Hair: Mogs me. Any kind of straight or smooth hair mogs me.
Eyebrows: Mogs me. It's not very noticeable, but I have a unibrow problem.
Eyes: I mog him. He looks cross-eyed. At least I'm not cross-eyed.
Nose: I don't know. I say we're even I don't like how my nose look, but I know I don't want his as it doesn't look like the ideal nose I want.
Upper lip: Maybe mogs me? Are those scars? They look like scars like he lost a fight with a cat.
Lips: We're even. I say both mine and his look bad. Mine too big vertically and his too big horizontally.
Jaw: Mogs me.
Chin: I want to say even. If there's one feature I'm fine with on my face, it's my chin. I would like to replace it with something else if I could, but I can live with my chin. Maybe that's the cope talking.
Lower face in general: Mogs me due to he can pull off the shaven look way better than me. I hate seeing myself in natural light even after shaving.
Overall though? I say he mogs me because he looks like someone that could easily get a girl. Especially a girl of his age, or the age he looks like. He looks around mid 30s. I can see him hitting it off with mid 30s and 40s foids pretty well.
As long as his voice isn't fucked up as they probably would run if he sounded bad.
Voice does matter too.
My voice is shit.