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There's 5 kinds of incel



Dec 11, 2017

These incels have actual severe physical flaws, such as very ugly face, extremely short, micropenis, deformities, handicaps, etc. etc. They have some potential to improve with plastic surgery and extreme looksmaxxing.


These incels may not have physical issues, but they suffer from a legitimate mental disorder (autism, aspergers, etc.) which causes them to have 1/10 social skills and people (women) avoid them due to that. They have some potential to improve with therapy and / or drugs.


These incels may not be mentalcels or have severely deformed faces, but are incels due to being ethnic alone. The solution for these kind of incels is to move to another location.

Bear in mind however that most ethnics are not incel solely due to being ethnic, but rather due to the negative features associated with being one (facial structure, height, frame, skin color), in this case those incels should be classified as legitcels.


These incels might not be ethnicels, legitcels or mentalcels, but they are introverted, scared and lazy. They'd rather play video games and eat junk food than put in actual effort (looksmaxxing, approaching, being more social, etc.) into getting laid. They might have slight physical issues, such as being overweight, having acne or a minor facial issue, but as mentioned above are too lazy and scared to actually do anything about it. They have the most potential, but due to their own bitchcelism fail to realize it. They are the ones that have the most to lose. Wasting their primes posting on forums and LDARING, then becoming an oldcel and realizing they might have ascended only if they werent a bitchcel.


Pretty self explanatory. Very often u see different incel combinations. Sometimes u even have incels that have all of the above: legitcel, metnalcel, ethnicel, bitchcel. Even though thats debatable. Can a legitcel be a bitchcel? Ie. could a legitcel mentalcel ethnicel ascend if he really put in a lot of effort? Who knows?
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My estimation: This forum has
5% legitcels
5% mentalcels
0% ethniccel (Doesn't exist. They are incel because they are legitcels/mentalcels/bitchcels)
85% bitchcels
5% everythingcels
My estimation: This forum has
5% legitcels
5% mentalcels
0% ethniccel (Doesn't exist. They are incel because they are legitcels/mentalcels/bitchcels)
85% bitchcels
5% everythingcels

seems about right
My estimation: This forum has
5% legitcels
5% mentalcels
0% ethniccel (Doesn't exist. They are incel because they are legitcels/mentalcels/bitchcels)
85% bitchcels
5% everythingcels
@FiveFourManlet is a bitchcel
Lol@ this thread.

These incels want to improve and looksmaxx, however they can't due to them being born in a third world country and in a very poor family. They'd need to work for decades at a normal job in order to afford some advanced looksmaxxing surgeries, even basic looksmaxxing might not be affordable to them. Not to mention all the medicines required if they're mentalcels as well. By the time they save enough money for all those surgeries they would be 30-40 years old and past their prime, so what's the point? They might as well LDAR or rope.

These incels want to improve and looksmaxx, however they can't due to them being born in a third world country and in a very poor family. They'd need to work for decades at a normal job in order to afford some advanced looksmaxxing surgeries, even basic looksmaxxing might not be affordable to them. Not to mention all the medicines required if they're mentalcels as well. By the time they save enough money for all those surgeries they would be 30-40 years old and past their prime, so what's the point? They might as well LDAR or rope.

I think these are legitcels. If your face is so fucked up you need expensive surgery to fix it then you are a legitcel. You dont need to be rich to fix minor issues.
I'm a mentalcel (avoidant personality disorder + some form of autism) + bitchcel + poorcel

But I'm also a 25 year old fat, bald unhealthy fuck and other various ugly features
I am so tired of hearing about ethniccels, the only reason they´re incel is because they only go for white girls, take your own girls and leave our white girls alone! Hard truth I know but it is the truth! You ethnics live in our white society after you or your parents have fled your own countries with your ethnic woman and then complain about our white girls don´t want to race mix with you. Disgusting...

- You say JBW so white men should just go to East Asia and get girls, well why don´t you just go back to your countries where your own kind is wouldn´t that give you a better chance?
I think these are legitcels. If your face is so fucked up you need expensive surgery to fix it then you are a legitcel. You dont need to be rich to fix minor issues.

You need to be rich in my country if you want to fix them. $250 is a minimum wage here, costs of living are roughly the same. I don't see any possible exit out of this situation. I don't even have enough money for the gym or diet/supplements.
My estimation: This forum has
5% legitcels
5% mentalcels
0% ethniccel (Doesn't exist. They are incel because they are legitcels/mentalcels/bitchcels)
85% bitchcels
5% everythingcels

If true: status >>> looks confirmed, tho? :kys:

These incels want to improve and looksmaxx, however they can't due to them being born in a third world country and in a very poor family. They'd need to work for decades at a normal job in order to afford some advanced looksmaxxing surgeries, even basic looksmaxxing might not be affordable to them. Not to mention all the medicines required if they're mentalcels as well. By the time they save enough money for all those surgeries they would be 30-40 years old and past their prime, so what's the point? They might as well LDAR or rope.
That's me, can't afford dental surgery to fixed my deformed lower teeth. Also can't afford visit to dermatologist too.
You need to be rich in my country if you want to fix them. $250 is a minimum wage here, costs of living are roughly the same. I don't see any possible exit out of this situation. I don't even have enough money for the gym or diet/supplements.
Are you in Bulgaria or something?
You need to be rich in my country if you want to fix them. $250 is a minimum wage here, costs of living are roughly the same. I don't see any possible exit out of this situation. I don't even have enough money for the gym or diet/supplements.

