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RageFuel They say women have a low sex drive due to having lower T, but they sure seem to have A LOT of sex . Can someone explain this or is it just me?

foid logic

not understandable for us
high sex drive for chad
even if they only ever had sex during ovulation, they could have several men per year, and dozens of men in a decade

look at STD rates whenever the 'women don't have sex in 2024' cope is deployed
foids have lots of sex. When they say low sex drive they mean for their betabbuxxer or for us
they have a low sex drive as in unlike men they arent attracted to random people of the opposite sex. they would gladly have sex with chad but not with anyone else.
foid logic

not understandable for us
foid logic? its true their sex drive is nothing compared to ours. women wouldnt have sex with random ugly men but reverse the genders and we would
they have a low sex drive as in unlike men they arent attracted to random people of the opposite sex. they would gladly have sex with chad but not with anyone else.
oooh, now I get it, thanks brocel.
Just a shit lie
No idea. But i know from a 2018 statistic that 28% of men reported that they had no sex for 1 year, 2022 statistic said that 56% of Gen Z men had no sex for at least 1 year. While now in 2024 its 66% of Gen Z men who are celibate for 1 year despite that most Gen Z men are now in their prime age for mating.

80% of Gen Z overall (men and women) feel lonely.

Its assumed that 37% of Gen Z are still virgins, 20% of those 37% are men.

The average age to have your first time: 16!
foids are whores

nothing new here
It's bullshit so betabuxxes don't demand too much sex from them. They want to have sex but with chad. Low (none :feelshaha:) sex drive for betacuck, high sex drive for chad.
It only seems that they have a lot of sex because you're looking at it from an incel's point of view. Women and Chads control the access to sex, and most women don't like most men. Look at sodomites if you want to see what a near unrestricted male sex drive looks like.

Pretty sure estrogen also increases sexual desire too.
Incel trait is believing women have low sex drive. Women have a high sex drive, for chad.
Women use sex to boost their value, not for pleasure.

I don't understand the massive whores that fuck every guy, though.
Common wisdom regarding the sexes remains very bluepilled. Women's sex drive is either matched or greater than men's. The triggers are just different.

Men are pretty much on a daily timer. Every day, we want to fuck. A few days without cooming and can barely function. Women are on a monthly cycle. They have a day or two every month that they get acutely horny, about a week that they're sexually off-limits, and the rest is whatever. But, unlike men who get a direct urge to fuck, women get a direct urge to go outside and be a cunt to people, hoping to get told off by a chad.

This is why common wisdom is balls-to-the-wall retarded on all things women. Common wisdom observed that apples fall from trees, but couldn't figure out that mass attracts mass in general. Common wisdom sees the sun go across the sky, but not that it's caused by the earth's rotation. So the difference in sex-seeking behaviors foiled common wisdom here, too.
Common wisdom regarding the sexes remains very bluepilled. Women's sex drive is either matched or greater than men's. The triggers are just different.

Men are pretty much on a daily timer. Every day, we want to fuck. A few days without cooming and can barely function. Women are on a monthly cycle. They have a day or two every month that they get acutely horny, about a week that they're sexually off-limits, and the rest is whatever. But, unlike men who get a direct urge to fuck, women get a direct urge to go outside and be a cunt to people, hoping to get told off by a chad.

This is why common wisdom is balls-to-the-wall retarded on all things women. Common wisdom observed that apples fall from trees, but couldn't figure out that mass attracts mass in general. Common wisdom sees the sun go across the sky, but not that it's caused by the earth's rotation. So the difference in sex-seeking behaviors foiled common wisdom here, too.
Do you truly believe that the sex that chooses when sexual intercourse occurs, initiates sex less often, needs five to seven attraction triggers on average to reach the same arousal level as a man who only needs one, has a limited supply of gametes, can only conceive during a limited number of days in a monthly cycle, and bears the burden of incubation for nine months has a similar or higher sex drive than the sex that pursues sexual intercourse, readily initiates sex, masturbates more often, gets aroused from the slightest thing and is almost always ready for sex, continually produces millions of gametes every day, and can impregnate multiple women daily?
Who would eat more food :

- a dude who have a small appetite but an unlimited reserve of food at home
- a dude with a strong appetite who lives in the middle of the desert

I think women only want sex when they are ovulating while men always want sex.

And gay people have way more sex than lesbian people, so men still have a way higher sex drive.
basically: woman = whore
When you have such easy access to something, you crave it less because you know you can have it whenever you want. Men with already high sex drives that can't have any sex will just develop an even higher sex drive, dooming them to the shittiest feedback loop in existence.
When you have such easy access to something, you crave it less because you know you can have it whenever you want. Men with already high sex drives that can't have any sex will just develop an even higher sex drive, dooming them to the shittiest feedback loop in existence.
I don't like thinking much, my head hurts. But the reason for this is very simple: emotion and purpose.

Women are purely emotional, even trying with reason that they use emotion as a starting point.
And the purpose is the condition, women only grow up in society on their knees for men, preferably always the best of the place, be it the company, the neighborhood, the city, etc.

That is why misandria as a reason not to have to love a man, on the part of a woman, exists. Foid are misandrian in their essence, but they need us. Men don't need foids, they just want your pleasure.
Do you truly believe that the sex that chooses when sexual intercourse occurs, initiates sex less often, needs five to seven attraction triggers on average to reach the same arousal level as a man who only needs one, has a limited supply of gametes, can only conceive during a limited number of days in a monthly cycle, and bears the burden of incubation for nine months has a similar or higher sex drive than the sex that pursues sexual intercourse, readily initiates sex, masturbates more often, gets aroused from the slightest thing and is almost always ready for sex, continually produces millions of gametes every day, and can impregnate multiple women daily?
They fuck a weekly rotation of 7 chads. That's one each day. They initiate sex with chad.

The attraction triggers are fake and gay, ask Muhammad from Qatar what a woman's attraction triggers are. He tells his 4 wives "it's fuck o'clock", bends them over, and sticks it in.
It's all a giant game of deception. Women claim they have low sex drive so when they settle for betabucks they've got an excuse to never have to put out for him. In reality, women have a higher sex drive than men when it comes to Chad.
it's true and that's why they only need chad to have sex with.
you can have sex with ltb and be happy but they want chad because stimulating them is harder due to being lower sex drive
The (((they))) in your title are just running cover for foids, trying to keep young men bluepilled.
Women don’t have sex for its physical pleasure, they have it for the validation and attention of Chads. That’s is the only thing they care about.
Becomes high T after chads immense T levels mixes with his aura and goes into the foid in sex
Low female sex drive is a diversion so that betabuxxers don’t think twice when their gfs/wives don’t fuck them for weeks on end. In reality it’s because they’re getting satisfied by Chad’s behind their backs.
They do have a lower sex drive. I mean water is wet, but men are willing to pay for even the company of women. Men are willing to pay for dates, sex, dating coaches, all kinds of bullshit. Women aren't willing to do any of these things, except maybe for Chad.

I think Aaron Clarey stated that men have 9x higher sex drive than women on average. I have no idea where he got that number from, but it does seem to reflect reality somewhat.

The lower sex drive is also probably the reason why women find so many men ugly.

Also women don't only have sex to satisfy their sex drives, they also have sex to make Chad fall in love with them and to extract resources from men, aka making men betabuxx for them. The most straight forward example of the latter is just straight up prostitution, but women also practice prostitution by proxy. Women very rarely marry men who make less money than them, unless the man is a Chad or the woman is desperate. Foids enter these relationships because it pays better to be with a man than being alone, whether its to split the bills, whether its that he takes her on dates and she gets to treat him as an emotional tampon or whatever.

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