, although I don't think it's terribly accurate tbh. "Former Soyboy" would've been better.
It's time to restore justice and return the place that was illegally taken away from us. :society:
The issue is that no path towards doing that exists, which is part of the problem. There isn't even a worthwhile cause to contribute to which isn't completely hopeless. It's just so fucking garbage.
Yup lol. How are you doing btw?
I've been feeling completely defeated for months now, and I've currently gone back to rotting. How about you?
The issue is that no path towards doing that exists, which is part of the problem. There isn't even a worthwhile cause to contribute to which isn't completely hopeless. It's just so fucking garbage.
No, these paths exist. :society:
I've been feeling completely defeated for months now, and I've currently gone back to rotting. How about you?
On and off depression. No copes work. I keep on contemplating my life and how I fucked it up.
On and off depression. No copes work. I keep on contemplating my life and how I fucked it up.
Whenever I try to think about my past, I always come to the conclusion that none of it felt much like I was making choices at all ngl.
Some new radical ideology must come, which would unite many groups of disparate men (such as incels, MGTOW and so on), it will increase our numbers, but I do not see any attempts to do this, unfortunately... But I believe it's all just a matter of timing and inflammatory source. :feelsjuice:
none of it has been spared from the fury of the people who seem to wish us to return to primitive tribes surrounded by wilderness.
They don't want a return to wilderness you lemming, they want a grid structure for control in which everything and everyone is over-socialized. You are right that they are better off in devising a plan to end the world, but do you really disagree that a return to monke is a bad thing? The cultural artifacts of the past are useless navel gazing muh ancestor idealizations at this point. Not to be a transparent nihilist but the only solution imo is to just live a solipsistic life, not of overt degenerate hedonism but of fulfilling the role of a conscious observer. What can I really do on an individual level to "fix Western Civilization" ?
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It could be seen as our fate as humans to build monuments in defiance against entropy which are doomed to decay.
Downright poetic. Eventually the sun will consume the earth, anything happening between now and then is temporary by nature.

On the topic of the wider disparity in purpose, that's on you and your values. There's plenty of things to fight for, you just don't care for them or the fight, and it's better to realize that for what it is. Or maybe it isn't your values, just depression - the simultaneous cause and effect of which is loss of purpose.
They don't want a return to wilderness you lemming, they want a grid structure for control in which everything and everyone is over-socialized. You are right that they are better off in devising a plan to end the world, but do you really disagree that a return to monke is a bad thing? The cultural artifacts of the past are useless navel gazing muh ancestor idealizations at this point. Not to be a transparent nihilist but the only solution at this point is to just live a solipsistic life, not of overt degenerate hedonism but of fulfilling the role of a conscious observer. What can I really do on an individual level to "fix Western Civilization" ?
I was referring to the average normie and how the lives that they live are a regression back to a more primitive state in terms of their pursuits, but yes I agree with your assessment of the controllers of the poor absence for culture.

There is nothing you can do, which is part of what I was trying to convey tbh. Can't even contribute to a worthwhile cause which isn't futile.
I was referring to the average normie and how the lives that they live are a regression back to a more primitive state in terms of their pursuits, but yes I agree with your assessment of the controllers of the poor absence for culture.

There is nothing you can do, which is part of what I was trying to convey tbh. Can't even contribute to a worthwhile cause which isn't futile.
Agreed. Interpersonal dynamics (especially sexual) are at a point in which they comprise that of a primitive world without the benefits and lack of socialization that a primitive world brings. Incels are at the end of the stick when it comes to this in which we have to pretend that the institutions of the past that consolidated a balance sexual realm such as a woman being a virgin when married are still in play in order to make it seem as though the modernity of our surroundings matches the "modernity" of courtship.
Europeans did it not jews. Jews had no power in the late 20 30s. Europeans and their Jewish puppet masters did this
I was referring to the average normie and how the lives that they live are a regression back to a more primitive state in terms of their pursuits, but yes I agree with your assessment of the controllers of the poor absence for culture.

There is nothing you can do, which is part of what I was trying to convey tbh. Can't even contribute to a worthwhile cause which isn't futile.
Soon there will be many more incels among the average normies. And then we will rise. :feelsjuice:

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