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LifeFuel There is no god



Nov 2, 2019
When you die you cease to exist. You don't go to some other cucked after life where chad always wins as always and you get mogged eternally. You simply cease to exist, and have no more capacity to remember or care about anything.

Assuming you are retarded enough to think there is a god, JFL if you think that the same god made you suffer on earth would turn you into chad in heaven. If you prove to god you can cope with the shit you are dealt on earth, JFL if you think you will get a promotion as a sexless pathetic ugly subhuman male.
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When you die you cease to exist.
My conscience resides in my brain. When I die, my circulatory system shuts down, thus blood stops flowing in and out of my brain which would render me unconscious for good.

My brain isn't going to heaven, it's gonna rot. So yes, I will indeed cease to exist.

Also I do believe in Gods. I believe humans could become Gods, the Sage, a philosopher who has obtained true wisdom.
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When you die you cease to exist. You don't go to some other cucked after life where chad always wins as always and you get mogged eternally. You simply cease to exist, and have no more capacity to remember or care about anything.

Assuming you are retarded enough to think there is a god, JFL if you think that the same god made you suffer on earth would turn you into chad in heaven. If you prove to god you can cope with the shit you are dealt on earth, JFL if you think you will get a promotion as a sexless pathetic ugly subhuman male.
You are not sure of that.
@Billowel @mänline thoughts?
Unrelated to whatever OPs saying but since we're talkin about gods

@RREEEEEEEEE @Diocel what r u thoughts on this vid?
God is the ultimate chad. He wants all the foids for himself so he sends the men to Hell in the ultimate harem.
How can you not believe in God. This is hell.
Religious people are stupid.
JFL at ppl who still believe in god in 2020. Also cuck for worshipping in a god that allows your suffering to continue, even if he did exist, I would never worship that jackass..
I want jesus to part the skies and lightning bolt all the faggots and degenerates asap.
Religion is one of the biggest copes on earth.
I don't believe you man
This has potential to be an interesting thread, but

>Inceldom Discussion
I disagree @vippnor
@Billowel @mänline thoughts?
a simple few hours reading or watching standard apologetics should make him think matters are not so simple and might even make him a convert.But that is too much effort,right?life is a sad thing
Also I do believe in Gods. I believe humans could become Gods, the Sage, a philosopher who has obtained true wisdom.
Gods = men with wisdom?
Gods = men with wisdom?
Yes. However as far as I know there is no Sage yet, not even Plato became a Sage. Sadly human life span is so short that it wouldn't be naturally possible. Maybe when we get the appropriate technology to increase human life span significantly, perhaps then a philosopher can become a Sage.
I don't believe in religion, but I think someone has to be behind Universe and life. It can't just be created out of nowhere.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
The same nihilist, cuck atheist, bullshit that the Left, Communists and SJW's preach and shove down our throats every day.
The excuse they use to be abhorrent degenerates and cause suffering unto everyone, even in their own self destructive behavior.

"Why care about the future, just fuck Chad all day long, and ignore Incels that could give you a happy life."
"Yeah girl, you only have the here and now! Just fuck Tyrone like there is no tomorrow, life is meaningless after all."
"Yes comrade Foid, destroy the capitalist West, there is no God, the proletariat is their own masters! Give me power I will be your God!"

And so on and so forth.
Without something great than themselves, both the Foids and the Chads keep living in immediate self gratification mode.
Without humility and humbleness the Chads only care about fucking all foids, and the foids only care about fucking all Chads.
Something even lesser culturally than what the hominids 100.000 years ago had.

That kind of thinking is what creates the man made social Inceldom of today.

That's how the stable dynamics are getting screwed and as long as the (so called) individualists are getting their daily high they aren't bothered about the big picture.

Isn't this what Nietzsche lamented about? When you write off God, there is no governing rule to life and man will become the untermensch.
When you die you cease to exist. You don't go to some other cucked after life where chad always wins as always and you get mogged eternally. You simply cease to exist, and have no more capacity to remember or care about anything.

Assuming you are retarded enough to think there is a god, JFL if you think that the same god made you suffer on earth would turn you into chad in heaven. If you prove to god you can cope with the shit you are dealt on earth, JFL if you think you will get a promotion as a sexless pathetic ugly subhuman male.
See what's funny about what you say is that because you were told that there are concepts such as heaven and hell, thus those who are good go to heaven and vice versa, is the idea that you don't like to comprehend. Sure it could be for the phsyicalist scientific evidence on it (though that field is starting to realise that we don't cease to exist, especially when things like NDE's and DMT's are as real, though I don't buy into the god loving sucking up to shit), but it really, more than ever, sounds like you don't like the idea of an after life being true because of how you were handed in this life concurrently.

Now as much as the evidence for realms beyond this place are in their infancy, this isn't to say that others who are aware of anything beyond them isn't possible, otherwise practices such as meditation and concepts such as consciousness wouldn't exist and quite frankly would make us sound like we're still monkeys that only care about physicalist materials, which would then disprove of the human's complex nature as well.

