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Blackpill There is no racepill for chads

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

Apr 24, 2024
I see so many idiots on this forum keep repeating muh chang= white normie. It's ober for tyrone etc etc. Don't you niggas realize that these preferences only exists for normie or below ethnics but chads bend the rules. The primal and powerful response invoked in a woman when seeing a good looking face simply cannot be understated. It eclipses absolutely every other component of attraction physical or otherwise because there's nothing that is even close to being as stimulating to one's senses.

When girls always talk about not wanting to date asian, that thought up race preference goes out the window the moment they see a good looking asian o because a handsome face utterly eviscerates any preferences the woman had prior to that.

When women say they don't like curries. They mean someone like this


Not this. The second a woman meets a curry that looks like this. She forgets that curries are ugly third world subhumans. Even thr most racist conservative foids will fawn over him.


I still do think racepill applies to other aspects of life in general but in terms of getting women it doesn't matter too much once you are HTN+
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Cope pajeet, white chads and psl gods will eternally mog poojeets.
No one wants a shit flinger let alone an ethnic.
Find your poojeetess already brocel.
I see so many idiots on this forum keep repeating muh chang= white normie. It's ober for tyrone etc etc. Don't you niggas realize that these preferences only exists for normie or below ethnics but chads bend the rules. The primal and powerful response invoked in a woman when seeing a good looking face simply cannot be understated. It eclipses absolutely every other component of attraction physical or otherwise because there's nothing that is even close to being as stimulating to one's senses.

When girls always talk about not wanting to date asian, that thought up race preference goes out the window the moment they see a good looking asian o because a handsome face utterly eviscerates any preferences the woman had prior to that.

When women say they don't like curries. They mean someone like this

View attachment 1165485

Not this. The second a woman meets a curry that looks like this. She forgets that curries are ugly third world subhumans. Even thr most racist conservative foids will fawn over him.

View attachment 1165487

I still do think racepill applies to other aspects of life in general but in terms of getting women it doesn't matter too much once you are HTN+
Cope pajeet, white chads and psl gods will eternally mog poojeets.
No one wants a shit flinger let alone an ethnic.
Find your poojeetess already brocel.
Joined Saturday at 4:31 AM
There's no JB[race] law. There's JBA (Just Be Attractive) and JBE (Just Be Exoticmaxxing).

Ugly men of all races struggle. Women only want the top 1% of each male race. They hate ugly subhuman men regardless of race.
Ah good comeback shitskin.
for sure it makes my points invalid
Do a tinder experiment with an ethnic chad if u want to get blackpilled on how "loyal" your woman are. It's absolutely brutal
Do a tinder experiment with an ethnic chad if u want to get blackpilled on how "loyal" your woman are. It's absolutely brutal
Whores are everywhere.
Do a tinder with a white chad and see how half of asia and africa switch sides.
youll get triple the results.
Also why do hood niggas whine about their sheboons going after the whitey.
I see so many idiots on this forum keep repeating muh chang= white normie. It's ober for tyrone etc etc. Don't you niggas realize that these preferences only exists for normie or below ethnics but chads bend the rules. The primal and powerful response invoked in a woman when seeing a good looking face simply cannot be understated. It eclipses absolutely every other component of attraction physical or otherwise because there's nothing that is even close to being as stimulating to one's senses.

When girls always talk about not wanting to date asian, that thought up race preference goes out the window the moment they see a good looking asian o because a handsome face utterly eviscerates any preferences the woman had prior to that.

When women say they don't like curries. They mean someone like this

View attachment 1165485

Not this. The second a woman meets a curry that looks like this. She forgets that curries are ugly third world subhumans. Even thr most racist conservative foids will fawn over him.

View attachment 1165487

I still do think racepill applies to other aspects of life in general but in terms of getting women it doesn't matter too much once you are HTN+
Water. But changs don't exist. I have gone over why plenty of times, every single "Chang" is a hapa and mixed with something else, nobody on this forum could name a pure gook chang. All the BTS faggots get surgeries to look causcaian, wear makeup, bleach their skin and wear contacts. They are htns who are frauding hard.
Shut up

