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there is no Jesus or Allah for incels

it is for both this world and the afterlife. u make dua and then do ur best in this life. u dont just make a dua for something in this life and whine or become depressed if ur not responded to immediately since this life is a test and adversity is part of the test. if ur dua wasn't responded to explicitly in this life u have faith that it's because God has something better waiting for u in the afterlife and that ur struggles will be handsomely rewarded eventually. see how faith is key here. dua without faith will always be seen as useless so it isn't surprising that u ask silly questions. worldly pleasure is never the end game for muslims so ur not suppose to tunnel vision on being showered with pleasure in this life.
Ok i understand you.

But dua for a wife for incels who do haram like porn, masterbating, zina. But all the scholars will say haram, punishment of Allah haram, punishment of Allah, haram so then people make dua but Allah never answers so my question is why even waste time trying and even making dua? it is better to not try and just sin because Allah has no interest in answering the dua which if answered would mean no more haram

do you understand now?
if ur asking what an muslimcel should do if their dua isn't responded to with an immediate wife islam has already answered to this. prayers, fasting, lowering gaze, etc. ur not to just jump into sin

personally I intermittent fastmax and I have an almost non-existent sex drive as a result

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxR7vpKJny8

what if an incel does all that but the sex drive is still too strong and he does zina and Allah never ever answers his dua's?

then he stops doing salah and stops making dua because evry thing he does brings no results and he lives in sin but wants to live halal but Allah never ever answers
not biologically possible to have a particularly strong sex drive if ur starving. at worst you'll have a moderate one that can be fought off (personally kills my libido) but if a muslim prefers to sin instead of endure that is on him. also abandoning prayer is much worse than masturbation (minor sin). remember adversity is part of life and islam has explicitly stated that we will be tested. be that with disease, financial issues, or long-term celibacy. an issue with a muslim's level of willpower or faith is on him as Allah never burdens someone with something beyond their capacity to endure.
what if the incel works construction 10 hours a day as a builder and cannot fast because he needs to lift 50kg cement bags and bricks and push wheelbarrows 5 days a week. Thats why his body produces ALOT of testosterone and he really needs to commit zina because there is so much energy in his body

do you understand what I mean?
because the fruits of ur worship can be largely obtained in the afterlife rather than this current one. part of being religious is to not care too much for worldly things since this world is temporary and will be obsoleted by the next in due time. many religions also specifically have teachings that explicitly highlight that the world was allowed to exist in an unjust and evil filled manner because success in this life is not to be the key focus but rather the struggle of remaining a just and loyal worshipper in the face of adversity. with this logic in mind an incel doing good and grinding for the afterlife would be way more successful than sinful chad wasting his time spreading his seed in an unlawful manner. afterall, what is 60 years of inceldom to an eternity of being surrounded by ethereal women in the afterlife. whether ur religious or not this is the perspective that u may have misunderstood.
So essentially, Chad gets his heaven while he's alive, right here on top of this earth, but you get your heaven when you're dead and 6 feet under. By the way, if Chad repents, then he gets heaven after he's dead as well. In addition to the heaven he received on earth.
if there is a method then may i ask why you are here and have not ascended with the help of this technique?

