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Venting Things You Hate About Incel Culture



Sexual Socialist
Oct 7, 2018
>calling people you agree with high IQ and the ones you disagree with low IQ
>calling every incel who speaks to the media a fakecel
We have this thread every week
almost every incel like anime while ı hate it
stormcels as being incel isn't bad enough lol
Too much LARPing in general
Mentalcels that never approach
16-17 year old saying its over
too many weebs, a little is fine but hot damn so much weeb shit
Escortcels. Atleast they ascended in a way.
The complete lack of discussion on how fucked up society is, most people just want to bitch about their own personal problems and ignore every other post.
I see ''go er'' in every thread but nobody actually goes er

almost every incel like anime while ı hate it
unironically this is why they are incel
All the JB_ theories. It's complete black and white thinking and the situation is far more complicated.
I see ''go er'' in every thread but nobody actually goes er
they better not. We would get shut down probably if they were a large contributor to this site. We would also get another huge wave of normies at the very least.
The weeb spammers.

And this is coming from a weeb
Escortcels (to an extent)
And worst of all, incels who worship mental illness, Chadlite serial killers, and Chadlite mass shooters
The fact that we converting into another weird manosphere/MRA cult instead of being our own thing like in r/incels time when we hate everything regardless of their affiliation.

The sub 8 cope and the chadlites larping here disgust me, fuck off to cuckism.net
Chad avatars
chad avatars serve as a goal for what i'd want to look like one day, plus TGO actually went from incel to chad if you look at his older pics when he was 22.
cancerous debates regarding racepill and NoFap
The politically fixed users. I dont think inceldom can call itself on either side in politics, we're despised by both sides.

Also I hate fakecels.
>SJW's when it comes to race, would fit perfectly at buzzfeed, or annoying Nazis. Just nonstop racebaiting.
>insufferable turbo-weeaboos
>sub-8 theorists (the incel version, not the "alot harder to get a gf" version)
>calls every self identified incel a "fakecel" after seeing their photo, even fucking jsanza.
>Hates on mentalcels in an almost identical fashion to how normies hate incels in general. Just magically don't be autistic anymore bro.
>Irrational hatred of people with different fetishes than them.
Weebs are the most oppressed race in the world.
coping ethnics with their JBW bullshit
all racebaiting actually
thinking being a NEET makes you more genuinely incel
thinking face is all that matters
the anime obsession
pedos larping as incels
teenagers thinking they’re truecels
weebshit and extra chromosone IQ anti-nofappers
The lingo, for one. Words like ‘foid’, ‘blackpill’, ‘low IQ’ sound so lame to my ears...

I also don’t like the fact that some users are supreme edge dwellers, advocating massive levels of violence or worshipping morons (Elliot is one thing, but say Jeffrey Dahmer is a whole other ballpark). You’d think a handful of these guys were a mentally challenged version of a mix of an Incredibles villain & The Punisher. Still, the good users outweigh the bad.
Worshipping asia as some sacred place where you'll get girls throwing themselves at your feet merely because you're white
The hatred of autistcels and whitecels.
assholes who loves eliot roger.

He wasnt an incel. He was better good looking than all of us. He was just a pshico who wanted to kill people and used the incel word for justify for what he did
The yellow fever-cels who actually think Asia is exempt from the blackpill.
The sheer hypocrisy of the truecel competition atmosphere, we slam on others and blame them for their own inceldom, then bitch about noncels doing the exact same shit to us. If we can't follow our own advice, why would anyone else wanna listen to us?
pointless reverse-elitism and gatekeeping.

"volcel" and "incel" are very misleading words. The proper terms should be "intentionally celibate" and "unintentionally celibate"

whatever though.
almost every incel like anime while ı hate it
I never get people who hate anime on the whole, it makes me think to ask - "what anime did you watch to reach this point?"
Denying the existence of mentalcels. When I say mentalcel I mean somebody below 6/10 and above 4/10 who is either legit retarded or just fucking out of this world mentally in a negative way, which is what I am.
delusional waifu-cels
Deluded fools that think Japan will magically cure their inceldom.
I really dislike having teenagers on this site. Sure, some of them will be real incels even at that age. But most of them will just be normal teens, filled with anxiety about their attractiveness and popularity. The ideas here could really fuck a person up. Twenty should be the minimum age.
I really dislike having teenagers on this site. Sure, some of them will be real incels even at that age. But most of them will just be normal teens, filled with anxiety about their attractiveness and popularity. The ideas here could really fuck a person up. Twenty should be the minimum age.

I don't know if that's an incel culture thing, but I also hate this. I don't wanna get all "wiser than thou," but these are some fucked up ideas to talk about to kids. I'll discuss this with other adults, no problem. But I'm not discussing my sexual proclivities with anyone under 18.
>race baiting
>chad worship
>clickbait title: "FAREWELL FRIENDS THIS IS THE END" thread : "I'm going to bed now. LOL!"
>complaining about bans
>self loathing
>nature worship
>nofap cult
>alt troll accounts
>autism/mental illness shaming, probably the most annoying to me. It kind of makes me angry that there are normalfags here who probably have friends and a social circle.
Denying the existence of mentalcels. When I say mentalcel I mean somebody below 6/10 and above 4/10 who is either legit retarded or just fucking out of this world mentally in a negative way, which is what I am.
People who really hate mentalcels are probably normalfags. Normalfags despise anyone who is "weird".
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