In this case your only option is to put all your efforts into making money as fast as possible. I know easier said than done, but if you are truly motivated you will find a way.
In this case your only option is to put all your efforts into making money as fast as possible. I know easier said than done, but if you are truly motivated you will find a way.

I know man, I've tried to make money online, I've tried a lot of things and nothing seems to work for me. There are a couple of more ways to make money online I haven't tried. And if they don't work I'll probably rope, I can't take this life anymore.
well im ethnic so it rids me from any responsibility
I'm a mentalcel and ugly, it's over.
My estimation: This forum has
5% legitcels
5% mentalcels
0% ethniccel (Doesn't exist. They are incel because they are legitcels/mentalcels/bitchcels)
85% bitchcels
5% everythingcels

There have been polls where half of the users here are ethniccel.
There have been polls where half of the users here are ethniccel.
That doesn't prove anything. It's a coping mechanism. It's easier to say to oneself "I'm incel because I'm curry" than "I'm incel because of my genes are bad and I'm ugly".
Good looking nt ethnics are slayers.
>No Locationcel
Low IQ post considering whether people agree with this or not, most people here are either Locationcel and Mentalcel.

Locationcel: An Incel who is Incel because of where he lives. Most Incels tend to fall into this category whether they know it or not. A Locationcel can be Locationcel because of their local sexual market not favoring them, or there's just not enough women around, or other various factors involving your location. Locationcels tend to be Volcel in many places, but sometimes are just Volcel in very specific places.
That doesn't prove anything. It's a coping mechanism. It's easier to say to myself "I'm incel because I'm curry" than "I'm incel because my genes are bad and I'm ugly".
Good looking nt ethnics are slayers.

Yes I agree. However, ethnics are still at a disadvantage. If you had 2 nearly identical people, both 6/10, one white and one indian. There's a high probability that the indian will be incel and white not.. My point is: merely being above average is not enough if you are ethnic, you really have to be good looking to compensate. Therefore you have some moderately GL ethnics that are incels.
>No Locationcel
Low IQ post considering whether people agree with this or not, most people here are either Locationcel and Mentalcel.

Locationcel: An Incel who is Incel because of where he lives. Most Incels tend to fall into this category whether they know it or not. A Locationcel can be Locationcel because of their local sexual market not favoring them, or there's just not enough women around, or other various factors involving your location. Locationcels tend to be Volcel in many places, but sometimes are just Volcel in very specific places.

locationcel = bitchcel, just move retard
Majority are indeed "bitchcels" who fap to anime in the basement. They are most often teens as well.
I am so tired of hearing about ethniccels, the only reason they´re incel is because they only go for white girls, take your own girls and leave our white girls alone! Hard truth I know but it is the truth! You ethnics live in our white society after you or your parents have fled your own countries with your ethnic woman and then complain about our white girls don´t want to race mix with you. Disgusting...

- You say JBW so white men should just go to East Asia and get girls, well why don´t you just go back to your countries where your own kind is wouldn´t that give you a better chance?

with ethnic woman its different. you can't really get ethnic girls if you aren't thugmaxxed or have some kind of "swag" about you.
ethnic woman love shit like turbo cars and gold chains (the meme is real). white woman will accept a guy that just like to cuddle and watch netflix. and that's where high IQ ethnic's like me won't fit in.
Very high iq. >50% here are bitchcels
locationcel = bitchcel, just move retard
JFL, care to donate a few thousand bucks to move? How about a Job so I can make money to move? Because 70+ denied Job applications, and who knows how many that I never even got a reply or callback on clearly aint working out. Honestly if you don't live in L.A or some other degenerate, leftist, minority ridden, hypergamous hellhole where you get discriminated against when getting hired for being a white male, among several other factors you don't have room to talk my guy. I'd love to move.
Yeah, I love how he literally bragged about being good looking and then calls himself a truecel jfl.
Yeah, he brags about being good looking. At 5ft4 he can definitely get a girl. He won't be a slayer but he is not a truecel either.
> CTRL + F 'bald'
> No highlighted text in the OP
> CTRL + F 'bald'
> No highlighted text in the OP

Unless you are like NW100 there is a solution to baldness and it's called a hair transplant. That's literally a non issue when compared to other things that CANNOT be changed, such as frame size, ethnicity, facial ratios, etc. etc. etc.
Ako ste iz novog sada, moramo napraviti neki hangout :D
Ja sam zapravo iz Istre, lmao.
Ovdje se apsolutno svi jebu osim mene, čak i polu-Indijci koji su 10 cm niži od mene.
Unless you are like NW100 there is a solution to baldness and it's called a hair transplant. That's literally a non issue when compared to other things that CANNOT be changed, such as frame size, ethnicity, facial ratios, etc. etc. etc.