Obviously due to you been here on this forum all the techniques and prayer have done absolutely nothing for you and you are still coping on hopium as we write or do i stand to be corrected?
So essentially, Chad gets his heaven while he's alive, right here on top of this earth, but you get your heaven when you're dead and 6 feet under. By the way, if Chad repents, then he gets heaven after he's dead as well. In addition to the heaven he received on earth.
but Chadam from Chadistan gets 4 wives. Nevr sins with zina or porn because he he wives and prays. He gets front seat in heaven while the incel must go to hell:feelskek::feelskek:
i understand that ur trying to make excuses for a lack of willpower. but lets consider something else. what about a muslim who's in syria getting gassed by their country's leaders, what about Palestinians getting ejected out of their own homes? are they to abandon their religions because their dua didn't immediately relieve all of their struggles? i dont want to undermine the struggles of inceldom for muslimcels who are in the west and are brutally surrounded by whores and are inevitably caught in situations where their sex drives are at a high as in the example u just gave. but a muslim is to always struggle for the sake of Allah. even if they fall into sin and masturbate for instance it isn't over for them. Allah forgives those who repent with the intention of abandoning their sins for his sake. also the true struggle of inceldom is mostly during the teen years from my experience. over time ur sex drive naturally declines (I felt this hard even at the age of 19 currently in 20s btw), combine this with fasting or keeping busy (that construction worker is going home aching with back issues or at the very least is working many hours meaning his time windows to sin and feel considerable lust are restricted anyway) and it isn't an insurmountable task.
oh well I guess heavenfor Chadam from Chadistan with 4 wives and hell for incels. Allah dont love incels i guess so who am I? I will just accept and commit zina.
That Mufti is a fake. He knows nothing about how to worship Allah. Just the same as all the Catholic bishops and the Pope with their red and white caps know nothing about finding Jesus and all the American evangelicals screaming about Jesus and Sin while grabbing as much sex and cash as they can.

Fakes all of them.
If he's living the good life, then it looks to me as if Allah favors him and if he is a scam artist, then AT BEST, Allah let's it happen and does nothing and let's him prosper at it.
this is why i always hated this forum's term of "ascension". getting laid isn't going to magically make ur life bliss (im not a normie who will tell u that companionship and all is overrated and useless tho). my quality of life is still way higher than that of a married man in Palestine for ex. also greater struggle is met with greater reward in the afterlife so u will get rewarded specifically for enduring painful inceldom and mogging. and also the 30 years of fun chad gets to have compared to you will mean nothing compared to the eternity of the afterlife. eternity + 30 years vs eternity what is the difference?
I'm getting to the point where I could care less about a religion that only gives you anything of value after you're dead.
So Allah hasn't given him a wife nor has Allah given him his own roof over his head
I guess so. Dudes in the prime of their life busy fasting and hoping oh i mean coping that maybe they can marry some roasty with 3 kids when they are 35 or 40 and have no more sex drive lmao
I'm getting to the point where I could care less about a religion that only gives you anything of value after you're dead.
but Chadam gets 4 wives and a nice comfy job and front seat in Jannah because he always prayed with his wives while the incel was always commiting zina with porn and escorts:feelskek:
I guess so. Dudes in the prime of their life busy fasting and hoping oh i mean coping that maybe they can marry some roasty with 3 kids when they are 35 or 40 and have no more sex drive lmao
The problem with prayer is that it's unfalsifiable. If you get what you want, prayer works. If you don't get what you want, prayer works because God is trying to make you stronger or some crap like that. If that's the case, praying to a tree works as well.

You know what, if I DON'T pray, good things might happen or they might not. If I pray to God, good things may happen or they may not. If I pray to @Lycan good things may happen or they may not. That's true for whoever and whatever I pray to.
high IQ truths. God is just a cope. Works for some. but realistically worthless and useless
The problem with prayer is that it's unfalsifiable. If you get what you want, prayer works. If you don't get what you want, prayer works because God is trying to make you stronger or some crap like that. If that's the case, praying to a tree works as well.

You know what, if I DON'T pray, good things might happen or they might not. If I pray to God, good things may happen or they may not. If I pray to @Lycan good things may happen or they may not. That's true for whoever and whatever I pray to.
Yeah I dont go to the masjid any more because I am tired of hearing about dua and inshAllah from Chadam with 4 wives.
But I dont pray to a tree though lmao:feelskek:

I just commit zina
Yeah I dont go to the masjid any more because I am tired of hearing about dua and inshAllah from Chadam with 4 wives.
But I dont pray to a tree though lmao:feelskek:

I just commit zina
I will challenge any believer to a prayer contest. They can pray to their God and I'll pray to the tree in my yard and we'll see which one answers first. I think any believers God won't do better than the tree.
it's the natural next step after the :blackpill: basically u accept that it's over in terms of getting a relationship or ending ur inceldom and instead learn to live a happy life while incel. for ex u can moneymax, religionmax, hobbymax, intermittent fastmax to kill sex drive. just basically live instead of seeth every day like @mentalcel1 . it's what i do. im happy despite incel.
as long as it works for you then mashAllah
so in other words the answer is NO jesus never answered your prayers
no the awnser is,he does awnser your prayers and gives you a much better reward that you can enjoy eternally.it's like saying you didn't get the toyota you wanted but instead got a lambo
oh u escortmax? i thought u were equating masturbation to zina
oh yes I started escortmaxxing now after doing dua for years. I like cumming in escorts pussys and getting dick sucked,cumming on their boobs , having threesomes and lesbian shows
I will challenge any believer to a prayer contest. They can pray to their God and I'll pray to the tree in my yard and we'll see which one answers first. I think any believers God won't do better than the tree.
obviously the tree will win if this was not the case we wouldnt be here on this fucking forum lmao. We would be in the masjid making dua for more barakah and more stacies:feelskek:
I'm afraid to read this thread tbh
the post nut clarity must be maddening. investing so much for condom sex and a lighter wallet.
nah no condom. There are low class working class young girls who fuck for weed or booze because their parents are poor and they are poor. Pay to play buddy, escorts charge too much for no condom,i cant afford
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God is cope and there's nothing wrong with coping just don't go around limiting your life on obvious fairytales
no the awnser is,he does awnser your prayers and gives you a much better reward that you can enjoy eternally.it's like saying you didn't get the toyota you wanted but instead got a lambo
bro then why dont you pray for death so you can enjoy your lambo
God is cope and there's nothing wrong with coping just don't go around limiting your life on obvious fairytales
yeah using your mind is the fucking answer not making/ coping with prayer
The Qur'an is a powerful book but men have put their own interpretation on it. Ignore all of that and try to work out what the Qur'an is trying to tell you.
Never understood this kind of thinking how are you going to interpret the word of Allah if Allah made clear instructions on what to do and what to stay away from

Where is this own interpretation coming from I am not religious myself but from thinking like this you become a protestantcuck
I'm afraid to read this thread tbh
dude you too young for this thread. First try ascending and leave this forum it aint good for you, you too young and still have hope so do your best and if you fail then come here.
But for now self ban and go gym and shit okay bye
yeah using your mind is the fucking answer not making/ coping with prayer
The delusional thinking has been with us since the dawn of humanity but as people get more educated these delusions are being drawn out. It will probably take no less than something of 200 years before religion will be a relic of the foolishness of humanity
all escortcels deserve STDs anyway
dude you masterbate and have no wife. What are you talking about? Dudes your age already have 2 wives and you busy masterbating your best years away
The delusional thinking has been with us since the dawn of humanity but as people get more educated these delusions are being drawn out. It will probably take no less than something of 200 years before religion will be a relic of the foolishness of humanity
I still believe in God though. I just dont cope and am not delusional. It is Chad who taught us to fucking cope otherwise we would revolt and murder his ass and take his Stacy by force.
i dont actually. stemaxxing and intermittent fastmaxxing really leaves no desire for that useless activity. believe me or not.
Hell, @Transcended Trucel is less religious than me and he hasn't masturbated for a year+
i dont actually. stemaxxing and intermittent fastmaxxing really leaves no desire for that useless activity. believe me or not.
Hell, @Transcended Trucel is less religious than me and he hasn't masturbated for a year+
you fast and study? does not work I have experience with because i also stemmax . Dude just stop telling lies. You say you a bleiever but tell lies
no the awnser is,he does awnser your prayers and gives you a much better reward that you can enjoy eternally.it's like saying you didn't get the toyota you wanted but instead got a lambo
Except you NEVER get the lambo :feelsclown::feelsclown:
Never understood this kind of thinking how are you going to interpret the word of Allah if Allah made clear instructions on what to do and what to stay away from

Where is this own interpretation coming from I am not religious myself but from thinking like this you become a protestantcuck
What I did was reading dozens and dozens of books, utterly confused by them. And then bit by bit I started to understand, despite the authors who had no idea what they were talking about.