Now let me tell you about a phrase I use all the time that actually has some solid practice to it, that being "nothing lasts forever". See with that phrase it would make perfect sense to assume that life doesn't last forever and that you eventually die off, however, what if I were to tell you that dying or that your conscious death doesn't last forever either, which would then mean a reincarnation of your very consciousness would be deposited either here or in another realm of its own nature. Therefore, if such a thing were to be believed then the supposed idea of a "after life" which I would assume is the initial home for our consciousness, which we hold, is a possible place that exists, however, this exact place might not be as dandy as everyone talks about it to be and more than ever is filled with the exact ideas that everyone on this very earth displays i.e. from all the emotions, to violence, rape and torture, as well as happy couples, clean parks and friendly communities (I won't go on about the ideas part because it would stretch)

Also our death isn't necessarily a process where you are gone, instead you are quite simply just entering a space of void, almost like a sort of long sleep before you are told to get up again. Meditation in my opinion works in a similar fashion if done for long periods, and the reasoning for this is being the traumatic events that people remember from thier lives, which sounds similar to those with NDE (near death experiences) witnessing their entire life flash before their eyes and regretting their decisions which they have made.

I'll tell you two things:
1) Your consciousness is your spirit, and it overlays and controls your mind and body on the basis of the type of character you are i.e. those who are interested in pain usually have an affinity to self harm and murderours intent and vice versa. Body and mind are a mortal shell for your spirit.
2) You are here forever sadly and being in complete emptiness is another state/stance just like being in the complete fullness of this world, and you will eventually get bored of being the empty for a long time (unless you don't mind it) and choose to come into existence or not, as it's dependent on your choice whether you have more things you wish to do or do the things you've always liked to do.
When you die you cease to exist. You don't go to some other cucked after life where chad always wins as always and you get mogged eternally. You simply cease to exist, and have no more capacity to remember or care about anything.

Assuming you are retarded enough to think there is a god, JFL if you think that the same god made you suffer on earth would turn you into chad in heaven. If you prove to god you can cope with the shit you are dealt on earth, JFL if you think you will get a promotion as a sexless pathetic ugly subhuman male.
Yes, there is no god but Allah.
You have the popular idea that a god must be moral, why can't there be a god who just amde things this way without any sense of ethics?
religion might be a cope, but being atheist as an incel makes no sense at all. for incels religion (all, one in particular) has more benefits than disadvantages:
- you can piss some normies off with your religiousness, unless you already live in a highly religous country/society. if that is so you should go atheist to achieve this
-its a free cope
-doesnt effect much of your life unless you are very serious, but in that case its an even stronger cope
-might prevent you from roping/commit crime OR
-takes away the fear of death and you go ER (jihadmaxx for muslims) without hesitation
When you die you cease to exist. You don't go to some other cucked after life where chad always wins as always and you get mogged eternally. You simply cease to exist, and have no more capacity to remember or care about anything.

Assuming you are retarded enough to think there is a god, JFL if you think that the same god made you suffer on earth would turn you into chad in heaven. If you prove to god you can cope with the shit you are dealt on earth, JFL if you think you will get a promotion as a sexless pathetic ugly subhuman male.

You may want to reconsider - God being dead is a tragedy for the truly downtrodden in life, which is what incels are. In a society centered around God your virginity wouldn't carry (as much) stigma, carnal, material matters like mere sex wouldn't be as important in people's lives and in a society formed around a Christian conception of God people would be morally obliged to take care of their downtrodden and be considerate of their plight.

Instead we get to live in a post-Christian, post-God, mostly rudderless (neo)liberal hellworld where brutal individualism and Darwinian competition dominate every sphere of an individual's life. Its a world that suits natural winners like Chads in their eternal quest to dominate. No incel is going to master master-morality because every incel was born inherently inferior - it's just the truth. It is slave morality that allows an incel to cope in the first place, so I don't see how an incel could cheer for the death of God.
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Most likely we live in a simulation where majority are NPCs and there are some players on this server. Compare "god" to a kid having an ant farm.
The same nihilist, cuck atheist, bullshit that the Left, Communists and SJW's preach and shove down our throats every day.
The excuse they use to be abhorrent degenerates and cause suffering unto everyone, even in their own self destructive behavior.

"Why care about the future, just fuck Chad all day long, and ignore Incels that could give you a happy life."
"Yeah girl, you only have the here and now! Just fuck Tyrone like there is no tomorrow, life is meaningless after all."
"Yes comrade Foid, destroy the capitalist West, there is no God, the proletariat is their own masters! Give me power I will be your God!"

And so on and so forth.
Without something great than themselves, both the Foids and the Chads keep living in immediate self gratification mode.
Without humility and humbleness the Chads only care about fucking all foids, and the foids only care about fucking all Chads.
Something even lesser culturally than what the hominids 100.000 years ago had.

That kind of thinking is what creates the man made social Inceldom of today.
Religion is good for controlling people but u r cucked if u believe that shit
hopefully I get to impregnate a loli before I cease to exist
indeed, god doesnt exist. lots of copers in the comments, the irony is if he does exist we'd be the first people in hell, god hates ugly men just like the rest of soyciety does
It is slave morality that allows an incel to cope in the first place, so I don't see how an incel could cheer for the death of God.

Your post made me see farther. Thanks.
Also I do believe in Gods. I believe humans could become Gods, the Sage, a philosopher who has obtained true wisdom.
Psalm 82
A psalm of Asaph.
1 God presides in the great assembly;
he renders judgment among the “gods”:
2 “How long will you defend the unjust
and show partiality to the wicked?
3 Defend the weak and the fatherless;
uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing.
They walk about in darkness;
all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”;
you are all sons of the Most High.’
7 But you will die like mere mortals;
you will fall like every other ruler.”
8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth,
for all the nations are your inheritance.

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