NW Infinity checking in.
Ja sam zapravo iz Istre, lmao.
Ovdje se apsolutno svi jebu osim mene, čak i polu-Indijci koji su 10 cm niži od mene.
A šta se čudiš, za nas je gotovo od kako smo se rodili, nismo ni šansu imali...
Majority are indeed "bitchcels" who fap to anime in the basement. They are most often teens as well.

Not really, @Raiden is the biggest anime freak. He seems well adjusted. A responsible adult. But he masturbates to anime. I am sure of it.
Bit off topic....

I just pulled my pants down and did a loud fart.

Carry on peeps!
A šta se čudiš, za nas je gotovo od kako smo se rodili, nismo ni šansu imali...
Nikada nije ni počelo...
Neki dan sam napravio thread da sam odustao već sa 17 i da ću LDARati ostatak života, i većina njih su mi rekli da izgledam kao normie i da nemam izlike da to radim.
I'm a hybrid of Bitchcell and Mentalcel; I have depression and anxiety, and I think I have some form of undiagnosed mild autism/asperger, And I workout and had surgeries to better myself but I mostly rely on apps and rarely do real life approaches...

These incels have actual severe physical flaws, such as very ugly face, extremely short, micropenis, deformities, handicaps, etc. etc. They have some potential to improve with plastic surgery and extreme looksmaxxing.


These incels may not have physical issues, but they suffer from a legitimate mental disorder (autism, aspergers, etc.) which causes them to have 1/10 social skills and people (women) avoid them due to that. They have some potential to improve with therapy and / or drugs.


These incels may not be mentalcels or have severely deformed faces, but are incels due to being ethnic alone. The solution for these kind of incels is to move to another location.

Bear in mind however that most ethnics are not incel solely due to being ethnic, but rather due to the negative features associated with being one (facial structure, height, frame, skin color), in this case those incels should be classified as legitcels.


These incels might not be ethnicels, legitcels or mentalcels, but they are introverted, scared and lazy. They'd rather play video games and eat junk food than put in actual effort (looksmaxxing, approaching, being more social, etc.) into getting laid. They might have slight physical issues, such as being overweight, having acne or a minor facial issue, but as mentioned above are too lazy and scared to actually do anything about it. They have the most potential, but due to their own bitchcelism fail to realize it. They are the ones that have the most to lose. Wasting their primes posting on forums and LDARING, then becoming an oldcel and realizing they might have ascended only if they werent a bitchcel.


Pretty self explanatory. Very often u see different incel combinations. Sometimes u even have incels that have all of the above: legitcel, metnalcel, ethnicel, bitchcel. Even though thats debatable. Can a legitcel be a bitchcel? Ie. could a legitcel mentalcel ethnicel ascend if he really put in a lot of effort? Who knows?

These incels want to improve and looksmaxx, however they can't due to them being born in a third world country and in a very poor family. They'd need to work for decades at a normal job in order to afford some advanced looksmaxxing surgeries, even basic looksmaxxing might not be affordable to them. Not to mention all the medicines required if they're mentalcels as well. By the time they save enough money for all those surgeries they would be 30-40 years old and past their prime, so what's the point? They might as well LDAR or rope.

Legitcel/poorcel/mentalcel (as a result of the previous 2) leading me to be an everythingcel.
>No Locationcel
Low IQ post considering whether people agree with this or not, most people here are either Locationcel and Mentalcel.

Locationcel: An Incel who is Incel because of where he lives. Most Incels tend to fall into this category whether they know it or not. A Locationcel can be Locationcel because of their local sexual market not favoring them, or there's just not enough women around, or other various factors involving your location. Locationcels tend to be Volcel in many places, but sometimes are just Volcel in very specific places.

I'm this too.
Last edited:
My estimation: This forum has
5% legitcels
5% mentalcels
0% ethniccel (Doesn't exist. They are incel because they are legitcels/mentalcels/bitchcels)
85% bitchcels
5% everythingcels
with ethnic woman its different. you can't really get ethnic girls if you aren't thugmaxxed or have some kind of "swag" about you.
ethnic woman love shit like turbo cars and gold chains (the meme is real). white woman will accept a guy that just like to cuddle and watch netflix. and that's where high IQ ethnic's like me won't fit in.
WRONG! Why girls only like good looking guys, don´t cope.
Life sucks for a sub 5 males in the west, but you're telling most of us to "just man up" even if we're sub 4? Reminds me of TRP.

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