Probably! But I am religious, and my religion doesn't allow to beautify ourselves because we believe God created us in His image, however, since I am an exception (an exception that my religion acknowledges), I could technically get a nosejob. I had even scheduled one, but ultimately, I backed out for a number of reasons. I just want my natural nose back, and plastic surgery can never achieve that result; it can only give me a prettier nose, which is not what I want. I also don't want a scar, no matter how non-noticeable is it is. I also have OCD, the germaphobic kind. The thought of the surgeon using surgical instruments he used on others on me is hell to me. I would have to clean it. And how am I supposed to clean the inside of my nose?! I'd probably just cut it open, pour tons of liquid soap on it and then stitch it back up, KEK. So yeah. A nosejob is not what I'm getting. Guess I'll just stay deformed for life. I have said it before, I wouldn't be on here had I not broken my nose twice like that. I only get female attention when they can't see my nose haha. It sucks.