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There will be no White uprising. Get over it.

View attachment 1103342yea man, in south india this kinda guy is popular there. Very brutal, these type of guys slays in college there.
Yeah, I know I have seen girl drooling over Ajhit too

Curries are cucking chinks in both Singapore and Japan. There are more IMAF than AMIF
What the fuck do chinks have to do with your initial point about pajeets totally not admiring white features?
DNR. You are jewish and a degenerate.
Mudslimes are too low iq to take over anything the best they can do is fly to syria and go kill each other
JFL at this cope when balkans, caucsus, south Italy, and spain have all been under muslim rule, and yet you think it can't happen again with more and more muslims in europe surging?

Also, the OP was not about muslims alone, but about why whites will not rebel/uprise. Way to miss the point that badly
What the fuck do chinks have to do with your initial point about pajeets totally not admiring white features?
Our race is not getting cucked by others. Overall interracial relationships of woman and men curries is the same unlike for chinks
DNR. You are jewish and a degenerate.
You missed the point then. I'm not celebrating or advocating for this. Just explaining the phenomenon
What the fuck do chinks have to do with your initial point about pajeets totally not admiring white features?
Light skin≠ admiring white features, blonde hair isn't popular among pajeeta zoomer girls . They have preference for light skin and bearded men. They also have different beauty standards.
They were more aggresive to blacks, whereas now, they worship them. You would never have seen something like THIS in the 2000s, let ALONE in the 1980s, 1950s, 1800s, 1700s, 1600s, etc.
Yeah but that isn't how the term Soy is typically used.

Moot to my point about your inadequacies.
I see. It makes sense given your behavior actually.
Nearly everything.
No, SEA refers to brown gooks.
Please just stop typing. SEA refers to Southeast Asia. And for anyone who wasn't born on this Incels website, they know India is included in the term SEA. "Brown gooks" are included too.
Says the pajeet who claimed to be american
I am an American. That's not a claim. It's a fact.
and believes christianity is why Whites are superior.
I believe that certain aspects of religion can give rise to a "cultural edge". I don't believe "whites are superior". That's what you believe.
Your entire country is a basement dweller's home.
India is also "my country" by choice and I think you are so traumatized by low status that you need to talk out loud like this to trick yourself.
Genetically, I am closer to whites than a pajeet like you.
This is precisely what I mean by "white man worship". "Genetically closer to whites" in your language means "I'm genetically closer to the Gods" hence, worship.
We've only argued twice iirc. The firs time you tried to claim indians are superior to arabs :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: the second time you tried to claim green eyes aren't a white trait:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I also remeber you arguing with @Copexodius Maximus about how indians aren't inferior to whites and denied race realism JFL
There is nothing you write to anyone that makes any sense.
Light skin≠ admiring white features, blonde hair isn't popular among pajeeta zoomer girls . They have preference for light skin and bearded men. They also have different beauty standards.
Curries cuck chinks in Singapore and Asia right?
Our race is not getting cucked by others.
Again, what the fuck does this have to do with your inital point? You said

Indians see fair skin and height as superior but not other shit like blonde hair and blue eyes. JBW is not as effective in curries as chicks as well
And then i replied to that. You were blathering about how indians don't worship blonde hair and blue eyes. So why the fuck are you bringing up asians out of no where?

For fucks sake, why cant pajeets ever stay focused on a topic instead of brining up tangents?
Overall interracial relationships of woman and men curries is the same unlike for chinks
That's mostly because pajeet women are deemed to ugly for white men to go after. The hot Indian women tend to get fucked by non-indian men
What the fuck do chinks have to do with your initial point about pajeets totally not admiring white features?
Mayos are the most prone to bald of all the races. Our foids will prefer against a man balding always. Why else do you think Indian foids have long hair grown
Light skin≠ admiring white features, blonde hair isn't popular among pajeeta zoomer girls . They have preference for light skin and bearded men. They also have different beauty standards.
No fucking shit, nigger. Pajeetas aren't gonna have blonde hair in their lost of demands in india because there are no blondes in india for them to chase.