For example, when The Gospel of John uses the word spirit, replace this word with consciousness. The origin of lust is a word that is no longer used called list. Lust is outward consciousness, list is inward consciousness.

St Paul says Christ is in you. Well it's not in your foot or fingers. Could Christ be in your consciousness? Could Christ be the way to break out of the Matrix we put ourselves into?

Plato says it clear as a bell. What we think is reality is in fact a dream. It's false. Everyone, including academics, skip this bit because they don't want to confront this awful truth.
dude you too young for this thread. First try ascending and leave this forum it aint good for you, you too young and still have hope so do your best and if you fail then come here.
But for now self ban and go gym and shit okay bye
Tell this to my 23-27yr old inbred (yes, I'm a inbred motherfucka) deformed body already terminal-diseased with cirrhosis.

Guess ur the one who still has hope
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dude you masterbate and have no wife. What are you talking about? Dudes your age already have 2 wives and you busy masterbating your best years away
It's easy to live a God fearing lifestyle after you have indulged in all of your desires. I was listening to this YouTuber that knows a fag that is now a Christian and lives celibate. But before he was a Christian, he lived a hedonist lifestyle. He left no sexual stone unturned with other men. Everything he wanted to do sexually, he did. After that, he became a Christian and it's easy for him to be celibate now, because he has already done it all.

It's the same way for heterosexual Chads. Imagine you're a 6'2, upper middle class athletic white Chad. Every since you're 13, you get laid. Almost every foid you've been attracted to, you get to bang. Then when you turn 35, you decide to become a Christian and only be faithful to one woman for the rest of your life. It would be easy to do because you have already fulfilled your desires. It would be easy for Chad to do. Chad has banged dozens of attractive foids since 13 years old. Now, 20 odd years later, it's no difficulty for him to abstain from banging lots of foids because he's already done it.
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@ethniccel1 also stem is hard. dont u get too stressed to have a drive often times? stress helped me too
yes it is stressful. I just study really hard and am always passing. Failed 3 exams but passed on the second try. Almost done though, just the easy subjects left. I did the hard ones first.
yeah using your mind is the fucking answer not making/ coping with prayer
The mind has a particular state of consciousness that is effective prayer leading to Allah/Christ.

The action is where the action has always been, in the mind. Allah says he is closer to you than a vein in your neck but we don't feel Him. We cover our consciousness in a haze of Fap, Porn, booze, drugs, lust, greed, anger, tabacco, violence, movies and TV Series, pain, sorrow, ambition, lies is it any wonder our consciousness is so messed up?
Tell this to my 23-27yr old inbred deformed body already terminal-diseased with cirrhosis.

Guess ur the one who still has hope
Sorry to hear that Spongebob.

Try this if you want to prayer. Sit in a chair, close your eyes, let your consciousness explore itself. It's like learning to ride a bicycle, you're intuition will guide you.

You're mind has to be alert. Somehow or other you have have to sort out your mind so it's alert and crisp like a cat watching a mouse. you'll have to make up your own rules for this though as everyones circumstance is different.
Sorry to hear that Spongebob.

Try this if you want to prayer. Sit in a chair, close your eyes, let your consciousness explore itself. It's like learning to ride a bicycle, you're intuition will guide you.

You're mind has to be alert. Somehow or other you have have to sort out your mind so it's alert and crisp like a cat watching a mouse. you'll have to make up your own rules for this though as everyones circumstance is different.
Thanks for kind words.

Do you mean,.to pray I should get rid of my inner voice?
Thanks for kind words.

Do you mean,.to pray I should get rid of my inner voice?
Do you understand what consciousness is? That sense of awareness?

Explore that.

Intuition will guide you. You;ll know when you're close. This is prayer or worship.

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