Water. But changs don't exist. I have gone over why plenty of times, every single "Chang" is a hapa and mixed with something else, nobody on this forum could name a pure gook chang. All the BTS faggots get surgeries to look causcaian, wear makeup, bleach their skin and wear contacts. They are htns who are frauding hard.
Cope and er already
Race tax applies to chads as well it's just the fact it's easier for them
Whores are everywhere.
Do a tinder with a white chad and see how half of asia and africa switch sides.
youll get triple the results.
Also why do hood niggas whine about their sheboons going after the whitey.
This thread wasn't talking about white chads nigger. Women would crucify a subhuman like you to be with an ethnic chad. You ae vicariously living through people superior to you because ur subhuman cumskin ass has only accomplished masurbating into a sock 10 times per day as the only achievement. People are only as loyal as their options.Women aren't race loyal. You can keep coping with WN drivel no body irl cares.
Race tax applies to chads as well it's just the fact it's easier for them
This thread wasn't talking about white chads nigger. Women would crucify a subhuman like you to be with an ethnic chad. You ae vicariously living through people superior to you because ur subhuman cumskin ass has only accomplished masurbating into a sock 10 times per day as the only achievement. People are only as loyal as their options.Women aren't race loyal. You can keep coping with WN drivel no body irl cares.
Money and slavery.
Wipe out the inferiorities and keep the pure.
Loyality can be beaten in through generations of forced education and segregation.
Water. But changs don't exist. I have gone over why plenty of times, every single "Chang" is a hapa and mixed with something else, nobody on this forum could name a pure gook chang. All the BTS faggots get surgeries to look causcaian, wear makeup, bleach their skin and wear contacts. They are htns who are frauding hard.
2519581 images   2021 08 30T092356560
Only four races exist chad normie incel female
White chads > white passing chads> lightskins Indians and mullattos > asian changs and tyrones > dark skin Indian chads
White chads > white passing chads> lightskins Indians and mullattos > asian changs and tyrones > dark skin Indian chads
This hierarchy is pointless is because the chances of a woman meeting a chad in general is extremely rare. Irl all these guys slay
This hierarchy is pointless is because the chances of a woman meeting a chad in general is extremely rare. Irl all these guys slay
You're right but certain type of chads have more appeal to woman
White chads > white passing chads> lightskins Indians and mullattos > asian changs and tyrones > dark skin Indian chads
Tyrones should be above lightskin Indian Chads and be in the same category as mullato Chads.
Tyrones should be above lightskin Indian and mullato Chads.
Mullattos and lightskins have higher appeal and more sexual success than blacks .
Biracial white kids have more success than their pure blooded counterparts
Mullattos and lightskins have higher appeal and more sexual success than blacks .
Biracial white kids have more success than their pure blooded counterparts
You're underestimating the insane media halo niggers have.
White chads > white passing chads> lightskins Indians and mullattos > asian changs and tyrones > dark skin Indian chads
White passing Latinos and Arabs(even, the ones who don't pass as white) are second(maybe, Niggers beat up because, on media halo)
You're underestimating the insane media halo niggers have.
Virtue signalling has nothing to do with sexual success the statistics speaks for itself .
If you ask a white girl if she ever date a black she will always say yes but will she do it ??
White passing Latinos and Arabs(even, the ones who don't pass as white) are second(maybe, Niggers beat up because, on media halo)
I included them in white passing chads most people overestimate blacks in racial hierarchy
See most people don't understand basic racepill statistics now obviously a Chad of any race could be successful in dating but there's a catch

White chads are universal
White passing chads are universal
Lightskins Indians and mullattos need a woman that meet their preference.
Same with the latter
Virtue signalling has nothing to do with sexual success the statistics speaks for itself .
If you ask a white girl if she ever date a black she will always say yes but will she do it ??
This has nothing to do with virtue signalling. Niggers used to be one of the least sexually successful races, but within a short period of time, they became the second most desriable.
What's his name? There's a good chance he is mixed with something.
Takashi Kaneshiro. There are actually plenty of asians like this. Godfrey Gao,Hu bing who are good looking by western standards but they don't fit the kpop standards of beauty and hence don't attention from media
This has nothing to do with virtue signalling. Niggers used to be one of the least sexually successful races, but within a short period of time, they became the second most desriable.
Brah media Halo doesn't mean anything most niggers aren't tall handsome tyrones
Takashi Kaneshiro. There are actually plenty of asians like this. Godfrey Gao,Hu bing who are good looking by western standards but they don't fit the kpop standards of beauty and hence don't attention from media
Godfrey gao was the guy who died right? Are there anymore? Pure blood Asian chads are rare. Also the chad you posted is Japanese, they do have jomon or casuacian ancestry. Jbw is law.
White passing Latinos and Arabs(even, the ones who don't pass as white) are second(maybe, Niggers beat up because, on media halo)
Most arabs especially the ones from gulf countries have terrorist falio and not much better looking than north indian curries

Chad hierarchy is this

Whites>White passing ethnics>Latinos(Mestizo)=Levantine Arabs/Jews>Mulattos/ Lightskins>Arabs>Darkskins>North Indian>Asians>South Indians
Godfrey gao was the guy who died right? Are there anymore? Pure blood Asian chads are rare. Also the chad you posted is Japanese, they do have jomon or casuacian ancestry. Jbw is law.
He still have a mongoloid skull and looks recognizable asian as do most hapas so it doesn't mean much.
Extremely low IQ post. He is as curry as it gets.
Chadpreets are extremely rare as they are a one in a million to the point you are more likely to walk across a serial killer than a chadpreet

A foid will cheat on a chadpreet for a 0.1/10 black guy
Most arabs especially the ones from gulf countries have terrorist falio and not much better looking than north indian curries

Chad hierarchy is this

Whites>White passing ethnics>Latinos(Mestizo)=Levantine Arabs/Jews>Mulattos/ Lightskins>Arabs>Darkskins>North Indian>Asians>South Indians
Gulf Arabs are still better looking then, North Indians.
He still have a mongoloid skull and looks recognizable asian as do most hapas so it doesn't mean much.
Still extremely rare. Most are hapas or frauding BTS faggots
Gulf Arabs are still better looking then, North Indians.
Most of them look brown asf and inbred looking from what ive seen. Hooked noses, long faces and short heights. I ironically punjabi jatts and pashtuns (curry ethnicities) mog them.
What's his name? There's a good chance he is mixed with something.
Even if he doesn't know himself, his parents and everyone think that they're Chinese, but in reality they could've partially descended from some Caucasians who assimilated into china from hundreds of years ago. No 100% cold-adapted gook can look like that, because they're too homogenous
Most of them look brown asf and inbred looking from what ive seen. Hooked noses, long faces and short heights. I ironically punjabi jatts and pashtuns (curry ethnicities) mog them.
They're subhuman, yes. But terrorist failo is still better then, street shitter failo. And I don't consider pashtuns curry, they barely have any curry blood, and don't look curry(better eye area) lots of them have colored eyes and hair as well.
Even if he doesn't know himself, his parents and everyone think that they're Chinese, but in reality they could've partially descended from some Caucasians who assimilated into china from hundreds of years ago. No 100% cold-adapted gook can look like that, because they're too homogenous
He has a good eye area too. Definately, some causcasian in him. If gooks had just Mixed with Iranians, instead of massacring them, so many today would have looked like that.

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