But in the west, pajeetas all want white guys if they can get them
That's mostly because pajeet women are deemed to ugly for white men to go after.
Don't care we are winning. Our foids are one of the most endogamous race
Mayos are the most prone to bald of all the races. Our foids will prefer against a man balding always. Why else do you think Indian foids have long hair grown
JFL why are you so scatterbrained? Just answer the damn question

(But I do agree, indian women have very beautiful hair)
No fucking shit, nigger. Pajeetas aren't gonna have blonde hair in their lost of demands in india because there are no blondes in india for them to chase.
Cope. You haven't been here and know everything. Foids like that dark black hair. All the people even in 40s color their hair when they are greying
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Cope. You haven't been here and know everything. Foids like that dark black hair. All the people even in 40s color their hair when they are greying
I know that pajeetas get fucked raw by whites and arabs here in canada. So I know enough. Again, you are in india. No fucking shit the Indian women there won't think much about blonde hair blue eyes when they don't even have access to it. Same as how japanese women tend to marry Chadmaru mostly because they don't have access to Chad
Better than chicks atleast. Remember the world is a compitition
Yes, better than Chinks at least. If that helps you
I know that pajeetas get fucked raw by whites and arabs here in canada. So I know enough. Again, you are in india. No fucking shit the Indian women there won't think much about blonde hair blue eyes when they don't even have access to it. Same as how japanese women tend to marry Chadmaru mostly because they don't have access to Chad
Maybe only for Northerners. The have cuckoldry in their blood. In the South it is not at all the case. Woman and men like long black hair.

Guy with only blonde hair and blue eyes will have same SMV as nigger in chick countries.

I also need @illumizoldyck is also a canadian curry
you liberal fuckers all need to die
Yes, better than Chinks at least. If that helps you
Yes BETTER BY A LOT. That's the point. The noodle whores cuck their chinks for sub par sub 5 mayos. Our foids either go for mayo chad or settle for us unlike chicks who will fuck any white guy they find. Curry men have respectable SMV with chinks.
Maybe the Aryan ones, but dark skinned ones have low smv than them, it's brutal.
Yeah, at least in Hyderabad 70% people are light skinned. Only a minority are dark skinned.
Maybe the Aryan ones, but dark skinned ones have low smv than them, it's brutal.
Race mixxing is good for getting rid of color. Dark skin is a recessive gene I think
Bottom of the barrel or on par with seagook whore(the darker ones) I guess.
What I thought. In chink countries curry men do better than curry foids.
Without whites the world is doomed to become hell on earth, Most ethnics have zero morals and empathy thats why Most ethnic countries with some rare exceptions like Japan are violent dirty shitholes.
JFL you have no idea how common this is among arab muslims. Even my dad does this. Although to be far, as MENAs, we actually are the only ones in human history who'e ever ruled over europeans in a genuine manner. So its a big W for us. Many europeans at one point even mimicked arabs because they saw them as more sophisticated.
There were other great civilizations in the East, but they were far away. But regardless this kind of coping is very ancient and is done by everyone, so it’s really a human universal jfl.

Theres degenerates everywhere, but I do think Muslims are the ones who are the least. Even in the most secular country of turkey, porn sites are banned, let alone in places like saudi or Syria. Even mere models are massively shunned in middle east.
I think Turkish women having the highest body count kind of makes this irrelevant.

Ethnic whores are kept in line mostly due to culture and religion, and of course, white men not wanting them. But of course many do end up becoming whores no doubt.
Many whites (and blacks) fetishize Muslim women for their perceived purity. Apparently black dudes have an easy time with Muslim women, especially Arab and Persians. But no one cares about male purity, as this forum proves.

