Going bald pretty much requires infinite effort/compensation just to stay sane and keep up the cope that hairloss isn’t actually the end of your life..
gotta overcompensate and be young and hip so I don’t look old
gotta be able to laugh at myself and be NT
But then I’ll be seen as a weak doormat
So gotta roid up and get tattoos so nobody makes fun of me
Gotta get a motorcycle
Gotta be more aggressive/assertive so I can be visible to women
Can’t look like hair loss has defeated me
it’s a monumental effort to retain some shred of sexual market value. Soooooo much easier with magnitudes higher ROI to get a hair transplant. That’s the only solution. Going bald is like being in the kitchen, and it’s in fire. It’s a pressing life and death situation that needs to be dealt with immediately. You can’t move on with life until you deal with hairloss.
Jfl at parents having “college funds” for their kids.. they need to have emergency hair transplant funds instead to save their sons’ lives.
early hairloss is so much more “unfortunate” than people can even fathom. I went bald at 18. I did not get to live a life. I missed out on my youth and my prime. I’ve never had a girlfriend.. I don’t have friends.. It’s so much more than just missing some hair follicles.. I guess the equivalent would be saying that cancer is just a bunch of cells, who cares? That shit is LIFE AND DEATH. Daily reminder, men have killed themselves over hairloss.