However, all of this is cultural, so you kinda missed the point. White people are superior because of their beauty. Not their culture. Even when whites were living like cavemen, the Arabs still lusted after their women. That's where true white supremacy comes from. It's not culture, religion, or technology. It's their innate genetics that makes them better and beautiful. Something that can never be taken away from them
True but there’s not much to really say there. I remember seeing some redhaired people from Syria and blondes from Iraq and wondered how that happened. But then it hit me, that people from these regions were importing slave women from Eastern Europe to have kids with them (not just to have sex). The lucky rare people to get these features are a result of this admixture.
What I thought. In chink countries curry men do better than curry foids.
Both don't do well, they all stick to their own or some currymen betabuxx a noodlewhore. I only seen few chink genuinely into only fair skinned indian men, they all look ethnically ambiguous though.


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As if all the people aren't racist to each other in this thread. There is no one in this hamam that is capable of claiming that they are clothed.
When did I say something racist to you? I said stick to use curry technology if you think white historians are just marxists jfl.

We are loser groups but only losers that survived all the attacks and genocides and still protected our heritage. That's was our victory. All the civilizations that were invaded and colonized perished except us.
Why’s that a good thing? I wish my people mixed with whites and I could just be white. But instead I will always be a minority that’s hated due to being Jewish.

Jains keeping their religion is good, but Hindus negative failio you guys to oblivion jfl. You get thrown together with the poop flingers and street shitters.

Also we are winning today killing mullas in our respective countries :lul: :lul:
Being born curry/kike = lost at birth.
Maybe the Aryan ones, but dark skinned ones have low smv than them, it's brutal.
Ligh skin indian > Asian > Dark skin indian > SEA chimp.

Yes BETTER BY A LOT. That's the point. The noodle whores cuck their chinks for sub par sub 5 mayos. Our foids either go for mayo chad or settle for us unlike chicks who will fuck any white guy they find. Curry men have respectable SMV with chinks.
Indian women definitely have higher standards for white men than asian women do, I'll give you that
Without whites the world is doomed to become hell on earth, Most ethnics have zero morals and empathy thats why Most ethnic countries with some rare exceptions like Japan are violent dirty shitholes.
Most of the gulf arab countries are safer than western shitholes actually
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When did I say something racist to you? I said stick to use curry technology if you think white historians are just marxists jfl.
It's not your ancestral property or something. If I have my hand on it, it's mine. I will use it as I wish
Jains keeping their religion is good, but Hindus negative failio you guys to oblivion jfl. You get thrown together with the poop flingers and street shitters.
Dividing people and making them fighting against each other to destabilize won't work anymore marxist nigger.

Use this

Why’s that a good thing? I wish my people mixed with whites and I could just be white. But instead I will always be a minority that’s hated due to being Jewish.
You Jews want to be white so you can infiltrate white establishments.
Being born curry/kike = lost at birth.
Say that to the Jewish establishment that is destabilizing the west from within and destroying whites. Fuck off with this sissy mentality.

Both our religions were around from 4000 years atleast and we protected it even under genocides and invasions. Our ansestors would have wanted us to protected to it further.
No, it’s dominant.
Dark skin in indians is probably easier to bleach since many of them probably have dormant white genes. Similar to somalis. I've seen many black Indians with green eyes. I even once saw an indian girl with coal black skin yet ice blue eyes.
There were other great civilizations in the East, but they were far away. But regardless this kind of coping is very ancient and is done by everyone, so it’s really a human universal jfl.
I mean, sure, but even now when whites and asians have contact with each other, we can see whites still dominate
I think Turkish women having the highest body count kind of makes this irrelevant.
Maybe. Maybe not. I don't trust those stats tbh
Many whites (and blacks) fetishize Muslim women for their perceived purity. Apparently black dudes have an easy time with Muslim women, especially Arab and Persians. But no one cares about male purity, as this forum proves.
Yew, I've heard arab women have BBC addiction in France. Not sure how true that is. Then again, 2 of my sisters in high school have told me how black guys in their school slay white and arab chicks.
True but there’s not much to really say there. I remember seeing some redhaired people from Syria and blondes from Iraq and wondered how that happened. But then it hit me, that people from these regions were importing slave women from Eastern Europe to have kids with them (not just to have sex). The lucky rare people to get these features are a result of this admixture.
Those people aren't always due to enslavement. Could be just circassions/Albanian immigrants or ancient aryan mixture. But yeah, slavery too. I mean I have red beard but no european mixture.

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Indian women definitely have higher standards for white men than asian women do, I'll give you that
That's because we are ok with what we are unlike chinks who have rampant internalized racism
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It's not your ancestral property or something. If I have my hand on it, it's mine. I will use it as I wish
Since you are bitching about “muh marxism” anytime whites do history, then it’s strange you love white technology so much.

Dividing people and making them fighting against each other to destabilize won't work anymore marxist nigger.

Use this
View attachment 1103387
Why do you have a karl marx dildo? Gay af

You Jews want to be white so you can infiltrate white establishments.
We lived in the West for thousands of years and look white. Idk what to tell you.

Say that to the Jewish establishment that is destabilizing the west from within and destroying whites. Fuck off with this sissy mentality.
It’s just a fact based on blackpill. Curries are the bottom of the racial hierarchy in looks. Kikes are pretty low as well and look like ugly whites.

Both our religions were around from 4000 years
Hindu detected jfl. The fact you said this means you are a Hindu. Thanks for accidentally confirming.

But Judaism isn’t that old, that’s just mythology. It’s probably closer to around 2500 years old probably, at least with the Torah.

atleast and we protected it even under genocides and invasions. Our ansestors would have wanted us to protected to it further.
hinduism is only around a thousand years old, and formed around the time of the Hindu synthesis. The Vedic religion was extremely different from Hinduism.
Us white people should just all leave to one island and live there

And what's ironic is that imaginary island would end up becoming so good that ethnics will want to come there like roaches too
Disgusting bugs
Since you are bitching about “muh marxism” anytime whites do history, then it’s strange you love white technology so much.
I am using semi conductors by chinks if anything
Why do you have a karl marx dildo? Gay af
I have taken a picture from your bedroom
It’s just a fact based on blackpill. Curries are the bottom of the racial hierarchy in looks. Kikes are pretty low as well and look like ugly whites.
It's now about looks. I am talking about power and control. You jews control everything despite being ugly.
Hindu detected jfl. The fact you said this means you are a Hindu. Thanks for accidentally confirming.

hinduism is only around a thousand years old, and formed around the time of the Hindu synthesis. The Vedic religion was extremely different from Hinduism.
Some claim both these are same person

The Rig Veda is atleast 3500 years old. And also there is some continuity in the all the ages since indus valley cilization
Dark skin in indians is probably easier to bleach since many of them probably have dormant white genes. Similar to somalis. I've seen many black Indians with green eyes. I even once saw an indian girl with coal black skin yet ice blue eyes.
Brown skin indians means they have more Middle Eastern ancestry usually from ancient Iran. Black skin is straight up abo ancestry.

Maybe. Maybe not. I don't trust those stats tbh
I’ve seen it from many different sources. Maybe try looking through and let me know. It would be brutal information to blackpill your mom next time.

Yew, I've heard arab women have BBC addiction in France. Not sure how true that is. Then again, 2 of my sisters in high school have told me how black guys in their school slay white and arab chicks.
They also seem to be getting with lots of noodles as well these days. Especially new ones coming from China on their parents money. This mogging is even more brutal than JBW tbh.

Those people aren't always due to enslavement. Could be just circassions/Albanian immigrants or ancient aryan mixture. But yeah, slavery too. I mean I have red beard but no european mixture.

View attachment 1103390View attachment 1103392View attachment 1103391
Turks are European pretty much.

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